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The Nanny's Secret

Page 20

by Kiersten Modglin

  She pauses, and her expression is conflicted. “I’m saying they had John,” she says finally, and I release something between a gasp and an outcry of pain. She kisses my lips again, both hands on my cheeks. I can’t focus on her words or her hands or her scent right now. “I thought you knew. I’m so sorry, Orrick. Honestly.”

  I stand up, backing away from her. “I…should go.” Tears sting my eyes. She could be lying, but something tells me she isn’t.

  “Orrick, wait…” she calls, but I’m already in the hall. I shut the door and rush down the stairs to find safety in my car.

  There are tears on my cheeks as I pull out of the parking lot. I came here to expose her secrets, but it turns out the biggest secret belonged to my wife. The woman who’s been playing me all along.

  Chapter Forty


  I need to call Iris and tell her what I found out about Olivia, but I can’t. I can’t stand to hear her voice. I can’t stand her. I just need a few days to clear my head and figure out my next move. I’ve texted Oliv—Mia and told her to keep everything she revealed to me to herself until we can talk at the party and that she can have tomorrow off. I don’t want to see either of them.

  I text Iris, too, and keep it short.

  I talked to Olivia. They knew each other in college but have only seen each other a few times since then. Nothing serious. Keep John away until the party and we can talk after.

  As soon as the message shows it’s been read, she tries to call me, but I place the phone down. She’ll keep calling, but I can’t answer. Let her live with her little family for a few days. If she wants to play house and build a family with a man that isn’t me, more power to her.

  I built her. I gave her everything she has. Money, power. I am the reason her name holds weight in a room.

  With the snap of a finger, I can take it all away.

  I scroll through the Google results, looking for a lab to do a paternity test for me, but it feels like it would only confirm what I already know. I realize taking Olivia’s word on this would be irresponsible, after she lied to me about something so big, but even as I look for ways to prove it, I don’t doubt it. From the moment the words left her lips, I knew. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before, but I will find out the truth.

  Soon enough, every bit of truth will be drained from these women.

  I’m Orrick Locke, and God help either of them if they dare forget it.

  Chapter Forty-One


  I read over Orrick’s text.

  Take tomorrow off. Don’t tell Iris we talked. I still want you to come to the party Saturday. We need to talk…all of us.

  So, it’s a party he wants. I smile at the thought, realizing all I’ve worked for is finally coming to fruition. Finally, the truth will come out. They’ll understand they’ve been bested. Even without my ultimate goal—clearing Tom’s name—realized, I feel accomplished. I’m starting to understand what they’re capable of, what they could’ve done to him, and now, I just have to let them know what I know. I know that Tom was innocent. I know they ruined his life for no reason. I know the kind of people they are. Dangerous, like AJ said. It’s almost time for me to complete my mission, and I must say, I’m proud of myself. I’ve done all I can to destroy their semblance of a happy, perfect family. I have one final goal, which I’ll make happen at the party. The Lockes’ lives as they know them are over.

  Feeling brave, powerful, and energized for the first time in so long, I pull my phone from my pocket. I’m ready to listen to Tom’s last words to me. Technically, I know they aren’t his actual last words, but they’re the last I have to hang onto. The last time I’ll get to hear his voice without knowing what he’s going to say, and I’ve held onto them for this exact moment. I wish I could tell him all I’ve done for him. I wish I could tell him I’ve never given up.

  I go to the screen with the lone blue dot next to his voicemail and click on it, pressing the phone to my ear. At the sound of his beautiful voice, I begin to cry. This time, I don’t tense up or stop myself from crying. Instead, I listen.

