Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels)

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Hot Nights in Sturgis The Complete Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Motorcycle, BDSM, Romance (Billionaire Romance Novels) Page 136

by Michelle Love

  ‘I just think you should ask him. He’s had time to get used to being back with his mom now, things might have changed.’

  Irritated, Emily screwed up the greaseproof paper that her sandwich had been wrapped in. ‘Nothing’s changed. Nothing’s changed, Dash.’

  He held up his hands. ‘Just looking out for the kid.’

  Later, on the plane back to San Francisco, Emily couldn’t stop thinking about what he said. Maybe she should ask Henry. She had been so busy fighting her sister that she hadn’t stopped to think about what Henry might be feeling.

  As soon as she landed, she called Paige and asked if she could come straight over and talk to them both.

  ‘Oh yes,’ her sister said and Emily was shocked by the anger in her voice, ‘you can certainly come over, Emily. We need to talk.’

  An hour later, Paige opened the door and Emily could the anger in her face. Paige stood aside to let her in and Henry ran into her arms. She hugged the boy tightly.

  ‘Oh, I have missed you, pumpkin.’

  ‘I missed you, Auntie Em. Come see my room.’

  Henry took her hand and dragged her along to his room. Even though it was a hotel room, Paige had had it decorated to suit Henry, planets and stars on a dark blue paint on one wall, vintage posters from the Space Race on another, bookshelves on the final two. Emily felt tears prick her eyes. Yes, it was all material things but she wished she could have done this for him. For some reason, she didn’t feel that this was Paige buying Henry’s affection; no, this was, she hated to admit, an expression of love.

  And Henry obviously loved it. He showed her around proudly. After a moment, Emily turned to Paige. ‘Do you mind if I take a moment alone with Henry? I want to ask him something.’


  Bay zipped up the simple white dress and turned to face Kym. She grinned when she saw her friend’s face. ‘Stop blubbing, you’ll look all blotchy in the photos.’

  Today, at eight p.m. Tom would come to pick the two women up and drive them to City Hall and then Bay Tambe would marry Tomas Meir in a simple ceremony attended by the couple, Kym as her maid of honor, Pete, who would give her away, and his husband Hank, and Roman, who would serve as Tom’s best man. Her one condition for marrying him so quickly had been a small wedding with minimal fuss. Tom had agreed immediately.

  Now with their schedule so hectic, this was the first of three days the band had cleared. Bay and Tom’s honeymoon would be spent at home. ‘But naked the whole time,’ she’d told him and he smiled. He’ll be even happier when he sees what I’m wearing for the honeymoon, she grinned to herself, thinking of the supple leather harness she had gotten from the adult store just for the occasion. You want kink, Meir, you’re going to get it.

  Kym shielded her eyes as Bay twirled for her. ‘Jeez, holy Mary, the glow coming from you…. it’s blinding me, I…’

  Bay grinned and swatted her. ‘Funny girl.’ She went into her bathroom, deftly avoiding Kym’s reach and looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror.

  Her freshly washed and dried hair hung down past her waist in mahogany waves, her skin glowed against the white of her simple dress. It fell to just above her knee. Kym, standing in the doorway, whistled. ‘You look beautiful. That man does you good, Miss Tambe.’

  ‘You bet your ass he does. How long have we got…a half hour? God, it’s hot in here, I’m going to open the back door, get some air.’

  Kym shooed her out. ‘Good…cause I need to pee.’

  Bay went to the living room and opened the doors to the deck. The cool air from the lake washed over her, cooling her hot body. She couldn’t quite believe that in a couple of hours, she’d be married. To Tom. She grinned, thinking of last night, images that kept coming to her as she stood there, his kiss, the feel of his fingertips on her skin, his lips on her belly, her breasts, the way his body felt as her legs curved around him, as he moved inside her. His fervent whispers of I love you, I love you.

  Bay Tambe didn’t know it was possible to be this happy.


  Emily closed the door behind her and went to face her sister. Paige had poured them each a glass of wine and was sitting, cradling hers, her fingers twisting the stem of the glass nervously as she waited for Emily. Emily thanked her for the wine and dropped into the seat opposite her. For a long moment she didn’t speak, seeming to struggle to form the words, then she leaned forward.

