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Karley's Surrender

Page 16

by Christin Lovell

  “I chose you over music, over the contract, but never did I say that I was moving with you.” I scrunched my brow, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I don’t want to argue. I’m just mad that you’ve waltzed in and taken away my choices. You’re trying to control my life, just like my dad did my mom.”

  “We are not him!” Shane snapped.

  “Yea, well, talking to Suzie is the same kinda shit he would pull if he didn’t like my mom’s hours or whatever.”

  Cole put a calming hand on Shane’s shoulder. “Listen, Karley, maybe we overstepped our boundaries, but we were only thinking about you. We didn’t do it maliciously.”

  I stared at the two of them for a while, considering his words. I knew they would never intentionally hurt me, but then again, sometimes it didn’t seem like my dad could hurt a fly. But he changed. He’d snap at the tiniest thing. It was the little things he did that asserted his power over my mother, that put her in the position she ended up in at night. I love Cole and Shane; I knew they wouldn’t do that to me, but I couldn’t help the knee jerk reaction I had. I guess I would always carry the scars of my father, even when I had two men that I’d move heaven and Earth for. Well, at least I would try to anyways.

  “I know,” I sighed. “Please don’t do it again. It’s my life. You have to let me make my own decisions. You have to promise you’ll never take that from me. I… I can never be in the position that my mom was.”

  They pulled me into them, each of them surrounding one side of me. “We’re sorry, darlin’. We know now what a dick move that was. We weren’t thinkin’.”

  “We never meant to hurt you, sweetie.” Cole kissed my head.

  “I know you didn’t mean to. You just have to let me stand on my own two feet. I’ll never depend on you two entirely, because dependence was what put my mom in the position she was with my dad. It was her greatest weakness, and I could never let it be mine.”

  They stepped back away from me. “We don’t want you to work. You can go to school, we’ll pay. Do whatever you want, but you won’t have to work.”

  I shook my head. “I appreciate the offer, but I need to work. I need to have my own money. I will never look at you two as ATM machines. You’re the men I love, not the money I love.”

  They nodded. “Just think about it. There’s no rush,” Cole said.

  “But you are coming with us. I’ll be damned if we’re leaving you here,” Shane commanded.

  “Or what?” I challenged, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Or you’ll have two panthers stalking you, and I can’t say you’ll have too many friends with them on your ass all day,” he said.

  I broke into a fit of laughter. “You wouldn’t show yourselves like that. You’d never run the risk of getting caught.”

  “Oh, but love will make you do some crazy things, darlin’. And there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for you.”

  “Then what would be the point of moving if you’d be tailing me here? Why not just stay here with me?”

  “Why not just come with us and save us the hassle?” He raised a daring brow.

  I picked up my coffee, taking a sip of the delicious brew. I turned around, throwing a, “I’ll think about it,” over my shoulder as I sashayed out.

  Chapter 29

  The next month flew by. We had a big Thanksgiving and good-bye party in one; of course the guys talked me into going with them, not that I ever planned on staying behind. Jim, Suzie, Jess and even Van spent the day with us, reliving memories and talking about making new ones. Jess and Van hit it off the night at the bar, and they’d been inseparable ever since, and Jim and Suzie were planning to marry in the next year. She warned the guys that I’d better be back for her big day or else she’d hunt them down. They laughed, but promised I’d be in attendance for all of the festivities leading up to it as well since she wanted me to be her maid of honor.

  The move was painless for me. They hired movers to pack up what I wanted in my apartment and I donated the rest to the local thrift store since they refused to let me take any of my old furniture with me. They said it would fit in with the design of the loft they’d purchased in downtown Birmingham. The condo was at least five times the size of my old apartment. It was the penthouse unit and came with the highest upgrades money could buy. I tried to talk them into something cheaper, the price had me hyperventilating to say the least, but they refused anything less.

  It seemed that as soon as I unpacked the last box at the new place, we were hopping on a plane to fly to Waconia for Christmas. We arrived on the twenty-third. The scenery was beautiful, capped in white. We were staying at Shane’s parent’s house tonight, Cole’s tomorrow, and then all getting together at Shane’s on Christmas day to exchange presents.

