The Mafia And His Obsession: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts Series Book 4)

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The Mafia And His Obsession: Part 1 (Tainted Hearts Series Book 4) Page 16

by Lylah James


  Before she could hang up, I whispered the words for her to hear. “I am okay, baby girl.”

  And then I hung up.

  Throwing the phone on the bed, I released a frustrated growl. Fucking shit! I couldn’t even talk to her properly. Instead, the mere thought of Valentin catching me left me feeling cold and sick.

  Only three days since I came back and I was already suffocating.

  A small ping from the second phone brought my attention back. Walking toward the bed, I picked it up to see a message.

  I am here.

  Ah. Everything was forgotten when I read the message. Instead, I could feel myself smirking.

  How perfect.

  It was true that I was suffocating here…but there was something—or someone—who could make me feel differently.

  A few minutes with her was enough to make me forget everything. All the mess and how fucked up my life was, in her presence—everything was gone except her.

  But I couldn’t have her until something important was done.

  I didn’t reply to the text. Instead, I placed the phone in my pocket and walked out of my room. My steps faltered on the top of the stairs, my gaze drifting toward Valerie’s wing of the estate.

  Her room was at the end of the hall. Several steps and I could be with her.

  But business came first.

  Wait for me, myshka.

  With a final look, I walked away. The car was already waiting for me. In the darkness of the night, the ride toward my destination was quick and silent.

  When the car finally stopped, I stepped out and faced the dark alley. I walked forward, step after step, until I reached the mouth of the back alley.

  There was no one in the streets, and at this time, everyone was mostly sleeping. There was only darkness, me and him.

  I walked forward and then stopped when I saw the figure standing against the wall.

  “Hello, Igor.”

  He moved away quickly, his body defensive and ready for attack. I saw him reaching behind his back, probably for his gun.

  Tsk tsk. Poor guy. Too bad, he already fell in my trap.

  “Konstantin?” he asked quietly.

  I walked forward under the single lamplight. His eyes widened at the sight of me.

  “Surprised?” I asked instead.

  “Wh—at? What are you doing here? I thought I was meeting…” he stuttered.

  I chuckled and then shook my head. “Nope. You are meeting me.”

  “But…” He paused and then straightened. “What do you want, Konstantin?”

  I sighed and leaned against the wall. I removed a small box from my pocket and placed a cigarette between my lips. Igor swallowed and watched as I lighted the end.

  It was done slowly, dragging out the suspense. When he trembled slightly, I knew I had him right where I wanted.

  “Do you really want to know?”

  He didn’t answer, so I just shrugged.

  “Simple. I want you dead.”

  “You can’t. Valentin…will know. And…”

  “You don’t need to worry about that,” I said before blowing out a puff of smoke.

  I didn’t give him a chance to answer. In a swift movement, I took the knife out and threw it at him. Bullseye.

  It pierced his leg, and he yelped before falling to his knees. Igor groaned in pain, his chest heaving. He was an old guy, younger than Valentin, but still old.

  Maybe I’ll go gentle on him.

  He was silent for a second. “Why are you doing this?”

  Igor already knew the answer, yet he still asked. But considering what I was about to do, the poor guy deserved an answer.

  “Here is something you need to know about me,” I said, my voice quiet in the darkness of the night.

  My words were only for his ears. He trembled, his eyes widening with fear when I took a menacing step closer.

  “I always get what I want. It doesn’t matter how or what I need to do to get it. In the end, it’s mine if I want it,” I continued. “I don’t give a fuck about the consequences.”

  He shook his head, trying to beg for his life, but I ignored his desperate plea.

  “And I want her.”

  I saw his throat working as he tried to speak, but he stopped when I crowded his space. Crouching down to his level, I smiled. I pulled the knife out, and he fell to his side, his face twisting in agony.

  His eyes went to my knife as I twirled it around my fingers. The blade whispered over my skin but never cut through.

