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by Jacobs, Kyle

  Ryder closed the blinds and turned, catching his look. "Checking out the goods, huh? Well, there is a lot to check out."

  Good grief, Oliver thought, but smiled salaciously at him. "Come here. I wanna see what else is worth checking out."

  His mind raced as to how to get access to Ryder's cell phone without him noticing. He just had to play along until he came up with something.

  As Ryder eagerly moved in on him, he guided him to sit on the edge of the desk.

  "Oh," Oliver said, feigning concern. "Don't break your phone."

  Ryder, willing to do anything he asked, took it out and put it on the desk beside him. It was already forgotten as Oliver moved in for a kiss.

  The kiss was hungrily returned, as Ryder practically inhaled his face. His hands were suddenly everywhere on Oliver's body. His butt, the small of his back, his nipples.

  Oliver tolerated all of this. It wasn't so bad, after all. He was good looking, if not a little stupid. It would all be worth it.

  As they made out, Oliver started to feel him up, as well. Good God he was cut, he thought. Muscles were always a good thing. But he just yearned for them to belong to Logan.

  And he would feel Ryder's soon, if he could just pull this off.

  Ryder started to get more aggressive with his explorations of him, so Oliver tried to take control of the situation by sucking on his ear. Then, to keep him still, and distracted, he moved a hand down over the tight bulge growing in the front of Ryder's pants.

  Ryder gasped, and Oliver tried not to roll his eyes. He sucked on his earlobe noisily.

  "Oh, baby," Ryder said. "That feels so good." He was almost moaning.

  As he rubbed at Ryder, he used his free hand to pick up the cell phone. If he tried to use it, the noise it made would draw Ryder's attention, heavy petting or not. So Oliver starting sucking loudly, and said dirty things in his ear.

  Between his sucking, dirty talk, and Ryder's own pathetic noises of arousal he flipped through the cell phone's contact list.

  Suddenly, Ryder hitched up the back of his shirt, and slipped a hand down the back of his pants, right between his butt cheeks.

  Just a few more seconds, Oliver thought, not losing sight of his goal.

  Then he saw it. Or at least what he thought was it. A number listed to a "Ash". Now how many people named Ash or Logan could this guy possibly know?

  He decided this was it and started to commit it to memory.

  Ryder was in full horny teenager mode, hands everywhere moaning and breathing noisily under the nimble skills of Oliver's mouth and hand.

  "Hey," Ryder managed to say. He started to push Oliver back a little. Quickly Oliver placed the phone down on the desk as quietly as he could.

  Ryder grinned, completely oblivious to what just happened. "How about a blow job?" And with that, Ryder quickly whipped his member out.

  Oh, God, Oliver thought. Not again. And in the same damn office, too!

  This time, things were considerable bigger than before. Not that it made any difference. Ryder was in for a disappointment.

  "I dunno," Oliver said. "I don't like to move that quickly."

  Confusion, mashed with disappointed, was the only way to describe Ryder's expression.

  "What?" he said. There was a tinge of anger there.

  Uh oh, Oliver thought. Now I've done it.

  "But I thought..." he started to say when the door suddenly swung open.

  Two drunk guys, stumbled into the room. When they noticed Ryder exposing himself, and Oliver standing next to him, one of them asked, "Hey, want some group action?"

  Oliver was already heading for the door. "Sorry," he called backed to them and a crestfallen Ryder. "Not my scene!"

  He raced through the bar and out into the night. He had a phone call to make.

  Chapter 7


  "Why do you have to look so stressed all the time," Parker said. "Have a drink, chill out."

  Logan could barely hear Parker over the bar music. But he couldn't disagree. He was stressed out a little with the delivery. It was a big deal, after all. Not that Parker wouldn't take the opportunity to tease him about it.

  Logan shrugged. "Yeah, you're right. Screw it. It's out of my hands right now." He took a fresh beer from a passing waiter and nursed a sip.

  "That's better," Parker shouted. He was already getting drunk. Logan wished he could join him in his revelry but just couldn't. Not until the crates had been delivered could he really relax. But it didn't mean he couldn't pretend for Parker's sake.

  "Hey," Parker said. "There's your new squeeze."

  Logan looked where he was indicating. He saw Oliver immediately. He was making his way through the bar crowd, with Eddie towing him along by the hand. They were with a bunch of other guys.

  Not that Logan even noticed them. He only could see Oliver.

  Wow, he thought. He looked absolutely sexy in those skin tight jeans.

  Oliver and the other men vanished into the crowd, no doubt to sit at the table Eddie always kept reserved.

  Logan didn't quite know what to feel about Eddie's focus on Oliver. It wouldn't end up good, regardless. Maybe he should do something about it.

  Instead, he checked the time on his cell phone. It was twenty minutes past the designated delivery time. Silas, who was the van's driver, should have signalled by now.

