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Canary Page 8

by Rachele Alpine

  I shrugged. “It’s not new. I just don’t put it on often.”

  The truth was I didn’t wear it a lot because I was afraid something would happen to it. It was my baby locket. Mom bought it for me when she was expecting me, and there were pictures of me

  wearing it the day I was born. I’d gotten a longer chain for it, and I wore it on days when I was missing Mom really bad.

  “So why are you wearing it now?” He tugged at it again.

  I gently pulled it out of his hand and made a fist over it. I moved the locket side to side against the chain, listening to the faint zipping sound it made. “My mom gave it to me,” I whispered.

  “What was she like?”

  The perfect response. Usually when I mentioned Mom, people acted all sad or asked me how I was doing.

  “Well, she was nothing like Dad. I mean, she watched his teams’ games to be supportive, but she liked doing crafty stuff more. She was always sewing quilts or knitting us scarves and hats. I swear, I have enough winter items to keep the whole city warm during a blizzard.”

  “Great. It’s good to know I’ll stay warm during any massive snow storms.”

  “She was crazy about us. She loved to do things with Brett and me. Cooking, trips to the zoo, movies and popcorn in our basement. We were always doing something with her. I’d come home from school, and she’d be waiting there, so excited to have us back.”

  “She sounds like my mom. She used to have a snack ready for me in the afternoons.”

  “Mine too.” I felt good sharing stories about Mom and was surprised how easy it was to talk about her without getting upset. “You’ll think I’m crazy, but when I saw you that afternoon in the parking lot before the cookout, your mom reminded me of her.”

  “When did you see my mom?”

  I bumped his shoulder with mine. “Remember? She warned you not to eat all the food.”

  “Oh, geez, that’s totally my mom.”

  “And totally you. I had to guard my dinner the other night so you didn’t devour it.”

  Jack pulled me against him. “I bet I would’ve liked your mom.”

  “You would have.” I didn’t feel sad but happy Jack was willing to talk to me about her. It made me feel a little bit guilty that I hadn’t brought her up before.

  We both turned when someone yelled our names.

  Luke headed toward us. I thought about what Jenna said about him and wrinkled my nose. Ali talked about him nonstop, and they’d hooked up a few more times when we’d gone out with Jack and some of the guys on the team.

  “Thank you,” I said before Luke reached us.

  “For what?”

  “For letting me talk about my mom. Most people either don’t listen or get all weirded out when I bring her up.” Like my Dad, I thought but didn’t say it.

  “She’s your mom. It would be strange if you didn’t talk about her.”

  Jack stood and offered a hand to me. I took it and stood, and we walked to meet Luke.

  Chapter 21

  Brett came down the steps Saturday afternoon

  wearing khaki pants and a dress shirt with a sweater a bit too small for him. He also had a new slicked-back haircut and a piece of Kleenex stuck to a section of his chin he’d cut shaving.

  I spurted milk from my mouth, surprised at his appearance. “Whoa, sexy,” I said. “Don’t tell me your jeans and T-shirt are in the laundry. Better yet, where’s the wedding?”

  “Shut up.” He stopped in front of the mirror, trying to straighten his collar.

  “Really, why are you dressed like that?” I asked a little nicer, hoping this strategy would get me an answer.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  Brett walked out of the kitchen and stood in front of the closed door of Dad’s office. “I’m going out. I’ll be home later tonight.”

  “Dad, get out here. You need to see this,” I yelled, unable to resist.

  “I gotta go, Dad. I’ll see you tonight,” Brett said louder.

  Dad’s door opened, and he walked into the hallway. “What’s so important that you had to interrupt me?”

  “Listen, I have to go,” Brett said, shaking his keys and backing out of the hall.

  It was then, apparently, that Dad noticed him. “And where is it you’re going? A wedding?”

  “Good one,” I said, reaching to pull the tissue off Brett’s face. “I asked him that too.”

  Brett swatted my hand away. “Leave me alone. I’m going out with someone. I’ll be back by eleven.”

  “No way. Are you going to homecoming?” Believe it or not, Beacon did have a football team, but they didn’t get much support. The school celebrated homecoming, but my friends said it was lame and not worth their time. Brett must not have gotten that memo.

  I shook my head at him. This was my brother. Brett hiked in the woods and played warcraft games. Brett didn’t date. “How much did you have to pay her to go out with you?”

  “I’m leaving. I’ll be home by curfew.” Brett made his exit quickly, before we could say or do anything else.

  Dad and I were left standing in the hallway.

  My nose twitched at the lingering cologne.

  “Well,” Dad said, smiling slightly, “I guess if he forgot to put on deodorant, that’ll cover the smell.”

  “True,” I said, happy to be joking. I wanted to stretch the moment out. “And if he’s not back by curfew, we can just follow our noses.”

  “I didn’t know Brett was dating anyone.”

  “I didn’t know he was aware girls even existed,” I added.

  Dad frowned. “I better get back to my work. I have some plays to go over.”

  “Right, plays. Very important plays,” I said, knowing he would miss my sarcasm.

  “Yep,” he said and dissolved into his office as quickly as he had appeared.