  “Hey, baby, it’s me. I don’t have long…something’s happening here. I, um,” he stops. There is a loud rumble in the background. BOOM. “Shit!” There’s a pause and then, “I’m okay. I’m okay. Listen, I need to tell you something…everything, actually.” I suck in a deep breath as I prepare myself to listen to the portion of the voicemail I still haven’t been able to. This is it. Moment of truth. “I want to tell you this in person, but I don’t know if I’ll make it out in time.” I hear the ding of an elevator. “The Lockes are up to something. I don’t know what, but an explosion just happened…something big…and I’m pretty sure they knew it was going to happen. I’m not sure if there will be more, but I think there might be. Listen…I’m telling you this now because I don’t want it to come out if I…you know, if I don’t make it out of here: I slept with Orrick’s wife.” I feel sick to my stomach. Iris? “It was stupid and a mistake, but it happened after you said no to me and I was…I was so heartbroken. I didn’t cheat on you, but you still deserve to know. I don’t want you to hear about it from someone else, and I’ve always regretted not telling you. I love you, Mia. I’ve always loved you, and I wish,” he’s crying then, and I’m crying too, because we’re two moments caught in time, never to overlap again. “I hope I get to marry you and I hope I get to kiss your lips in thirty minutes and I hope you never have to listen to this message or feel the worry I’m feeling right now, but I just…god, I want you to know that I love you more than anything, and I can’t wait to be your husband. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this every second I could. I love you, Mia. I love you—” His voice cuts out, and when I look down, that’s it. The voicemail has ended, likely cut him off. Those are the only words I’ll ever hear from him, and I have no idea how I’m supposed to feel.

  My heart feels scratched raw, my stomach tense with fresh pain. Tom and Iris?

  I wish he wouldn’t have told me. Knowing what I know now, I wish he’d never told me any of it. It doesn’t change what I’ve done, what I would do for him, but it hurts nonetheless. She has everything, and she had to take the love of my life, too? A new rage fills my body, and I’m suddenly burning with fiery-hot anger.

  I hate her, and it’s my turn to get revenge, not just for Tom, but for myself.

  They may be powerful people, but they have no idea how powerful I can be.

  Chapter Forty-Two


  I stare at Orrick’s message, confused by his words and why he won’t answer my calls. I hand the phone to AJ.

  “I just don’t understand. What do you think we should do?” I ask, staring at him across the restaurant table as he reads the ominous text.

  “Do what he says,” AJ says. “Warren says Orrick is home and safe. We’ll stay here and,” he looks at John, who’s listening carefully, “go to the party tomorrow like we planned. I’ll be with you the whole time.” He nods. “Everything will be fine.”

  I can’t tell if he believes it, but I know I don’t. Not for a second. Everything doesn’t feel fine. Orrick underestimates what I’ll do to protect John, it’s obvious. If he thinks I won’t follow through with my threat to take care of Olivia like we took care of Tom, he’s wrong. She’ll be at the bottom of the lake tomorrow if I find out she has any ill will toward my son or me.

  I take my phone back, staying silent. I don’t want John to know anything’s wrong.

  “I want you to keep John away from home on Saturday,” I tell him. “He could use a trip to the park, don’t you think?” My head swims with emotions.

  AJ’s eyes narrow. “No. I’m not going to leave you at the party alone. You’ve already given Warren and Greg the day off. You need me.”

  “I’ll be fine, AJ. Our entire staff will be in attendance and half of them are security. What could possibly happen?”

  I know he can’t say any more, can’t argue. “We’ll talk about it more later. We could hav
e Lily take him.”

  “You don’t want to take me?” John asks, suddenly interested.

  “That’s not it, bud.”

  “John, AJ always wants to take you, okay? You two will have such fun Saturday!” I feign excitement, batting back tears.

  “We will?” he gasps, looking delighted.

  AJ’s expression is dark, his eyes locked with mine, but he nods. “Yeah, Johnny. We’ll have fun.”

  I mouth a silent ‘thank you’ and slide my phone into my pocket. I have no idea what my plan is or how I’m going to convince Orrick to side with me over this woman, but I know I have to. If nothing else, I will take matters into my own hands. I have the power to do anything I need to. I think I proved that already.