  I was on pins and needles about the gift I had for the guys. It’d been hell trying to keep it from them, what with the morning sickness and my loss of appetite. Luckily, they’d been so busy with work on the steel and fabrication company they took over, they weren’t around consistently enough to notice. I’d taken two tests just to be sure, but the doctor confirmed it for me a couple days before we left. That’d been hard to sneak in, but thankfully they had a conference call that morning and didn’t miss me.

  I’d been nervous the day I found out, but wasn’t too surprised. We’d never used condoms, which I knew was a big no-no for most, but it’d never crossed my mind the times we had sex or made love. There was something about them that made me trust them to take care of me and my body in that respect. And they’d never done anything but.

  I tied a yellow ribbon with my due date: August 22nd, around each test and then wrapped them individually in a rectangular jewelry box, usually used for a bracelet. I covered them in wrapping paper so the guys couldn’t peak if they happened to find them. I wrote the same to each of them on the paper I’d attached to the top of their present: I love you and all you’ve given me. It gave them a subtle hint at what it was, but I knew they wouldn’t pick up on it until they opened the gift.

  “Look at you skinny Minnie!” Marge gushed as she yanked me into her arms, crushing me to her chest.

  “I haven’t lost that much.” I chuckled. I had lost a little bit more since nothing sounded appealing, but nothing drastic. I was still very much plump, thick and plus size to the full extent of the term.

  “You look fabulous. I can tell these boys are keeping you happy. I see the glow on your face. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were pregnant.” My heart skipped a beat praying they wouldn’t pick up on her reference.

  “Leave her alone, Momma. She looks great,” Shane said, scooting in to hug his mother. He kissed her lightly on the cheek.

  “Don’t mind her. She’s been ciphering eggnog all day,” Peter chuckled, hugging me and kissing my head.

  “Must be good eggnog.” I smiled.

  “Oh hush! I have not had that much.” She swatted at him, releasing Cole just in time to avoid being caught in the middle.

  “You’ve damn near drank half the container,” Bobby stated as he came into the room.

  “Are you all keeping tabs on me? Sheesh. Can’t a woman enjoy the fruits of her labor?” She walked towards her glass, conveniently sitting on the counter closest to the living room and front entrance.

  “Wow!” Bobby whistled. “You look great, Karley. These two morons ever fuck up, I’d be more than happy to step in.” I blushed, laughing when Shane smacked him on the back of the head as Cole punched his arm. Bobby lifted his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright. I won’t approach her again until she drops your asses.”

  “Dinner’ll be done in about half an hour. Why don’t you boys take up your luggage while me and Karley catch up in the kitchen?”


  In the blink of an eye almost, it was Christmas Day.

  “Bundle up, guys; it snowed last night,” Carol called.

  “I love that I’m finally getting a real white Christmas.” I smiled as I wrapped my scarf around my neck.

  “Trust me, it gets old,” Anna said, tucking her hair beneath a ski hat.

  “Don’t ruin it for her,” Cole scolded.

  “I doubt she could.” I bit my lower lip as I looked at them, a twinkle in my eye. I could barely contain my giddiness. In less than an hour, they’d know.

  “Hm. Why do I get the feelin’ you’re up to somethin’?” Shane pursed his lips, considering me.

  I shrugged, zipping up my puffy jacket. “Funny, I’ve had the same feelin’ about the two of you.”

  “Where’s the trust in y’alls relationship exactly?” Anna passed a sarcastic, inquisitive look at us.

  I laughed. “It’s there. Trust me.”

  “Oh definitely.” Cole nodded. He kissed my cheek, swatting my rear.


  Shane growled, nipping my other cheek. “You’re definitely going to have a good Christmas night.” He pulled away, winking at me.

  “Let’s go. I don’t want no grandbabies being made under my roof just yet,” Jose said. I couldn’t help but think it was a little too late for that, but kept my mouth shut. “Especially by you.” He pointed directly at Anna.

  “Oh please.” Anna rolled her eyes. “You’re just afraid Mom will make you give up the TV on Sundays during football season to watch Dora The Explorer.”

  He grunted, already heading out the door.

