And that’s why death didn’t scare me, because I had love, and so our story would never truly have a conclusion…
Other Works by Angela M Hudson
The Dark Secrets Series
A thought-provoking series about the multitude of changes and fears a human faces when mingling with vampires.
Available in paperback and ebook
Also Available:
Bound Series
Willa Wicked
About the Author
AusRom TODAY Author of the Year 2015 and Best Established Author nominee AM Hudson.
This internationally successful author has captivated fans all over the world since her Dark Secrets series was released in 2011. Known for her character-driven novels and twisted plots, her epic stories will confuse you, draw you in, make you feel something, including a strong desire to slap the protagonist.
When she’s not making people fall in love with her works, she spends time sorting a mountain of laundry for her four sons and drags shoelaces around the house for her Ragdoll cat Pudding to chase.
With Love and Appreciation…
A novel, I have learned, is never created by just one person. Like it is with raising children, it takes a village to produce a well-rounded novel, and I’d like to first thank everyone who has offered advice, read my early manuscripts, answered questions and queries for me on Facebook, and had my back when I’ve suffered bouts of major depression.
To each fan that comments on my posts and cheers me on, throwing encouragement and support at me throughout the process, thank you.
To everyone that put their hand up to join the Beta Teams and Review Teams, thank you.
To my friends, especially those I have never even met face-to-face, thank you. You girls are my Book-loving Warriors and I could not do this without you.
To my mum and sisters for offers of babysitting, even if I don’t take them, thank you.
To my mother-in-law, Pat, who always seems to send a little message of encouragement at just the right time, thank you.
Special thanks to
Julia Summers, and the Street Team at AM Hudson’s Ladies of the Knight. What can I say? I get goose bumps just thinking about all that you girls have done for me. I see my books plastered all over the place now and it makes me smile every time, knowing how hard you’re all working. Thank you for being so damn awesome.
Julia, you work tirelessly and I will admit right here to all reading this that your position is unpaid ever since I fell on hard times. I offered for you to come back and work for me when my finances improved, but instead you stood in your warrior pose and chose to continue on without pay out of true passion. You will always have a place in my circle of friendship, Julia, and when I do make the A List and start making the big money, I can’t think of anyone else I would rather have as my PA. I don’t have enough words to thank you for all that you do, but I hope one day I can find a way to show how much I appreciate you.
Ren, for your absolutely marvelous feedback and editorial advice, and for some perfect chapter title suggestions. Part Three: Chapter Eight, Liberty and Justice, is dedicated to you. I said it before and I’ll say it again, if I get rich enough to make beta reading a paid position, you will be one of the first to be hired.
Dawn, thank you for your support and wisdom; for your eager and readily offered advice and feedback on each book. You’re a true friend, and I’m still convinced you’re my USA doppelgänger.
To my Beta Team. You guys have been my rock through so many books. You know I think of you all as friends, and we’ve all been through so many things together. It’s nice to know we have a little home to come to in our group, and loving support, friendship and advice for all things when needed.
To my Phase II Beta team, and to my Red ARC Spotter team. You guys were fantastic and you helped shape this good book into something great. I literally could not have done it without you all.
Thanks to my editor John for your ever-insightful comments and quips that keep me entertained as I slug through the dreaded corrections.
Thank you to Gloria Jimenez for naming Plain’s weather predictor “The F.A.W.P. (The Freakishly Accurate Weather Predictor)”! I had a good laugh when I saw it on Facebook after I asked readers to name the machine, and I just knew it was a name Plain would give to his invention. Perhaps there is a little Plain in all of us.
And last but not least, thank you to my four boys and husband Mike for all the nights of takeout, the messy house, the late mornings when we rush out the door because I spent all night working on my manuscript and can’t get up the following day. I take solace in the hope that children whose parents work fulltime and are often made to do their own laundry and occasionally cook turn out to be better adults. So at least that’s something you can say I did for you, even if I hardly ever did all the other mum stuff. But who needs clean socks anyway? Or if you do, wash them yourself. Love you all.
God bless.
Red: The Untold Story Page 31