Privileged Love: A BWWM Romance (Blazin' Love Book 2)

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Privileged Love: A BWWM Romance (Blazin' Love Book 2) Page 2

by Ja'Nese Dixon

  “Not today, Glenda.” I write notes across the contract I’m reviewing with the necessary revisions. Then I pass it to her. “Make these changes for tomorrow’s meeting.”

  “Don't give me that look, Liam Walsh. My letter of resignation is final. You have to stop plowing through event planners. You're too hard and expect too much."

  “Is that your verdict, oh wise one?”

  Glenda is my oldest employee, and she thinks she's the boss. I don't have the heart to remind her that I'm the one who signs the checks around here, including hers.

  “No my verdict is, you need to get laid and stop trying to send the rest of us to the nut house. This is a job for most people, and that's normal, Liam. Don’t expect us to work a million hours because you do. We have lives, thank you very much.”

  I gasp, my mouth dropping open. “What do you know about getting laid?”

  "You have one more old lady joke, and Imma go upside your head." Her hardy laugh sends me over the edge laughing.

  “What am I going to do without you?” I ask her thankful for the comic relief.

  “You’ll be rich and alone, Mr. Walsh.” She drops into the chair across from me. “I took this job because I told your mother I’d look after you. But there is more to life than these four walls. Stop building WEJ long enough to build a life.”

  I look away from her probing eyes and somber tone. Glenda and my mother were best friends. Her retiring is like losing my mother all over again.

  “Then I’ll be rich and alone,” I joke despite her bleak prediction. “Will you add that to my schedule?”

  “I don’t know why I fool with you boy.” She snatches the contract from my hand stomping out of my office. I hear her mumble, “Asking what I know about getting laid.” Then she yells, “More than you apparently.”

  “And set up interviews with more event planners for this afternoon,” I call out hearing every word of her warning. WEJ first and the rest will happen when it’s time.

  “I’m going to lunch.”

  I hear her huffing and puffing. The slam of her desk drawer means she's grabbing her purse. I glance at my watch, she'll be back in five…four…three…two…

  “Do you want something from the deli?”

  “Yes, please." I mock a bashful expression, and she flicks a dismissive hand my way.

  I laugh as she mumbles and marches out of my office. The moment our suite goes quiet I realize I'm losing her. What am I going to do without Glenda? Her husband passed away a few years ago, and I am her final tie to Austin. Then her daughter gave birth to her first grandchild, and after spending six weeks in Nashville, Glenda is ready to move back home. I get it, but she's leaving enormous shoes to fill.

  Glenda joined my staff after I kept changing executive assistants. It was driving me mad, and after complaining to my mother, she convinced Glenda to come out of retirement until I got it all worked out. That was ten years ago.

  She calls BS, and she tells me what's on her mind at all times. It's annoying and endearing because I know she's here because she wants to see me reach my goals. She wants to see WEJ dominate the industry.

  Trying to find a replacement is making my hair turn gray. The agency keeps sending these young women who think I’m on the menu or that they’ll find a way closer to my heart and my billions. But those assumptions have earned them first class tickets out of Walsh Executive Jets. Marriage is not on my menu or radar. Scratch that. Marriage is possible.

  My mother always said, "You'll know her when you see her." But I don't have time. Building a first-class aircraft leasing company from the ground up is no small feat. I'm known domestically. My next major hurdle is to establish my presence in the international market. Hence, the WEJ International Aircraft Roundtable and my need for a planner.

  I rock in my chair thinking of potential options. I believe this conference will singlehandedly boost WEJ into the stratosphere, but not if I can’t get through the damn thing without wifing the event planner.

  I know how to bend the universe to accommodate my needs. Except I've seemed to misplace my mojo. Business burnout is snapping at my heels, but success waits for no man, including me. So I work nonstop, after this conference I can take time off before Glenda leaves me with yet another vital role to fill in my organization.

  “Why?” I call out closing my eyes, letting my head fall back.

