Visionary Awakened (Paranormal INC Series Book 2)

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Visionary Awakened (Paranormal INC Series Book 2) Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I should pray and thank the gods more often for sending me them. Though they are chatty at times, it's kinda nice to have spirits," I whispered as I walked over to the bush. Once I knew I was completely concealed from possible onlookers, I pulled off my jacket and t-shirt. Just as I began removing my leather pants, I heard footsteps.

  I frowned, quickly taking my pants off before kneeling down on the ground. I took a calming breath and cloaked my presence, thankful that Jaxson and Christian had given me a few lessons over the last week to help me in situations like this, where I wouldn't be able to find an escape right away.

  Based on the two sets of footsteps, I knew it wasn't Junho. I held my breath as two individuals stopped just before the edge of the cliff, peering over like they were looking for something or someone.

  "Damn. The girl must have dived in to search?" the first guy said.

  "Hmmm. She didn't look like a shifter, though. She might just be here to enjoy some swim time," the second guy suggested.

  "Hmm. She may get in the way of the plan. Are you sure this whole fire on water thing is gonna work? What if she can't get out?" the first guy questioned.

  "Not our concern. We don't know if those Paranormal INC peeps are in the area and snooping for the stone. This will eliminate any evidence. There's a storm coming, so if she does die, people will just assume she drowned because of the storm and not because of our mission. Doing this will give us an extra day or two to check the waters. Xerxes said his sources told him it's here. Now, let’s go. I don't wanna deal with being rained on," the second guy explained, putting his hands in his pocket and walking away, leaving the first guy behind who sighed.

  "Jeez, this is stupid. The Crystal of Protective Souls...hopefully you'll protect that girl. I don’t see why so many people have to fucking die over a few crystals,” he muttered, looking troubled as he gazed out over the cliff.

  "So fucking stupid,” he mumbled, just before his phone rang. He picked it up. "Hey. No, we couldn't find it. We're going with Plan B, to buy us some extra time to search before anyone else hears about it. Ya. The third crystal...where? In a car? You mean someone already got it? Shit. Okay. A vampire? Easy. We can send a few of their own kind to finish the deed and get the stone. Got it."

  He ended the call and sighed, ruffling his long, dark blue hair. "I hope I can get out of this mess. I don't belong here,” he whispered. I could sense his hesitation and concern. He took another breath before he began to walk towards me, stopping just next to where I was crouched in the bush. It made me nervous, wondering if he’d spotted me. But he just sighed again and began walking away, his footsteps slowly fading until my ears couldn't pick them up anymore.

  I waited another two minutes before sighing in relief and uncloaking myself. I remained where I was, sitting down and crossing my legs in yoga style. I quickly got out my phone, sending a coded text message to Junho. I didn't know what code name to give him, deciding to type the first thing that popped into my mind.

  * * *


  "Junnie. It's your wife. The beach is beautiful. Going for a swim so we can have steamy time later. I'll leave the bikini near the bushes. Love you. xoxoxo"

  * * *

  "Junnie...that would be a good girl name," I mumbled to myself as I reviewed the message one more time. I knew Junho would guess I was his "wife" and understand that I going to take a look in the water. Leaving my bikini meant my clothes and phone, and I added the steamy part just to tease him. I'm horrible.

  I put the phone on silent, tucking it between the clothes and hiding the bundle of items perfectly in the bushes. At least my work phone had a tracker in it and Ethan could direct Junho here without any issue.

  I decided to take a minute to relax, pondering whether I should wait for Junho or actually start checking the water before this so-called plan went into effect. I didn't get what they meant by a fire and water thing, but seeing as nothing had happened yet, I figured I was safe for now.

  I closed my eyes, zoning out everything as I began to focus on my breathing. I thought about the elements around me, noticing how the warm wind blew past me, allowing the leaves of the bush to flutter, making soft noises. The ground beneath me held strength, but I could feel a mixture of emotions from it, the strongest being of betrayal.

  It made me wonder if this land wasn't supposed to be used as a place for humans and shifters to come play and go sightseeing. Was this a sacred place before we walked upon the land?

  The wind blew harder, making me wonder if it was answering on behalf of the land.

  I'd have to ask Ethan to look up the history of this place, because if the crystal was truly here, the guardian who hid it must have known it would be safe for some reason.

  But where was it?

  My back burned slightly and my hearing, which had just been clear, now sounded muffled as if I were underwater.

  * * *

  I opened my eyes to see myself now in the depths of what I presumed was the lake. The sunlight that shone from above looked so far away as I drifted deeper and deeper to the sea floor.

  A glimmer caught my attention and my gaze landed on what looked to be a purple and white shell. It was rather large and surrounded by coral of different shapes and colors. I wanted to reach out to it, but I was frozen in place, which led me to believe this was a vision of some sort.

  "The sea is the best place to hide the most valuable items. Of course, it's also where you hide things you don't want people to discover."

  I turned my head to see a woman floating next to me. She had beautiful pale skin and her long blonde locks floated wildly in the water. I was unsure how she was able to speak to me through the water, but again, I had to remind myself this was some type of magical illusion.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't, which made me frown.

