Karley's Surrender

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Karley's Surrender Page 11

by Christin Lovell

  I whimpered when he moved his hands down to wash the rest of me, twisting me towards him to scrub the front of me as Shane shampooed my hair.

  “A girl could get used to this.” I smiled.

  They cleaned themselves quickly. Stepping out, they dried off first, and then took care to dry every part of me.

  “Um, not that I mind, but I can do something.”

  “We don’t want you to,” Shane said.

  Cole whisked me to the room, planting me in the center of the bed. The sun was just about to rise when they both cuddled with me beneath the covers. I couldn’t keep from beaming; I’d restored my own happiness. I’d finally taken charge of my life, and so far, didn’t regret a thing.

  Chapter 19

  I grabbed my head, sitting up. There was a steady pounding on the front door.

  “Shit. They’re here early,” Shane said. He kissed my cheek, slid out of bed and dressed in a pair of jeans. Cole copied him, scrubbing his eyes as he fumbled to dress himself.

  “Um, who are you talking about?” I pulled the blanket up and tucked it beneath my arms.

  “Our parents.”

  “What?” I choked.

  “Sorry, darlin’. You’re gonna have to get dressed, and that’s a damn shame.”

  “Uh, you ruined my clothes, remember?”

  Shane froze, frowning at me. Meanwhile the hammering grew in volume and intensity. Suddenly I heard a female yell, “Shane, if you don’t open this darn door, I’m gonna have your father kick it in.”

  “Let me go get the door. Just stay here.” Shane closed the door on his way to answer their knocks.

  “I’ll try to find you something,” Cole offered, going to their closet.

  Somehow I could only picture my ass splitting the seam of their pants, if I could even get them on of course. I groaned into my hands. What a great first impression to make. Moments later he handed me a pair of dark grey sweatpants that looked like they might work.

  “Can I have my bra and shirts? I think they may still be in the kitchen.”

  “Of course, sweetie. I’ll be right back.” He kissed my forehead before slipping out of the room. I heard commotion out in the front of the house. I cringed internally. I hadn’t expected to meet their parents today.

  I ran to the bathroom, just in case anyone happened to come in. Cole knocked and opened it right behind me. He set my clothes on the counter, his eyes raking over me. I flushed beneath his scrutiny. He ran a finger over my nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure through me.

  “You’re beautiful, you know that?” He wrapped his arms around me, seizing my lips. I leaned into him, deepening the kiss; trying to rid the nerves unsteadying me. “They’re going to love you,” he said, kissing me again before he left me to dress.

  I took a deep breath and turned to the mirror. I groaned at my reflection. My hair looked like a bird’s nest that’d been caught in a tornado. My eye shadow was smudged, and my lips were swollen from tangling with Cole.

  I put my feet through the pants, saying a silent prayer that they fit me. It would be beyond embarrassing if they didn’t fit. I had to do a jig to slide them over the curve of my hips and rear, but to my luck, they fit… barely. I pulled the elastic around the ankle up and over my calves to make them into capris before layering my bra, tank and tee. I searched the drawers until I found a brush. I ran it through my strands quickly. I was far from made up, but at least I was somewhat presentable. I brushed my teeth and scrubbed my face before exiting the bathroom.

  I took a deep breath as I opened the bedroom door. My stomach twisted into knots the second I caught wind of the conversation topic: me.

  “So when do we get to meet the woman who wrangled the two you?” a woman asked.

  “Must be some girl to handle both of you at once,” another commented.

  “Leave the boys alone,” a male stepped in.

  “Oh, stop, Peter. We’re not badgering them about anything we’re not entitled to know.”

  “That’s right,” the other woman agreed.

  I ran my hands along the legs of the sweatpants trying to get rid of the perspiration. My heart was pounding, but I forced myself to take those steps to face the firing squad.

  As I crossed the threshold to the entry way, Shane pulled me into his arms leading me to the living room. He introduced everyone, before lastly introducing me. “Guys, this is Karley. Karley, these are our parents.”

