Love's Secret Torment

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Love's Secret Torment Page 23

by Stacy L. Darnell

  “Mornin,’ Gage,” I said. “Well, come on then. Let’s go outside.”

  He padded behind me, nudging me on. I laughed as I grabbed his harness and leash then tip-toed to the front door so I wouldn’t wake Sam up.

  While I was waiting for Gage to do his business, I scrolled through the pictures on my phone. I came across the one I snapped of my new car and texted it to John. Well, it was new to me anyway. I’d bought that blue ’69 Chevy Malibu I’d seen on the way to the dog park. I was so happy to be rid of the rental. Fortunately, they’d cut me a good deal.

  I came across a picture of Sam and me from our last night in Hawaii. An older couple was nice enough to take the snapshot for us. Sam had demanded I text it to her immediately. I had laughed at her impatience, earning me a swift smack on my ass. I chuckled at the good memory.

  Gage came running back over to me.

  “You all done there, buddy?” I asked with a pat to his head. “Well, let’s get back inside.”

  It was pretty brisk out for Alabama. We had another cold front come in. I filled Gage’s food and water bowls, then went back into our bedroom and crawled under the covers with Sam. I rolled over to my side and watched her sleeping peacefully. I lightly ran my fingers through her hair as her eyes fluttered open and locked onto mine.

  “Good morning,” she whispered.

  “Morning Peach,” I said. “Did you sleep well?”

  She stretched out. “Mmm hmm. I slept really well. What time is it?”

  “A little after nine,” I answered.

  Her eyes opened wide, and she jumped out of bed. “We gotta get ready if we’re going to make it to Riley’s in time.” She ran around, grabbing clothes from drawers. “I’m going to jump in the shower. Can you take Gage out?” she called on her way to the bathroom.

  “Yeah, I already took him out. I’ll put some bagels in the toaster and make us some coffee.”

  When I heard the water turn off in Sam’s shower, I set our bagels and coffee out on the breakfast bar. I sat and sipped my coffee as I waited for her to join me.

  We arrived at Riley’s a few hours later. As Sam and I pulled into the driveway, we saw Tamron and Quinn getting out of Quinn’s truck.

  “Hey, guys!” Sam yelled.

  “Sam! Emmett!” Tamron called back.

  Quinn waved as he guided Tamron into the house. When we got inside, we saw John, Riley, and Alison sitting in the living room. Alison jumped up and ran over to Sam and Tamron, and the girls took off for the kitchen. I dropped down onto the couch next to John and nodded my hello to Riley, while Quinn got comfortable in the recliner.

  “Damn, man, I really miss my chair,” Quinn sighed.

  We broke out in laughter as Riley shook his head.

  “You could have taken it with you, man,” Riley said.

  “Yeah . . . no. You know Tamron hates this chair. It doesn’t go with anything else in the house,” Quinn huffed.

  “Just lay it down, Quinn,” John said.

  Quinn looked at John, “Lay what down?”

  Riley and I both looked at John, too, waiting for his explanation.

  “The fucking law, man. Lay it down. You like the chair . . . take it home. It’s your chair. Let her get used to it,” John said with a smirk.

  Riley swung his head back around to look at John. “Did you forget who Tamron is?”

  “Yeah, man, ‘pick your battles’ my dad always used to say. Sadly, my comfortable, broken-in chair isn’t one of them. A happy wife equals a happy life, as the old adage goes. We may not be married, but well, y’all know my Tamron. We may as well be,” Quinn finished.

  “I’m gonna grab a beer,” I said laughing.

  “Yeah me too,” John said.

  We walked down the hall toward the kitchen. “Hey, man, can we talk out back?”

  “Sure,” I replied then walked into the kitchen and stole a quick kiss from Sam. “Hey, girls. Just grabbing a couples beers and going out back.”

  “Okay, love you,” Sam said as her eyes lit up with a smile.

  “Love you, too,” I said, kissing her on the forehead as I passed her again on my way out to the back doors.

  John followed me out, and we ended up sitting up on the brick wall again.

  “So, what’s up, man?” I asked.

  “Well, I just wanted to see how you and Peachy are doing, you know, since the miscarriage,” he said quietly.

  “Oh. Yeah. We’re doing okay. It’s hard still, but we finally talked about it and named the baby Dakota Bailey Walker so we could grieve and remember. Every time we discussed what happened, the only way we had to describe the baby was as it, which upset us both. Since we didn’t know if the baby was a boy or girl, we couldn’t say him or her, so naming the baby helped,” I answered.

  “Dakota Bailey. That’s nice, man. Real nice.”

  “Look, John, Sam still doesn’t want anyone else to know. She knows I told you, but she trusts you won’t say anything to anyone else, not even the girls. She just doesn’t want to deal with everyone saying how sorry they are, constantly bringing it back up. Neither of us can take that,” I added.

  “Gotcha. I get it. That would make it harder to move forward,” he said. “So, are you really okay, man?”

