Karley's Surrender

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Karley's Surrender Page 3

by Christin Lovell

  "So, tell me about yourself.” Shane smiled, relaxing into the booth across from me. I’d insisted that we sit on opposite sides.

  “Um, there’s not much to tell really.”

  “Somehow I don’t believe that. It’s always the quiet ones that have a story worth tellin’.” My throat tightened. Suddenly, trying to breathe steadily became my biggest obstacle. His eyes narrowed. “Alright. I get it. You don’t want to talk about it.”


  He shocked me by grabbing my hand across the table. The warmth of his touch soothed me beneath the prickle of my skin. “Never be sorry for protecting yourself. I get it, darlin’. I’m here when you’re ready.” I nodded, offering him a small smile of appreciation. He understood.

  I pulled back, settling my hands between my thighs to keep from fidgeting. “Uh, how did you and your business partner meet?”

  “Cole? We grew up together. We always knew we wanted to go into business together, but just didn’t know what kind.”

  The server arrived at that moment to take our orders.

  “Have you decided yet?” she asked, giving Shane a once-over. I bit my bottom lip, trying to squash the insecurities just beneath my surface. She was gorgeous next to me; a brunette beauty with long, flowing hair, a slim figure and DD breasts. I glanced down at my own, my stomach bulging just below them. This was a mistake.

  “Karley?” I looked up; concern was etched into his features. “Have you decided yet?”

  “Oh, uh, I’ll just have a side salad with balsamic vinaigrette.”

  A brow went up on the waitress and Shane. “That’s it?” he asked. I nodded. He frowned, but proceeded to order a 22-ounce Porterhouse steak for himself.

  The server batted her eyelashes as she smiled at him. “Can I get you anything else?”

  Shane focused on me. “You sure you don’t want anything else, darlin’?” I shook my head. “No, that’s all.” The waitress pursed her lips, almost as if she was trying to think of another way to engage him. A couple seconds later, she walked away.

  Shane was attractive; I wasn’t. I didn’t even know why he asked me out. And as much as I wanted to crawl beneath the sheets and lick every muscle on his firm body, I also didn’t want to feel this way about myself around him. He was in a completely different league; the waitress just reminded me of it.

  “So, I hear you’re into sexy cowboys without blue eyes.” Shane smirked, trying to lighten the mood.

  I chuckled lightly. “So I sang.”

  “Damn well I might add. I’m surprised you aren’t singing professionally.”

  “Yeah, uh, crowds aren’t really my thing.”

  “So that’s really the first time you’ve ever done that?”

  “That’s the first time I’ve gone out period.”

  His eyes widened. “You’re shittin’ me.”

  “Nope.” I took another drink of my tea.

  “Huh. Well, I plan to take you out a lot more, that is, if you’ll let me.” His green eyes gazed into my brown. His lips were puckered; I could tell he was biting the inside corner of his lips, almost as if he was nervous.

  My heart thundered; my pulse nearly split my veins. I didn’t even realize I’d been holding my breath until my lungs forced me to gasp for air. I licked my dry lips. “I… Um…”

  I was saved by the waitress returning with another glass of coke for Shane, even though his current one was still half full. “Need anything?” Her perfectly plucked brow raised in a seductive question.

  “No.” His reply was quick, somewhat curt; his eyes still studying me as he answered her. She gave me a once over, the look on her face indicating that she didn’t see the appeal.

  “Um, I’m sorry. I’m not really used to this kind of stuff. Fancy dinners… and everything.”

  “Wanna head out?”

  “But we already ordered.”


  “We can’t just leave.”

  “Sure we can.” He stood, pulling out his wallet at the same time. He threw down a fifty on the table. “Let’s go, darlin’.”

  “Uh, um, okay.” I slid out of the booth, grabbing my purse. He put a protective, guiding hand on my lower back and led me out to his truck. He opened my door and waited for me to get in. I fidgeted with my hands, my eyes traveling around us before landing on him. “I’m sorry.”

