Three Major Plays

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Three Major Plays Page 13

by Lope de Vega

  This is for our common sickness.*

  LEONOR. And that?

  FABIA. That's not for your eyes, 295

  My dear, even though you die

  Of curiosity.

  LEONOR. Oh, please, do tell me!

  FABIA. Well, there's this girl. She's desperate

  To marry, but now has been deceived

  By a gentleman from Saragossa. 300

  She's put the matter in my hands,

  And being such a goodly soul

  I plan to help her,* to see if they

  Can't live in peace.

  INÉS. What's this?

  FABIA. Tooth-powder,

  Hand-soap, pills, unusual and useful things. 305

  INÉS. And this?

  FABIA. Just prayers. The souls in heaven

  Owe much to me.

  INÉS. And here's a letter!

  FABIA. You seized on that as if it was

  Addressed to you! I want it back!

  It doesn't do to be so curious! 310

  INÉS. I want to read it!

  FABIA. A certain gentleman

  Lives here. He's handsome and intelligent

  And madly loves a certain lady.

  He's promised me a chain if I

  Deliver this, bearing in mind 315

  Her honour and her modesty.

  The trouble is that, though he wants

  To marry her, I dare not do it.


  I wonder if you, most beautiful Inés --

  The thought has just occurred to me -- 320

  Could write me a reply, and I'll

  Pretend it comes from her.

  INÉS. No doubt

  It will guarantee the chain. Alright,

  I'll do it.

  FABIA. God bless you, miss, and may

  Your life be long and happy. Read 325

  The letter.

  INÉS. I'll go inside and bring

  You the reply.

  [Exit INÉS

  LEONOR. A cunning scheme indeed!

  FABIA. Come fires of hell, satanic flames!*

  Consume the heart of this young maiden!


  RODRIGO. Until I marry her, must I 330

  Endure all these inconveniences?

  FERNANDO. A man who is in love is bound

  To suffer.*

  RODRIGO. Your lady is at home.

  FABIA. These fools and nuisances! What brings

  Them here?

  RODRIGO. Instead of mine, this hag! 335

  FABIA. The payment would be very welcome.

  I'm so very poor!

  LEONOR. I'll see to it

  My sister pays you.

  FERNANDO. My dearest

  Leonor, if there is something here


  You'd like to have, despite the fact 340

  That this old lady only seems

  To have mere odds and ends, and not

  The jewels you deserve, please let

  Me pay.

  LEONOR. But we've bought nothing. The lady

  Attends to the household laundry. 345

  RODRIGO. Is not Don Pedro here?

  LEONOR. He'll be back

  From the country soon.

  RODRIGO. And Doña Inés?

  LEONOR. Attending to the laundry woman.

  RODRIGO. She saw me coming and decided to

  Escape! So is my constancy 350

  Rewarded by her scant regard!

  Enter DOÑA INÉS.

  LEONOR. She's coming. Inés, Fabia wants

  The laundry list.

  INÉS. I have it here.

  The boy you spoke of. Make sure that he

  Receives it.

  FABIA. Oh, Doña Inés, happy 355

  The water that washes linen fine

  As this, that not long since has touched

  Such perfect skin! Ten towels, six

  Chemises, four cloths, two cushion covers,

  Six gentleman's shirts, eight bed-sheets . . . 360

  I'll get them back to you whiter than

  The whites of your eyes.

  RODRIGO. Dear lady, be

  So good as to sell me the paper.

  I'll pay you well, so I can hold

  In these two hands something at least 365


  From those ungrateful hands of hers.

  FABIA. If I agreed to sell you this,

  We'd do some business, sir, for sure!

  Goodbye to you, my precious girls.

  [Exit FABIA

  RODRIGO. That paper should have stayed here, not 370

  Been taken.

  LEONOR. Retrieve it if you wish.

  Perhaps you'd like to check that it's

  In order.

  INÉS. Father's arrived. It's best

  You leave, or pay him your respects.

  He never says a word but, truth 375

  To tell, doesn't like you seeing us


  RODRIGO. I pray that either Love

  Or Death provide me with a remedy

  For your disdain: Love, by granting me

  A favour to reduce the pain 380

  Of your harshness; Death, by ending

  My life forever. But neither will,

  I know, assist me. Caught between

  The two of them, I cannot see

  The path ahead, for love will not 385

  Allow me to enjoy your favour;

  And since I am obliged to love,

  It forces me to ask that you

  Become the agent of my death.*

  Ungrateful woman, kill the man 390

  Who worships you. If you'll not be

  My life, then be my death! All things

  That live are born of love, sustained

  By love until they die according to

  That cruel law which ends all lives. 395

  If all my suffering is not

  Enough to satisfy love's harsh


  Demands, nor great enough to put

  An end to me, then I am surely more

  Than mortal, for neither life nor death 400

  Can do me good or ill.