  The woman smiled. "We don't have long, my dear. Time is of the essence, and I’d rather you save my precious crystal than allow it to be taken away into the wrong hands. I've debated for a long time whether to destroy this sacred item, and thus, the time has come. I made the decision back then that if I couldn't find someone worthy of its power, it would disappear with the coming storm that is about to occur," she explained.

  My eyes went wide at the revelation and I shook my head before giving her a sympathetic look. She laughed, the sound coming out rather clear considering we were technically underwater. "I believe that boy you came with would be fitting of the crystal. Especially with his respect for the water element and the living creatures within its domain."

  She looked up and I followed her gaze. "There's no more time, Elemental. My sister, Monako, seems to trust you and she was always good at judging the good in an individual. I trust my crystal to you, with the hope you will entrust it to someone who loves this element as much as I do."

  I opened my mouth to speak or to ask for her name, but stopped myself when she blinked a few times, her bright blue eyes showing her happiness as she grinned. "Esmeralda. I'm the previous owner of the Crystal of Protective Souls. Let its powers shelter those who need it. Now be off, and may the crystal protect you in the challenge to come."

  * * *

  I blinked, and just like that, I was back in my meditation pose in front of the circular bush. I quickly recovered, assessing my surroundings. Then I snuck out of the space and ran to the edge of the cliff. I noticed the sky was much darker now, making me realize I must have meditated for longer than I had thought.

  I stared at the water below, sensing it was already becoming uneasy due to the approaching storm. I took a few steps back, taking a calming breath. I closed my eyes, going into agent mode.

  My body was already pulsing with adrenaline as I opened my eyes and felt the power within them. I noticed a slight glow from the markings that began to appear, starting from my fingertips and slowly moving up along my arm.

  Without a second thought, I darted forward and leapt off the cliff, diving straight into the lake below. I glided through the wate
r with ease and opened my eyes to see in the clear water. I followed my instincts, swimming deeper and deeper.

  I was glad I had had my waterproof watch, realizing I would need to keep track of the time so I’d know when I needed to start swimming up to get more air. I paused, setting the timer at twenty minutes, which would give me enough time to swim back up before I reached my twenty-five minute max.

  I noticed a sudden orange color spread across the water that made the lake look like it was on fire. I looked up and my eyes grew wide with shock. Fire?!

  Even though I was in the water, I could feel the heat of the flames that raged above. I waited, thinking the water would cause the fire to diminish, but it continued to burn, which made no sense. How?

  I closed my eyes, taking a moment to try and connect with the flames, but it was like I had no control over them. But my silent call pulled at the water around me and a thought went through my mind.


  I mentally cursed, trying my best not to panic. The thought of being trapped, the situation I was desperately trying to avoid, just hit me in the face and left me wondering if I truly had no way out of here until the fire decided to dissipate.

  But how long would it burn for? Even if it's magical fire, it can't possibly keep burning for twenty minutes right? Like someone would see...

  I realized because the area had been closed off, only Junho would see. And that was only if he came back to check on me after reading my text message. So there was a chance that nobody would see the flames until it was too late and I had already run out of air. FUCK!

  Aurora? Serenity? My mind remained silent. I clenched my fists, trying to keep calm while holding my breath, even though my heart was racing and the anxiety of being trapped in the water began to overtake me.

  Don't panic, Scarlet. You want to be a powerful, strong individual. There has to be a solution to this. There's always a way out.

  I decided that I had to take advantage of this "alone" time to locate the crystal. I immediately closed my eyes, slowing my heart rate as I opened myself to the water around me.

  Sacred water of calm and tranquility, guide me to where I must go. Provide me with peace as I locate the precious item you hold hidden within your very being. Show me the way and protect me from harm.

  I felt a cool wave of energy run through me and my heart immediately calmed, the tension and fear that once lingered within me beginning to dissolve till it was gone. I grinned with confidence and thanked the water for its aid. I took an appreciative second to look at the beautiful markings along my skin that glowed a bright greenish blue. I noticed my usual neon strands were now silver, with hints of gold, and a soft flow to them. Focus, Scar.

  I began to swim to the bottom, relieved that the heat from the fire raging on the surface had dimmed, but the closer I got to the bottom of the lake, the cooler it became. I ignored it, hoping my body would adapt to it shortly. I let my mind guide me to where I needed to go.

  I swam for a good ten minutes, keeping an eye on the raging fire that still continued to burn above, still visible, even though I was moving along the ocean floor.

  My eyes landed on the familiar area from my vision and I smiled as the large shell came into view. I quickly made my way over there, ready to open the purple-white shell, but paused as bubbles appeared around me.

  I frowned, closing my eyes to listen to what the water was trying to tell me.

  The thought of the shell having nothing inside it came to my mind, making me realize this might be a trap set up by Esmeralda.

  Maybe if someone tried to remove the crystal inside without replacing it with another item, they would face whatever punishment was set by her.

  My hair tie? I pondered that for a few seconds and reached up to pull the black band out from my hair.

  It had two little crystal cubes attached, which gave it a bit of weight, making it look like the perfect item to replace what was inside.