  Logan was starting to get seriously worried.

  He sipped at his beer and caught a glimpse of Oliver through the crowd. He was sitting in a booth, with Eddie chatting at him.

  Parker was right. Nothing he could do right now, so why not take his mind of business and put it on something a whole hell of a lot more pleasant.

  He started to walk through the crowd, in Oliver's direction when his phone vibrated.

  He looked at its screen.

  "LATE" was the text message.

  Logan froze. Ah, crap.

  He checked the number and the message was not from Silas, but from the buyer.

  The buyer, who was the Macabre Jesters biggest client, had actually messaged him to say the delivery was late.


  Alarmed, he started to push his way through the crowd, this time toward the exit. He tried calling Adam, but the phone went to voice mail.

  "Something is up," he said. "Gimme a call. Now." As he spoke he almost didn't recognize Oliver standing near him in the crowd.

  Lost in thought, he nodded to him but kept walking, hoping he would understand.

  Once outside he headed to his camaro. His phone rang. It was Adam.

  "We got a problem," the Prospect said, sounding stressed.

  "Okay," Logan said. "Let's meet." And hung up. They were not going to talk details over the phone. Instead, Logan got into his car and headed to their designated meeting spot, an abandoned car park several blocks away.

  As Logan pulled in he saw Adam was already parked there in a disposable crap car.

  Logan pulled up to Adam's car, so their driver windows were side by side, just like cop patrol cars did.

  "We got hit," Adam said, before Logan could speak.

  Logan felt ice shoot down his spine. "The hell happened?"

  Adam kept his cool, hoping Logan wasn't the type to kill the messenger. He said, "Pedestrian found Silas' body about twenty minutes just outside of town on the side of the road. Shot in the head."

  Logan's mind raced. "The van?"

  Adam shook his head with a grimace.

  Someone had hit them, stole their goods, and killed one of the Club's own.

  Someone with balls.

  Logan glared at Adam in confusion, "What about the secondary car?"

  Logan had arranged for another Hang Around to follow the van at a distance, just as back up. It felt like the right call to make considering the amount of money involved.

  It was Adam's turn to look confused. "Secondary? Milo pulled that."

  "What?!" Logan shouted, anger flaring.

  "Said we'd never needed it befo
re. That it was a waste of manpower."

  Logan was beside himself with anger. Milo had overruled him? Without even a discussion?

  Logan cursed, punching at the car's dashboard. This was not good. Not good at all.

  But, he had to keep his head in the game. Losing his cool would not resolve this screw up. But who screwed up?

  Logan did. By trusting Milo.

  "Okay," Logan said after a few moments. "Where's Silas now?"

  Adam was somewhat relieved Logan was not raging on him. "At the morgue. Detectives all over him. They set up a crime scene by the highway where he was found."

  Logan nodded. He doubted they would find anything. At least nothing linking his death to the Macabre Jesters. Not directly. There would be questions, but everyone was well versed on how to handle police enquires. Their lives depended on it.

  This made him think of something else. Would whoever this was hit them again? Was it the start of a war with another Biker Club, or gang, or was this some rogue element with a death wish?

  "You strapped?" Logan asked. "If someone is gunning for us, we all need to be prepared."

  Adam made a motion with his hand, indicating he had something under his jacket. "Ready for anything, boss."

  "Okay. I want you to go back to the warehouse and double, triple check to make sure there is nothing there. I know you did this already, but with the pigs sniffing around I don't want any mistakes." Or more mistakes, he thought.

  Adam nodded. "It will be done."

  Before Adam could drive away, Logan said, "Hey, and keep your eyes peeled. Okay?"

  Adam nodded and pulled out into the night.

  Logan had to think this through. But first, he needed to make a call to the client and smooth things over as best he could. He went to a 24 store and bought another burner phone. Then he parked behind the store and called the client with a number he had memorized.

  The conversation was tense, but Logan kept his cool. He explained things would be looked into, and the client was not out any money, as Jonah had arranged for there to be no deposit before delivery. He had wanted things to be good between all interested parties.

  The client was not happy. Of course, they weren't out a van full of expensive liquor, and a dead man crossed off their roster. Logan was the one who really wasn't happy.

  The client said he may be in touch again. Or not. Then hung up.

  Damn, Logan said. He knew he had just lost the Club's biggest client. He had to talk to Logan. This was just to big to handle on his own. Might even be far reaching if it had been another Club that hit them.

  Logan checked his surroundings, looking for trouble. He didn't see anyone but that didn't mean anything.

  He decided that what he really needed was a weapon. He didn't have one in his Camero, but he had one next to his bed at his apartment.

  So he drove home. As he pulled into his parking spot his personal cell phone rang. After checking the number he answered it.