  "Why what?" My eyes snap open and in the doorway is an unfamiliar face. A zap of awareness singes up my spine. She smiles, and I pull at my ear to disrupt the sound of singing. Because I know angels don't reside in my head.

  "Who are you? And why are you in my office?" I scrub my tired eyes with the pads of my fingers. Clearly, my exhaustion has me delusional.

  "I'm Harper Price, and I called out, but no one answered. Your assistant must have stepped away. I have an appointment with…"

  I blink to clear my vision. She's turning the pages in a black planner. The curve in her hips fills the doorway and her black pantsuit. Full breast, wide hips, and her brown skin remind me of cinnamon. I have a million tasks to complete but watching her is more compelling.

  “I’m sorry,” she says with a soft smile.

  "Sure take your time," I say a little harsher than I intend. The furrow in her brow and spark in her eyes make me almost crack a smile.

  “Here it is. I’m meeting with Mr. Walsh.”

  "Wonderful. How can I help you?" I extend a hand to the chairs in front of my desk, sitting forward. I like the jolt I feel from her obvious annoyance with my responses. "Price?" I turn the name over in my mind as she sits in front of me. "As in James Price, the rancher?"

  “Yes.” Her back stiffens. “He’s my father.”

  “So, you had Daddy call in a favor? Gotta love nepotism.” I want to see her eyes shoot lightning again. This time I swear I hear a growl. She’s a feisty one.

  “My father offered to connect us concerning a business matter.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I’m here representing…" She takes a deep breath glancing down at her hands. She's nervous. I usually like having this effect on people. But at this moment I feel her pain as she clears her throat. "I am here to discuss a business matter." She freezes again. I can see her shaking from here.

  “Look I don’t have all day.”

  “I’m a partner with Prestige…Platinum Prestige and we would like to…lease a plane.” She exhales as if it took every ounce of her energy to say that sentence.

  “How long have you been in business?”

  “Less than a year.”

  “Then no. I can’t help you.” I turn to my computer set on working. “Leasing a private plane is a luxury item for most businesses, especially a new business. It’s a risk I’m not willing to make.” I can see her fuming from my peripheral vision. She stands slowly walking to the door.

  I glance over appreciating the view of her from the back. She steps out then turns around. “That’s it?”

  “Yes, that’s it.” I see light crack in her dark brown eyes. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. Oh, and tell your father I’ll see him at golf on Saturday.”

  "Tell him yourself," she says beneath her breath.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Tell. Him. Yourself.” Her hands are on her hips. This is the most excitement I’ve had all day.

  “Well, aren’t you Daddy’s pampered princess?”

  "And aren't you an arrogant ass?" It drips from her tongue like acid, and I want to sample the cherry red from her plump lips.

  “No, I’m a busy man with little time to waste on your little project. I have real businesses waiting to lease my jets.”

  “We are a real business.”

  "And they sent you?" I chuckle. Yes, she's beautiful, curvy, and her smooth skin looks as soft as rose petals. But she has distraction written all over her.

  “You know what? Screw you.”

  “Name the day and time princess.”

  “You wish jackass!”

  Harper s
tomps out of my office, and I sit staring at the space she occupied. I'm torn between the compulsion to follow her and the need to understand what just happened.

  Catch her, a voice commands and I’m stunned. My heart slows to a crawl.

  “You know what…” She’s back. Now, I’m impressed. Feisty indeed. “I don’t appreciate you taking my nervousness for us being a joke. We are a legitimate business with real clients ready to utilize your services. Hunter has worked hard to secure RSE and S&J, and we could help your business. But you’d rather act like a di—”

  “Hunter Preston…?”

  “Of course you’d latch on to her name you slimy leech. I’m out of here. Have a good day, loser.”

  She stomps out again this time with Glenda over her shoulder. “Hire her.”

  “What? You have really lost your mind, besides she’s not here for a job.” I don’t want to hire her, that woman is my wife. I take a deep breath keeping that thought to myself. Then Glenda steps directly in front of me, blocking my view.

