“Terribly selfish right now. I have you four all the time. I’m sorry.” Sam blushed.
Her father patted her bottom. “That’s my good girl. Go out. You look fine.”
Jen raised her eyebrow, seeing Sam coming out from behind her father. Dr. Quimby brushed his large hand over the top of her head and kissed the girl’s cheek. “Keep an eye on my daughter, Jen. She needs your help,” he whispered before going outside.
Monique was standing on the wide rail, showing Scott how she did the balance beam.
“That’s a bit dangerous, don’t you think?” he asked, reaching his arms to grab the little girl.
Scott shrugged. “She was doing it over the ice plant. Sam used to do that all the time.”
“You did, Sam? Can you show me?” Monique asked excitedly. Sam looked at her parents, both nodded. With a deep breath, she took a running jump onto the beam, doing a somersault before standing. She did a few cartwheels, stood on her hands, splits and back rolls, making her way down the length of the railing. With a smile, she winked and did a double twist, rolling dive into the inlet below. Monique held her hands over her mouth, gasping. Jen looked the same.
“Show off,” Scott huffed, seeing his niece wave.
Cherell shook her head. “I still can’t believe you allow her to do stuff like that. It’s stupid.”
“They are not stupid!” Monique snapped at her sister.
Cherell shrugged. “I didn’t say they were, I said what she does is stupid. She’ll break her neck.”
“Nothing Sam does is stupid,” Jen said. “She is especially trained in everything she does and performs it with the precision of an expert. Can you try to stop being so jealous and spiteful for one minute to see how great your cousin is?”
“She’s always been Miss Perfection, hasn’t she? So pretty, so cute, so smart… She does no wrong. Gag.”
“Why do you hate her so much?” Jen growled. Dr. Quimby and Scott tilted their heads, wanting an answer.
Cherell broke out in tears. “Why? Look at me! I’m hideous and stupid and no one cares! Why should I like her?”
“Cherell, I’m sorry,” Jen said, sitting next to her. “You have a real pretty bone structure. If you would just do a little something… Joe? Could I please borrow—”
“Take my card, Jen. Have fun,” Scott interrupted, handing the girl his credit card.
Cherell shook her head. “No, I can’t. It’s a waste of money and time.”
“Jennifer, you have no limit. Get anything you think you might need,” Dr. Quimby added.
Jen smiled, nodding. She hugged the girl and pulled her up by her hand. “You eat food, right? Let’s at least grab some lunch. Thanks guys. Kisses,” Jen ordered, receiving hearty kisses from both. They watched her lead the crying girl out the door.
Scott smiled proudly, elbowing his friend. “We have some great little girls in this house, don’t we?”
“We do. And this one seems to be interested in what her cousin is up to. Sam! Come up here! I have an idea.”
“Coming, Daddy.”
“Would you like to take a boat ride?” Dr. Quimby asked.
Monique nodded. “Yes, please! Will I get to see Flipper?”
“Are they still playing that show? Yes, lots of dolphins. Especially if Sam comes with us.”
“Joe, the boys are on their way. Mike just called,” Scott added.
Sam, soaking wet in clinging shorts and tee shirt, hopped over the rail and was informed of her family’s plans. “What about Cecily?” she asked, drying her face.
“Cecily has the choice. She can stay up there or apologize to her sister. I will inform her that we have the house camera running in case she decides to leave that room,” Dr. Quimby said, walking with his daughter and Monique upstairs. He entered Rich’s room as the other two went to change. Cecily was sitting at the window seat, fuming.
“We are going on a boat ride. If you apologize to your little sister, you can come with us.”
She glared at him. “No, thank you.”
“Very well. You are not to leave this room. I have security cameras in the house that monitor movement, so I will know. We’ll be back in time for dinner."
“Cousin Mike! Uncle Rich!” Monique yelped, running into the boys’ arms, giggling as Michael lifted her high and spun her in the air.
“Uncle?” Rich asked, kissing her cheek.
She looked serious as she nodded. “You don’t look like a cousin.”
