The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance Page 2

by Natasha Spencer

  “I know a few people who swear by it and are the healthiest people I have ever met. In fact, my parents are two of them. They won’t take prescriptions. Especially after what it did to my grandmother. I’ve often used these home holistic remedies to feel better myself. They do work. But you know what it is, the big companies don’t want people to know about them. So I swear they pay off the government to put out bad information about these natural remedies.” Sally said.

  “Yep, I agree, and we will have an uphill battle to convince people that these are safe alternatives and a better choice to make for their health.”

  “If anyone can pull it off you can!” Sally stated.

  He smiled at her warmly, “I think you are a great addition to our company. Not just because you agree with me, but you seem to know a lot of what is going on in the world.” Silas complimented her.

  Sally was flustered by the warmth in his eyes and got up, “I better type this up and get it out.”

  “Sure let me know when you are done, I have a few people who knew about this ahead of time and have already sent me their information. I’d like you to help me look through their qualifications,” Silas said before she left his office.

  Chapter 4

  As Sally sat typing the memo to send out she recalled that Silas had told her in his office. When he had told her his wife did not agree with this move she had witnessed the sadness that had crossed his eyes.

  Honestly she didn’t understand how people could still support the pharmaceutical industry anymore. But she also knew plenty of people who believed that their doctors still had their best interests at heart. However, Sally knew that many doctors were biased because pharmaceutical companies who would offer incentives in the form of cash to these doctors.

  Sally fully supported this move by Silas and knew that he was taking a step to help millions of people. She also knew he had hoped to have the support of his wife in this adventure. It must be painful and frustrating to him that she didn’t agree with it she thought to herself and she realized that that his life at home wasn’t as happy as the pictures had made them seem.

  Part of her felt guilty about her having secret thoughts of him and she felt that if it resulted in having affair, it wouldn’t be something she would stop.

  She knew her parents would never agree with this way of thinking, but she wouldn’t be sharing this information with them. Anything between her and Silas would remain her secret.

  After she was done typing and sending the memo out, she knocked on the door to his office.

  “Come in.” She heard him call out.

  Going in the door she saw him sitting at the table with a stack of papers in front of him. “Are all of those for this new division?”

  “Yes some are from outside of the company but several are from people we already have working for us. Please sit down and help me make up a list of the most qualified people.” He patted the seat beside him.

  He pushed a couple of the resumes he had already looked at towards her. “These are the ones I’ve looked at already. I made some comments on them, see if you agree with me.” He said.

  “Honestly I’m not near as qualified to make these decisions as you.” She said.

  “I just would like your opinion on this too, if you don’t mind.” He smiled at her. “After all it is nice to have someone on the same side as me in this.” He added.

  Again she saw the sadness cross over his eyes and knew he was talking about his wife and her unwillingness to support this idea.

  “It’s a great idea, one that other companies should also look into. But if we are one of the only companies, it will be a great profit-making opportunity.” Sally said.

  “But once other companies see our success, and I truly hope this is successful, they will jump on the band wagon as well. We will have to make sure that people will find that our products are the best choice on the market.”

  “You’re a brilliant man I’m sure you will discover a way to make this known.” She complimented him.

  He smiled at her, “Thank you for the compliment. But I am not brilliant, I just want to help out people.”

  Sally wanted to hug him more than anything at that moment. But she fought the urge, and instead looked down at the resume in front of her. Checking his notes and adding a few of her own.

  The time passed by quickly and soon the darkness was coming down over the city. The lights began to fill the sky and her attention was drawn to the view again.

  He noticed her looking out the window from time to time and smiled up at her. “Go ahead and look closer; it truly is beautiful. However, the beauty of the view is nothing compared to what I see in you.” He said.

  Sally was flustered as she stood up and walked to the window. There was no mistaking that he was flirting with her at this point. She enjoyed the warm feeling that filled her body.

  He came up behind her and looked out over the city with her. She could feel his warm breath against her neck. It took everything she had to not lean back against his hard chest and melt into him. Sally wasn’t sure how long she could stand this closeness without allowing her body to act on its primal urges.

  Her stomach growled loudly and he laughed, “Wow, it is a lot later than I thought. I’m sorry I kept you so late. Let me order something for us to eat. We don’t have to work, we can just enjoy the view and deal with the rest of this tomorrow.” He said.

  Thankfully, he had moved away from her and she was able to clear her thoughts, “Okay, that sounds good. But I can still work, I don’t mind.”

  He proceeded ordered take-out Chinese food for them both. “Tell me more about yourself Sally.”

  “Well there is really not a lot to know. I’m a pretty boring person. I always put my studies ahead of everything else. I wanted to succeed in school so that I could hopefully help my parents out so they can keep their farm going.” She said.

  “So you grew up on a farm? What was that like? Did you have to get up and do chores all the time?” He asked with interest.

  She laughed, “Well not all the time, but those 5 am wake ups were something you just knew you had to do when you lived on a farm.”