  I brought the knife closer to his face, dragging the tip of the blade down his face and then his neck, until I held him captive. One wrong movement…and his death would be signed.

  I made a tsking sound at the back of my throat before speaking again. “Unfortunately for you, you are in my way. To get her, I will need to get rid of you. Sadly.”

  “When…Valentin finds out that you have taken an interest in Valerie…it will be war,” Igor whispered through clenched teeth. “Don’t do this. Remember, you and Valentin need to be one to bring down the Ivanshov. If you go against him…”

  I laughed—because little did he know.

  Leaning closer, I muttered in his ear. “Oh, I can’t wait for this…war.”

  He opened his mouth, but no words came through as I dug my knife into his neck, breaking through his artery. Blood sprayed around us. It wasn’t a clean kill—it was rather messy as he choked on his blood, the gurgling sound of his impending death music to my ears.

  I dragged my knife out of his gouged throat and wiped it with my handkerchief. My suit was drenched with his dirty blood, but that was thing about black—it hid all the messiness of this beautifully fucked-up life.

  Well, that was gentle enough.

  Standing up, I gave him a final look and couldn’t stop the smirk that pulled up across my lips.

  With my gaze on the bloody gorgeous artwork, I watched the life drain out of him, his body convulsing and slowly going still.

  I turned my back to him, but not before whispering words that he heard as his life left him completely.

  “I will send my sincere condolences to your wife and kids.”

  Chapter 20


  The estate was dark and silent when I walked in. It was in the middle of the night, everyone locked in their room, sound asleep.

  And here I was, walking down the corridor that led to Valerie’s room.

  Right after killing her bodyguard in cold blood. Removing the first obstacle in my path.

  I would deal with the aftermath afterward, but now, I just needed to see her. Stopping in front of the closed door, I just stared and breathed. She was inside, sleeping. She would never hear me walking in.

  She would never know I was in there, watching her. Touching her.

  It would be my secret to keep.

  I opened the door and walked inside. The door closed behind me, the lock clicking in place. Her room was dark, the night lamp casting a small glow around. From where I was standing, I saw her on the bed. She was still, sound asleep, her covers hiding her from my sight.

  I stalked closer, stealthy—my gaze still on her.

  My feet stopped next to her bed. My eyes drifted across and met her face. It glowed beautifully under the small light. Her blonde hair spilled over her pillows in soft waves, and my fingers itched with the need to touch them.

  Her face was peaceful, her lush pink lips slightly parted as she breathed slowly in her sleep.

  She was a vision I couldn’t escape from—a beautiful goddess laid out to tempt me into doing something so wrong. Yet it felt…so right. This felt more right than anything in my life.

  It wasn’t my first time watching her sleep. Three nights in a row, I stood right in this spot and watched her sleep. Three nights and I still couldn’t get enough. I wanted more.

  Leaning closer, my fingers feathered over her cheeks, down her jaw and neck. Her eyes fluttered but didn’t open. Valerie stayed sti
ll, but I saw her chest moving, her breathing accelerating just a little bit.

  The comforter was up to her waist. My hand moved down her body, pushing it away. She trembled but still didn’t wake up. Good.

  Her body was covered with her white night dress. This way, with her dressed in pure white and sound asleep, she looked innocent.





  It made me want her even more.

  Tonight, nobody was here to stop me. Igor was dead. Valentin was gone, leaving his beautiful wife for the wolf to play with. He just didn’t know that yet.

  She moved slightly, turning on her back with her face toward me. So fucking beautiful, it almost hurt to look at her.

  I climbed on the bed, curling toward her warm body. I forgot that my suit, my hands, and my face had dried blood on them. I forgot that I just killed a man to get her.

  All that mattered was that I needed to be closer to her.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, I pulled her closer. She came willingly, her body soft and pliable to my touch.

  I could feel her breathing against my neck, her lips slightly touching my skin. In her sleep, her hand glided up to my chest and rested there, right over my beating heart.

  It thumped for her.

