
Home > Horror > Shapeless > Page 21
Shapeless Page 21

by Glenn Bullion

  He winced at her words. "Slime?"

  "You know what I mean. Goo, pudding, whatever you want to call it."

  "Damn. Well, I don't know."

  "No, no." Her tone spoke of impatience. "You're not getting off that easy. Tell me what it's like. I'm not taking I don't know."

  Brady's irritation matched her own. Such simple questions, without simple answers.

  "Well, you're just going to have to. I don't know what else to tell you. Lily, you're asking me to explain something that's always been there. I've always been this way. You have ten fingers. That's pretty amazing too, right? What if you had to explain to someone with nine fingers what it was like to be you?"

  He wasn't sure she was satisfied with the answer, but she didn't ask again. Finally, she smiled and headed to the living room. She sat on the couch and kicked her feet up.

  "Does anyone else know?" she asked. "Ex-girlfriends? Any other friends?"

  He joined her in sitting and relaxed as the tension drained. His body spoke to him, telling him sleep wasn't too far away.

  "Nope. You're the only one."

  She grabbed his hand tenderly, her gaze serious.

  "I'll never tell anyone. I promise," she said. "You can trust me."

  "I already do."

  They continued to stare at one another, neither looking away. Brady wondered if they were having a moment. Lily didn't let go of his hand. She ran her thumb in circles over his palm and played with his fingers.

  "So," she said. "What happens now?"

  Brady sighed as he leaned back.

  "I don't know. I have no idea who those guys were, or what they want. Maybe I'll go to the police, but somehow I don't think that will go anywhere. There's no way they can do anything against Men In Black. I was thinking about leaving town."

  "Men In Black," Lily said, laughing shortly. "And no."

  He looked at her with surprise.


  She shook her head.

  "No. You're not leaving town. Tomorrow, after we get some sleep, we're getting you a phone. I want to know where you are at all times. And—" Her eyes turned somber. "There's a chance this might be all my fault. Those people might not have been after you. I want to check on that. Will you come with me?"

  "What do you mean? What's going—?"

  "Just…not now. Will you help me tomorrow?"

  He nodded. "You got it."

  The smile returned, but he could see she had weight on her shoulders.

  "Thank you." She finished her beer. "Okay, so, I'm sleeping here tonight, so you'll just have to deal with that."

  "Cool," Brady said, shrugging. "It's not like you haven't slept over before."

  "Yeah, but you're not leaving me out here. I'm sleeping in your room."

  "Whatever. I can sleep on the floor."

  She held up her hand.

  "Brady, stop. We're both sleeping in your bed. We're two grown adults. We're both capable of sleeping next to each other without body parts flying out of our pajamas." She laughed. "Or whatever it is you sleep in."

  "Depends on my mood."

  "Yeah, well, let's stick with pajamas."

  Brady crawled into bed first, with Lily washing her hands and stealing his brand-new toothbrush. From his position on the bed he could see her clearly, her back to him. She noticed him in the mirror and gave him a wave.

  Standing at the door, Lily turned the lights out and bathed the room in darkness. Brady felt her settle in next to him, sliding under the sheets. The fact that a beautiful woman lay in his bed was overshadowed only by how tired he was. He'd be lucky if he was awake another five minutes.

  He tried to stay as far away as possible, to give her space. Lily was having none of that. She scooted closer and snuggled her back against Brady's side, letting out a contented sigh. With her pressed against his hip, he now wondered if he'd sleep at all.

  "Ah, just how I hoped the night would go," she said. "Going to a club, getting shot at, and in bed with a hot dude."

  "Hot dude might be pushing it."

  "No way. You melt panties with that smile of yours."

  "I do? I never—"

  "Hush. It's bedtime."

  He lowered his voice.

  "You're the one running your mouth over there."



  Brady was near sleep. Lily's warmth only sped the process along. Her voice pulled him awake.

  "Can you make your dick bigger?"

