Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels)

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Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels) Page 42

by Michelle Love

  She will live with me in a mansion instead of with him in a dump. She will be on my arm, a respectable woman instead of on the back of his motorcycle and hanging out with him and his motorcycle gang in biker bars across the country.

  She will be treated like the goddess she is instead of the slave he wanted her to be.

  I watch her lip begin to quiver as her body starts to pulse around me. “Reed,” she moans as she climaxes.

  She stretches out as she rides me and her walls squeeze my cock until I can’t take anymore and let my body do what it wants. Cum inside her and fill her up with my love for her.

  Her eyes open as my cum shoots into her and she looks at me then smiles as I hiss out, “Yes! Jenna, you’re amazing!”

  “You are,” she says then leans over and kisses me soft and sweet.

  And I think God she gave me a chance!

  Chapter 23


  As Jenna sleeps in my arms the calm our lovemaking gave me starts to leave and the fury at my brother creeps in.

  I leave her sleeping and put my clothes back on and leave to pay my brother a visit.

  If he thinks he’s getting away without me kicking his ass completely for what he did to her he’s very mistaken.

  As I pull up to my parents’ house I see both of their cars are gone and his Harley is in the driveway along with a small red car.

  As I go inside I don’t see anyone. So I go to his bedroom and open the door. Sprawled across the bed naked as the day they were born are my brother and some woman with a red dye job.

  With a quick visit to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of ice water I go back and toss it in his sleeping face.

  His eyes open and so does the woman’s who’s next to him. “What the fuck?” she shouts as she sits up and grabs the sheet to cover herself.

  My brother doesn’t say a word as he attempts to jump out of bed, but my hands meet his chest and shove him back down. “Nope, you just lie back there so I can set your ass straight. Jenna told me everything. The slave contract, the way you beat her ass, the way you fucked her in ways that were inexcusable. And now I’m here to let you know she’s mine now. You will never touch her again. You got me, bro?”

  “She is mine and I have a contract that says that. I will get her. I will take her with me and you will never see her again. Once I take her, I will never be coming back here. So take that and shove it up your ass, little, bro.” He smiles and puts his hands behind his head and leans back. Not even attempting to cover himself up.

  “If you want her so bad why do you have this skank in your bed?”

  The woman glares at me and I look right back at her until she looks away. Rod shakes his head. “I have needs and Jenna’s being difficult right now. None of your business really. But you need to get it through your head that Jenna is mine. She always was. I took her virginity and in the biblical sense, she is my wife.”

  I laugh. “You know nothing about the Bible, Rod! Please don’t even attempt to bring God into anything concerning you. After what you did to that poor girl, the only entity on your side is Satan.”

  He smirks at me. “How much would you like to bet that if you gave me an hour with Jenna alone I would have her back? Bet you aren’t secure enough about what you think you have with her to do that.”

  “If you think I will ever allow that, you are truly insane. And the stunt you pulled at the lodge is a criminal act you know.”

  His eyes narrow at me. “I didn’t hurt her.”

  “You came into a private room without being asked to,” I say and find him smiling.

  “How do you know she didn’t let me in, Reed?”

  “I know she didn’t. She’s afraid of you.”

  He eyes me to see if I’ll budge. “What if she did let me in? What if she does want to talk to me? Will you be man enough to let her?”

  I look right back at him. “She didn’t let you in. She doesn’t want to talk to you. And I am man enough to protect the woman I love. I will never let her talk to you alone. No matter if she begs me to. You messed her head up and I’m going to get her help to understand why she allowed you to do the things to her you did.”

  “Now who’s controlling her?” Rod glances sideways at the woman in his bed.

  She answers, “Sounds like he is.”

  “Really? Bringing this bitch into this, Rod!” I roll my eyes. “Jenna doesn’t want to talk to you. I’m not going to allow you another moment around her to intimidate her into thinking she wants to talk to you.”

  “I will get her back. And you can be sure her ass will stay red for a month for doing this to me. This is very humiliating. And I don’t deal well with being humiliated, Little bro.” He sits up and puts his hand on his dick. Which makes me kind of sick. His hand runs up and down it. “See this. This has been all in that woman. This was in her first and it will be in her last. And there’s not a fucking thing you can do about it.”

  “Stop that!” I shout as he keeps running his hand up and down his cock, making it erect.

  Then he looks over at the woman. “Suck it.”

  She doesn’t even hesitate to do what he’s said and sits up and leans her head down and takes it into her mouth.

  “Rod! Fuck!” I shout.

  “You can stay and watch me get sucked off or leave. Either way this conversation is over, Little bro.”

  I turn to leave but say, “We’re leaving today. Just so you know if you ever come to our home in California you will be arrested as I’ll be taking out a protective order with the Bel-Air police department against you. Don’t fuck with either of us.”

  With a slam of his door, I leave his bedroom and have the strong need to take a bath with how filthy the man is.

  I hear my parents coming in and go to them. “We need to talk. Your son has done horrible things and you two need to know about them.”

  Mom shakes her head. “Reed, please, I don’t want to know. I’ve had my suspicions but I don’t want to know the details.”