  Chapter 22

  “Your brother is a flick,” Luke said at lunch. He was all over Ali. His hand rested in her lap, and she kept giggling and slapping his hand away when he tugged on her uniform skirt. He used his other hand to toss carrot sticks at a bunch of freshmen boys sitting near us.

  The five of us crowded around the table. Lunch trays, drinks, cell phones, homework papers, and other odds and ends covered the surface. Our legs

  tangled in the mess of book bags and purses beneath it. Jenna was writing on the bottom of my shoe, drawing stars across the sole. Other people watched us, and I liked it. It felt good to be part of a group, especially the group other people would die to belong to.

  “A flick?” I watched my brother move through the lunch line. The same line I just cut with Jack. He’d pushed past about twenty other students and joked that the basketball team didn’t need to wait to eat. It was kind of badass to be able to do stuff like that. I felt a twinge of guilt, but Jack and the rest of the guys did it with such ease that it seemed the

  natural thing to do.

  Brett’s book bag bulged on his back, and he walked slightly hunched as if the weight pushed him down. His shirt was untucked, and I wondered how long he’d go until a teacher would give him a discipline slip for breaking dress code. White cords snaked out of his collar and up to his ears, his iPod no doubt hidden in his shirt.

  “Yeah, a flick.” Luke flicked at Ali’s ear. “Get it. You could flick him out of your face. He’s such a loser. I can’t believe you’re related to him.”

  “That’s harsh,” Jenna said, pausing in the middle of filling in a shooting star.

  “Are you sure he’s your brother? He can’t even make a basket in gym. Everyone tries to pass him the ball to see how bad he’ll mess up. He never disappoints.”

  “Seriously?” I asked. “Are you for real?”

  “Come on, Kate,” Luke continued. “You can’t tell me you haven’t noticed.”

  “Why do you even care about my brother?”

  Luke scowled, and I was glad I’d put him on the spot. No one was laughing with him. He just looked like a jerk.

ack put an arm around me. “Forget Brett. What matters is that we have the best Franklin at the table with us.” He kissed me in front of everyone.

  Jenna whistled while the rest of the group groaned.

  Brett walked toward our table on the way to Julia, a girl in my choir class he’d started to sit with. The same girl I assumed he’d gone to the dance with the other night. I willed him to go a different route, but he was walking straight to us.

  I gave him a brief smile as he neared, and he

  nodded slightly, refusing to show any emotion

  toward the people he disapproved of the most. He headed past us to Julia.

  “What’s up, Flick?” Luke said. “Too good to say hi?”

  Brett paused, probably confused by Luke’s lame nickname. I kicked Luke under the table, hoping he would get the hint. Instead, he stood and grinned at all of us, as if to say, And for my next trick, I’ll screw with Kate’s brother. He stuck a hand out, apparently planning to flick Brett’s neck, but caught his headphone cord. The buds were jammed deep in Brett’s ears. Luke tugged harder, causing them to fly out and smack Brett’s face.

  Brett’s hand went to the spot they’d struck. “Asshole,” he hissed.

  Luke wasn’t listening. He was too busy laughing with Ali.

  “Do you really think that’s funny?” I looked straight at Ali. Luke was a lost cause, but I couldn’t believe Ali thought it was okay to join in. I wanted to say something in my brother’s defense. I remembered all the times he’d stood up for me: when I was six and the boys next door made fun of my height, when his friends wouldn’t let me play soccer with them, when I hit a home run on the playground and one of the boys tripped me as I rounded third base. I wanted to repay Brett for all the times he’d fought for me.

  Ali stopped laughing. She wrapped a piece of her hair around a finger and shrugged.

  “If you don’t know why you’re laughing, then why would you?”

  Jack placed a hand on my shoulder. “How about we go grab some fresh baked cookies?”

  “Yeah, sounds good.” I knew what he was trying to do. I pushed back my chair and grabbed my stuff, but before following Jack, I turned to Luke. “Brett’s my brother. You’re an asshole.”

  Chapter 23

  “Why do you hang out with those freaks?” Brett asked me as we headed toward the parking lot after school. Jack was staying late to work out in the weight room, and Ali had to babysit, so I followed Brett to catch a ride. He walked quickly, head down, straight toward the car. If I stopped to wave at people or make a comment about weekend plans, Brett muttered for me to hurry up.

  To spite him, I walked slower and talked to more people.

  He leaned against the trunk of his car, waiting for me.

  “Beacon is changing you, Kate,” he said when I caught up. “And it’s not in a good way.”

  I knew Brett was talking about what had happened at lunch, and I didn’t blame him for being mad. He had every right to hate Luke. I would’ve felt the same way, but I wasn’t about to be the one who brought it up.

  Instead, I questioned Brett’s new view of me. “What’s wrong with wanting to have a life at Beacon? I like being at a school where I fit in. You know how awful everyone treated me at Olmstead High when I quit the basketball team.”

  “Couldn’t you have picked a better group? Maybe people who don’t treat me like a big joke.”

  I closed my eyes. His words stung, even though I’d known they were coming. “Luke’s a jerk, but not everyone is like him.”

