Anduron: God of Mabon (Sons of Herne, #7)

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Anduron: God of Mabon (Sons of Herne, #7) Page 5

by J. Rose Allister

  He stared at her for a long moment, and then he pulled back and gave an abrupt nod. “Then I will not take any more of your time. I suppose I shall have to return to the counsel with news that I have failed.”

  “I guess so. Sorry.”

  When he reached up to take hold of the shining jewel hanging around his neck, however, she held out her hand. “Anduron, wait. Maybe there’s another way.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “Go out with me.”

  “Go out of where?”

  “It’s an expression. It means to woo a woman, win her as a sexual partner.”

  “Ah. You refer to courting rituals.”

  “Exactly. How long until Mabon?”

  “Two days.”

  “What?” Her pulse sped up. “Well that’s not very long at all.”

  “Indeed not. Which is why I am in rather a hurry.”

  She blew a breath upward, ruffling her bangs. “All right then. Treat me as a woman rather than a due reward, and I’ll be more inclined to agree to your offer.”

  He eyed her. “What would be involved in this treatment?”

  “What do you do to court women in your own realm?”

  “I do not.”

  “Why? Does your job keep you too busy?”

  He shook his head. “My realm does not function the same way yours does. Marriages between immortals are typically arranged for mutual advantage. Those who follow the whims of their hearts do so with clandestine meetings, not open courting practices.”

  She made a face. “How romantic.”

  “Romance is an elusive concept idealized by humans. Strategic pairings are the norm among my people.”

  Her hopes deflated. “With an attitude like that, I may as well not bother having you court me at all. You have to at least try. Even if you think romance is beneath you.”

  “I did not say that.” His eyes narrowed and glittered in challenge. “I will indeed try. But I am not familiar with your dating customs.”

  She folded her arms. “You’re a god. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, if it’s important enough to you.”

  He stepped closer and leaned right into her face. “And if I succeed in my strategy, you will allow me to bed you for the ritual?”

  “I...” she paused, trying to breathe. “Okay. If things go well between us, I’ll sleep with you.”

  He straightened up with a grin. “Very well. I shall take my leave and return tomorrow to begin.”

  “It’s a date,” she said. “I’m working morning shift, though. I’ll be gone between seven and three.”

  “Farewell then, Jenna.”

  When he took hold of his glowing pendant, his entire body shimmered the same way just briefly before fading out of existence.

  “Bye,” she said.

  She stared at the spot where he had been, replaying every moment, word, and expression on his face. Had she seriously asked a pagan god to date her? As she settled the puppy and herself back down for the night, she wondered how crazy she’d been to make such an outrageous proposal—and just how easily she’d give in to his rock-hard body and killer smile.


  “Whose side are you on?” Anduron asked, pacing back and forth in the library, the rich red hues in the décor reflecting off his companion’s high forehead. “I thought we were friends.”

  Martauk stood with his legs planted wide apart and thick hands settled on his hips. With the high cut of his boots and the deeply slashed neckline of his tunic, Marktauk had a rakish look women enjoyed. Hence why Anduron had called upon him.

  “I take it things did not go well?” Martauk asked.

  “You are supposed to be helping me woo the human, not drive her away.”

  Martauk eyed him up and down. “Were you wearing those lackluster robes?”

  “What is wrong with them?”

  “Women like to see what they are getting.” The man gestured to his fitted attire. “Next time, dress more like this.”

  Anduron waved the parchment in his hand. ““You said that giving flowers is an appropriate early courting gesture.”

  Martauk pushed a long brown curl from his eyes. “A good choice. Women always like flowers.”

  “Not this one.”

  “Why? What did you offer her, thistled stinkweed?”

  “I gave her two dozen blooms, an assortment from both our realms. The center blossom was a lavender Strivarian rose lily. Quite exquisite.”

  Martauk whistled. “And expensive. Not to mention risky, as gifting humans with items from outside their realm is forbidden. And still she was not pleased?”