  I reached out and paused, waiting for the water to disapprove of my actions with more bubbles, but it didn't, which gave me the impression I was on the right track with my hypothesis.

  I moved swiftly, opening the shell. To my relief, the crystal lay inside. Its teal appearance was mesmerizing, but I didn't have time to appreciate its beauty.

  I quickly placed my hair tie inside and closed the shell, before swimming away from the area as fast as I could.

  My swiftness would cost me some energy, but my instincts were telling me my hair tie wouldn’t be enough of a offering. They were soon proven correct when I looked back and saw the coral shoot out, forming some type of cage trap that was big enough to hold at least four people inside.

  I almost gasped at the human remains that I saw inside the cage, as well as the bones that floated within. I watched from afar as the shell opened. The hair tie drifted upward before the pearl closed and the cage slowly began to descend.

  I didn't want to wait and see what would happen next, so I looked forward and began to swim back to where I’d dived into the water. My strokes were slow and I began feeling weak, making me realize I wouldn't make it back to where I'd dived in from before I ran out of oxygen.

  Once I got halfway there, I stopped, deciding I needed another plan of action. I began to swim upward, thinking I might be able to pop up for a bit for air, even with the flames still raging on, but the closer I got, the hotter it became until my skin began to feel like it was burning.

  I couldn't take it anymore, retreating back down to cool off, but that's when panic settled in. I was literally trapped and didn't know how I was going to get out.

  Junho. The thought of my blue eyed, brown haired lover came to my mind and I lifted the bracelet in my hand, staring at it like it could somehow solve my current dilemma.

  I didn't want to give up, but I was out of options. My brain was already slowing down as the chill of the water began to settle into my bones.

  I tried to think of something. Maybe I could make a bubble, but I would need the element of wind to encase myself in, wouldn't I? It made me realize just how little knowledge I had of each element and what I could do, which made me feel even more hopeless.

  I have to try. Trying is better than waiting for my death. I focused my energy, trying to imagine a bubble around me that would give me the ability to breathe.

  WATER! I mentally chanted the word, feeling the shift in the water as it attempted to make a bubble around me. It failed halfway, the once hollow space filling with water, leaving me with nothing but a bunch of little bubbles.

  I almost groaned, forgetting I was underwater. The thought made me put my hand over my mouth as a reminder. I wanted to try again but I was beginning to feel exhausted, the unsuccessful spell already taking its toll on me.


  I stayed still, my body drifting downward, deeper and deeper into the cool depths. Suddenly, I was hit with the feeling of déjà vu. Here I was again, floating towards my death with literally no way out. I couldn't get to the surface at this point and even if another miracle happened like it did the first time with the whale, we'd both be trapped and I would still inevitably run out of air.

  I waited, drifting further into the depths. I lifted my hand to look at my watch, noticing I had about one minute left before I'd start struggling to hold my breath. I didn't know what to think or do. I lowered my hand to rest on the ocean floor. I hadn't even realized I'd stopped drifting and had settled on solid ground.

  I stared at the orange-gold flames still dancing way above me on the water's surface, wondering what spell Xerxes lackeys could have done to make it burn for so long. I lifted my other hand which held tightly onto the bracelet. I stared at the crystal with sad eyes.

  I'm sorry, Esmeralda. I couldn't complete the challenge. This would have looked nice on Junho, though. Would match those beautiful eyes of his. I wonder if he liked that nickname I gave him...Junnie. Hehe...that would be the perfect name if he was a girl.

  My thoughts didn't make much sense after that,
as I slowly let go, not fighting the reality I was about to die. I'd failed the challenge and would have to face the consequences, which made me wish I'd somehow been faster.

  I knew if it weren’t for the fire spell cast by those lackeys, I would have made it, but alas, today wasn't working in my favor. I thought about Junho, wondering if he'd make it out okay. I wished he was here, just so I could say goodbye and tell him that I loved him. I felt I needed to think of the others as well, but Junho continued to linger in my mind; the final thought that entered my mind as my lungs began to burn was what shifter he was.

  If only he was a whale shifter. That would be something. I like liking Junho would make sense. Junho is a whale Junho. I'm sorry.

  Something brushed my cheek, but I was too tired to open my eyes. It wasn't until something pressed against my lips and exchanged a large amount of air with me. My eyes snapped open; glowing turquoise eyes met mine.

  JUNHO?! I noticed his brown locks were now a vibrant silver and his glowing eyes were locked onto mine and filled with worry.

  He used his hand to gesture upwards, but I shook my head, lifting my free hand to shake it left and right.

  He frowned, but then seemed to understand we couldn't go up to the surface. I lifted my hand with the crystal, presenting it to him. His eyes grew wide with awe as he looked at it.

  I reached out for his arm, focusing on putting the bracelet on, strengthened by the air he'd provided me. It was easy to put it on and I closed my eyes.

  "May the Starlight gods bless you and grant you the powers within the Crystal of Protective Souls. May it grant you the power to protect those who are dear to you and purify their souls from any dark intentions anyone may have for them. I grant this role to you for as long as you shall live, until the day such power will be passed down to the next guardian. In stars, we trust."


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