  “Will you stop apologizin’, especially when there’s nothing for you to be sorry for.”

  I nodded and climbed into the truck.



  Karley was nearly shaking as she climbed into the truck. I shut the door behind her, needing a bit of space to clear my head. I didn’t know what the hell had happened to her, but she was damaged. My panther roared beneath the surface. We were both ready to take out whoever had hurt her. I knew the need to protect her was stronger because she was my mate. I’d never experienced anything so powerful before.

  From the moment I scented her, I’d been fighting the urge to strip her and claim her. My panther was livid; barely being contained. I’d heard the stories, but never did I believe merely smelling someone could elicit this compelling of a response, this potent of a pull. My gums ached, and my muscles begged to shift. But alas, I would have to be patient; we would have to be patient. The last thing I wanted to do was lose the reason for my existence. I was a natural predator, but for once, was being called to be a fierce guardian.

  Chapter 6

  “Where are you taking me?” I stared out the window at the grassy meadow filled with cattle.

  “My place. We didn’t eat, and as I recall I asked you to dinner. I intend to feed you.”

  “Oh.” I should have been nervous. Hell, I was damn near tearing myself apart in the restaurant, but for some reason I was calm. The longer I was with Shane, the more relaxed and comfortable I felt with him.

  Ten minutes later we parked in front of a sprawling, brick ranch-style house with a huge wrap-around front porch. Three rocking chairs were nestled together on the left side of the aged wood deck, an inviting view of the green trees and mountains off in the distance being their lure. I took in the quaint touches like the small garden surrounding the porch and the weathered blue shutters framing the updated windows.

  Shane opened my door and grabbed my hand as I leapt out. “This is nice,” I said, enjoying the tranquility of the country.

  “Let’s get out of this heat.” He opened the front door and guided me into a large entry way that looked directly into a cozy living room centered by a brick fireplace. The wood floors added a level of warmth to the space.

  An overstuffed, brown leather sofa was opposite the fireplace with two matching leather chairs on either side; an equally good-sized wood coffee table anchored the arrangement. I looked up at the massive flat-screen TV mounted above the mantel and couldn’t help but chuckle. Only a man would mess up a beautiful centerpiece with a TV.

  “Come on in the kitchen and we’ll scrounge up something.”

  I followed Shane into a gourmet kitchen complete with a six burner commercial style range, under-cabinet mounted TVs and full service bar in the corner. All the appliances were stainless steel, the cabinets white with toffee rubbed edges and the counters a honey granite color. It was beautiful. Certainly the nicest kitchen I’d ever been in.

  I stopped short at the tall, dark male leaning against the sink. I recognized him from last night, but had no less of a reaction to him. He took a long sip of his beer, drinking me in as he did so. His moves were slow and deliberate. I froze in place. This man unnerved me; sent my sane self into a frenzy of desire. I knew I was in deep trouble the second my nipples hardened at the sight of him licking his lips.

  “Karley, this is Cole. Cole, you remember Karley, from the bar.” Shane seemed to communicate something to Cole.

  Cole broke away from the counter, dropping his beer on the island. “Of course.” He smiled, taking my hand and kissing the back of it, just as Shane had done. My skin tingled, my
body coming alive with sexual energy. Oh God. What were these two doing to me?

  I giggled when his breath tickled my hand. He looked up at me through thick lashes, a charming grin on his face as he pulled away. My palm felt empty the second he let go. Strange. I’d felt empty since I’d lost my family, but I felt the essence of the word when he moved away.

  “Welcome to our home.” Cole grabbed his beer and took another swig, his eyes raking over me. I fidgeted beneath his assessment.

  Shane elbowed him. “So, food.”

  “I thought you went out?” Cole asked.

  “We did, but we left before we could eat.” The look on Shane’s face said not to push. Cole nodded once.

  “What do you have in mind?” Cole opened the French-style double doors of the fridge.

  “What looks good, darlin’?” Shane looked at me expectantly. I shrugged my shoulders.

  Cole smirked. “You can’t see anything from there.”