  The Rivieras didn’t live far from the Walkers; the next neighborhood over in fact. The guys planked me as we walked in.

  “Merry Christmas everyone!” Marge greeted, passing out hugs and mugs of something to everyone as we unbundled, dropping our layers on pegs lining the cozy entry. We slid off our shoes, setting them beneath the wooden bench complimenting the country feel of her traditional home.

  “Can we get right to the presents?” Bobby asked, throwing himself onto the couch closest to the tree.

  “Must you always be impatient?” Anna snipped, sitting at the opposite end of the sofa.

  “Only when it comes to the good stuff.”

  “Figures.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Do you always do Christmas together?” I sat down on the floor.

  “What are you doing?” Cole frowned.

  “Giving the other adults the chairs in the room?” I smirked. The way he and Shane glared at me was comical.

  “I don’t think so, darlin’. There’s always a seat for a woman before a man.” Shane extended his hand to help me up.

  I shoved it away. “I’m fine. Really. Don’t worry about me.”

  “You get uncomfortable, you just let us know and we’ll kick Bobby off the couch,” Peter said.

  “Hey! Why do I get the boot?”

  “Because half the time I wished someone’d take one to your butt the way you’re always shootin’ off at the mouth.” Marge settled into one of the cozy recliners, a cup of eggnog in her hand. She’d dressed in exactly what I expected her to today: black slacks and a bright Christmas sweater. “Peter, pass out the gifts, will you?” She turned to me. “After hearing how beautiful your voice is, Karley, I expect you to sing us a few carols later.”

  I flushed. “Uh, as long as you all sing with me.”

  Peter sat on the floor next to the tall tree, decorated with all the trimmings. Bright colored glass bulbs reflected off the flames flaring within the fireplace off to the right of the tree. Colored lights flashed, their colors dancing off the silver garland intertwining around the tree’s limbs. Red and green plaid bows added a touch of country to the tips of the branches. The angel atop the tree glowed, reminding me of my mother and sisters. My Christmases had been empty since I’d lost them. I never put up a tree and the only present I ever bought or received was Suzie’s. It felt wonderful to be amongst such caring people, enjoying a holiday I hadn’t thought much of in so long.

  It’d been my favorite holiday. Every year I’d help my mother in the kitchen. We’d bake desserts all day Christmas Eve and spent every Christmas day baking a feast for dinner. Those were the fondest of memories in my home, the only two days that never seemed to be marred by my father’s actions.

  “Darlin’?” I shook my head, at hearing Shane. He cocked his head. “You alright?” I smiled, nodding my head. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, kissing the top of my head.

  I looked at everyone else, already tearing into their presents.

  “Oh my goodness!” Marge exclaimed. “I just love it! Oh boys, I’m so glad you nabbed, Karley. About damn time I got a decent Christmas gift from y’all.” She held the basket, ripping off the lids to each jewelry box, exposing the costume jewelry I’d picked out for her. They weren’t overly expensive, but didn’t look cheap. Since I couldn’t pick just one for her, I’d gotten the entire collection for the one I thought she’d enjoy the most.

  “I agree,” Carol beamed, holding up the Coach purse I’d splurged on for her. She’d complained about her purse when she visited us in Mount Bluff, so I knew she’d like it.

  “Ah! Oh my gosh! You two are never allowed to buy my gifts again!” Anna yelled. She was bouncing up and down in the sofa as she studied the concert tickets and hotel confirmation print out.

  “You’re hired,” Cole chuckled, kissing my cheek.

  “Aren’t you going to open yours?” Marge pressed, frowning slightly as she watched me.

  I shook my head, giving her a shy smile. I wasn’t used to getting so many gifts. I carefully unwrapped the gifts, mindful not to rip the paper. My mother had always saved the wrapping paper to use again in some way.

  “Just tear into, girl,” Anna said, shaking her head at my pace.

  “I’ll help you,” Shane said, yanking the piece from within my hand.

  I laughed, trying not to be a tad disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to continue the tradition my mother had. “My mom always reused the paper. Guess I got used to being careful.”

  Shane’s face grew serious for a moment before he buried his emotions again. “Did you want to save it?”