  “Really? Because I don’t buy that.” Brett threw his book bag into the trunk. He closed it but kept talking to me instead of unlocking the door. “It looked to me like the entire table thought Luke was a goddamn comedian.”

  “Maybe they did, but I didn’t think he was funny, and I let him know that.”

  “Yeah, a lot of good that will do.”

  “Do you really think I’d stoop to Luke’s level? That hurts. You know me better than that.”

  “I thought I knew you, but now I’m not so sure. Did you ever consider they might be hanging out with you because Dad’s the coach?”

  “You mean they might be using me?” I’d be lying if I told him the idea hadn’t occurred to me. Sure, some of my friends might not have been sincere, but Ali and Jenna were and Jack liked me for who I was. There was no denying how great it felt when he kissed me or when Ali and I laughed forever over the phone. They were my friends. Even when they pissed me off, as they had today at lunch, it was

  because I knew they liked me for who I was, not who Dad was.

  “Exactly,” Brett said. “These people wouldn’t hesitate to pretend to be your friend if they could get something out of it.”

  “Well, what’s so bad about that? My real friends aren’t like that, and maybe I’m getting something out of the other relationships too.”

  I knew Brett didn’t like to hear that, but it was true. I wanted to be a part of Beacon just as bad as some of them wanted to hang out with the new coach’s daughter.

  Brett shoved his key into the car door. Unlike the rest of Beacon students, we didn’t have a new car. In fact, we didn’t even have power locks or windows.

  I waited for him to pop my lock. I climbed in and fastened my seat belt. “I get that you don’t like some of the people I’m hanging out with.”

  Brett stared straight ahead.

  “Ali and Jenna can be a bit much sometimes,” I said, “but I trust them.”

  Brett started the engine and drove down the hill. The leaves had fallen from the trees. It would soon be November. We’d been at Beacon for over two months.

  Keeping his eyes on the road, Brett said, “You need to be careful. Make sure you don’t become Dad, kissing up to people who don’t care an ounce about you and only want to benefit themselves.”

  “I won’t. Just because I’m hanging out with a new group of friends doesn’t mean I have to be like them. I’m not going to make stupid choices. I’m the same old Kate.”

  “Just make sure you don’t lose yourself.”

  “I won’t,” I said firmly.

  “It’s just that you’re not so bad for a sister, and I’d hate to see that change.”

  “Not bad for a sister, huh? I think my brother likes me.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what I mean.”

  I put my head against the seat and grinned. I did know what he meant, and it felt good to be reminded he was the same old Brett.

  Today’s Truth:

  To ensure success, please follow

  instruction manual exactly.



  Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a Beacon boyfriend. We want to thank you for choosing Beacon as the place to select your boyfriend and for upgrading to the Beacon basketball player boyfriend. Well done. Your superb selection will benefit you in many ways. Make sure you read all the instructions to ensure the proper care and handling of your

  Beacon basketball player boyfriend. Enjoy!


  Your Beacon basketball player boyfriend comes with the following items:

  Weekends that are never empty. You will have parties, games, dances, and double dates to fill your nights.

  Compliments. You will have girls telling you every day that they like your hair, jewelry, makeup, and anything else different from the same plaid skirt and white blouse every girl in your school wears.

  Access to tables far away from the lunch tray return and garbage cans in the cafeteria, next to the large picture windows overlooking the campus. Seats in the back of the classroom, in a spot where you can hide your phone when you’re texting and you don’t have to sit next to boys who don’t seem to know whatdeodorant is and girls who raise their hands every ten


  Friends who vacation on islands in houses their families own and drive cars that cost more than the total
of the three cars your dad has ever owned.

  Teachers who know your name and who you are dating and will comment on the points your Beacon basketball boyfriend made during a recent game when they should be teaching.

  A secret excitement that people envy you, people want to be you because of who you are with, because you are the one your Beacon basketball player boyfriend picked.

  A power that will put you at the top of the ladder at school, allowing you to tower over your classmates as you begin to rule aside a Beacon basketball player and the rest of the basketball team and their girlfriends.


  The proper care and maintenance of your Beacon basketball player is of the utmost importance if you want to continue to own him. Please follow the

  instructions below carefully:

  Keep him supplied with kisses, hugs, caresses.

  Be ready for sex. It’s expected when you are with a Beacon basketball player.

  Eat lunch with him.

  Attend all his practices and games.

  Do not talk to other boys at the school if he is not around.

  Maintain a perfect appearance. You should stay fit, make sure your hair and makeup are always fresh, and keep up on the current

  clothing styles.

  Maintain a happy attitude, even if you feel sad. Smile and laugh often. Let him know life is perfect for you when he is around.

  Agree to what he wants to do, be where he wants to be, watch what he wants to watch, and become interested in things that interest him.

  Remember constantly how lucky you are to have acquired a Beacon basketball player boyfriend.


  The following negative side effects may result from dating a Beacon basketball player. Please contact your best friend if any of the following

  occurs often in your relationship:

  Others may try to steal your Beacon basketball player boyfriend.

  Others may be jealous of your new Beacon basketball player girlfriend status.

  People may try to use you for purposes of


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