  I walked out of the kitchen to put my purse down. When I returned the two of them were whispering close. I stopped just beyond the open frame of where a door should be. I felt like I was intruding. They both looked up, as if they had a sixth sense for me.

  “Come on over and take a look,” Shane said. They each held open a door for the fridge, which was filled to the max. Made me wonder how much they’d crammed into the freezer drawer below it.

  “Uh, that’s okay. You can pick something.”

  “I can guaran-damn-tee ya it won’t be a salad if I do.” When I didn’t respond, Shane shrugged and pulled out a package of steak, several large potatoes, onions and peppers. “How good are you at choppin’, Karley?”

  I waved my hand down my body. “I would think I’d be good at just about everything in the kitchen.” Both men froze, mid action, and frowned at me. When they didn’t move after several long seconds, I broke my comfort code. I grabbed a bowl from Cole’s hands and took the onions and peppers from Shane. “How do you want them cut?”

  Shane closed the fridge and dropped the other ingredients on the island. Cole set down the other bowl, opened a drawer and handed me a knife and cutting board.

  “I was thinking kabobs and baked potato,” Shane shrugged.

  “Works for me,” Cole agreed.

  “Why don’t you just make it all finger food so you don’t have to dirty silverware over potatoes?”

  “What exactly are you suggesting, because we’re serious about our food?” Shane asked.

  “Are we grilling on the stove or outside?”

  “What do you prefer?” Cole countered.

  I rolled my eyes. “Listen guys, you don’t have to cater to me. Just tell me where you usually grill your food.”

  Shane chuckled, amusement in his gaze. “Outside.”

  “Ok, then one of you go start the grill. I’ve officially taken over this cooking session.” I grinned.

  “A woman in charge of the kitchen; I like it.” Cole winked. He went outside to start the grill.

  “You okay with him being here? I didn’t think he’d be home.”

  “It’s fine.” I nodded, grabbing the potatoes. I cut them sixths. “Got any paprika, salt and pepper?”

  “Think so.” He opened a cabinet next to the stove and rustled through its contents. I laughed when he knocked over half the bottles and containers to pull out the ones I wanted, several splattering down on the counter. He handed me the seasonings, pausing mid-transfer. A swirl of emotion crossed his face, leaving my nerves twisted again. “You’re always pretty, but you’re beautiful when you smile.”

  My heart skipped a beat. No man had ever given me the time of day, let alone told me I was beautiful.

  A chill ran down my spine at Cole’s whisper near my ear. “He’s right. You are beautiful.”

  I took a side step, laughing nervously. I knew my face was red. “Uh, so liberally douse those potato wedges with the seasonings.” I quickly cut two more potatoes the same way and tossed them in the bowl. “Put these in aluminum foil and stick them on the grill while I prep everything else.”

  Thirty minutes later we were sitting down at the kitchen table eating skewers of steak, potatoes, onions and peppers.

  “Damn, this is good,” Shane said around a mouth full of food.

  “Uh-hm,” Cole murmured, taking a huge bite with all four ingredients. My eyes widened as he slid the food off the stick and into his mouth with his teeth in the most seductive manner.

  “Um, thanks,” I stuttered, entranced by Cole’s move.

  I shook my head, pulling my focus from Cole. I blushed when I saw Shane had been watching me. I studied my own plate of untouched food.

  “Eat,” Shane ordered. I made a show of taking a bite, just to pacify him.

  “So what do you guys do out here?” I asked between bites.

  “Whatever needs to be done,” Shane replied.

  “And what usually needs to be done?”

  “Everything to do with ranchin’ and runnin’ a business.”

  “What kind of ranching do you do?”

  “Cattle,” Cole offered. “Beef to be precise.”

  “When you’re not ranching, what do you do?”

  “Is this an interview?” Shane smirked.

  I flushed. I didn’t know what I was doing. This was all new to me. “Sorry.” He cut his eyes at me. “Okay, so I’m not sorry.” I swallowed hard.