  I lifted my hand to wave slightly at the bunch. A heavy set woman with teased, short red hair, bright green eyes and too much make-up sat on the sofa beside a woman with shoulder length dark hair and a much more natural look. She had less girth, but wasn’t tiny by any means. I immediately knew whose mother was who.

  “Oh, isn’t she beautiful?” Shane’s mother squealed.

  “Absolutely,” Cole’s mother grinned.

  “Don’t mind them. They’re going to gawk at you for a while,” a man said. He looked older than the women’s age of fifty-something, but the gleam in his eye said he still had spunk. His overgrown jet black hair and tan skin upon an athletic frame made me think he was Cole’s dad.

  “They’ll settle down eventually,” the other man stated, frowning at his wife, who just brushed him off. Shane’s dad winked at me. He didn’t look anything like I expected though. His skin was a shade lighter than Cole’s father’s, with dark brown hair, and grey eyes. He appeared much younger than fifty though. He’d certainly aged well.

  I turned back in confusion when a male strolled through the front door as if he owned the place. “So where’s this chick Momma won’t shut up about?” The boy looked about the same age as me. His bulky frame was dressed well in dark jeans and a red polo. His hair was an organized mess, and his attitude was that of a lady’s man.

  “Bobby!” Shane’s mother scolded. “She’s standing right there. There’s no need to be so rude.”

  He looked me up and down, eliciting a growl from Shane and Cole. “Damn, you do have their balls in a bunch. Nice to meet you, babe.” He laughed, winking at me.

  “Robert! Sit your hiney down and shut up.” Shane’s mother stood, yanking her younger son’s shirt to force him into her seat on the couch. She walked straight up to me and extricated me from Shane’s grip. “Don’t be shy, honey. We don’t bite, I promise. Come over here and tell us about yourself.”

  I looked back over my shoulder at Shane. He ran his hand along the back of his neck, following behind me. “Um, there’s not really much to tell,” I chuckled nervously.

  “Get up, Peter, and let the poor girl sit down.”

  “It’s okay.” I waved my hand to stay him.

  He lifted out of the chair. “I’m better just to get up now before she pesters me to death. Thanks though.”

  Shane’s mother pushed me down into the seat. “What’s your full name, Karley?”

  Unease ran through me. While she seemed nice enough, I sensed discord beneath her surface. “Karletta Maria Garcia.” I tucked my hands beneath my thighs, chewing my bottom lip as I glanced around. She’d literally sat me in the perfect seat to be scrutinized by everyone.

  “That’s a beautiful name. Are you from here?” She moved to sit on the other side of Cole’s mother.

  “Yes.” I looked to Cole and Shane, who were standing near their family, but still off to the side. I could see the apology in their expressions.

  “What do you do?” Cole’s mother asked, crossing her ankles. The way she lifted her chin made me feel as if she was judging me, looking down on me.

  “I work in a bookstore.”

  “Oh. Did you go to college?” She folded her hands together. My pulse raced as the questions grew more and more personal. I’d always wanted to go to college, but given my circumstances, couldn’t afford to. There weren’t any community colleges near our small town.

  “Um, no.”

  “Well, what do you want to do with your life?”

  “Mom,” Cole clipped. His brow was scrunched in disapproval.
r />   I frowned. “I haven’t really thought about it.”

  “How old are you?” Shane’s mother jumped in.


  “You’re still young, but certainly no spring chicken. You should look into that, honey.” Definitely a shark hidden beneath.

  “Leave the girl alone, Marge,” Shane’s father came to my defense.

  “Yes, Momma, let’s leave Karley alone. She’s not on trial,” Shane said, his arms folded across his chest, biceps clenching.

  “Oh please. She’s happy to chat with us, aren’t you, dear?” Marge smiled, knowing she had me cornered. I swallowed hard, a fake smile plastered to my face.

  “Of course she is,” Cole’s mother answered for me. “Who wouldn’t want to get to know their future in-laws?” I was fighting not to cringe at the sweet, syrupy cynicism in their tones.

  “When do we get to meet your parents, Karley?” Marge adjusted her shiny pink pant suit.

  “Mother!” Shane yelled.

  “What?” she screeched.

  “We’re not talking about that right now.” Shane’s tone said there would be no arguing about this.