  I shook my head. “It’s okay. Thanks for asking though.”

  I’d just unwrapped Anna’s gift, several fashionable shirts, much like the ones I envied on her, when Shane and Cole handed me an envelope. I furrowed my brow. “What’s this?”

  “Just open it.” Shane smirked.

  I pulled out a bank statement. I frowned. “What is it?”

  “Look at the name and amount, sweetie,” Cole said.

  I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth. The bank account was in my name and showed two separate deposits of two-and-a-half million dollars. My eyes were wide. Suddenly, my stomach was in knots and I felt last night’s dinner coming up. “Oh God!” I threw the paper, swallowing hard repeatedly, trying to keep it all in. Shane and Cole were blaring concerned questions in my ear, but I ignored them, opting to focus on not losing my stomach. I took several deep breaths once my gag reflex was under control. “I’m fine. Just caught off guard by your gift, that’s all.”

  Silence met my ears, which was alarming considering the living room was full. Everyone behind my men stared at me, the same question in their eyes. I averted my eyes, not wanting to spoil anything.

  “Um, why on earth would you two feel the need to give me that much money? That’s way too much. I already know how much you’ve shelled out on the condo and who knows how much you’ve spent on moving and furniture. I don’t need it. I appreciate it, but I just don’t need it.”

  They stood up, hovering over me, staring down at me. Their expressions were sharp, no emotion, no hint at what they were feeling or thinking, seeping through.

  “You’ll keep it,” Cole said, crossing his arms over his chest.


  “No buts. You gave up that amount for us; we never want you to feel like you made a sacrifice to be with us. Keep it. We have plenty more.” Shane’s hands dropped to his lean hips, drawing my attention to the way his jeans fit. They molded to the top of his muscular thighs, and I knew if he turned around, they’d be cupping his tight buttocks
to perfection.

  I opened my mouth several times, but shut it, never knowing what to say. “Will you at least take some of it back? I don’t even know what to do with that kind of money.”

  “Nope.” Shane said, dropping to his knee in front of me.

  The second Cole did the same thing, Marge squealed, jumping up and down in her chair. Carol’s hand flew over her mouth, as Anna’s mouth fell open. My heart skipped a beat when they reached into their pockets, each pulling out a velvet blue jewelry box. My pulse raced, as my body began to shake. I felt sick to my stomach all over again. Not now baby, this is a huge moment for Mommy.

  “We love you, darlin’, and couldn’t picture a woman more perfect for us than you.” Shane’s green eyes gazed into mine; nothing but love staring into me.

  “You’ve made our lives complete. You always talk about us being the brightest part of your day, but that’s exactly what you are for us, and we never want to lose that.” Cole smiled, his eyes intent on me. My gut clenched. I’d never known a love like this; never dreamed of anything as wonderful as this, as perfect as them.

  “Will you marry us?” They asked in unison. It was my turn for my mouth to fall open; I was breathless as they opened the boxes. They each presented me the identical ring. In the center was a large emerald cut stone, the top half on Shane’s ring, the bottom half on Cole’s. Each band had tiny diamonds running around it so when the pair aligned, it was one piece of sparkling flawlessness.

  Not trusting myself to speak, I nodded my head profusely. Tears gathered as Shane’s lips collided with mine. His lips were soft, yet there was a reigned in power behind them. He kissed my cheek before passing me to Cole.

  Cole’s lips briefly pressed to mine. He was a bit sloppier than normal, which meant he was too excited to concentrate. He slid his ring on my finger, and Shane followed swiftly with his.

  I stared down at the beautiful piece; two halves making a perfect whole. Two men making one woman completely and utterly happy. “I love it. I love you both.”

  Seeing Anna digging in her purse reminded me about their gifts in mine. I went and retrieved their presents, returning to them all in a jovial conversation. My hands shook slightly as I passed them each a box. They tore into the paper immediately; they were just like kids. I sucked my lower lip between my teeth, sitting down in front of them right as they lifted the covers. I held my breath as they lifted the tests, studying the tag. I waited, my anxiety growing by the second, for their reactions. We’d never talked about kids, other than they’d admitted to wanting them.


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