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by Jacobs, Kyle

  Eddie shook his head, "I don't know about Logan, but if he has any chance of getting through this, it will be with you removing yourself from the picture." When this didn't elicit a response from Oliver he added, "For a little while."

  "A little while?" Oliver was in a daze.

  Ryder said, "Yeah, maybe if you went a way for a while, things would cool off. Level heads and all. Maybe get in contact with Logan later. It's just right now you're in danger, and you're continued presence will keep Logan in danger."

  Oliver really didn't know what to say.

  Eddie looked to Ryder. "What about that place you told me about once?"

  "What place?" Ryder asked.

  "The one your Father use to have. Just outside of town."

  "Oh, yeah. Good idea."

  Their conversation sounded strangely mechanical, almost rehearsed, but Oliver was too upset to think straight at the moment.

  Oh, Logan, honey, what have I done to you? He thought.

  Ryder said to Oliver, "It's an old dairy farm my Father use to run. But he got locked up for a life sentence. Tried to bribe a judge. Anyway, it's perfect to hide out for a bit."

  Again, both Eddie and Ryder looked to Oliver. They seemed oddly pleased that he couldn't make up his mind about anything at that moment.

  Eddie said, "Oliver honey, lets just get your stuff together, okay? The longer you stay the sooner trouble will come for you here."

  Oliver found himself nodding. What else could he do? He couldn't go back to Gavin. Not in a million years. And he certainly can't go to his parents. The Macabre Jesters would eventually find him there and he didn't want his mom and dad involved. He couldn't go anywhere.

  He looked at Eddie and Ryder. Right now these were really the only two friends he had. And Logan, poor Logan. He didn't want to get him hurt anymore.

  "Okay," he said finally. "Okay, I'll go."

  Eddie quickly got Oliver's stuff together. It didn't take long, because he hardly owned anything.

  Ryder put out his hand, "Phone," he said to Oliver.

  "Why?" Oliver asked. He didn't want to give it up. What if Logan called back?

  "So you can't be traced," he said.

  With reluctance Oliver handed it over and Ryder took it apart.

  After everything was packed Eddie said, "I'll head over to Rocks, see if I can learn anything there."

  Just as Ryder went to the door, and put his hand on the handle Oliver remembered something that he had said.

  "Ryder, what was the option?"


  "The option. The one the they voted on. The one about me?"

  Ryder's eyes widened a little. Again, he looked like he didn't want to describe it. "Well, the vote was almost unanimous. Was part of the reason Logan went crazy."

  "Vote for what?"

  Ryder said, "To have you killed."

  Chapter 18


  Logan and Parker moved quickly through the club house to the front entrance.

  There, Logan retrieved his cell phone. He checked its display. There was a message, the number was Oliver's. He listened, apprehensive. Oliver sounded okay. Not hurt, but he was worried. About what? Was he in danger, or had someone told him something?

  Logan looked to Parker. "That was him. Sounded all right. But something is up. Come on, let's take my car."

  Outside in the lot of the inner compound other members were starting to leave.

  Logan was heading to his car, keys in hand when he heard someone yell from behind him. "You traitorous Son of a Bitch!"

  Logan turned to look.

  Milo had exited the front door and was marching over to Logan. Blood smeared around his mouth and across his nose, which was probably broken. He looked furious.

  Logan stood his ground and checked to see if Milo was holding a weapon. He was mildly relieved he wasn't, although if he was armed, that would have been the end of his Club membership.

  Milo stopped a few feet from Logan, eyes wide with rage. "I had a deal and you screwed it! You're a poison in this club! A cancer!" He was shrieking now.

  Logan yawned.

  "When Upper Management hears what you did it won't matter what happened today. You know that!"

  Logan flicked lint from his sleeve. Then he took an interest in checking his finger nails.

  Other members had come outside to see what the hell the screaming was all about. They looked amused that Milo's little side show was still going on.

  "This is exactly the kind of crap I will take care of when I am Club President. You can't.."

  "Who's gonna be Club President?" someone shouted.

  Milo turned around to see who was speaking.

  Logan sauntered out of the entrance, and walked over to Milo. The current Club President looked greatly amused. "I said, who is gonna be Club President?" He stopped in front of Milo. "You? You are going to be? And how do I fit into this little fantasy of yours?"

  Milo was gaping like a fish. He must of realized he had really over stepped his bounds. But that didn't seem to stop him from making it worse.

  Milo pointed at Logan, "If he wasn't poking a Silver Hound's boy toy we'd have a deal now!"

  Logan took a step toward Milo, but was stopped cold by a raised hand from Logan.