  “Oh fine,” she huffed. “What time is it?” She lifted her sleeve to check her watch. “Why don’t we all go get freshened up, then we can head out for some dinner?”

  “Yes!” Shane and Cole replied together.

  “Well, Jose, looks like we’ve got a good one. She put up with their nonsense,” Peter said, slapping Cole’s dad on the back.

  “Looks like it.” He winked at me. I blushed, leaning forward, ready to escape the moment I was given the okay to.

  Cole showed them to their rooms. Shane hugged me to him the moment they disappeared. “Damn, I’m sorry darlin’. I didn’t tell them about your parents.”

  “It’s okay.” My lips twitched up at the corners, dismissing his concern. There was a twinge of sadness in me over it, but it did me no good to dwell on it.

  “Let me grab a shirt and I’ll take you home to change. Unfortunately I already know they’re goin’ to insist you join us.” He kissed me, his lips offering me another apology, while promising he’d make up for it later.

  Chapter 20

  “We’ll walk you up,” Cole said. He’d tagged along with us to my apartment.

  “I’ll be fine, thanks. I promise to be quick.” Truth was I needed a moment to myself. I didn’t expect to meet their family today and my stomach had been in knots since the second I heard the knock on their door.

  “We’ll come up,” Shane insisted. I bit my lower lip, but nodded in acquiesce.

  Cole entwined his fingers through mine as he helped me out of the truck. The moment we came around front, Shane gripped my other hand, pulling the back of it to his lips. I flushed at the sensuality in this touch; his eyes pierced mine as his mouth came down on the sensitive skin. A jolt of pleasure shot through me, straight to my womb. His eyes were filled with longing, with desire and promise. Suddenly I wasn’t only nervous about his family.

  They escorted me to my door. When I fumbled with my key, Cole took it and promptly opened my apartment door. I felt myself be ushered in my Shane, his hands sure on my lower back. I tried to pull away, but was quickly hooked around my stomach by two strong arms. I heard the door shut behind me, the lock quickly set. My heart thudded in my chest with a fierceness.

  Cole came around in front of me, his eyes predatory. I swallowed hard. I trembled when he leaned in close and growled. He smiled, pleased that he had me on my toes. One second he was leering at me, the next, two pair of hands were stripping me with finesse. Being pulled at both ends set me off balance both mentally and physically. I shrieked when Shane lifted me and carried me over to the sofa, tossing me down. He yanked me by my knees, pulling my center to the edge, my head pushed forward by the back cushion.

  The second I gasped for breath, he was between my legs, pushing them apart to ravage my inner flesh. His mouth came down on my pussy with a vengeance; my body was shocked by the attack, a cry bellowing from me the second his lips touched my flesh. Sensation wracked my body, sending shivers of pleasure through me. Cole stood off to the side, watching with a gleam in his eyes. He was assuring me that there was more; they both would have their way with me.

  My nipples pebbled, liquid heat flooding my inner walls when his tongue shot out and flicked my clit. My body shook beneath the intensity of his assault. There was no tenderness in his moves. I gasped, my muscles coiling when he sucked the sensitive nub between his teeth. I was climbing the tense mountain, searching for that invisible peak, the height of pleasure possible.

  Cole came closer. Leaning down, he locked eyes with me. “I want you to come.” The power in his tone, the finality of it, nearly broke me.

  My body was aware of every touch, every command they were barking at me, whether it be physically or verbally. Shane’s tongue teased my folds, his movements slowing from jerky strips of pleasure to a steady, manipulative spell. My muscles felt like they were on the brink of cramping, the tension twisting tight in my womb. Suddenly, he penetrated me with two fingers, curling them as he pounded into me, sending me into a tremor of pleasure. Heat slid along my core, my muscles clenching and releasing as I cried out a muttered moan, something with Shane and ‘oh my God’ mixed. I lay panting as he milked me ‘til the last tremble left my body, his tongue lapping up every bit of me that spilled forth.

  “Oh my,” I said breathlessly. “I, uh, wasn’t expecting that.”