“How are my favorite boys?” Sam asked, hugging Michael before kissing Rich. “Where’s my baby?”
“At the Q, sleeping on the couch. She’s been good. Where’s Jen?”
The boys were quickly updated about the events of the day, words picked carefully. Michael eyed upstairs. “Two down, one to go. Do you want me to say anything?”
“No, you are not to be alone with that girl. EVER!” Sam hissed, grabbing the front of his shirt.
“Ow, nails. Down, girl. I just offered, that’s all. So, you are taking the tadpole out for a cruise?” he asked, balancing Monique on his broad shoulders.
She giggled. “Sam showed me how she did balance beam. She’s really good. And she dove into the water!”
“I know. She used to practice a lot. Of course, not on the deck rail. Dad didn’t like her doing that.”
“Uncle Scott let me. He said it was okay,” the child piped in.
“Well, I guess it is. Rich? Would you please grab our gear bags from my car?”
“No problem. Come on, Sam.”
Rich held her hand as they walked outside, then pushed her against the side of the Jag to kiss her deeply. “What happened last night?” he mumbled into her neck, smothering her with kisses. She felt weak in the knees, pressing her lips to his. She told him what had happened with her father.
“Both Mike and I felt it. It was different, though. Like we were outside looking in.”
“That’s what I got too. They really helped him. He took me down to 300, too.”
“And what did you deserve to get spanked for?”
“How did—”
“You yelped when I grabbed your bottom,” Rich grinned. Sighing, Sam confessed. Rich nodded. “He went easy on you. I miss you so much. It’s been forever.” He plunged his tongue into her mouth, feeling her collapse in his arms again.
She groaned, pulling away. “Stop it, you’re making me horny. And tell him to calm down before Daddy notices.” She pointed to his crotch.
Rich made a face. “Oops. All hidden, now let's go,” he said, holding the gear bag in front of him.
“This is so fun!” Monique said as Scott allowed her to steer the cruiser over the water. He smiled, pointing out different things for her to look at.
Michael elbowed his sister. “Remember when he taught us how to drive a boat?”
“Yeah. You were perfect and followed directions. I hit the throttle,” she recollected as she leaned against Rich with her legs in her brother’s lap.
“I also remember someone falling off the edge too.” Dr. Quimby joined them, sitting on the deck near Sam’s thigh.
She squinted. “I forgot about that. Poor Scott.”
“The queen and her court.” Scott laughed, seeing his niece surrounded by the three men. “Sammi is a happy little girl.”
“I wish I had a brother instead of dumb sisters,” Monique said, steering carefully.
“I had a sister. She was a real brat. But I loved her lots. I wouldn’t have traded her for a roomful of brothers,” Scott said with a smile.
“Where is she?”
“She’s in heaven. Probably giving the angels a hard time. Your cousin looks and acts just like her, except my sister had blonde hair.”
“Do you miss her?”
“Yes. Every single day of my life. You don’t really know how much you love someone until you can’t see them anymore. You’ll feel that way about your sisters one day, I hope.
“They all say that I messed up everything. They were all going to go on a big trip and then I came along.”
“Well, I’m glad you came along and I really like having you visit here. Oh look, there are some whales. Yell this…”
“Thar she blows!” Monique repeated obediently, cutting off the engine as instructed.
Sam grinned, sitting up. “That’s my cue. Hey Monique? Would you like to see the whales close up?”
“Okay, stay real close to Uncle Scott. I don’t want you to fall in. Hang on because the boat is going to rock a little bit. Guys, watch out for her, please?” Sam requested, straddling the boat’s edge and summoning the nearby humpback. It surfaced gently next to the hull.
Monique squealed with excitement, watching the large body move by. “WOW! It’s ginormous!”
“It’s big, but not the biggest whale in the ocean. There aren’t any blues around right now, but… Would you like to touch a whale?”
“Will it eat me?” The little girl got scared and clung to Scott.
“Sam won’t let anything hurt you. These are her friends,” he reassured her.
“Are you a good swimmer?” Dr. Quimby asked.
Monique nodded. “Yeah, but that water is too cold.”