  I was supposed to be seducing her, yet I was the one getting lost in her.

  My fingers curled around her hand, holding it over my chest. She moved closer in her sleep, her legs rubbing against mine before she settled deeper into my embrace.

  We laid there for what seemed like hours even though I knew it was only minutes.

  I held her, she held me. We held each other.

  For the first fucking time in so long, I felt warm. My chest tightened at the feeling; my heart drummed just a little faster.

  I knew for a fact she would have never held on to her bastard of a husband like this.

  The way she moved into my embrace so willingly, it was almost as if she knew it was me. As if she knew she was safe.

  My eyes found her face again, which was now buried in the crook of my neck. I felt my lips turn up in a small smile. I couldn’t help it. It was almost impossible to stop.

  My fingers caressed her back, tracing some random patterns. She gave me a shiver in return, and my smile widened. Even in her sleep, she wasn’t immune to my touch.

  My hand drifted down and then toward her front. When my fingers brushed against her perky breasts, she shivered again, her breathing coming out in a small gasp.

  Her nails dug into my chest. It only made me want to touch her more. My thumb feathered over her puckered nipple this time. She wasn’t wearing a bra—just fucking perfect.

  I continued touching her, so gently, so softly that I knew it must have been driving her insane. It was driving me insane.

  I couldn’t hear her moans, even though I wanted them desperately. Her silence only pushed me into wanting more.

  Looking at her wasn’t enough before. I had wanted to touch her.

  Now, just holding her was no longer enough either.

  She was mine.

  And I needed to lay my claim.

  Pushing Valerie on her back, I stared at her sleeping face. I smirked in the darkness. She was still asleep, but I knew she was thinking of me. Even in her dreams, I was chasing her.

  With my hand on her legs, I pushed her nightdress upward. My gaze never left her face, watching her reaction in her sleep.

  Her lips parted again, and then her legs moved, falling open, giving me access.

  Myshka, oh sweet myshka, you have no idea what you have just gotten yourself into.

  Seduction always starts with words. Seduce her mind and her body will follow willingly without any fight.

  Valerie had fallen in my trap since the very beginning. Her thoughts belonged to me the moment we saw each other. Little did she know, I was already seducing her mind for this moment.

  My eyes shifted from her face and down her body, following a slow path. I watched her chest moving up and down with each breath. Through the fabric, I saw the puckered tips of her nipples. My mouth watered at the sight.

  I didn’t think…instead, I just leaned forward and tongued one of the tips through her dress.

  Valerie trembled against the sudden assault, and I looked up to see her squeezing her eyes shut. Her fingers clenched at the bedsheets when I moved to her other nipple, doing the same thing.

  But this time, I wrapped my lips around the tip and sucked, drawing her nipple between my teeth and biting softly.

  Her back bowed, and I chuckled. Hmm, more…I want more, myshka. This is not enough.

  I wanted her come on my lips. Only then would I be satisfied.

  Sliding down the length of her body, I pushed her dress all the way up to her hips. I parted her legs further until I got a look where I wanted to be.

  Black lace panties, hiding her pussy from me.

  My fingers glided upward on her inner thighs. I saw the wet spot in the middle of the lace, but I wanted to feel it.

  My thumb pressed against her core, and I sucked in a harsh breath. Wet. She was dripping for me.

  I rubbed my thumb over the wet spot over her panties, and her legs shook as I continued my torturous touch. Crawling forward, my wide shoulders spread her legs wider, and I settled between them.

  A forbidden fruit laid out for me—how could I not taste her?

  With my face over her pussy, I smirked. Got you right where I wanted, myshka.

  My lips met the skin on her inner thigh, and I placed small kisses as I went. Higher and higher, nipping softly but not leaving marks. Yet.

  My tongue left wet trails until I was right where I wanted. I peeked up at Valerie to see her eyes still closed. They were squeezed shut, her breathing ragged, her body shaking—wanting more.

