Kodiak Bloodlines - The Complete Series

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Kodiak Bloodlines - The Complete Series Page 4

by J. K. Snow

  Jordan’s blood filled his mouth while her scent saturated the rest of his senses and her pussy squeezed and contracted around him. Never before had she been fucked with so much intensity. She was small compared to him and the tight heat of her pussy drove him on towards madness.

  Finding her clit Jude started stroking her nub, quickening the pace back and forth until she moaned for more. As he built the pleasure up she started to accommodate herself to him and within seconds was pushing back against him with her pussy, driving him deeper despite the pain.

  Minutes later Jordan felt the orgasm rip through her body, her pussy contracting tight around his cock and flooding him with her juices. The constant massaging of his cock drove him to the edge and with one final thrust he emptied his seed deep within her.

  Together they collapsed, Jude pulling her over onto her side and curling up behind her. They were both breathing heavy, taking in gulps of air and finally they both seemed relax, their heart rates slowing.

  A few moments later Jordan watched as Jude rose. She could feel him starting to change. She watched as his eyes flicked against the fire when his canines started to curl over his bottom lip. Jordan watched as his bones shifted and his muscles slipped into their new place while at the same time his hair grew and thickened into dark brown fur.

  His paws were huge, his claws digging into the lawn below him as he took a step forward on all fours towards Jordan. He growled and then licked her thigh motioning her to stand. When she stood, she didn't know what to do or expect so she closed her eyes trying to will her animal to emerge as Jude had just done.


  She opened her eyes and scanned the pack that encased them in a circle. They were still pacing back and forth, some exposing their canines, others doing nothing more than just staring at her, their amber eyes glowing.

  Her eyes finally landed on Mamma Sable who was smiling at her and then nodded her head, beckoning Jordan to keep trying. She closed her eyes again, thinking back to her dreams, trying hard to conjure up anything that would help her shift.

  She could feel the pull of the moon, the strength of the other wolves when she was instantly filled with images that she didn't understand. Almost as in a dream, she watched her outer body look at a young girl shift into a beautiful white wolf as if it was as easy as slinging off slippers. The change had been with ease, without pain and only took seconds where with other shifters it was painful and took longer. She had never witnessed such an effortless transformation.

  She watched the young white wolf walk up to a younger girl. When the younger girl turned around to face the white wolf, she smiled. It was her sister Sonja. She watched Sonja shift effortlessly into another beautiful white wolf. Then a moment later two boys came into focus, they were playing with them, they were gorgeous with intense features, dark hair and then they shifted into two exquisite midnight black blue panthers.

  She watched as all four trotted away together into the forest. Several seconds later she opened her eyes staring at her sister and Mamma Sable with a look of confusion on her face. Her head whipped around to a crowd of wolves that were getting impatient, pacing back and forth and then to Jude that was in front of her.

  Jordan could feel her body start to shake and tears welled up in her eyes. She looked at Jude one last time before she ran from the clearing and out of the backyard.

  When she reached the back veranda of the house, she ran through the back door grabbing a shirt that was lying on a chair. She ran out the front door, trying to do up the buttons as fast as she could when all she could hear was her sister screaming her name, echoing out into the night.

  Chapter 9

  Lennox instantly transformed along with Jude and a few others after Sonja went running off after her sister. His eyes were still amber as his anger resonated through the entire pack. Lennox’s eyes combed through the remaining wolves that hadn’t shifted back into their human forms, indicating them to do so now.

  When the last pack member had finally left, he watched his wife walk into the house and then turned to Mamma Sable. “What the hell went wrong?!” Lennox asked with a deep growl emitting from the back of his throat. “Follow me now!” He said making his way to the veranda. Jude and Mamma Sable did as they were told. They all grabbed a seat at the table and the tension in the air was at a scary depth.

  Lennox looked at the old woman again. “Explain Sable! Now!”

  She cleared her throat and looked at Lennox. “It’s not as easy as you think it is. It didn’t work because Jude is not her true mate.”

  Lennox closed his eyes and shook his head. He then took a deep breath to try and control the rage that was building. “I don’t have the patience for riddles old woman. I will rip your fucking throat out and have the pleasure doing it.” He snarled. “You laid that curse on both of them when you found them years ago. You ensured me that when they were mated with my boys they would then turn and be mated for life. I need my grandchildren to carry their bloodline!”

  Mamma Sable shifted in her seat feeling the heat from Jude and Lennox’s stares. She looked at Lennox again and said, “It’s not that easy Lennox.”

  “You’re a fucking witch. Why not!” Jude yelled.

  Mamma Sable gave him a warning stare and said, “You will not raise your voice at me.” Turning her attention back to the Alpha she continued. “When I found the girls, you instructed me to take them back to Willow; you instructed me to wipe out their memories, to silence the animals within them. I did as I was told.”

  Lennox slammed his fist onto the table. “Yes that is correct, but you also ensured me that the curse would be lifted when they turned 21 and were mated.”

  “Yes. However, you’re missing one very important detail. In order for their animal to be subdued after I found them I had to use a very powerful curse. One that will only be undone when they turn 21 and mate with their ‘TRUE MATES.’