  ‘What you’ve done here for Henry, in these last weeks, is incredible. Not just the room, not just giving him warmth, comfort, you’ve given him your time. I cannot fault you in any way. Today I realized I hadn’t asked Henry what he wanted, who he wanted to live with. And I made the decision that whatever Henry wants, is what Henry gets, regardless of my feelings. Or yours.’

  Paige blinked and Emily realized she was trembling. ‘I can agree to that.’

  Emily smiled, tears in her eyes. ‘And he wants his mom. He wants to live with you, Paige. Of course, he does. It doesn’t mean he loves me any less but the boy should be with his mother. It’s just…’

  ‘I haven’t exactly been the maternal type. People change, Emily.’

  ‘I know and I have to give you a chance. Henry’s been the bigger person here, he gave you a chance. And you proved yourself.’

  Paige gulped a mouthful of wine. ‘So why did you send your pit-bull in this afternoon?’

  Emily’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Dash Hamilton. He was here, offering me a multi-million-dollar contract with Quartet Records – if I give up custody.’ She leaned forward, fury in her eyes.

  ‘How am I supposed to know this isn’t another trick, Emily? How am I supposed to trust you ever again?’


  Kym finished up in the bathroom. ‘Good, this place is utter luxury,’ she called out to Bay, as she washed her hands. ‘I’ve got to get me some houseboat action. Here’s hoping the album sells millions.’

  Bay didn’t answer and Kym grinned to herself. ‘How about I move in next door?’

  Bay didn’t answer again and this time, Kym went to find her. ‘Come on, it’ll be cool, maybe we could get Pete and Hank to buy one too. Bay? Bubba?’

  She walked into the living room and stopped dead. Stu smiled at her.

  ‘Hey girl,’ he said casually. His left hand pinned Bay to the wall by the throat but it was his other hand that Kym could not take her terrified eyes from. His right hand with his finger poised on the trigger of the gun that was pressed against Bay’s stomach.


  ‘What the hell?’ Emily was floored. Dash tried to buy Paige off? Was he kidding? She shook her head, not believing it but knowing without a doubt, Paige was telling the truth.

  Her sister was looking at her with uncertain eyes. ‘You really didn’t know, did you?’

  Emily shook her head. ‘I would never have sanctioned that. Never. What the hell was he thinking?’

  Paige drew in a deep breath. ‘He’s very young and he’s in love with you, maybe he thought…’

  ‘By using blackmail? I do not believe him. Paige, look, I’m going to call my lawyer and withdraw my case. Henry should be here.’

  Paige got up and went to her sister, hugging her tightly. ‘Thank you, Emily, for everything. Not just this but for the last four years, hell, for the last eight. I would never have done any of this without you and it’s down to you that Henry’s grown up to be such a wonderful kid. He can come stay in holidays, anytime you and he wants, alright?’

  An hour later, Emily, saddened but glad the situation was sorted, left Paige’s building, her cell phone clamped to her ear. She got Dash’s voicemail.

  ‘I know you’re in San Francisco, Dash, and I know why. Come to my apartment. Now.’


  So, this is simple, love.’ Stu said, friendly, chatty. ‘You go and get in my car and I won’t put a bullet in her belly. Easy, yes?’

  Kym started to shake uncontrollably. ‘Please, please, don’t hurt her. Stu, please.’r />
  Bay started to struggle with Stu but he pressed the long silencer on the muzzle harder into her stomach and she winced. Kym gave a small cry.

  ‘Please, Stu….’

  He turned dead, cold eyes toward her. ‘You have five seconds or she’s dead.’

  Kym floundered around. ‘You won’t get away with it, the neighbors. They’ll hear any gunshots.’

  Stu laughed and he waved the gun at her. ‘Silencer, Love. I could empty this whole clip into her and they wouldn’t hear a thing.’

  Kym cried out at his words but Bay swore at him. He cuffed her around the face and turned back to Kym who was sobbing.

  ‘Please, Stu, please, she’s getting married today. Please leave us alone, I’ll meet you tomorrow, I promise.’

  ‘Go get in my car. When I hear you sound the horn, I’ll let her go and join you.’