  “On the contrary. She was quite put out by my arrival, even though she was the one to insist upon my courting her.”

  “Did she explain her rejection?”

  “She said something about not being able to process a man’s attentions before consumption of caffeine.”

  Martauk laughed. “And at what hour did you present your bouquet?”

  “She warned me she would be at her place of work for much of the day, so I took her meaning and called on her before she departed.”

  Martauk shook his head with a heavy sigh.

  “What? I have little time to convince her to partake in the ritual.” Anduron raised his chin. “I was being...efficient.”

  “My friend, you have much to learn about women. I could have told you they do not wish to be roused from bed before they have sufficient time to preen for their suitors.” He gave Anduron a wicked grin. “Not until far later in the courtship, at least.”

  “Then you should have told me so when I asked for your advice.”

  “It should not have been necessary. I assumed you might be bringing at least a moderate amount of wit to the game.”

  Anduron groaned and sank down on a richly upholstered chair. “You are right. I should be thinking more clearly, but I cannot seem to. There is so little time, and I grow impatient in wanting her consent. The whole courtship thing is causing me too much distress.”

  “Would it not be better to let the counsel choose someone else?”

  “I am not sure I trust them, since their last choice perished.”

  “Or maybe you desire this particular female. Perhaps you fear the next witness might be ugly as sin.”

  “That is not so.” Anduron rested his forearms on his thighs. “Why can she not simply see it is an honor to serve the sabbat?”

  “To serve the sabbat or sleep with you?”

  “Careful. I am god of Mabon. My duty comes before primal needs.”

  “Of course.” Martauk sat beside him. “If you want this woman to lie beneath you for the ritual, you do not require all this.” He plucked the list from his hand. “Follow your instinct. You need to seduce her mind before her body. Entice her senses with your brain and common sense. It is not like she is the first female you have ever convinced to slip naked into your bed.”

  Anduron raised a brow. “They do not typically require much convincing. Women in this realm are often quite willing to receive my attentions because of my position and family ties.”

  “Exactly. They are attracted to your power and crave attachment to it. That is the way of courtship, arranged or otherwise. But this earth female is not familiar with your fame and heritage. She needs to know why she must have you between her thighs.” He leaned closer and stared at Anduron. “Show her. Make eye contact and keep it to forge a connection. Steal her breath with your smiles, heat her blood with light, nonsexual touches. Stimulate her mind with your wit. She will be so desperate to ride your cock that she may not wish to wait for the ritual.”

  “Perhaps you are right. I have been over thinking this.”

  “So do not think. Act.”

  Anduron rose. “Thank you, my friend. You words have been most enlightening.”

  Martauk stood as well and slapped him on the back. “Let us enlighten ourselves farther with a drink. A few sips of Zilian brandy will put your mind at ease.”

  He wasn’t wr
ong about that, for Anduron was feeling much more confident by the time he returned to the other realm, focusing on Jenna’s location. He remained invisible, using the pendant to keep him slightly out of phase while he took in the surroundings. He was not at Jenna’s home. He was standing among a variety of earth vehicles parked behind a building with a giant paw print painted on the side.

  “Her work place,” he said to himself.

  As if confirming his theory, Jenna came out of a glass door moments later. Her attire was somewhat odd, consisting of pink pants and a tunic with pictures of small puppies all over it. Still, with her high ponytail swinging and a smile on her face that sped his pulse, he couldn’t deny her beauty.

  Making sure no one else saw, Anduron phased fully into the realm and approached her. As soon as she spotted him, her eyes widened and she stopped dead.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, not sounding very happy to see him.

  “You told me to wait until your work was finished before calling on you again. I have done so.”

  “Yeah, by about thirty seconds. We’re going to have to work on our whole timing thing.” She wandered closer and glanced at the box in his hands. “Are those for me?”