“It’s not bad right now, it’s 63 at the surface. If you jump in, you’ll get used to it real fast,” Sam said, taking off her tee shirt and jumping in with her bathing suit and shorts.
“I don’t know…”
“The boys will come in, too. Right boys?”
“I hate cold water,” Michael grumbled to Rich before cannonballing in. Rich joined him, making a huge splash.
Monique made a face. “Are you going in?” she asked Dr. Quimby as he removed his shirt.
“I’ll stay here with Scott. Go ahead, they’ll take care of you. You won’t be able to touch bottom, though, okay?”
“I’m scared.”
“You don’t have to, if you aren't comfortable. Just let us know if you change your mind. Boys, he’s coming up under us,” Sam warned as the humpback surfaced, its barnacled back lifting up the three.
Monique watched in fascination as they rode the whale a short distance before diving off. “Where’s he going?” she asked, disappointed.
“He’s hungry and needs to eat.”
“Samantha? Could you call a pod over? She likes dolphins,” Dr. Quimby asked, leaning over the boat’s edge.
Scott frowned, looking at his friend’s right scapula. “Joe? Did you get a touch up?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Your dragon. It looks brand new and almost alive. It’s kind of creepy.”
Frowning, Dr. Quimby tried to see over his shoulder. Nothing felt different. “Let me see yours.”
“What are you doing?” Monique asked as Dr. Quimby peered at Scott’s tattoo, located in the exact same place.
“Scott’s looks the same to me. Just comparing. Do you see anything different with these?” he asked the little girl.
She touched his shoulder, tracing the dragon’s body with her fingertip. “Yours is prettier. It’s dark and shiny. It looks like it’s moving.”
“Kids, come in for a sec,” Dr. Quimby called. They studied the tattoo.
Only Sam didn’t look surprised. “Daddy, you were integrated. They must have bonded the tat with your identity, like a scar.”
“It doesn’t look like a tat, more like it’s part of your skin. Weird,” Michael said, pressing the edges of the dragon’s spines. It lacked the ridging felt with a regular tattoo.
“It’s kind of iridescent, too. I thought they were the tribal black,” Rich added, peering closely.
“They are. Sam, go down and see if you can find out anything,” Michael said.
With a half-grin, Sam cocked her head. “You’re not the boss of me.”
He pushed her over the side and laughed as she went down, mumbling the word “brat”.
“Is she okay? I can’t hold my breath for that long,” Monique asked, looking over the side.
“Here she comes. The pod is with her,” Rich said.
Sam pulled herself up onto the ship. “They said that’s how you are seen. They thought it was like a sea serpent though.”
“Technically, it is,” Scott stated. “We just call it a dragon. It’s a Ketos. Our great-grandfathers were on the same war vessel that was taken down. The ten survivors swore that they were saved by a giant dragon and all got this tattoo. Since then, it’s been passed down as a family logo for all military descendants of the original survivors. When our dads met, they both carried the mark, which led to instant brotherhood. It’s very special to us.”
“How come you don’t have it?” Monique asked the three.
“I’m waiting until Sam gets hers and we’ll do it together.”
“And I have to wait until Sam and I get married and I become a true member of the family.”
“You want to wear our tat, Rich?” Dr. Quimby said softly.
“With pride, sir. I’m marrying a siren, seems fitting, yes?”
“You are a wonder, my boy.” Dr. Quimby hugged him. Rich blushed, returning it.
Scott looked teary. “I’m honored, Richard. Deeply.”
Whistling over the bow grabbed their attention. “It’s Splasher, Mike. Go in with him,” Sam urged before diving off the side again. Michael and Rich rejoined her, playing with the happy dolphins as they swam around.
“Monique, put your hand over the side and hold it flat. Scott will hold you. I’m going to have a dolphin touch you with its nose,” Sam said, treading water. The little girl nodded, less intimidated by the more familiar animals. She giggled as the dolphin splashed her after touching her hand.
“Do you want to swim with them?” Dr. Quimby asked.