  Lennox leaned back in his chair. “Fuck!” He leaned his head back in frustration trying to think of a possible solution. Looking at the old woman he said, “If Jordan were to conceive with Jude even though she can’t shift, will her bloodline carry on in their children? Will my grandchildren be able to shift even though Jordan can’t?”

  Mamma Sable looked at him contemplating her answer. “There is a possibility. Her bloodline would obviously be passed down to her children, so I don’t see why not.”

  Lennox slapped the table hard. “Then that settles it. I don’t give a fuck if they can’t shift. I just want my grandchildren to have her bloodline.” Lennox stood and looked at Jude, “You will continue as normal. She is yours now so treat her as so and try to get her pregnant sooner than later.”

  “Done.” Jude said.

  “Is there a chance they could regain their memories?”

  “No, I highly doubt it but then again anything is possible with their breed.”

  Lennox stared at the old lady. “Nothing and I mean nothing should put them in a position that would conjure up old memories. Sable, I need you to keep a very close eye on the girls and Jude, well you know what to do.”

  Chapter 10

  The week flew by and Jordan immersed herself into work trying to get her mind off the events of the night she tried to shift into her wolf. She had gotten into a few verbal fights at the bar and even physically punched one young man in the face after he kept taunting her about not being a true wolf and not belonging. Her head bouncer Nick would just drag them out and ban them for a week.

  The mating event had taken hold of Jordan and was consuming her. Her animal was there; she knew it. She just didn't understand why it wouldn't emerge, like it was being held down by something.

  She walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed a jug of orange juice. Closing the door she watched Sonja walk in and take a seat at the kitchen table. She grabbed a glass and filled it. Standing there in silence she glared out the window.

  “Jordan. Talk to me, please.” Sonja whispered. “I know you feel em
barrassed, humiliated, but you need to talk to someone.”

  Jordan turned around and walked to the table with a blank expression. She sat next to her sister and took a drink. She felt her sister’s hand rest on her arm and then finally looked at her. “Where’s Mamma Sable?”

  “Gone shopping, I think. Why?” Sonja asked frowning.

  “Something’s not right Sonja. It just doesn’t make sense. None of it.”

  Sonja sighed and raked a hand through her long blond hair. “I know Jordan. Nothing makes sense. I can’t even begin to imagine how you’re feeling. You know those assholes at the bar are wrong right? You do belong, we belong.”

  Jordan brushed her palms together and then said, “Tell me what you remember the day Mamma Sable found us. I need to know.” She said now looking at her sister with an intense stare.

  Sonja leaned back into her chair and thought for a moment. “It comes in bits and pieces, not a full picture. I remember crying, holding on to you for my life.” Sonja said pausing, trying to remember more. “I remember you calling out, ‘Alpha papa, Alpha mama’ and then finding them dead in the snow, their fur covered in blood and ash.”

  Jordan tilted her head to the side, her eyes narrowed. “Every dream I have, I remember calling out to them like that, calling papa, ‘Alpha Papa’. But how can that be?” Jordan shook her head not understanding. “Papa was Alpha’s Lennox’s second in command, not Alpha.”

  “They're just dreams Jordan. I’m sure over time, maybe our minds have actually made us believe certain things that haven’t even happened, to heal from such a tragedy. Maybe it’s something we want or need but never really existed.” Sonja said trying reason and to make it sound logical.

  “What about the panthers? Do you remember ever, at any time seeing two young panthers?” Jordan jerked her head up waiting for a response.

  “No. Never. Jordan you know damn well that only the Kodiaks can shift into panthers and any other form they want. Maybe you saw them in your dreams when they attacked our pack.”

  Jordan stood from her chair and wagged her finger back and forth at Sonja. “Oh no. At the mating ritual when I tried to shift, it was like I wasn’t even in my body. It was like I was a spirit in a dream overlooking events that happened.” Jordan took a breath and licked her lips. “I watched a young girl with blond hair shift into the most beautiful white wolf and then approach another young girl. When she turned around, I was looking at you Sonja.” Jordan said staring wide eyed at her sister.


  “Sonja, I then watched you smile at the wolf and also shift into a white wolf. Then two young boys came into the clearing and shifted into panthers. I am assuming I was the first white wolf and then we all walked off into the forest happy.” She said in a whisper.

  “I don’t have any memories of shifting. Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” Sonja asked raising an eyebrow.

  “I don’t know. I am trying to piece this shit together. None of it makes sense.” She said frustrated. A moment later they heard the front door opened.

  Jordan looked at Sonja and said, “Not a word. She doesn’t need to know any of this.”


  It was Thursday night and it was going to be a full house. Lennox had hired a live band that everyone had been requesting for months now. Jordan made sure to have a few extra girls on to make sure the floor was fully covered so she could just monitor and make sure everything would flow properly. If they ran out of coin, booze or anything else happens, she could take off and grab what they needed.

  It was going on 11:00 pm and the band had already played one set. They had just finished their break and were starting their second set when Jude had walked in with a friend. He made his way around the bar.

  “Hey. How’s it going tonight?” He asked kissing her cheek.