  Bay shook her head. ‘No, Kym, don’t, he won’t do it, he’s too much a coward.’

  ‘Shut up, bitch.’ His spittle flecked her face and the pressure on her throat tightened.

  Kym stepped towards them and Stu turned a rage filled face towards her. ‘Go now, or I’ll kill her. Go now.’

  ‘Okay, okay, just please, if I do this, promise me you won’t hurt her.’

  His smile was silky. ‘Of course. All I want is you, darling, I don’t want to hurt anybody.’

  Bay gave a disgusted noise at his lie and Stu turned his cold eyes on her, challenging her.

  Kym gave Bay a desperate look then ran out of the front door. Stu didn’t release his grip but smiled at Bay. ‘She’s right, you really do look beautiful in that dress.’

  ‘Fuck you. If you hurt her…’

  Stu laughed. ‘I’m sorry to ruin your wedding day but you ruined my life, you fucking whore.’

  They both heard the sound of the car horn. Stu released his grip and immediately Bay drove her knee into his groin. Stu roared and as she tried to dart around him, he grabbed her and threw her to the ground.

  ‘Fucking bitch!’ He aimed the gun at her. Bay, on her back, froze and for a long moment, they stared at each other. Then Stu smirked, his eyes dead, cold.

  ‘You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this moment. Goodbye, Bay, at least you’ll be a beautiful corpse.’ And he pulled the trigger.


  Dash was waiting at her door as she got back to her apartment building. Wordlessly she opened the door and let him in, walking into the kitchen and putting her bag on the table, her movements deliberately calm, trying to quell the anger inside her.

  Dash had obviously guessed why she had called, his face was drawn, his eyes hooded and shamed. ‘Emily…’

  ‘Shut up. Just shut your mouth. Who the hell do you think you are?

  Dash stayed silent and let her rant.

  ‘Blackmail? Blackmail, Dash? In what world did you think that’s the way I wanted Henry back? No, don’t answer, I’ll answer for you. Because you think, Mr. Spoilt Fucking Rich Boy, that money solves everything. Never mind the feelings of the three people actually involved, Mr. Dash Hamilton will swoop in and solve it all with his big pile of crisp new dollars.’

  ‘Wait – ‘

  ‘Shut up! We are talking about a child, Dash, a child, not a bargaining chip. Jesus…’ She held her head in her hands and took deep breaths in. There was a silence in the room for long moments while they both stood, listening to their breathing and hoping against hope that their hearts were about to be broken


  As the bullets slammed into her belly, Bay’s body jerked with the impact, arching upwards then she slumped backward, unconscious. Blood poured from her wounds, soaking the delicate cotton of her white dress, pooling underneath the stricken woman. Stu lowered the gun. He felt no fear – in fact, he felt a rush of adrenalin and grinned to himself. Tomas Meir would be the one to find her when he came to pick her up. What he’d give to see his face.

  She’s dead, motherfucker, she’s gone. Happy fucking Wedding Day.

  Kym heard the shots and screamed, scrabbling at the door to let herself out of the car. She started towards the house then, as Stu bore down on her, she yelled, cried out for help. Just as Stu brought the butt of his gun down on her head, she heard someone else shout.

  Help was coming. Save her, Kym thought, as she succumbed to the darkness, save her…


  Emily finally looked up and Dash was horrified to see how hard her eyes looked.

  ‘You should go,’ she said softly. ‘Henry’s staying with his mother. You need to go.’

  Dash panicked. ‘No, wait, Em – ‘

  ‘It’s over, Dash.’

  ‘No,’ his body felt as if he were going to collapse. ‘No, I’m sorry I did that but it was only meant – God, I guess I thought…’ His body slumped. ‘You’re right. It was a stupid thing to do and I apologize. I panicked. I wanted to give you the world.’

  ‘I don’t want anything in that way, Dash. I just wanted to trust you and I don’t. It’s over, please go.’

  He was desperate now. ‘I love you, Emily.’

  She smiled through her tears. ‘I love you too. But it isn’t enough. Please Dash, go…’

  Dash Hamilton stared at the woman he loved for a long moment then silently walked out of the apartment.

  He hadn’t realized heartbreak would feel like a death.