  “What are you going to do?” AJ asks.

  I pick up my fork to finish my salad with a stern expression. “I’m going to handle it. Same as always.”

  Chapter Forty-Three


  On Saturday, I arrive at the Lockes’ home just before eleven, as Orrick’s text said I should. The driveway is lined with cars and SUVs, each more expensive than the last. I walk up the large set of stairs and up to the front door, apprehension filling me as it did the first time I stood in this spot.

  No matter what, today will change everything.

  I push open the door, the foyer filled with noise and chatter. I’m wearing a purple, calf-length dress with black pumps, just enough cinching at the waist and under my breasts to make a few men turn their heads. Being beautiful is powerful, but I only ever enjoyed it when my power came from Tom’s love. The woman I am today is nearly unrecognizable.

  “Champagne?” A waiter offers me a flute from the silver tray in his hands.

  I begin to say no, but think twice and take one. “Thank you.” Liquid courage, right?

  I walk down the hall toward the kitchen, spying Orrick and Cathrine as the first familiar faces. Their conversation stops instantly, and Orrick turns to me, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Olivia.”

  “Mr. Locke.” I tip my glass toward him.

  He smiles, but it’s stiff. The brown eyes that used to light up for me, don’t today. He holds out an arm. “Cathrine, have I introduced you to John’s nanny? This is Olivia.” He lays his arm over my shoulders and walks me toward her.

  “Nice to officially meet you, Ms. Locke.”

  Her eyes rake over me with judgment, and she purses her lips. “Pleasure.”

  I duck out from under Orrick’s arm and step back. “I’m going to mingle a bit. Is John upstairs?”

  “He’s not here,” he says, watching how I react. I keep calm. “AJ has him out of town today, so feel free to mingle and relax. I’ll find you later, okay?”

  I nod, feeling uneasy. I’m not on the clock, but I’d been hoping to see John at least once more. Especially if this was going to be my last day working for the Lockes. Why else did he want me here if not to help keep an eye on John? To talk, he’d said, but about what? Why couldn’t it have waited? “Okay.” A panicked breath escapes my throat as I walk from the room. Maya and Lily are in the dining room, staring at a table of food with plates in their hands. “Thank God,” I say, so relieved to find familiar faces. “Normal people.”

  Maya smiles at me, resting a fist on her hip. “How are you, sweetie? I didn’t know you’d be here.”

  “Orrick invited her,” Lily says, batting her eyelashes rapidly as she releases a giggle.

  “Oh, Lord,” Maya says. “Girl, what are you up to?”

  “Nothing at all,” I vow, putting on my best innocent act. “What’s all this? I didn’t know we were having a dinner party.”

  “Just hors d'oeuvres and drinks,” Maya says. “I’m stashing some of it so Mr. and Mrs. Locke have dinner after. Mrs. Locke is letting all of the house staff take the evening off since she’s hired staff for the event. They’ll both be exhausted by the time this party’s over.” She puts two scones on a plate, then two pieces of cheese. It’s obviously Orrick’s plate. Iris doesn’t do carbs. “They deserve some rest.”

  “Could you make a plate for me?” I ask. “They asked that I stay for dinner to help get John down once AJ brings him home.”

  Maya looks skeptical but nods. “Sure thing, baby. What do you want?”

  “Just fix me whatever you’re giving Orrick, I’m not picky.” I glance at his half-fixed plate. “Want me to help you get them put in the refrigerator?”

  She shakes her head. “That’s all right. You go on and enjoy yourself. This is a party, and you’re looking real cute with your little plum dress.” She waves her hand down my body.

  “I don’t mind helping, honestly. I hate things like this.”

  “Okay, thank you, baby.”

  Lily tilts her head toward me. “You know, you could come out with us after this. I’m dragging Maya to the piano bar downtown.”