  It took a moment for the words to register. Then the sheer absurdity of such a twisted question, one he never thought he'd hear in his life, made him sit upright. He laughed so hard he had to lean over. Lily giggled behind him and patted his back, trying to help with the coughing fit that struck him.

  "Wow," Brady said. "Just…wow."

  "I'm serious. Don't act like you haven't thought about it. Or even tried it. Well, can you?"

  "I'm tired, Lily. I'm going to sleep."

  "Whatever. But if I feel something poking at me from across the room, you're going on the couch."

  Brady only had one thought before drifting to sleep.

  How did I get so lucky?


  "Stop staring at my legs."

  "Well, if you keep showing them off, I'll keep looking."

  "You got these clothes from your neighbor. I'm not trying to show off anything."

  "Remind me to thank Sharon the next time I see her."

  "You don't look so bad in shorts yourself."

  "I hope not. They're made just for me."

  Lily laughed. Any fears she had about looking frumpy in a stranger's clothes were gone after she caught Brady checking her out for a third time. The two were on the highway, with Brady enjoying himself in the passenger's seat. She playfully smacked him on the knee.

  Her world was shattered the night before when Brady told her everything. The things Brady could do; it was beyond explanation. Whatever the government, or whoever was responsible, did to him made her tear up. She could only imagine the things he went through, the loneliness he must have felt growing up in foster homes, not being able to share who he was.

  Life was different for the both of them now. She would never see things the same way again.

  Still, her feelings for Brady hadn't changed.

  She cared for him, more than any simple boyfriend she'd ever had. Lying in his bed when the sun came up, she knew he wouldn't waver. He was a gentleman. That was his nature. He didn't reach for her, didn't make any moves.

  Even if she was lying. She was trying to show off for him.

  She cooked breakfast while Brady showered. Even something as mundane as a shower was a sight to behold. His towels were real, but she understood finally why his bathroom was so bare. He created his own brush, and with his insane ability to change shape, he never needed to shave. According to him, he could control his hair as easily as the rest of his body, and he simply chose not to grow facial hair. He never even needed a haircut.

  He explained it in very clear words, and it still blew her mind.

  As she cooked eggs in the kitchen, she watched him walk through his apartment shirtless. Lily indulged in a bit of staring herself. She nearly dropped the spatula when a shirt emerged from his flesh, fitting him perfectly. He thought nothing of changing shape in front of her now.

  Brady was the most special person alive, and he made her feel special.

  He nearly made her forget why they were driving.

  The laughing and friendly flirting stopped as the neighborhood changed. Gone were the apartments, the corner stores, the clean streets. The houses turned rougher, with many of them boarded up. People drifted to the alleys and shadows, looking about cautiously as they engaged in shadiness. Lily felt a knot in her chest. Her palms turned sweaty and clammy.

  Brady sensed her change in mood and touched her shoulder.

  "Lily? Are you okay?"

  There was no sense in lying, and she didn't want to. There would be no more secr
ets between the two of them.

  "Uh, no. I'm not." She tried to smile. "I just thought I'd never be back here again."

  "What is this place?"

  "Home. I grew up here."

  She parked in a deserted lot, near a row of homes. After killing the engine, she didn't get out right away. The neighborhood hadn't changed. Only she'd changed. She hoped for the better, but she wasn't sure.

  Brady said nothing, just kept a careful eye on her. Lily didn't want to leave the car. She knew one day she'd have to confront her past again, close that chapter in her life. She never thought she'd have anyone at her side, and was thankful it was Brady. Reaching for his hand, she took comfort in his warm touch. She didn't have to ask if he would watch out for her, be there for her. She already knew.

  "Why are we parking over here?" he asked.

  "Because if people see me getting out of the car, they might trash it."


  "Yeah, really. Just…give me a minute, and we'll go."

  He squeezed her hand.

  "You got it."