  Logan said. "You heard?"

  "Yup," Logan's gruff voice answered. "Not a good situation all around."

  "I dunno what to say," Logan said, and meant it. "Any ideas who could have handled an operation like that?"

  "Someone in the know, probably," said Logan. "But were gonna have to talk this over later. I put an alert out to the others, to watch their backs just in case there is more to come." Logan sounded almost subdued, but he always sounded that way. Even when things got really rough he never lost his cool. Would explain why he was president.

  "What should I do?" Logan asked, almost afraid to. This was serious and he was going to be held responsible, regardless.

  "That will be discussed," Logan said. This made Logan's blood go cold. "Until I say otherwise, keep a low profile. Pigs will be all over this. We gotta make enquires, but keep it quiet."

  "Okay," Logan said. His mind raced. Then said, "You know the second party that had an interest in this?"

  "Yeah," Logan said, he knew Logan meant Milo.

  "Well, he did something stupid that made this worse."

  Logan sighed. "This will all be discussed. For now, though, keep things tight."

  "Will do," Logan said, and Logan hung up.

  Logan sat in his car for a while, staring out at nothing. After a few minutes of fruitless thought, he headed up to his apartment, keeping one eye open for anything amiss.

  He went inside, turned on the lights. He had to think this through. Sure, this could be taken in stride as a business risk, but it didn't mean he would take it lying down. Jonah was going to raise bloody hell over this. But with the cops investigating Silas' murder, and with the Club potentially looking inward for a leak, things were going to get a lot more stressful for Logan.

  He headed into the bedroom. The last thing he needed was more problems.

  He turned on the bedroom light. Sitting on the bed was a grinning Eddie. He was naked, and holding a bottle of wine.

  "Hey, baby!" Eddie said, his words slurred. "Want to party?"

  Oh, for the love of... Logan thought as he looked at his crazy ex-boyfriend.

  "What are you doing here? How the hell did you even get in?" Logan asked, trying to keep his temper in check. Eddie was a crazy one, that was for sure, so he had to handle him the right way.

  "I had extra keys made, from before," he said. He sat back in the bed, firm naked flesh on display.

  Logan tried to ignore both him, and his nice body. He went to the bed side dresser. Eddie was already reaching for him, grabbing for his crotch.

  "You want me, right? You still love me?" He burped.

  Logan kept him at arms length, and searched the dresser drawer. He found what he was looking for and pulled out the pistol. He checked to ensure it was still loaded.

  This sobered Eddie a little. "Whoa. You gonna shoot me now? I just wanna shag." He started to cry.

  Logan rolled his eyes and slipped the pistol in the back of his waist band and covered it with his t-shirt. He really doubted anything else would happen tonight but he didn't want to take a chance.

  He glared and Eddie. "Gimme the keys," he said.

  Eddie stopped crying long enough to sniffle at him. "Why? I thought we were special."

  "Not anymore," Logan said. Frustrated he found his clothes draped over a chair and searched the pockets.

  "It's that new bitch, ain't it?" Eddie said, his voice getting louder.

  Logan found the extra keys. He started separating them from Eddie's own apartment keys. He was trying very hard now not to lose his temper.

  "Eddie," he said. "I've had a really crappy day. In fact it's one of the worst ones I've had in a while."

  Eddie fumbled off the bed and managed to stand in front of him. He grabbed at Logan's shirt. For the briefest of moments Logan feared he was about to throw up all over him.

  "I can help you with that," he said, barely standing.

  Very gently he nudged Eddie with his hand. Eddie fell over onto the bed. He seemed almost oblivious he had suddenly changed locations. "I can really help you, like I use to. You 'member how I made you feel?"

  Logan made a quick call to a Hang Around who was assigned to be on standby that night. "Get over here. Now." Logan said, and hung up.

  Eddie was looking at him with a heavy sulking expression. "Oliver," he said, pouting.

  Logan just looked at him. "Yeah? What about him?"

  "He's the one keeping us apart. He's the one you love now."

  Logan did not have time for this. "Get your clothes on," he commanded. But Eddie didn't move. In fact, Logan wasn't sure he could even dress himself.

  Logan attempted to put clothes on him, but he kept resisting. Eventually, he gave up and tossed Eddie's clothes onto him. Eddie laughed, then cried.

  Logan thought that shooting him wouldn't really solve anything. Instead, he wrapped Eddie in the bed's comforter and pulled him up into a standing position.

  "Oh, kinky, baby," Eddie said, grinning. He was actually drooling at this point. "Just like we use t

  Then Logan put him over his shoulder and stood up straight.

  Wrapped snuggly in the comforter all Eddie could say was, "Oaf!"

  Praying he wouldn't barf on him, Logan headed out the apartment and down the side stairs to the ground floor.


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