  “I’d love that.” I light up. It’s been so long since I’ve felt any sense of family, and these two are the closest I have. I’ve enjoyed the time I’ve had with them more than they know.

  Maya prepares both plates and puts plastic coverings on them, handing them to me just before beginning to spoon salad into a bowl for Iris. “You are not taking me to some piano bar, Lily. I’ve told you, Mama’s old. I’m not going to flaunt myself around like a floozy.”

  Lily releases an obnoxious laugh, patting Maya’s arm. “Yes you are, and you’re going to love every minute of it.” Back in the kitchen, Orrick and Cathrine have disappeared and I open the fridge, staring at the dinners in my hands.

  How much will this dinner change everything?

  After I put the plates away, I sneak into the foyer, keeping a close eye out for Orrick or Iris. Neither can see what I’m planning. I climb the stairs with haste and, after checking both directions for guests, step into Orrick’s study.

  The ring of keys are still in the blue bowl. With Warren and the rest of the employees off for the day, now is my one and only chance. I shove the keys into the pocket of my dress and shut the study door when I leave. Orrick and Iris are in the foyer with their backs to me.

  I move slowly, thinking up my excuse as to why I was upstairs in case they ask. When I reach the marble floor of the foyer, I heave a sigh of relief, walking back toward the kitchen.

  “We’re heading out,” Lily says, coming into my view so quickly I jump. She has a golden clutch in her hand and is wearing an adorable black dress with red roses on it. Maya is behind her in a green blouse and khaki slacks. “The invitation stands if you decide to come. Shopping, then dinner and drinks. Just text me if you want to join.”

  “I will, depending on how quickly I can sneak out of here,” I tell them, waving them on. It’s bittersweet, knowing I may never see them again. “Have fun either way.”

  When they disappear, an elderly couple appears, eyeing the fine detailing of the Lockes’ home. When they spy me in the corner of the room, they turn around abruptly and head back out.

  Finally, I have my window. I swallow the lump in my throat and walk forward toward the basement door in the kitchen, pulling the keys out of my pocket. I begin trying each key, working quickly as I hear a voice approaching the kitchen from the foyer. The third key works, clicking into place and turning without an issue.

  I’ve only been down to the security office once before, on the day AJ assigned me a code. He showed me where the cameras are, how to set off the alarms, and the basics of the system in case of an emergency when they weren’t here. Which, he assured me, would likely never happen.

  I don’t remember most of it, but I know exactly where I need to be. I walk to the far right corner of the empty office, looking over the monitors filled with happy guests. On the wall, there is a long line of silver switches.

  I flip them all off.

  Let the games begin.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  I migrate back to the formal living room where I can keep a close eye on Iris and Orrick, who are still in the cent
er of the foyer welcoming their guests with large smiles and open arms. Orrick is charming, dressed in a black suit and classic red tie, while Iris wears a white and black floor-length dress and maroon lipstick. Her blonde hair is swept back and held into place by jewel-lined clips. They are the picture of perfection, and I’m the only one who sees the cracks.

  I don’t realize someone’s standing in front of me until she speaks.

  “Hello.” I look down, trying to place the familiar face. “Nice to see you again, Liv.” Jo wears a stiff smile, a contradiction to her flowy, floral pink and blue dress. In a room full of fake, her beauty is real, and I’m so grateful to see her.

  “Oh, wow. Hey, Jo. I…I wasn’t expecting to see you.” I look across the room to where Iris is watching me closely. She whispers something to Orrick, who nods without looking in our direction. “How have you been?”

  Jo pauses, and I watch her smile disappear as she clutches her dress and looks down. It’s obvious something is bothering her. “I’ve had…a lot going on since we last saw each other.” That makes two of us. She sighs and takes her place standing beside me. Together, we watch the room. We are wallflowers, perfectly invisible to the group of power players. No one notices us, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t need them to notice us because I see all of them. See through all of them. “Quite the party, isn’t it? How’ve you been?”


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