  “The woman has a planner in her hands and balls bigger than most men. Hire. Her.”

  "Who are you?" I stare at her. She said balls like it's a natural part of our conversations.

  “Go. Get. Her Liam.”

  I jog down the hall impressed. I would have followed her without Glenda’s help. Harper is like Glenda on steroids. “Harper, wait up.”

  “Not in your dreams.” She’s pushing the elevator button with such force that I know she’s pissed.

  “I came to apologize.”

  “Do you treat everyone with such…disdain? You can’t go around talking to people like that and think it’s normal. I’m sorry for going off but you are such an ass—” She glances over catching herself.

  “It’s okay. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it. You don’t make a billion dollars from nothing without being an ass, Miss Price." I slip my hands into my pockets.

  She looks over at me, and her eyes are searching for something. I hope she sees whatever she needs to stay. "Have a good day, Mr. Walsh. But we'll get our plane with or without you." She crosses her arms over her chest, facing the elevator doors.

  “Marry me.”

  "Are you crazy?" Her eyes are huge, and her reaction is gasoline to the fire kindling in my stomach.

  “The craziest.”

  “So you’re in debt and want my inheritance?”

  “I’m worth several billion on a bad day. So, Daddy’s money is safe with me.”

  Her neck snaps back. “Are you really that mad?”

  I shrug. “Yes.” Mad about you. The chorus in my head is latching on to this fiery goddess and not letting her go.

  I ran down the hall because Glenda sent me. Actually, I ran down the hall to catch Harper because I feel electricity flowing through my veins. This has never happened before. Her outright reluctance shows me she doesn’t give a damn about my money, a first for me. And it makes me more curious about this woman. A woman who’s nervous about pitching for a jet, but spits fire when pushed.

  My mother was right. Harper Price is my wife. There’s not a single doubt in my mind.

  "What is it a Black girl fetish?" Her eyes squint suspiciously with an index finger wagging in my direction.

  “No, but I believe I have a Harper fetish.” She gasps, chomping her mouth closed. I smile, crossing my arms over my chest. She is beautiful with curves calling out to be caressed. I could fight with this woman all day.

  “No, not on your life. I don’t know you, I don’t like you, and you reek privilege.”

  “But you’re attracted to me.”

  “I’ve been attracted to much worse.” The elevator dings, she steps inside. “Bye, Mr. Walsh.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Miss Price.” I watch the doors slide closed holding her eyes. She’ll be mine.

  Chapter 3


  I’m mortified. I crawled to Charlee's house with my tail between my legs. I suck at finding a man, and I apparently suck at being a businesswoman too. I can't even look at her.

  "Harper, what happened? It can't be that bad." She holds open the door, and I head straight to the couch.

  “It’s worse.” I drop, letting my purse slide off my shoulder to the floor.

  “Wait, let me get a snack.”

  Charlee closes the door and heads to the kitchen. To keep from crying, I laugh at her and my ridiculous response to Liam. How did I ruin the one task Hunter gave me? And who was that vile woman in his office? I’ve never ever behaved that way in my life. I massage my temples.

  “Take it from the top.” I feel the couch bounce and the smell of buttered popcorn. I look over at her.

  "Charlee? I'm dying, and your ass is eating popcorn."

  “And you’re cussing. This is gonna be goooood. Let me get a soda." She's off again, and I laugh until I cry. Then she returns with a Dr. Pepper in her hands.

  “I can’t stand you.”

  "Heifer, please. You love me, and you know it." She twists the top, takes a drink making a loud slurp sound. "Tell me everything."

  So I do. I tell her about my awful presentation or lack thereof. And about calling Liam a jackass. But I'll keep his fake proposal to myself.

  “Lies! I don’t believe you. Did you record it?”

  “No, I didn’t record it. How can I record me, telling the CEO of a company we want to do business with, screw you?”

  “How does he look?”

  "What?" I shake my head in shock. Okay, maybe I should have gone to Hunter's house. But I didn't want to disturb her or tell her how I screwed up our chance of getting an airplane from WEJ.