  Dad looks at her then walks toward the back. “Come on, let’s go outside. Sue, you have to deal with the truth.”

  The three of us go out to the patio and they sit down. I stand because I’m too pissed to sit down.

  “Rod made a BDSM contract with Jenna just a little while after they moved in together. He’s beat her,” I say then my mother raises her hand like a kid in class.

  I give her a nod and she says, “If they made a contract then she was agreeing to let him do that, right? Isn’t that how things like that work?”

  My father looks at her with disapproval etched into his face. “Sue! Are you defending him?”

  She shakes her head. “Heaven’s no! But I am trying to say that Jenna was allowing it. I was over there one time and he made her take off his boots and get him a beer and I was right there telling her not to do that for him and she did it, anyway. Some people want that in their lives. She stayed with him after that incident with the police coming when Rod threw her all over the yard.”

  “Mom, she was an innocent girl when he got a hold of her. She had no idea about what she was getting into with him and that contract.” I start pacing as I really didn’t expect this out of my mother.

  “That girl had plenty of people she could’ve gone to if she wasn’t accepting of what he was doing,” she says as she taps the tabletop. “She could’ve left at any time. You have to admit that, Reed. You can’t blame Rod entirely. She let him do it.”

  “Well, then, can I blame Rod for pushing things so far as to go into our room at the lodge while I was gone and try to get her back?” I ask as I find my hands going through the air over my head as I yell.

  My father gives me a look telling me to quiet down then he says, “Son, you did take his fiancé. Did you expect he would take that well? Did you think he wouldn’t want to talk to her? Did you think he wouldn’t make an attempt to get her back from you?”


  “Dad, he hurt her.”

  Mom quick
ly interrupts, “She accepted it!”

  “You know, you two are why he’s the fuck up he is! No matter what he has ever done you two never really tried to correct his actions. You just said that was how he was. His temper was bad, so I needed to watch out, you guys told me that when I was young and he’d beat the shit out of me. Just stay out of his way, you told me. And now that I’m telling you your oldest son beats women, all you have to say is she allowed it.” I turn around and run my hand over my face in complete exasperation.

  “Look, Reed, I’ll talk to him,” my father says. “I can make sure he knows that kind of thing is the wrong thing to do.”

  I turn back. “And you think that will work? The man is all grown up now, Dad. There’s no changing him. What I’d like from you both is a bit of back-up. Tell Rod to leave me and Jenna alone.”

  Mom shakes her head. “As if he would listen to us.”

  “Just say it. He has no place to live. Tell him he can’t stay with you if he bothers her anymore.” I look back and forth at them and find my mother shaking her head.

  “No, Reed. He’s our son, and he’s been gone for years. I’m not about to tell him anything like that. I love Jenna. You know I do. But I won’t put out my son because of something she allowed him to do to her. I won’t do it!”

  “She’s right, Reed. We can’t toss him out. And you have to accept the consequences of your actions You took your brother’s girl. That was always going to cost you. And Jenna, for that matter.” Dad looks right into my eyes. “What were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking that I love her. I was going to come home the summer she graduated from high school and try to get a shot with her. I had eyes for her since she was fourteen and I first saw her when we were in high school.”

  Mom’s nose wrinkles as she says, “Why did you take so long to let her or anyone else know that? I mean you had the same shot at her as your brother did. Only he actually moved on what he wanted. You sat back and missed your shot back then. And now I can see why he said those things about you being jealous when he asked Jenna to marry him. You were.”

  “I was angry, not jealous. I could see he wasn’t right for her. She was a good girl. I had my ideas about what he was doing to her. But when she told me what he did it made me sick,” I say as I hold my stomach because my whole family is making me sick right now.

  Mom tops it off as she says, “Yet she allowed him to do it, Reed. She may not be the woman you think she is. You might really think about that before you marry her. She has a dark side just like your brother. She was a mess when he disappeared. You should’ve seen her. She waited for him to come back. When most women would’ve never taken him back she was more than ready to. They have a history and a connection and there’s not a thing you can do about that.”

  My father looks at me. “If they do get back together I expect you to accept that.”

  “Fuck that shit! I will never accept that. I will fight to the end for her. I will never allow him or anyone else to hurt her again. And if that’s how you two feel, I don’t know if this is the kind of family I want to be a part of. Our kids don’t need grandparents with such hard hearts. So I guess this is goodbye.”

  I slam back into the house and out the front door barely able to think with all the betrayal by my parents.

  As I get into my car I pound the steering wheel with my fists. Then I look up with a thought about destroying Rod’s bike.

  Only it’s not here, and neither is that little red car that bitch must have come in.

  And in that instant fear runs through me and I hurry to get to Jenna.

  Please don’t let anything bad be happening to her!

  I press the gas pedal to the floor as I speed to the other side of our small town to get to the lodge. My heart is pounding after all my parents have said.

  What if Jenna really does want to talk to Rod, and she’s afraid to tell me that? Would I let her? Could I let her talk to him without me around at the very least?

  And what if she does want to give him another chance? She did wait for him when he left. She did stay with him when he did those things to her.

  Maybe she does have a hidden dark side?