  Logan levelled Milo with a stare that could evaporate glaciers. "Listen, you little piss ant. I'm tired of your conniving little games. Now, I don't have the authority to take you to task over all this. But I can certainly make life miserable for you."

  Milo was gasping, almost hyperventilating with rage. He seemed to be working up the courage to do something rash.

  Logan continued. "Maybe it would be best if we reviewed your Club membership."

  "No!" Milo blurted, his eyes were wide.

  Logan said, "We got a lot of members here. Wouldn't be hard to get enough votes to suspend you for - ".

  Milo shoved Logan.

  Everyone froze. No one drew breath.

  In the distance traffic could be heard. A slight breeze caressed through the courtyard. But there were no other sounds.

  It was as if the very universe waited in anticipation.

  Milo had just committed the greatest sacrilege a member of the Macabre Jesters could commit.

  Now, Milo was a big man. A very big man. But Logan was a veritable titan, who had an extra six inches of height, and a hundred pounds over him.

  And this was Logan. The biggest, toughest and meanest individual the Jesters had ever called a member.

  Milo stared at Logan, then down at his own hands as if he couldn't believe what he had just done.

  "I..." Milo started to say.

  "Get." Logan said, his tone firm. "Out."

  Milo blinked at Logan. Then he looked around at all the other members who were now glaring at him. Some of whom took a step or two closer.

  "Get out," Logan repeated. "While you still can."

  Milo fled. He practically flew into his car, started it and screeched through the compound gate. The Prospect barely got it open enough in time for Milo to drive through. Then Milo was gone.

  And in more ways than one.

  Logan looked down at the blood Milo had smeared on his shirt. "This was my favorite shirt." He said, then turned without looking at anyone else, and went back inside.

  "Well," Parker said. "That was dramatic."

  Logan found himself exhaling. He didn't have time to digest what just happened.

  They got into his car, Parker drove. Logan was too worked up to drive.

  As they pulled out of the compound, Logan said, "Let's get to Noh's motel."

  After they drove for several minutes, Parker expertly weaving through traffic, Logan said, "He better be okay." His worry for him was growing by the second. That play by Milo in the meeting had really spun Logan's head around. He didn't want Oliver to be effected by it all.

  "Here we are," Parker said, as they pulled into the lot. Logan pointed at Oliver's room door. It was open.

  Logan ju
mped out and ran into the room. "Oliver?" He called.

  Inside, a maid was changing the sheets on the bed. She looked at Logan in alarm.

  He looked around. There were no clothes or items around. Oliver was gone.

  Parker came in and now the maid looked even more terrified backing up against the wall. "Please don't hurt me!"

  Logan raised his hands up. "It's okay. We're looking for our friend. Oliver. He was in this room."

  The maid relaxed. "Ah, he checked out a short while ago."

  Logan grimaced, and cursed.

  The maid was up against the wall again.

  Parker smiled at her. "It's okay, ma'am. Did you see if he left with anyone else?"

  The maid looked from Logan to Parker, as if deciding what that answer might cost her. "Yes, he left with a man."

  "What man?" Logan and Parker said in unison.

  The maid's eyes were wide. "Big man, like you all. Arms covered in tattoos."

  Parker frowned at Logan. "That describes everyone we know."

  The maid then said, "And there was another man. He left after them."

  Logan said, "Another man? Can you describe him?"

  "Looked a little crazy. Drove a pink volvo.”

  "Edward," said Logan.

  "Thanks," Parker said. Logan was too lost in thought.

  The two men left the maid, to her great relief, and stood outside the room.

  "Okay," said Parker. "I guess the big guy would be, who? Ryder?"

  "They've been as thick as thieves lately," Logan said. He couldn't imagine Oliver being alone with those two conniving bastards.

  "Why did he go with them? Oliver?" Parker asked.

  Logan shook his head, trying to think. "I dunno. Threatened him? Or more like tricked him somehow. He might not be even aware that he could be in danger."

  "So," Parker said. "Where would they take him. Eddie's apartment?"

  "I don't know, but I do know the one place in the world Eddie calls home."

  "Rocks," said Parker.

  "But first, we made need some firepower. Just in case."

  "Cool," said Parker. "I got us covered. We'll swing by my house."

  They parked at Parker's house, which really was one of several he owned across the town. Most he lived in, others were safe houses for members from other towns on the run.

  Parker ran in and emerged again after a few minutes. He jumped back in the car and thrust a pistol into Logan's hand. He stuffed another into his waist band under his shirt.

  "These should help keep people cooperative."

  Logan nodded. He couldn't stop thinking about Oliver and the mess he had gotten him into.

  They then raced over to Hot Rocks.