  “Yeah. She makes me okay. Everything we’ve faced has made us stronger. Her love makes every day a new slate for me.”

  “That’s good to hear, man, good to hear. Well, you know I’m always here for both of you, anytime.”

  “Thanks, John.”

  When I walked into the house, I sensed someone behind me. I turned around and saw Sam staring at me.

  “So . . . what were you and John talking about?” she asked leaning against the counter.

  “Oh, he just wanted to see how we were doing. You know, privately,” I whispered.

  Her shoulders slumped as she exhaled a labored breath and she looked down at the floor.

  I pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her. “It’s okay.” I kissed the top of her head. “He was just worried and didn’t want to upset you by asking directly.”

  “I know. I’m okay. Did you . . . did you tell him we named the baby?” Her voice hitched.

  “Yes. He loved the name and thought it was a good idea.”

  A small smile perked her lips up as she looked up into my eyes. “It kinda feels good to share it, but I still don’t want anyone besides him to know.”

  “I know. It’s okay. It’s just John. No one else will know, unless you decide you want to tell them,” I said, kissing her softly.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  I reached into the refrigerator and pulled out the bowl with the veggie skewers.

  “I’ll grab the seasonings and follow you out,” Sam said.

  When we went back outside, everyone was sitting around the fire, except for Quinn, who was flipping the steaks on the grill. I walked over and laid the veggies out on the grill while he held the lid open. Sam gave him the seasonings and went over to sit by the fire. When we had everything on the grill, Quinn and I joined them all by the fire.

  “Do we have marshmallows?” Alison asked.

  “Uh no. I don’t think so,” Riley said.

  Alison looked at him and shook her head. “Well, then I guess you better drive to the store then,” she said as she took his beer from him.

  “Hey woman!” he yelled.

  “Oh relax, Riley, you haven’t even popped the top off yet. Now please, Riley, go to the store and get me some marshmallows,” she said in a sing-song voice.

  “Damn. All right, fine,” he said.

  Alison clapped her hands and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks, baby.”

  Riley shook his head, stood up and put his phone in his pocket. “Anyone want to go for a ride?”

  “Yeah, man, I’ll go with ya,” John said. “I want to pick up some more beer. May as well make use of your sober ass while I can.”

  As Riley and John left for the store, we all settled back around the fire. Th
e girls talked while Quinn and I sat and watched the fire. Every once in a while, Sam would peek up at me and smile. She was happy. She was content. Life was getting better every day. Even with all that we’d been through, I couldn’t help but hope for good things in our future. No matter the risk to our hearts.

  It was time. I’d made my decision while sitting around that fire at Riley’s place the other night. The time had finally come for me to ask Sam to be my wife. I was so happy, I could hardly stand it. I walked over to my dresser and pulled the drawer open. Moving aside a stack of white t-shirts, I found the blue velvet box I was looking for.

  I glanced around to be sure I was still alone before peeking at the ring. It really was beautiful, and I knew she’d love it. It had a princess cut diamond in the center, flanked by two smaller princess cut diamonds on each side of it, all set in a platinum band that I had the jeweler inscribe with an infinity symbol and three tiny stars on either side of it.

  I closed the box and put it back behind my stack of shirts, closing the drawer just as Sam walked into our bedroom with Gage on her heels. I walked up to her and pulled her into me.

  “Hey, babe,” she said, smiling up at me.

  “Hi there, my sweet Peach,” I teased as I kissed her forehead.

  “What are you doing in here still?” she asked. “You aren’t going to have time for breakfast before class.”

  “I’ll just grab a coffee to go and one of those breakfast bars,” I replied. “I have a couple errands to run later, so I’ll be home a little later than normal.”

  “Ok, maybe I’ll meet up with Tamron and Alison for coffee then,” she said.

  “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Then tonight, we’re going out to dinner,” I told her.

  “Oh, that sounds great.” She reached up and wrapped her arms around me.

  “Keep this up and neither of us will go anywhere,” I teased.

  She smirked at me and turned on her toes, walking out of the bedroom. I went into the bathroom and ran a comb through my hair, then met her in the kitchen. As she handed me my coffee and a breakfast bar, I kissed her again heatedly, then patted Gage on the head.

  “I’ll see you tonight. Love you,” I called as I walked out the front door.

  “Ok. Love you, too.”

  The girls and I met for coffee at Starbucks. I nearly laughed the whole time as Tamron kept harassing Alison about moving in with Riley now that she had the apartment to herself. Anyone who knew her could see she wasn’t even close to ready for that step.

  As I got in my car to leave, I saw a single yellow rose laying on my passenger seat. I opened the attached note. It read:

  I smiled, holding the note close and smelling the beautiful yellow rose. Tamron, riding shotgun in Alison’s car, rolled her window down to see what was holding me up.

  I held up my new treasures. “Emmett left me a surprise in my car.”

  “Aw, you know, Sam, he really is the sweetest.”

  “Yeah.” I smiled. “He is. I’ll see y’all later.” I waved as they drove off.