  Her eyes fell on the swing-set in the Taylors' backyard. The old metal safety hazard was still standing, although it was missing a swing. Lily and Alyson would play there for hours, even when they weren't supposed to. Mr. Taylor would storm out of the back door at ten o'clock at night, chasing them away, although he never was truly serious.

  She turned to Brady. They were there for him as much as her. Someone had tried to hurt them. Was last night's attack really meant for her, and Brady merely got in the way?

  The answer was a few houses away. A terrifying thought occurred to her.

  As close as Brady and Lily were, after her own secrets were exposed, there was a real possibility he would never speak to her again.

  She took a deep breath, trying to work up some courage.

  "Okay," she said. "Like I said about last night, those people might have really been after me, and not you."

  He nodded.


  "Yeah. I, uh…fucked up a while back. And he's been mad at me ever since."

  "Who is he? Like a hitman or something?"

  "He's into some bad shit. Drugs, having people beat up. And I know the guys who did the beating didn't speak English very well. Like those guys last night."

  "I don't know, Lily," he said, frowning. "I still think—"

  "Yeah, yeah. Men In Black. Alien hunters, or whatever. All we have to do is go ask."

  "You want to go to the guy you think might want to kill you and ask him to his face?"

  "I know, it sounds silly. But I know Mattie. He won't do anything, not in his own house, and with all the people that will be there."

  "All the people?"

  "Yeah. It's Sunday morning. There's probably forty idiots passed out in his kitchen."

  Brady laughed.

  "Party every weekend. Just like you."

  She didn't smile.

  "Yeah. Just like me."

  Lily left the car, with Brady right behind. At any moment, she thought someone would lunge from their house, screaming at her to leave. No one did, but she couldn't shake the feeling this was the calm before the storm.

  "Listen, you're going to see some weird shit. Try not to freak out."

  "Lily, I'm a security guard at a mall. I know it's not exactly a dungeon, but I've seen weird shit before."

  "We'll see."

  Even if she didn't know exactly where she was going, Mattie's place wasn't hard to find. A topless woman lay spread out on the lawn, sleeping it off. The front door was wide open, and even though the party ended hours ago, music still roared. A window was missing. Lily could see a man hunched over the coffee table, snorting a line of cocaine.

  They stepped into the living room, and the scent of sex and drugs filled her nose. Memories rushed back, of things she wished she could take back. She'd spent many nights in Mattie's house. She slept in Alyson's room, listening to the craziness below them.

  Eventually the two left the bedroom to join in the craziness.

  She heard a whisper, from the corner.

  "Hey. Is that Lilian?"

  She stiffened and reached behind her. Brady was still there, only a step behind. He took her hand and didn't let go. They moved through the living room, and she could feel the stares. Not everyone knew her, but others did. The frenzied whispers brought the newcomers up to date.

  She opened the basement door, and a stronger pungent scent struck her. The stairs were barely lit, with what little light there was obscured in smoke.

  Brady coughed behind her.

  "My kind of party."

  She laughed, and the simple laugh nearly brought a tear. She cherished Brady. Only he could make her laugh in the middle of a nightmare.

  They rounded the corner at the bottom to see more depravity. A bald man wearing only underwear sat in the corner of the basement, aiming at a vein with a needle. On a raggedy couch, another man and woman were having sex. The woman was on top, grinding her hips for anyone that wanted to watch. Another woman sat on the opposite end, recording the event with her phone.

  In the middle of all the insanity was Mattie.

  He sat in a chair against the far wall, overseeing the basement like the king he was. At odds with the sex and drugs around him, Mattie stared at a laptop. He looked just like Lily remembered him. Light blond hair, blue eyes, covered in tattoos and piercings.

  Mattie glanced up at the intruders and froze. Lily could see the surprise on his face. She couldn't tell whether it was from seeing her after so many years, or because she was still alive.

  "Well, what the fuck?" he said.

  "Hey, Mattie."

  "Matt," he corrected. "I've always told you. My name is Matt." He noticed her shoulder. "Nice ink."