  I kissed her covered pussy, my tongue outlining the wet spot before I sucked at her juices. Her body clenched, and her thighs tightened around my head.

  I pushed her panties to the side and stared at the perfect sight in front of me. Trimmed blonde curls covered her pussy. I dragged a finger over her slit, parting her pink pussy lips for me.

  I spread her wetness more and then pushed a finger inside her tight warmth. Just the first knuckle in, but her response inflated my ego way more than it should.

  She creamed my finger, more wetness pooling between her thighs. Her pussy now glistened beautifully, looking perfect and ready to be devoured.

  Having a big dick is impressive. But knowing how to lick and eat a pussy right—while making her feel desired, special and appreciated—is what makes you a real man.

  You can fuck her sore, but the moment you master the art of eating her pussy and she is shaking like a leaf, her orgasm hitting her so hard that she creams your lips, mouth and chin—then you know you have possessed her mind and body.

  And that was exactly what I was going to do to this little mute nun.

  I was going to make her sin so bad…and so hard.

  My mouth covered her pussy, and she shuddered as I lapped on her cream. Parting her pussy lips, my teeth grazed over her tiny nub before sucking on it. Her back bowed off the bed again, and I pressed a hand against her stomach, holding her down and captive to my mouth.

  Her taste drove me delirious, and I was a starving animal, wanting more—wanting deeper.

  Valerie tasted sweet, forbidden—she tasted sinful.

  Her pussy was swollen as I continued to fuck her with my mouth. She was so fucking wet, her juices dripping down my chin as I dragged my tongue over her pussy lips and then poking against her heated core.

  My heart pounded, and my cock ached in my pants. I was hard, desperate for release, but damn it to hell, I wasn’t coming until I got her come covering my chin.

  I groaned at the back of my throat when I pushed my tongue into her pussy, licking and sucking.

  So fucking sweet and addictive.

  I felt a touch on top of my head, and t
hen she was holding me against her pussy, grinding into my face. Her body twisted underneath mine as I continued to worship her cunt. I rubbed my cock against the bed, needing some kind of friction.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  I fucked her cunt with my tongue, in and out, and then swirling her wetness around her folds.

  Valerie trembled, her body shaking so hard that I was worried for a second. But her pussy clenched, her thighs tightened around my head…and then she was coming. Hard.

  I lapped all her juices, licking and sucking until she gave me everything. I could hear her breathing, loud and gasping.

  When I was done, I placed a soft kiss on her pussy, and I saw her clenching again. Another kiss, just because.

  Her thighs released their death grip, and her fingers unclenched from my hair. Her body went limp, tiny shivers still racking her lithe body.

  From my position, I looked up to see the most gorgeous eyes looking back at me. I could see the lust there. But it was mixed with confusion and sleep.

  Valerie stared at me strangely, her eyes blinking once, twice, and a third time. She gazed into my face as if she were seeing a dream…an illusion.

  Her lips were tilted up in a small, satisfied smile. Her face relaxed, but the beautiful confusion I saw there…it made me chuckle.

  After kissing her inner thigh, I dragged my body up. With my elbows on either side of her face, I smiled. She smiled back. Valerie was in a state where her orgasm had left her thoughts foggy. She was floating right now, in a happy space.

  Her thick eyelashes framed her hazel eyes, and she looked even more beautiful now. Her face was glowing—my beautiful nun was happy. And that made me want to beat my chest like a fucking caveman.

  We stared at each other, our gazes never wavering.

  In her eyes, I saw her questions.

  Her lips parted, as if wanting to speak, but no words were spoken.

  So I leaned down until our lips were touching. A feather light touch. So sweet, so soft, so gentle that my heart thumped hard and my chest ached.

  I brushed my lips against hers in a small kiss before pulling away and staring into her eyes again. They were half closed, and I caressed her cheek with my thumb.

  After minutes of silence, I finally spoke slowly. “It’s okay. It’s a dream, myshka. Just a beautiful dream.”


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