  “Chocolate.” He opened the box with a grin. “I have it on good authority this confection is appropriate for the occasion.” Which hadn’t surprised him. In several realms, meticulously harvested and refined forms of chocolate were used for aphrodisiac purposes. But in this case, he’d settle for the candy’s qualities easing the awkwardness between them.

  She took the box with a nod. “True, it is a popular choice. Thank you.”

  The words were formal, stiff.

  He followed her to her vehicle, where she stopped and put the box on the roof while she dug through her bag. He reached over and lifted the lid. “Will you not try some?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I can’t. To be honest, I’m allergic to chocolate. We’re talking hives, scratching, the works. It’s not pretty.”

  His face fell. “I see.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I apologize for offering you such a poor gift.” He took back the box, and with a series of motions and a few words in the elven tongue, the box vanished. “Seems I am not off to a good start.”

  “Chocolate would have been great for most women. It’s not your fault that I’m an anomaly.” She sighed and glanced down at her work attire, smoothing the tunic. “I’m not exactly putting my best foot forward, either. I generally prefer to go on dates after I’ve had a chance to shower and change.”

  “Ah, yes. Preening for your suitor.”

  She glanced at him and laughed. “Pretty much. I must look ridiculous wearing this.”

  “Dogs on one’s garments is not something seen in most realms. But I do not object.” Her clothing wasn’t what interested him. And while formless, the tunic gently outlined her curves, making for a most attractive silhouette despite the oddly patterned fabric.

  “I appreciate that, except I probably smell like dog too.”

  He leaned close. Her glance shot up, catching his, and he held her gaze while he sniffed at her hair. His stomach twisted at the clean, lightly floral scent. “On the contrary. You smell quite...enticing.”

  “Thank you.” Her voice was breathless now, and he stood there, keeping eye contact, feeling the heat of their bodies mingle with delicious tension.

  “So what now?” he asked.

  Part of his brain responded with kiss her. But it was too soon, even if his stirring cock didn’t think so.

  She shrugged. “We could have a late lunch.” She raked a stare down him, one that turned the faint pulse in his groin to more of a throb. “But I think we’d attract too much attention in public. Is there any way you could dress more, you know, human during our meetings?”

  He glanced at his cloak and leather leggings. “If that would please you.”

  She grimaced a little at that. “I didn’t mean so sound judgmental. But it would be easier to get to know one another if people aren’t staring at us. You should keep your ears covered too. But those eyes are another problem.”

  None of this came as a shock. He’d been in the earth realm enough to know that he did not mix in with the populace. That was why he spent most of his visits there while invisible. Still, hearing from Jenna how ill-fitted he was to be her suitor gave his chest an unpleasant twist.

  A dark woman wearing similar animal-themed attire came out of the building. She stopped when she saw him, her eyes widening.

  “Jenna?” the woman called out. “Everything okay?”

  “I’m fine. This is, uh, a friend. We’re going to go have lunch. Bye.” She lowered her voice to Anduron. “Get in the car before she gets any closer. Quick.”

  He did as she asked, and she drove off in the vehicle, waving at the slack-jawed woman as they passed by. Anduron barely noticed her. The force of motion had pressed him backward into his seat.

  “Buckle your seat belt,” she said, glancing at the way he was clutching the instrument console in front of them. “And stop acting like I’m about to drive us over a cliff. I’ll have you know I qualify for the good driver discount on my insurance.”

  “I have not been in an earth vehicle before,” he said, clenching his jaw while he watched scenery whip past the window.

  “Wait a minute.” She pulled over and stopped, then leaned across him. “Seat belt. It’s the law.”

  He sucked in a breath as her scent caressed him again, so light and fresh. So intoxicating. She yanked a gray restraint out of its holder and drew it past his shoulder along his body. Her hands grazed his belly and hip while she secured the belt with a metallic click. His cock lengthened along his leg, inching downward with every touch between them.

  When she looked up and found him staring at her, she swallowed and pulled away. “Maybe I should just take you home.”