  Logan was greatly relieved when he saw Edward's pink volvo parked in the lot. "Least he's here."

  They screeched to a stop at the front door and ran inside.

  The bar was almost completely empty, except for a couple of cleaners wiping down tables.

  Logan noticed a light coming from Henry's office. He and Parker marched over there.

  They burst through the door.

  Inside, they found Henry sitting behind his desk. Sitting in his lap was Eddie. There was an open bottle of champagne in front of them, and each was holding a full glass.

  "Celebrating?" Logan asked as he and Parker entered the room.

  Henry stood bolt up right, practically launching Eddie who spilt his champagne.

  "Uh, not really," Henry said. "Just having a little fun."

  Parker went over to Henry and started smacking him across the head just on general principle. Eddie backed up against the wall, eyes wide. Logan crossed over to him.

  "Where is he?"

  Eddie looked at him, terror on his face. "I... I dunno."

  Frustrated Logan pointed at Parker who now had Henry crumpled on the floor in a corner. "If you don't talk, you'll be next."

  Eddie looked from Parker to Logan. "It was all Milo's idea. All of it. I just went along because of you!"

  Logan did not have time for this but found himself asking, "Because of me? Why?"

  Eddie started pouting, tears running down his face. "You don't love me anymore! You know I've always cared for you and wanted you to be with me. I thought even after we broke up, maybe we could still work things out."

  Logan tried not to laugh in his face. What a lunatic. Eddie was about as far away from being a boyfriend as he could get. He just couldn't except it.

  Logan said, "Tell me where Ryder took Oliver. Now."

  Eddie slouched. Then looked up at him with weepy eyes.

  "If I tell you," he said, "can I keep the Volvo?"

  Chapter 19


  As Ryder drove the two of them out of the Motel parking lot, Oliver couldn't help but notice the biker was sporting a huge grin.

  "Why are you so happy?" Oliver asked, genuinely perplexed.

  "It's nothing," Ryder said. His grin didn't fade. "I'm just glad you're okay now. That's all."

  Oliver frowned. This situation was going from panic stricken to weird. He looked out the window, and watched the buildings whip by.

  He was distraught over Logan. He kept envisioning him all beat up and bloody in a hospital bed. Or worse, on the floor of the Macabre Jesters' clubhouse with no one there to help him.

  And it was all because of Oliver.

  How did it go so bad so quick? He did not come here looking for trouble. He just wanted to start a new life away from the insanity that was Gavin and the Silver Hounds. And then he met Logan. A new life with a new man, a different kind of man, seemed possible. Almost guaranteed.

  But because of Gavin, that was now all shattered. Logan was hurt, and in trouble with his beloved Club, and here Oliver was in a car with another Biker, one he barely knew.

  He looked over at Ryder. He was looking very smug.

  "Why are you helping me?" he asked.


  "Why do this? Why risk getting in trouble with your Club?"

  Ryder frowned at this. "What are you talking about?"

  Before Oliver could speak again, Ryder's phone rang. Oliver's heart leapt.

  "Just keep quiet," Ryder said to him as he answered it.

  "Yeah?" he said. He was quiet for a long time as he listened. Oliver strained to hear but couldn't.

  Ryder's frown deepened. "Okay, so now what? Still the same deal?" He then looked over at Oliver, as if to confirm his existence. "Yeah, he's here."

  "Who is it?" Oliver demanded. What the hell was going on?

  "Yeah, we're almost there," Ryder said, and hung up. He shot Oliver a nasty look. "What is your problem? I told you to keep quiet."

  "Who was that you were talking to?"

  "A friend. Someone who is going to help us. Actually, help you right now. So show some appreciation."

  "I don't even know what that means. Who is it, and why help me?"

  Ryder seemed fed up by this. "Your boyfriend really mucked things up today. Logan practically served you up on a platter to the Macabre Jesters with his stupidity. So it's up to me and Milo to fix it."

  "What the hell is a Milo?"

  Ryder barked a laugh. "He's my uncle, he's a Macabre Jester and he's one of the few guys there that wants to help you. He feels bad about what happened with Logan and you."

  "So he wants to help us out? Me and Logan?"

  "Something like that."

  Oliver had the bad feeling Ryder was just telling him what he wanted to know. To keep him calm.

  "Look, here it is," Ryder said.

  They had driven some distance from town, and were now passing farms and ranches. They turned onto a long driveway.

  "This is the dairy?" Oliver asked, feeling a small sense of panic rising in his chest.

  "Yeah," Ryder said. The grin had returned. "A great out of the way place to make deals."

  Oliver looked at him again. Something was definitely wrong here. But he wasn't sure what it was. He figured he was about to find out,
whether he liked it or not.


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