  Maybe she’s only telling me what she thinks I want to hear.

  But if that’s true then why does it feel like magic when we touch? Or is that just me and she’s telling me she feels it too but she’s lying about that?

  I’ve wanted her for so damn many years it could be just me. Am I some kind of a fool? Am I about to lose the woman I love because she doesn’t really love me?

  Maybe she wanted me because I’m the next thing to Rod. Though complete opposites, she could see me as the closest thing to Rod she could get.

  But she seemed so afraid of him. She talked so strongly about not wanting him or that life back.

  I round the corner and see the lodge and neither the little red car or his bike are there so I feel relieved.

  I can’t wait to get Jenna and get the fuck out of this town!

  I leave the car and run inside to get her. She was sleeping when I left and probably still is. This is taking a toll on her and I don’t plan on letting her in on the fact my parents are being so fucking casual about this.

  The door opens before I unlock it and I push it back to find the sheets and blanket are pulled off the bed. I look around and see the only thing gone is Mom’s nightgown that Jenna had been wearing before we made love and I tossed it on the floor.

  “Jenna!” I shout.

  With no answer, I run to the bathroom and she’s not there either. She would not leave this room only wearing that. And even her purse is here.

  I look around and remember her cell phone being on the nightstand and it’s gone.

  I call it and find it goes straight to voicemail. So I leave a text telling her to call me as soon as possible.

  Then it hits me that Rod may have come and taken her. So I run to the office and find an older woman sitting at the desk. “Hi!” I nearly shout as I come through the door. “Did you see a motorcycle come into this parking lot at all in the last hour?”

  She shakes her head. “No, sir.”

  “Did you see a little red car?”

  Her brow furrows as she thinks. Then she nods. “Yes. It was here for a few minutes then it was gone.”

  “Did you see who was in it?”

  My heart is racing so hard I feel like I might have a fucking heart attack.

  She shakes her head. “Sorry. Are you checking out today? I have a note here saying not to charge you and that you two are leaving today.”

  “I’m not sure yet. You see my fiancé is missing from our room.”

  “Oh my goodness! What are you going to do?”

  I look at her and feel like crying.

  “I don’t know. Can you call the police for me and tell them to meet me at my room?” She nods and I walk slowly out of the office and back to our room, praying Jenna is in there when I walk back in.

  But she isn’t and I fall to the floor as I know he has her.

  I have to find her!

  Chapter 24


  The smell of the spare tire which I’m resting my head on in the trunk of some little red car I was crammed into is making me sick. After being abducted from our room by some woman with a horrible red dye job. Along with Rod, and three other big-ass men in motorcycle jackets, who put a gag in my mouth and tied me up, I’m trying to figure out how I’ll get out of this situation.

  The sound of a phone ringing fills my ears then I hear the woman talking, “Hey.”

  Then I hear Rod’s voice coming over the car’s speaker system, “You there yet?”

  “No, ‘bout three minutes away,” she answers.

  “I want her strung up in my room. Then leave her alone there until I come.”

  “Yes, Master,” she says.

  Chills run all through me as I hear her say the words he used to make me say. She is his new sub.

  So why does he want
me too?

  The car lurches to a stop as it slips on gravel. I hear the engine go off and one car door open then close. So, I’m pretty sure the other three men went off with Rod.

  The crunching of gravel crushing beneath big boots comes toward the car and the trunk is opened. The daylight streams in and I have to close my eyes.

  I only have on the nightgown I got from Reed’s mother last night as that’s what Rod grabbed up and put on my naked body when they all came into the room and found me asleep and naked.

  Two huge bearded and tattooed men pull me out of the trunk and one of them tosses me over his shoulder and takes me inside of a big metal building. I look around and see maybe twenty bikers sitting around the building that has a bunch of tables and chairs in it.

  It resembles a bar and there’s dim lighting coming from beer signs that are hung on the walls. It smells like oil and gasoline with a heavy cigarette background.

  All heads turn to look at me. Yet not one person asks a thing about why there’s a woman all bound up and gagged and being taken toward the back of the building. So I have no doubt I will not find a compassionate person in this bunch of misfits.

  I’m taken through some door and tossed on a small bed that reeks of booze and cigarettes. It makes me sick to think this is how Rod is living now.

  The redhead comes in as the two Neanderthals leave. She comes to me and I am helpless to get away from her as not only are my hands bound with bungee cords but my feet are too.

  She closes the door and looks me over. “I don’t know why he’s so hung up on you. You’re way too vanilla for him.”

  I nod and she smiles, revealing a missing tooth just to the left of her front one. I mumble to try to get her to see I want to talk to her. But she looks away from me.

  “I guess you and me are going to be like some kind of sister-wives or some shit. Rod just sprang this on me last night. I had no idea we were coming to this tiny town for anything more than a road trip. Guess we were coming for you, Jenna Foster. The Jenna Foster that I am constantly compared to. You must’ve done things so great for the man who I belong to.”

  I shake my head and mumble again in an attempt to get her to at least set my mouth free. She looks at me with a lot of unanswered questions clouding her expression. Then she comes to me.


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