  Matt closed the laptop and stared at her. Lily was lost. All this way she came, dragging Brady with her, and she didn't know what to say. She had dreams about this moment.

  "This…is Brady."

  Brady stepped forward and extended his hand. Lily's eyes went wide. She wanted to reach out, tell him that he was basically reaching toward a snake. He didn't care where he was. He would always have his manners. Brady tried to properly introduce himself while a woman was working toward an orgasm several feet away.

  "Hi. I'm Brady. Pleased to meet you."

  "You'd better get your hand away from me before I cut it off."

  Brady wasn't dismayed. He merely took his position at Lily's side and nodded.

  "Sure thing."

  "Some people tried to kill us last night," Lily said.

  "It looks like they didn't do a good enough job. I love the cuts on the face though. Gives you character."

  "I thought you said we were cool."

  He held up a finger.

  "No. I never said that. What I said was if I ever see you again, I would kill you." He smiled and held his hands up. "And here we are."

  "Matt, you know I never meant to hurt Alyson. You know—"

  "Hurt Alyson? Hurt my sister? She's dead, Lily. I think you shot pretty far past fucking hurt."

  The tension in the room caught the attention of the others. Even the couple having sex paused.

  "Listen to me. I—"

  Matt jumped up and stepped forward. He pulled a long knife from the table.

  "I told you I'd kill you if I saw you. I gave you a chance. For Alyson. No one wants you here. So, this is your fault. I'll cut that tattoo off and put it on my wall."

  Lily stepped back, raising an arm to shield herself. But Brady was already moving. He caught Matt's wrist and held it in place. His other hand snaked around Matt's throat, literally. Through the hazy fog, she could see Brady's fingers stretch and wind around his neck, several times over. Matt's tongue stuck out as his face turned red.

  The naked man shoved the woman off his lap and stood up, intending to help Matt. Brady held him in place with a glare.

  "Sit down," he said. "Or I'll pop his head off."

  The man returne
d to the couch, a scowl across his face. Brady shifted his attention back.

  "Drop the butter knife."

  Matt did so as he fell to his knees. Brady loosened his grip just enough for him to breathe. Matt took shallow breaths as he grabbed uselessly at Brady's hand.

  "Those guys that came after us last night," Brady asked. "Was that you?"

  Matt shook his head. Brady glanced at Lily, a puzzled look on his face. He didn't think through his plan regarding Matt. Despite the circumstances, his look of confusion was adorable.

  "Uh, can you prove it?" he asked.

  "I don't want to kill Lily," Matt struggled to say. "I want her to live to a hundred years old."

  Brady was again confused, as was Lily.


  "Yeah." Matt stared at her. His eyes were full of hate. Saliva dripped down his chin. "I want you to know, every single day, that it was your fault. You are the reason Alyson is dead. I want that to eat at you. I want you to be alive forever, and never be happy. You don't deserve to be happy. But—" He nearly snarled, ignoring Brady completely. "Believe me, Lily. If I ever change my mind, I won't send anyone else. I'll kill you with my own two hands, while looking into your eyes."

  Lily was crying. She needed to leave. She needed to leave and never come back.

  Her hand shook as she reached for Brady. She tugged on his arm gently, urging him to release Matt.

  "Let's go," she whispered. "It's okay. We can go."

  Brady slowly released his hold and backed away. He stood in front of Lily protectively. Matt said nothing else. He didn't even stand up. He just leaned against the wall and continued to stare at her with an anger she'd never seen before.

  Lily tried to hurry out of the house. She could barely see through the tears in her eyes. She navigated by memory, from a lifetime of laughing and playing in the house with her family and friends. The door was in front of her. Before she could step outside, a hand smacked her bottom out of nowhere, followed by an obnoxious chuckle.

  "Lilian? Hey, baby. I thought I saw you head in here."

  She didn't know who it was, and didn't care. She pushed forward, trying to ignore the stinging below her waist. The voice followed her.

  "Hey, don't be like that. Look, let me take you out. We can talk—"


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