  A slow smolder sparked in his gut.

  “To make lunch, I mean,” she added in a hurry. “Then we don’t have to worry about the way you look.”

  His lips pressed together. “Because I displease you.”

  “No! Not at all.” Her cheeks pinked attractively. “But other people would wonder about you. And I need to check on Gran anyway. Plus Andy’s been alone long enough.”

  The expression on her face when she’d turned pink provoked his desire. He tried not to shift noticeably in his seat to ease the pressure of his erection straining against his leggings. Luckily, Jenna was occupied with her driving as she pulled away from the road side. Being back in motion distracted him from the throbbing urgency between his legs too. The queasy sensation of car travel did not make the idea of food appealing just then. Perhaps conversation could offer a diversion.

  “If you are preparing the meal, how does that allow me to court you?” They made a left turn at a speed that caused him to grab hold of the console again. “Should I not be the one making efforts to attract your attention?”

  “You definitely attract attention. But with dating, both partners make efforts to move things along. You brought me flowers and chocolate. Now I’ll make you lunch. It’s sort of like a dance, back and forth.”

  “In a dance, the male leads the motion.”

  Her grin made him smile. “But without his partner responding with her own moves, he’d look pretty darn silly doing it.”

  Her demeanor changed suddenly, and a scowl came over her face.

  “What is it?” he asked. “Have I said something wrong?”

  “No, it’s not you.” She nodded out the window. “It’s that awful place. That’s where I rescued Andy.”

  He craned his neck to see the cold, gray building with flashy red lettering growing smaller in the distance. “What is done there that requires the imprisoning of animals?”

  “They make products that could possibly cause an allergic reaction or worse. So before they release a new formula to be used by humans, they do all sorts of tests on the animals. Some have chemicals dropped in
their eyes or rubbed on shaved skin. Others are injected or force fed ingredients in large quantities.”

  He sat back in his seat. “That is barbaric.”

  “It’s disgusting.” She slid a hand over her stomach. “It makes me sick thinking of how many animals are still in there, alone and abused. I could only save one.”

  They stopped at a light that went from yellow to red, and he took her hand in his. “But you acted to save a life. Did my help to your grandmother not count because I did not also save others in distress?”

  She blinked. “Of course not. My grandmother may not even be alive if it weren’t for you. We’re both eternally grateful.”

  “Exactly. As I am sure Andy is.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Thank you.” The light changed to green, and they set off. “I know you’re right, except I still wish I’d been able to do more.”

  He looked out the window, though instead of the passing landscape, he saw images of his time in captivity, when he’d been cold, dirty, and forever wracked with hunger and despair. “I know what you mean.”


  Once Jenna had Anduron in her house, she hurried off to check on Gran. Pills were due, and she handed them out, made certain the woman had some lunch in front of her, and kissed her with a guilty apology for rushing back to the guest house. She didn’t mention her “date” with Anduron, mostly because she didn’t want to face a hundred questions. Especially the real reason he was “courting” her. Gran would likely be upset that her savior had “dated” Jenna long enough to sleep with her before leaving for good.

  Jenna returned to find Anduron on the floor, belly down, running his fingers through the rug while the puppy happily chased and pounced on them. His immortal eyes shone bright, and his smile lit the room while they played. Her heart did a double gainer in her chest. He had been worried about making gestures to impress her, but simply being himself, lying on the floor with a dog, captured her attention more than just about anything he could have done. Short of saving her grandmother, of course.

  She hugged herself and watched him for a minute, admiring the lines of his hard, muscular body through his snug leather pants and sleeveless white tunic. He’d removed his cloak and laid it across the back of her worn red couch, giving her a better view. His outfit wasn’t exactly jeans and a t-shirt, but without the cloak, he wouldn’t have been completely out of place in a restaurant. He’d tucked his hair behind his ears, however, exposing the pointy tips. And then there were his eyes. Compelling, sexy as hell, but inhuman.


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