  “How does the man look? Describe him from top to bottom. Don’t leave out a single detail.”

  I take a deep breath.

  “And don’t lie, Harper,” she adds with a shifty look in her eyes.

  “He’s about, I don’t know, five ten, five eleven maybe. Reddish hair, a full beard.” I run my hands down my face mocking the shape.



  “His eyes?”

  I ignore the excited spike in her voice and think back. “They’re green…no blue-green. They sort of changed while we were shouting.”


  I nod.

  “Huh-huh. And his build, athletic, dad belly?”

  "Where are you going with this?" I sigh, hunching over. I'm ready to stop thinking about Liam Walsh, and my epic fail.

  “Don’t give up on me, Harper. Keep going, this is better than I thought. His build?”

  "Whatever…broad shoulders, definitely not a dad bod or belly. He's probably got a six-pack. Yeah, I'm certain. And the way his shirt pulled at his sleeves." I pick at the arm of my shirt. The man is movie star gorgeous. Model even. The way his eyes flashed blue-green like the Atlantic Ocean. I could get lost in his eyes if he didn't make me feel hot and cold, fire and ice. But I need a plane, and he has a fleet of them. I need to calm my raging reaction to him long enough to get his commitment to supply us a plane. "Charlee Raine, you are not slick!" I glance over at her. “He’s not my type.”

  “Liar. When is the last time you felt so challenged?” Charlee laughs around a mouthful of popcorn. “And I don’t have to be slick. It’s written all over your face.”

  “What my dislike of the man?”

  "No, your attraction to the man. It caught you off guard is all. Admit it, Harper."

  “I will not.”

  “Pretty please…” She is singing please and Soul Train dancing on my last nerve. “Tell me the truth.”

  “I can’t and I won’t.”

  “But if you could?” Her eyebrows are wiggling.

  I can’t tell her this underlying rage is steeped in desire. My heart racing, blood pumping, hands sweating, and all for a man. I have to see Liam as another frog, the froggiest of frogs, not acceptable for my pond, much too slimy to touch. Even if the man is absolutely yummy.

  “I don’t know why I came over here.”<
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  “Because your hormones got the best of you and he pushed your buttons.”

  "No, because I tanked the meeting and we won't get the lease, and you have to help me fix it."

  "I'll help if you tell me the truth." She leans forward and pinches her fingers together so small I can barely see the space between them. "You like him, like this much. Don't you?"

  "How can I like him? He made me this nasty, foul-mouthed woman."

  “But…in your defense, you stood up for yourself and your friends.”

  “I did.” I didn’t think about it like that.

  "Harper, it was your first time giving a presentation. You went alone, and he threw you off by his killer looks."

  “I didn’t say—”

  “You don’t have to, I know these things.” Charlee places the popcorn bowl aside. “So, after all of this shouting what did he say?”

  "He asked me to marry him," I mumble.

  "What?" Her eyes widen, and she's squealing and kicking her legs around. "You went from kissing toads to kissing billionaires. Oh, I have got to see this man.”

  “No, no, no. And who said anything about kissing?” I see this baby running out of control the moment she jumps up and heads to her bedroom. “Where are you going?”

  "To change clothes. We're going back to WEJ, and I'm gonna to meet…your future baby daaaadddddyyyyyy." She's dancing into her bedroom, and I'm mortified. We cannot go back to Liam's office. I mumbled like an idiot and cursed like a drunken sailor. He turned me inside out while his handsome face appeared to bask in my uncomfortable state.

  Liam brought out a side of me I didn't know existed. I sit back on the couch. I have to get out of going. I can't let Charlee go back, and I can't tell Hunter I failed. And I surely can't tell my Dad I called his golf partner a jackass. So much for turning my life around. I sigh, dropping my head against the cushion.

  I search the ceiling, roaming until my eyes settle on the pictures from our last vacation. We had a great time in the Bahamas. I take a deep breath.

  It’s time to get real, Harper. Is Charlee right? Am I attracted to Liam?


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