  “5 am? Wow, I can’t tell you the last time I was up that early!” He laughed.

  “Well I can tell you when I went to college it took me a while to adjust and feel like I wasn’t being lazy waking up at 7 in the morning instead!” Sally laughed as she admitted it.

  Silas looked at her and smiled, “You know you are a very refreshing person. I love how down to earth you all. You don’t see that a lot when you’ve lived in the big city for so many years. I miss the small town atmosphere, sometimes I just want to move back and get away from all of this. Too many fake people who just smile at you and tell you what you want to hear.” Silas commented.

  “I love the hustle and bustle here, I can’t imagine going back to boring Nebraska.” Sally stated.

  “Give it time, you’ll miss it one day, maybe not right away, but the day will come when you definitely will! Trust me.”

  “Where are you from?” Sally asked him.

  “I come from a little town in New Hampshire, Sugar Hill. Very quaint and nothing like New York. But I haven’t been back there in years. I moved my mom and dad to a little home in the country here in New York. They didn’t want to move into the city, and it’s a little like Sugar Hill where they are at, but just not quite the same.” Silas explained.

  “What about your wife, is she from a little town too?” Sally couldn’t help but ask.

  “No she used to be a model here in New York, and grew up here her whole life. She doesn’t like the quietness of little towns at all.” He admitted.

  “That’s a shame, sounds like you would really enjoy getting back to a nice quiet little town yourself.” Sally stated.

  “Yeah I would, but we all have to make sacrifices in life.” He said.

  Sally looked at him and wondered what he meant by that. Was he really unhappy in his marriage? Perhaps he
was and this was his way of hinting to her that he was open to something with Sally.

  Chapter 5

  The food Silas ordered showed up about thirty minutes later. Sally was still standing looking at the bright city lights, amazed she had finally made it to the big city.

  “So you rich enough you could have a home in Sugar Hill and possibly still run your business from there. Why haven’t you done that?” She asked. “I’m sorry if I’m being too nosey, but you really do sound like you miss the less hectic life that you had there.”

  “Well I’ve considered it, but my wife made it very clear that she would not be interested in such a move. I guess I didn’t want to be alone, so I’ve stayed her instead. I do try and visit my parents as often as I can to enjoy the slow pace of their small town.” He told her.

  “That seems a little selfish of her, don’t you think? I mean doesn’t she want you to be happy too?”

  When he remained quiet for a bit too long, she added, “I’m sorry I know it’s not my place to say that. I often just say what I’m thinking sometimes and don’t really think about it before it comes out of my mouth.”

  He looked at her, she was now sitting back by him, and they were both eating their dinner slowly. He put his hand on her arm. “No I don’t mind, I guess I’m just not used to someone being so forward with their opinions. Like I said, most people will tell me what I want to hear.”

  “Except your wife.” Sally added.

  He sighed, “Except my wife, right. She doesn’t care if I’m happy or not. As long as she gets the things she wants, that’s all that matters to her.”

  “I’m so sorry Silas.”

  He stood up leaving his dinner where it was. To her it looked like he was fighting a silent battle in his mind. “Don’t be sorry I choose this and I have to deal with it.”

  Sally wanted to go to him, saw the passion shining in his eyes as he looked at her. But felt a deep sense of guilt within her. “You know what, I think I’ve overstepped my boundaries, I should go home. I’ll see you in the morning.” She stood up to leave.

  “You didn’t overstep any boundaries. I needed someone to be honest with me again. Thank you. Please don’t leave yet, you haven’t even finished your meal. I’ll drive you home when we are done eating.” Silas said with sincerity.

  Her fear was that she would try and kiss him or throw herself at him if she was around him much longer. She sat back down and started to eat. Any other thoughts she had about Silas and his wife she choose to keep to herself though.

  He came back down and sat down beside her picking at his food. She couldn’t eat even half of the huge servings and was soon putting the cover back over her meal.

  “You aren’t going to eat that?” He asked.

  “No I’m full already. But I can bring it in for lunch tomorrow. I’m sure it’s just as good the second day.” She stated.

  “Yes this is one of my favorite places to order from. Jackie hates it.” He said.

  Sally knew from his biography on the website that Jackie was his wife. She had to wonder exactly what they shared to make them be together, but she didn’t ask.

  “Come on I’ll take you home.” He said standing up.

  She followed him out of the office and they got to his BMW in the parking lot. Silas opened the door for her and once she was inside closed it.

  “So where do you live?” He asked.

  “1412 West 52nd street.” She told him.

  “Hmm, okay, that’s not really the best area for you to rent in.” He said.

  “Well I didn’t know the area all that well, and needed somewhere close to the subway so I could get to work.” She admitted.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll find you a better place. Maybe this weekend.” Silas offered.

  “I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “I insist, the last thing I want is an employee of mine being harmed because I let them stay in a bad part of town.”