Monique nodded, stripping down to her bathing suit. With a loud yell, she jumped feet first into the water. In a moment’s time, she was pushed to the surface by a large cow. Sam showed her how to hold the dorsal fin and let the dolphin swim around with her. Monique giggled loudly, shrieking as the dolphin swam fast and blew cold water into the air.
“Daddy, Ton is coming.”
“Monique, honey? You trust Sam, right?”
“She has a very good friend of hers coming to meet you. Have you been to Sea World?”
“Of course.”
“Do you remember Shamu?”
“Yeah, he’s cool!”
“Ton is his cousin. He’s very big, but there is nothing to be afraid of. Swim next to Sam and put your arms around her neck.”
“Okay, spread your legs like you going to ride a big horse. Hang on, now, here he comes!” Sam said as Ton swept under her and broke surface. Monique screamed, clinging to Sam. “You’re choking me. Rub his back. I’ve got you. Look, the boys are petting his head.”
Slowly, the child obeyed, then looked up at the boat with a smile. “Look!” Her excitement was contagious.
Two hours passed and Scott yawned, relaxed by the warm sun and fresh air. “Kids, it’s getting late. I’m hungry, tired and old. Do you want to swim or ride to shore?” Scott asked. The boys opted to ride, Sam, of course, to swim.
“May I take Monique with me? We’ll beach on the bank where it’s easier for her,” she asked.
“Certainly, if she wants to,” Dr. Quimby said, seeing the child nod with excitement. “We’ll meet you down there, okay?”
“Okay. Bye!” Sam said, pulling the little girl in front of her and holding her with one arm as she waved. Monique couldn’t keep her hands off the smooth rubbery skin. Ton was swirling happily. “He really likes that. No, no, don’t kick him. He’s not a horse. Pat him gently and ask him to take you home.”
Monique obeyed and was thrilled when Ton started to swim quickly to the shoreline, guided by Sam. She held Monique tightly as he launched himself onto the beach, sending several beach walkers screaming. Sam helped Monique off and knelt in front of Ton’s
mouth, ignoring her advancing family.
“He wants to taste you. That’s how he gets to know who you are. See? He won’t hurt you.” Sam rubbed the tip of the whale’s tongue. Monique cautiously laid her hand next the Sam’s and started to rub. Ton spouted happily. “Cool, huh? Help me push him back into the water.”
While Scott reprimanded the onlookers about disregarding the no trespassing notices, the rest of the family assisted Sam in pushing Ton back into the water.
Brushing off his hands, Dr. Quimby smiled at Monique. “Well? What do you think of your cousins now?”
“They are the greatest! Uncle Rich? It’s your turn to carry me,” the little girl announced. They all started laughing as he picked her up.
“Do all little redheads think they have their own pack mules?” he asked.
Sam ran, jumping into her brother’s arms. “Yep. Carry me too.”
After getting cleaned up and dressed, Scott announced he was calling for pizza. He went upstairs to tap on Cecily’s door. “Would you care to come down and join us for dinner?”
“Don’t I have to apologize?”
“It would make things easier for you. But no, we always have dinner as a family.”
“Always? That’s so lame.”
“Maybe, but we enjoy it. Pizza is coming,” he said, walking out. Cecily grunted, looking back outside. She had witnessed the killer whale on the beach! How could they just act like that’s normal? These people were weird. But, she had to admit, their lives were a lot more fun than hers. Her stomach growled. Reluctantly, she left the room.
“Cissy! Guess what I did today!” Monique squealed, bombarding her oldest sister with her adventure. Cecily frowned, noticing that no one was stopping her from telling the story. It couldn’t possibly be true. Could it?
“I wish you were there. It would have made you smile,” the little girl said sweetly.
Cecily bit her lip. Monique really was a good kid. “I’m sure it would have. I’m sorry I didn’t get to go. And I’m sorry I was so mean to you.”
“That’s okay.” The little girl hugged her neck and then proceeded to share more details. Cecily listened attentively, not seeing the smiles on Scott and Dr. Quimby’s faces.
Healing (General's Daughter Book 5) Page 18