  I went to the Farmer’s Market on the way home to pick up some things for dinner. Walking out with my purchases into the bright Alabama sunlight, I sighed as I took in the striking clear blue sky. I walked over to my car and stopped short when I saw balloons and flowers filling the backseat.

  I smiled as I opened the door and spied a big heart-shaped box of chocolates. Good thing I wasn’t in the market long or they would have melted. I opened the note attached to the chocolates.

  He was unreal. I felt spoiled and loved, and with a grin plastered to my face, I took a deep breath in and relished the flowers’ sweet aroma. On the seat next to them sat a plush teddy bear.

  When I returned home, I saw Emmett’s car in his spot and smiled. He must have finished up his errands early to beat me home. I was happy we wouldn’t have to wait long to eat dinner. I carried the chocolates and rose up to the door, figuring we could come out and bring everything else in together.

  I couldn’t believe my eyes when I walked inside our apartment. The lights were off and the curtains were drawn. Everything was covered in strands of tiny, white lights, all strung from the ceiling and curtains. With the apartment so dark, and the lights everywhere, it felt like we were in the middle of the universe with countless stars surrounding us.

  Emmett was standing in the middle of the living room. I set my stuff down on the table by the door and walked over to join him, looking around in awe of what he had done.

  “Hi Peach,” he whispered.

  “Hi.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the mouth. “Today’s been filled with amazing surprises. What’s this all about, babe?”

  “You.” He smiled down at me. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too,” I breathed.

  I gasped as he dropped to one knee in front of me. My hands flew to my mouth when I realized what he was doing.

  “I love you more than the number of stars in the sky, Peach. I always have and I always will. You’re it for me. My soul mate . . . my one true love. I’ve never been more complete than when I’m with you. Sam, would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  I couldn’t believe my ears. My heart started racing, and happy tears filled my eyes. There was only one answer that felt natural and real.

  “Yes, yes, I will marry you, Emmett.” I answered as he slipped the diamond ring onto my finger, holding my hand in his. I dropped to my knees in front of him, his thumb rubbed back and forth over the top of my hand.

  He leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. “Thank you,” he whispered. “Thank you for loving me, for letting me love you. For never giving up on us.”

  “I love you so much, Emmett, I need you like I need my next breath, and will love you from this life into the next.”

  He pulled me close and glided his lips over mine. I straddled his lap, wrapped in his tender embrace as his fingers ran through my hair, holding my head in place for our heady kiss. As our tongues wove together, his minty breath left a cool trail across my lips.

  Our love had survived Fate’s cruel torment, and I couldn’t wait to see what our future held.

  To my critique partners Tricia Zoeller, Alison Gaskin Bailey, Lisa Regan Prodrutti, and Dana Mason, your help and feedback was invaluable. When I look back on the versions that you read, I kind of want to cringe.

  Thank you to my beta readers, John Holmes, Tamron Davis, Michelle Pace, Kim Anderson Bias and Laura Wilson.

  Thank you to AL Jackson, you’ve supported and encouraged me from the beginning.

  Kindle Buddies group, thank you for your support and encouragement.

  Nellie Tice Bailey Zeis and Cindy Darnell-Fagan, thank you, so very much for listening to me read those dreadful early drafts over the phone.

  Nancy S. Thompson, my amazing editor, and cheerleader. There is no amount of thanks enough, to show you how grateful I am.

  Robin Harper, of Wicked by Design—Fabulous cover design, thank you.

  Tami Norman, of Integrity Formatting—Amazing formatting, thank you.

  Heather Davenport, of Book Plug Promotions- Fantastic organization of my promotional events.

  Brandy Ezelle—Thank you for the Auburn area kayaking information.

  Thank you to the Admissions Office at Auburn University—for taking time to answer my questions regarding the admissions process.

  To my family, Mike Darnell, Austin Darnell, Nellie Tice Bailey Zeis, Penny Bailey Adamo, Tom Adamo, Kara Adamo, Erica Adamo, Cindy Darnell-Fagan, Dick Zeis, Paul Zeis, Ron Bendixon and Charity Drumm Hale—Thank you for your endless support and excitement of the pursuit of my dream.

  To my dear, sweet neighbor, Kim Marie Rodriguez, thank you so much for your support, encouragement and excitement. You may not have known it, but it meant a lot to me.

  Stacy L. Darnell

  Stacy is a New Adult/Contemporary Romance author. Her debut novel, “Love’s Secret Torment” releases March 17th, 2015. Her second nov
el, “Sweet Conundrum” due out later that year.

  Stacy lives with her husband Mike, son Austin, and chocolate lab Gage, just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. She loves the seasonal weather changes, taking walks with Gage, and spending time with her family and friends.

  While happily addicted to Starbucks, writing is her passion, and sharing her stories with the world is a dream come true.

  “Love’s Secret Torment” on Goodreads:

  “Sweet Conundrum” on Goodreads:

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41


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