  INÉS. Whoever saw such foolishness?

  LEONOR. I'd say that yours was just as great.

  INÉS. You mean the letter, obviously.

  Since when does love behave discreetly? 405

  LEONOR. Since when does love oblige you to reply

  To someone you don't even know?

  INÉS. I think it's just a ruse, devised

  By our handsome stranger, to see

  If I am interested or not. 410

  LEONOR. My thoughts exactly.

  INÉS. Then you'll agree

  He's been discreet. I'll read his poem.


  'At Medina's fair* my eyes have seen

  The loveliest peasant-girl the sun

  Has gazed upon in journeying 415

  From rosy dawn to where it sets.

  A brightly coloured shoe adorned

  The base of such a beautiful

  And slender pillar,* and drew to it

  The eyes and souls of each admirer. 420

  That any shoe should prove victorious,

  When eyes, as we all know, can be

  The death of love, is quite miraculous.

  And so, surrendering to her, I say:

  "Oh, sweet Inés, if I am now 425

  Destroyed by your feet, what fate

  Awaits me in your lovely eyes?"'*

  LEONOR. It seems this suitor wants to dance


  With you, Inés.

  INÉS. My feet are just

  His starting-point; he'll end by asking for 430

  My hand.

  LEONOR. So what was your reply?

  INÉS. I told him he should come tonight . . .

  To the garden gate.

  LEONOR. Have you gone mad?

  INÉS. I don't intend to speak to him.

  LEONOR. Then what?

  INÉS. Just come with me and you'll 435

  Find out.

  LEONOR. You are a fool and rash

  With it.

  INÉS. But when was love not so?

  LEONOR. A girl should turn her back on love

  As soon as she's aware of it.

  INÉS. First love is irresistible. 440

  When Nature rules, * how can a girl

  Be sensible?

  Exit both. Enter DON ALONSO, TELLO, and FABIA.

  FABIA. It must have been

  At least four thousand vicious blows!

  TELLO. Which goes to show how well you must

  Have done the business!

  FABIA. I suppose 445

  You think you can do better.

  ALONSO. Such madness to

  Aspire to heaven itself!

  TELLO. And Fabia


  Condemned to all Hell's torments to raise

  You up to Paradise!

  FABIA. Oh, pity Fabia!

  TELLO. So who were the wicked sacristans who made 450

  A pulpit of your back?*

  FABIA. Two lackeys and

  Three pages. I lost my hood. My dress

  Was torn to shreds.

  ALONSO. What matters most,

  Good mother, is that your blessed face

  Is still intact. Oh, what a fool 455

  I was to put my faith in those

  Two treacherous eyes, those diamonds

  Which offered me encouragement

  And now have led me to my death!

  My punishment is just. Accept 460

  This purse, good lady. Tello, saddle up!

  Tonight we leave for Olmedo.

  TELLO. But why? It's getting dark.


  Stay here, I know I'll die.

  FABIA. My boy,

  Don't get excited. Courage! Fabia brings 465

  Your remedy.

  ALONSO. A note!

  FABIA. A note indeed!

  ALONSO. Is this a trick?

  FABIA. It's from the girl

  Herself, replying to your lovely poem.

  ALONSO. Tello, kneel before this saint!

  TELLO. I think

  You'd better read it first. Who knows? 470


  It might contain some savage blows,

  Disguised as toothpicks!

  ALONSO [reads]. 'Eager to know* if you are who I think

  you are, and hoping that you prove to be so, I suggest you

  come tonight to the garden gate of this house. There 475

  you shall find a green ribbon from my shoe. Wear it on

  your hat tomorrow, so I may know you.'

  FABIA. So what's she say?

  ALONSO. I can't pay you

  Enough or say how overjoyed

  I am.

  TELLO. It's obvious, then. No need 480

  To saddle up tonight. Hear that, my beauties?

  Calm yourselves! We're staying in


  ALONSO. Night falls, advancing coldly where

  The day begins to take its leave.

  To appear at the garden gate I need 485

  To look my best. It could well be

  That she, inspired by love, will want

  To see who takes the ribbon. I'll go

  And change my clothes.

  [Exit ALONSO

  TELLO. I have to go

  As well, Fabia; to get him dressed 490

  For these night-watchman's duties.*

  FABIA. No, wait.

  TELLO. But he can't dress himself without

  My help, not in the state he's in.

  FABIA. Just leave him to it. You have to come

  With me.

  TELLO. With you?