  “Packed. I’m exhausted and I still have two hours to go.” Jordan said wiping a layer of perspiration from her forehead.

  “Take a break. Let’s get some fresh air. You need it.” He laced his arm through hers and started to walk her out through the back.

  Jordan smiled and turned to Sonja. “I’ll be back in ten minutes ok?”

  She watched Sonja give her a thumbs up and they retreated out the back exit.

  Jude pushed her up against the brick wall and crashed his mouth into hers. His lips and tongue were exploring her mouth like he had never tasted her before. She pulled back taking a gulp of fresh air and smiled. “What was that for?”

  “I just miss you.” He said pressing his forehead into hers.

  “Jude. You saw me this morning.”

  He leaned his right shoulder into the brick building, looking at her with a sexy stare then within seconds she watched his face go from relaxed to intense and then anger.

  His shoulder came off the brick building so he was standing at his true height. She watched as his fists clenched into balls, his eyes starting to glow bright amber when a low growl emitted from the back of his throat.

  “Jude, you're scaring me.” She said in a trembling voice.

  Jude grabbed her shoulder and pushed her behind him. “Don’t move Jordan and stay behind me. When I say run, run!” He growled.

  Jordan looked over Jude’s shoulder and her eyes fell on a single man, walking through the middle of the others, and she noted the way they moved for him, clearing a path. His command and the respect he demanded exuded from him. As she stared at him, no longer moving, she saw that he had a two o’clock shadow, encasing his chiseled facial features and his jet black hair was short but tousled in a mess. His blue jeans and tight white shirt showed every muscle, and his strength was obvious in the width and the carriage of his shoulders. His neck was thick and strong. And to top it off, he amplified a sexual appeal that drew her in like a trance she couldn’t shake off.

  Jordan tried to rip her eyes away as they traveled up his bare arm that was threaded with muscles. They were covered in tattoos that ran all the way beneath his sleeve, reappearing on his shoulder, the most apparent being on his neck. Her heart thumped so hard she thought her rib cage would explode, and she wanted to run but she felt rooted in place behind Jude. The word ‘Kodiak’ was tattooed in dark blue ink on his thick neck and was now in clear view as the man’s gaze fell on Jordan.

  She instantly panicked.

  “Run Jordan.” Jude said holding a stance and exposing his canine’s to the man.

  She heard him telling her to go, even more forcefully now, but she was transfixed on the stranger. Before she could even blink, another man bolted and had Jude pinned off the ground by his neck.

  Jordan finally unglued her feet, trying to bolt to the door that was beside her. But she wasn’t fast enough, and she found her body pinned to the brick wall with the man standing just inches from her face. She felt his large calloused hand come up and cup her face, staring at her like he was trying to memorize her features. Then his mouth curved wickedly as he stared at her

  He was beautiful, built like a statue. His enormous frame stood more than six feet tall, and his icy blue eyes bored into Jordan’s as she stared up at him, unable to breathe. He swiped a her blond hair away from the right side of her neck which reveal the bite mark which Jude had given her. Her heart was beating so fast she thought it would burst through her chest as a white glow rimmed his amber irises and his turned to look at Jude.

  A low deep growl emitted from the back of his throat. “You fucking tried to claim her?” Jordan watched his hand come up, his claws exposed and swiped at Jude’s face, leaving a trail of claw marks down his face. The wounds cut into his skin like razor blades as she watched the blood seep out and down his face in horror.

  Tears were streaming down Jordan’s face now and she was sure he would kill her. The stranger in front of her turned her chin with his partially exposed claw so she was now staring at him once again. A soft look fell over his face when he whispered in a deep rough voice, “You belong to us Jordan. You belong to me.”

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  Chapter 1

  Jordan stirred in bed and her hand came up, resting on her forehead. She had a throbbing headache; it felt like it was about to explode. Lying on her stomach she opened her eyes as the memories rushed back in and she instantly whipped around and sat up, all senses on high alert. Her vision was slightly blurred as she looked around the room and then down at the bed she was lying in.

  Nothing looked familiar. Where the hell was she?

  She raked a hand through her hair remembering the earlier events. Oh god, Jude. That man. The Kodiaks! She placed a hand over her mouth as to not make any sounds. She swung her legs over the bed and her feet touched the wooden plank floor. She examined the room for a second. She was in some kind of cabin. There were three windows on three of the four walls. A small kitchenette, living room and the bed she was sitting on which was in the back corner.

  The entire cabin looked to be the size of Lennox’s living room, maybe 800 square feet in size. Just as she was about to get up and bolt for the door, she felt a sharp pain run through her skull and her vision blurred again. She closed her eyes and ran her fingers up to her temples, quickly massaging them, trying to soothe the area. She opened her eyes again to see an older woman approaching the bed. Jordan quickly looked at the door, which was still closed and then back at the woman.

  Jordan watched her pull a chair up a few feet in front of her. The woman was holding a tea cup and gestured for her to take it, but she quickly slapped it away and watched the contents spill on the floor and the cup roll to the other side of the room.

  “Who are you? Where am I!” Jordan snapped at her like a caged animal.


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