  Cole’s eyes passed between the two of us. “I reckon we could all use a drink right now.” He returned with two beers and a glass of something colorful, which he passed to me.

  “What is it?” I asked, sniffing the liquid. That brought a fit of laughter from the two men.

  “She’s perfect,” Shane said. Cole nudged him.

  “It’s Sex on the Beach.” Something in the bass of Cole’s voice sent a wave of heat through my body that all converged in my sex. I squirmed in my seat trying to get myself under control. So much of tonight was out of character for me. These men turned me inside out and upside down.

  “What’s in it?” I was surprised my voice didn’t crack.

  “Peach schnapps, vodka, cranberry and orange juice.”

  I took a sip and nodded my approval. They each took a sip of their drink, but watched me over the rim. The way they stared at me, it was like they wanted to eat me. I couldn’t stop my mind from wandering; I couldn’t catch myself in time before I pictured the two of them in bed with me, doing delicious things to me. Oh god, this is bad. I downed the entire drink in several large gulps.

  “Easy there killer. I make my drinks strong,” Cole warned.

  “A little late, don’t you think?” I asked, the aftermath hitting me like a shockwave. I closed my eyes against the dizzy spell that set in. I heard the scrape of their chairs along the wood floor. Before I knew what was happening, I was being lifted into someone’s arms. My eyes shot open. “Are you crazy? I’ll break your back. Put me down!” Cole just chuckled, carrying me over to the sofa.

  “Just lay back for a little bit.”

  “I have some Ibuprofen in my purse.”

  “You really shouldn’t mix that with alcohol.”

  “Anything else you’d like to inform me of, doctor?”

  His lip twitched up, amusement on his face. He walked away. I heard him rummaging through my purse. A minute later he returned with the medicine and the new book Suzie bought me. Cole handed me the medicine absently, pursing his lips as he read the back cover.

  “Interesting book. I wouldn’t picture a girl like you being into this.” I groaned, sitting up as Shane came into view with a glass of water.

  “What’d I miss?”

  “This.” Cole handed him the book as he handed me the glass of water.

  “Huh.” He studied the cover. “You like readin’ this sort of thing?” His brow raised as he glanced over the book at me.

  I felt like my cheeks were constantly red. “Kind of.”

  “Nothin’ to be embarrassed about, darlin’. It looks interesting enough.” He
passed the book to me.

  “Would you ever have a threesome?” Cole asked, his eyes taking in every emotion that crossed my face.

  Shock ran through me. I couldn’t believe he’d actually asked me. Then embarrassment washed over me. I wasn’t comfortable with my body with one guy, let alone two. Then sadness crept in at the knowledge that I’d never even been with one guy.

  “I don’t know.” My words were barely above a whisper. I avoided making eye contact with him while I swallowed two Ibuprofen. My mother always had a glass of water and two Ibuprofen waiting for my dad when he got home. I placed the book and water on the coffee table.

  “Calm down, darlin’. It’s not like we’re gonna jump you.” Shane winked. “How about we watch a movie?”

  “Sure,” I shrugged. Cole sat down on one side of me, Shane the other. I jumped when they released the recliners beneath all three of us. “Oh god.” One hand flew to my heart, the other to my head.

  Shane turned on the TV and connected to Netflix. I barely paid attention to what he was scrolling through; I was too busy trying not to hyperventilate at being nestled between the two men.

  A heated debate about nineties movies between them brought me back to the present. I was a bit surprised to find out that Shane liked horror movies while Cole liked comedies. I’d pictured it being the other way around given what I’d seen of their personalities. I relaxed into the spat, realizing just how much like brothers they were.

  They were so focused on the movie debate that I finally had a moment to breathe. Being around these two was intense. My body was constantly tingling or heating over something they did while my mind was overanalyzing every move I made and how it made me look. I was beyond self-conscious around them, yet somehow, I was relaxed enough to allow part of the real me, the true me with the head strong, take charge attitude slip out a couple times. Over the last seven years, Suzie was the only one I’d ever felt comfortable enough to be that way with, to let see that side of me.


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