  FABIA. With me!


  TELLO. What, me? 495

  FABIA. Yes, you! It has to do with your master.

  TELLO. So what d'you want me for?

  FABIA. You'll be

  My bodyguard. A woman feels

  Much safer with a man around.

  I need a tooth,* from a highwayman 500

  Hanged yesterday.

  TELLO. You mean he's not

  Been buried?

  FABIA. Right.

  TELLO. So what's your plan?

  FABIA. I need to pull the tooth. And you'll

  Accompany me.

  TELLO. I think I'd rather stay

  At home. Have you gone mad?

  FABIA. Don't be 505

  A coward! Wherever I go, you have

  To follow.

  TELLO. But you have dealings with

  The Devil!

  FABIA. Move yourself!

  TELLO. I would

  If you instructed me to kill

  A dozen men, but messing with 510

  The dead . . .!

  FABIA. If you don't come,

  I'll get the Devil himself to come

  And visit you.

  TELLO. All right! I'll do it!

  Are you a woman or a demon?


  FABIA. You'll carry the ladder. You've no 515

  Experience of such matters.

  TELLO. That's true.

  And yet I know that he who climbs

  Too high may come a cropper!


  dressed in dark clothing.

  FERNANDO. Why come here merely to see the house?

  It seems so pointless.

  RODRIGO. This gate provides 520

  At least some consolation. Perhaps

  Her lovely hands have touched its bars.

  Each day her hands caress them, each night

  I offer them my soul. The more

  Her cruel disdain attempts to kill 525

  My love, the more it burns. Her coldness sets

  My heart on fire. See how these bars

  Are softened by my sorrow, and yet

  That lovely angel is unmoved

  By someone who can melt the hardest iron! 530

  See there! What is it?

  FERNANDO. A ribbon tied

  To the gate.

  RODRIGO. No doubt the souls of those

  Who foolishly declared their love

  For her are fixed here as their punishment.

  FERNANDO. I think it a favour from Leonor. 535

  We often meet here.

  RODRIGO. My lack of faith

  Persuades me it is not Inés;

  And yet the possibility

  Remains that those ungrateful hands

  Have placed it there. Give me the ribbon. 540

  FERNANDO. Impossible. If it belongs


  To Leonor, I am obliged to wear it.

  If I do not, she will believe

  I do not care for her.

  RODRIGO. A suggestion, then.

  FERNANDO. Which is?

  RODRIGO. We shall divide it.

  FERNANDO. To what 545


  RODRIGO. If both of us are seen

  Displaying it, the women will

  Believe we came together.

  FERNANDO. Listen!

  There's someone in the street!

  Enter DON ALONSOand TELLO, in dark clothing.

  TELLO. The gate,

  Sir, quickly. Fabia's waiting. We have 550

  Important business to attend to.

  ALONSO. You have business tonight with Fabia?

  TELLO. An elevated matter.

  ALONSO. Really?

  TELLO. Hence the ladder, sir.

  ALONSO. And Fabia?

  TELLO. A pair of pincers.

  ALONSO. But what do you intend 555

  To do?

  TELLO. Extract a little lady from

  Her dwelling.

  ALONSO. Be careful, Tello. Don't get

  Involved in anything from which

  There's no escape.
/>   -103-

  TELLO. It's nothing, sir.

  ALONSO. You think a lady nothing?

  TELLO. It's just 560

  A tooth, from a highwayman they strung

  Up yesterday.

  ALONSO. Look there. Two men

  Are standing at the gate.

  TELLO. Maybe they're

  On guard.

  ALONSO. So how am I to get

  The ribbon?

  TELLO. She may be teaching you 565

  A lesson, sir.

  ALONSO. If I was over-bold,

  She'd surely find some other way.

  In any case, she is mistaken.

  Little does she know Alonso, praised

  For his courage as the Knight of Olmedo. 570

  I'll teach her to find some other way

  To punish those who serve her!

  TELLO. Don't

  Do anything stupid!

  ALONSO. Gentlemen! No one's

  Allowed to wait outside the gate!

  RODRIGO. Who's that?

  FERNANDO. Can't say I recognize 575

  His person or his voice.

  RODRIGO. Who is

  It dares to speak with such effrontery?

  ALONSO. Someone, my friend, whose sword will do

  His talking for him.

  RODRIGO. Then he shall find


  Someone who'll punish him for arrogance. 580

  TELLO. Go to it, master. Much better than

  Extracting teeth from corpses!

  [ RODRIGOand FERNANDOwithdraw


  Them go!

  TELLO. Look! Someone's left his cloak


  ALONSO. Let's take it over there.

  The windows give more light.* 585


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