  Shane grunted as he pulled me to him, his lips crashing down on mine. I tasted myself on him. I always thought I’d be grossed out by it, but mixed with him, I delighted with the perfect blend of tangy and sweet dancing on my tongue as our mouths mingled. His arms wrapped around me, securing my naked body against his clothed one. I felt the length of his need between my thighs.

  I reached down between us, going for his belt, but he stilled my hands. “Not now. You need to get dressed so we can go.” I whimpered, the need to feel him deep inside me strong despite my release. “Later,” he chuckled, kissing my lips lightly.

  Cole lifted me off of Shane, capturing my lips. As quickly as he descended on them, he reeled himself in. “I can’t wait for dessert.” He winked, releasing me and pushing me towards my bedroom with a smack to my rear. I yelped, my eyes widening as my hands flew to the flesh, which I was certain was red from his connection.

  I turned on the flat iron, allowing it to heat up as I got dressed. Feeling like such a slob over my first introduction, I took my time picking out my outfit, hoping to redeem myself. Before, it was obvious I’d slept there and had slept with them; not exactly the best impression to leave with your boyfriends’ family.

  After several minutes of waffling, I decided to go with my only black dress. It reminded me of what a fifties housewife would wear with the way it hugged my bosom with a ruffle detail down the center; the dress cinched tightly on my waist from below my breasts to an inch above my belly button before billowing out in beautiful layers of fabric and that fell away from my body without creating width, the hem hitting just above my knees. The faux lace overlay, done in the same material as the rest of the dress, only with cut outs giving it the lace effect, glammed up the one-color number. I paired it with simple stud earrings, a single bracelet and the black heels I’d worn when I sang. I quickly ran the flat iron through my strands, loosely adding a curve to them so it didn’t matter which way the ends fell. I applied a bit of light make-up, some scented lotion rather than perfume, since they had sensitive noses, and grabbed my clutch, tossing my wallet and phone in haphazardly.

  I chuckled when I walked into the living room, finding the men on the sofa, their feet stretched out in front of them. Their heads were lulled back, faces to the ceiling and eyes closed. Cole’s arms were stretched over the back and side of the couch while Shane’s were crossed over his chest. I smiled at the steady pattern of their breathing being in sync; it was much like the two of them.

  I cleared my throat, trying
to get their attention, but they both continued to snooze. It wasn’t until Cole’s lips quirked at the corners that I knew they were pretending. With magnified hearing, I knew they heard me in the space.

  “Alright, you two can cut it out. I don’t want to make a second bad impression on your family by monopolizing your time and making us late.”

  They chuckled, but the second their eyes fell on me, all humor disappeared. They looked me up and down, their features taut and intense. I fidgeted under their scrutiny.

  “Do I look okay? Is it too much? Maybe not enough? Your moms seemed a bit dressed up to be traveling, so I figured they expected me to put forth an effort.”

  “You’re beautiful.” Cole’s voice was barely above a whisper.

  Shane stood up, shaking himself slightly. “You’re perfect. And trust me, they’ll be too stunned to even remember what you were wearing before.” He walked over and kissed my cheek, grabbing my hand. He turned back to Cole. “Get your ass up and let’s go. We’ll have all night to gawk at her.”

  Cole growled something under his breath. I turned my face down, trying not to let him see my amusement. I loved the effect I had on him, on them; I was empowered by it. It affirmed what they always said: that I was beautiful. For a girl with hips as wide as Texas, that went a long way; they gave me much more than a compliment every time they said something to that affect.

  The restaurant wasn’t too far from my apartment, but the drive seemed to last much longer given the tension in the air; erotic tension. Each male had placed a hand on my knee. Cole nearly lost control of the car, adjusting himself once. They were tense, and I knew we’d be having more than one session later, which my body was more than willing to endure, despite the occasional protest from my still slightly sore muscles.


  As we rounded the last corner, following the hostess through the restaurant, Cole’s face lit up. I followed his eyes to a large, curvy young woman similar in make-up to me with long, flowing dark brown hair, an angel’s face with full lips, lightly tan skin and a beautiful black dress as well. The second she saw Cole, she stood and nearly threw herself at him. I stood back, smiling appropriately and waiting for an introduction.


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