  The rest of the ride was quiet. Sally studied his profile and found herself wishing that she could reach out and touch him. Comfort him. Let him know that life wasn’t all bad, and that sooner or later he would be happy.

  But how could she do that? Instead she looked out the window at the passing scenery and enjoyed New York City in all its glory.

  He dropped her off and walked her to her door. “I want to make sure you’re safe Sally.”

  “Thank you.” Sally said, once she had her door open and stepped inside. She had thought about inviting him inside, but knew she wouldn’t be able to control herself in her small apartment with his scent filling it.

  Chapter 6

  Silas drove away from her apartment, and wondered why his wife couldn’t be more like Sally. He felt bad for thinking this way, but he was tired of everything he wanted being shot down by Jackie. She didn’t want any of the same things he did anymore.

  When had their relationship turned so bad? At first she seemed different than she did now. She was way more supportive of him in the beginning, especially in terms of his career. But perhaps it was only his money that she cared about.

  Sadly, he knew it was the truth, and wondered if Jackie had ever really loved him. She had always saw his money and career as a status symbol. He couldn’t even count all the times he had heard her say, “My husband is Silas McComb, you do know who he is, right?”

  For so many years he had convinced himself they had a decent marriage, not perfect, but good enough. And spending a day with Sally made him question himself, and his marriage.

  The questions Sally had asked had run through his mind many times, but anytime Jackie had threatened to leave him, she would threaten to take as much money as she could and ruin him.

  He had never been unfaithful to Jackie, not once in the past, even though he had the chance to on many occasions. Young girls often threw themselves at him, but he knew they were looking for a sugar daddy to pay their way through school. He already had one gold digger in his wife, and didn’t need another.

  He could tell Sally had been flirting with him tonight, and she was different from the rest of them. She didn’t see him as a bank, but as a person who had great ideas and ambition. It made him feel happy, and very attracted to her.

  Silas still didn’t like the idea of having an affair. He also knew that if he had Sally that he would want her for himself. How could he ask her to do that, when he was already committed to someone else?

  It put him in a hard spot, and speaking of hard, he had felt excitement around her sexually. It had been a while since he’d felt that way. Jackie, was indeed beautiful, but she really didn’t make him sexually excited anymore. It was her snooty attitude towards him that often turned him off.

  Silas couldn’t get Sally out of his mind the whole drive home. He recalled the sexy dress she had worn today. It made her body stand out; she had all the right curves in all the right places.

  He had been serious about finding her a better area to live in. But there had been more to his offer than just her safety. He had desired the chance to spend time with her outside of the job. This was the perfect way to do it he thought to himself. However, he didn’t know if he wanted to take the final step of sleeping with her. He feared that he would never want to leave her side.

  Silas couldn’t wait to see her again tomorrow. When he got home, he made his way to his bedroom. Him and Jackie had been sleeping in different bedrooms for years now.

  Jackie didn’t even come to see him when he walked in the door. She was in her room, probably on her computer, chatting with her friends about how much she had spent that day.

  He appreciated the fact he didn’t have to face her. He would rather think about Sally instead. A woman, who liked his ideas and had even called him brilliant. It had been a long time since he’d heard those words from a female who didn’t like him only for his money.

  Chapter 7

  Sally took a shower and put on some pajamas and called her parents. Of course they wanted to know about her first day
at work. She told them about the new division that McComb was going to be opening up with herbal medicines to help people.

  “Oh wow that’s wonderful news dear! You know so much about that, perhaps you can get in on the team.” Her father said.

  “Well I really like my position already. But I get to help pick the team who will be running the division. So that’s really nice.”

  Sally didn’t tell them much about what had happened between her and Silas. But her mom could tell she was holding something back. “So what about the ever famous Silas McComb? Was he everything you thought he’d be?” Her mom asked.

  Shit. I really do have a big mouth, Sally thought. She could recall many times when she told her mom how brilliant of a business man she thought Silas was, and her mom was able to tell that Sally was enamored by him.

  “He’s just as brilliant in person. A really nice guy too. I like working with him a lot.” Sally explained.

  “Have you met his wife yet?” Her mom questioned, in an attempt to make sure Sally still remembered that this man should be off limits.

  “No mom, I don’t think she comes to the company very often.” Sally stated.

  “Hmm, well I told you before he’s married so just be sure you keep your relationship on a business level. Don’t allow yourself to be swept up by a married man just because you find charismatic and charming. You don’t want to be one of those types of people.”

  Sally knew she was referring to women who broke up happy homes. But this home wasn’t a happy one. Surely it would be divulging a bit too much about Silas married life to her mom so she kept this information to herself.

  “I know mom, I know. I remember the Commandments.” Sally said, annoyed.

  “Good girl. Always follow them Sally as best as you can.”

  Sally sighed, as she didn’t feel the same way. If she could offer him happiness where he had none, was it such a bad thing? Maybe she’d broached the subject another night when it was only her dad on the phone as he was often more open-minded and more understanding than her mother.


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