  Bay woke, a haze of agonizing pain. The room was silent, too quiet, her ears rang from the concussion of the gunshots. She moaned, gently putting a hand on her ruined belly. Jesus. She groaned as her hand touched the torn skin, the blood pumping from the wounds. It felt like an inferno was raging inside her abdomen, the pain searing, making her gasp for breath.

  ‘God…’ she whispered. She had to get help, to a phone. Kym. Stu had Kym. Bay knew, knew, that she might not survive this but Kym could. Would if she could help it. And Tom. She moaned. Oh god, Tom, I love you so much. The thought of his pain made her pull her body across the floor, searching for her cell, anything to attract attention. She wondered how the hell the bullets, fired point blank into her, had missed her spine, how she could still feel her legs. Every movement was agony. Ironically the pooling blood helped her slide across the wooden floors. She saw her purse overturned across the room and a small glimmer of hope started. She pulled herself along, clutching her wounds, trying to stop the blood, black spots threatening. Her chest felt tight and darkness was coming.

  Bay managed to pull her purse towards her but as she did, she saw her cell beneath it and all hope left her. Stu had smashed it. Bay moaned. No-one’s coming to help you. She felt the darkness coming now, the strength in her body leaving her.

  Oh God, Tom, I love you, I love you…


  Tomas had probably broken all the speeding laws as he sped through the city, but he hadn’t noticed. All he could think of was seeing her, and getting to the city hall and marry the hell out of her. Bay… Every time he thought of her, a ribbon of warmth, of certainty would curl in his stomach. I’m yours, she had told him and he kept reliving those words, belief, and disbelief mingling in the best way.

  Now, as he was pulling up to the sidewalk near the houseboat, his excitement grew. He glanced at his home – he couldn’t quite believe that she was there waiting for him. He slammed the door of the car in anticipation and half ran up the staircase. He walked around the balcony and to the deck doors. It was only as he approached the door, that something seemed wrong. He frowned – the door was ajar – maybe she had opened it in anticipation of his arrival but with Stu still out there and unstable, he doubted she’d do something so reckless. And the quiet. Too quiet. His pace slowed and he pushed the door slightly.

  ‘Bay? Sweetheart?’ No answer. His heart started to beat uncomfortably harder. ‘Kym? Anyone here?’

  He walked into the house, stood listening for a second. ‘Bay?’ A haze hung around the apartment. Cordite. He’d recognize that smell anywhere. God, no, please…

  All he could hea
r was the pounding of his heart. ‘Bay, sweetheart, it’s me? You here?’

  He took a deep breath in and stepped into the house. The breath was knocked from his body when he saw the blood. Smeared across the wooden floor. It took his brain a few seconds to tell his eyes to follow the path of the blood across to the living room, he saw her, lying prone, facing away from him.

  ‘Bay? Jesus, Bay!’ He darted to her side and nearly recoiled at the sight of her bloodstained body, the paleness of her olive skin, the pain etched across her face even while she was unconscious. He could see straight away she’d been shot, the three tell-tale wounds in the center of her abdomen, the gunshot residue around the holes in her dress.

  ‘No. No. Nonononono, God, no….’ He gathered her into his arms. She was still breathing, barely, and Tomas fumbled for his phone while he stared into her still face. Quickly he gave the emergency response the details.

  ‘They’re on their way, sir, we already got a call about a disturbance. Hang on in there…’

  He dropped the phone, and pressed his hand against the wounds, trying to keep her blood from spilling out any further. ‘God, Bay,’ he whispered, ‘Please don’t leave me now…I just found you. Live. Breathe. Please…’ He choked back a sob, pulling her closer and burying his head in her hair, breathing her in. In the silence, he could hear her tiny gasps for air and his heart cracked wide open. ‘Jesus…who would do this?’

  He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to listen for sirens, trying not hear her desperate fight for life, trying to pretend, even as she lay broken in his arms, that she was merely asleep and not shot and dying. It was only when he opened his eyes that he saw it. In her blood, on the floor. She’d obviously written it before she lost consciousness, even then looking out for someone else, for someone she loved.

  Don’t let him hurt Kym

  Tomas’s heart cracked. Stu did this. Stu shot Bay. Of course.


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