The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance

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The Billionaire's Seed_A Secret Baby Romance Page 16

by Natasha Spencer

  His visit with Christie had gone better than he had any right to hope, and yet he felt a dull, hollow sort of hopelessness in his stomach. He looked around his penthouse suite and he felt empty. Without Christie, things seemed dull and colorless, like everything had been sucked from the world.

  She had said that she understood. She had smiled and she had told him to stay safe. Ace tried to tell himself that these were all really great signs, that after he quit the club that maybe he had a shot with her, but the hope fizzled in his chest. She was a nice woman, a kind woman. Of course she didn’t want him hurt, but that didn’t mean they were right for each other.

  He was the one who had ended things. It was his own fault that he was lying alone in his apartment, trying not to think about her. His penthouse felt empty and he still wasn’t sure if she would listen to his warning, but he had done everything possible to drive the point home.

  Ace's sleep ended when a text that came through at ten a.m. the next morning. He swore and snatched up his phone, skimming the words. It was from one of his contacts. Ace felt a surge of excitement rush through him and he almost fell off the couch. That was it! This was what he had been waiting for! If this worked out, then his worries about Christie would be over and he could focus on the next stage of his life- the fight, his decision, and changing into someone who deserved a family.

  He jumped up, ready to race to Christie’s apartment and tell her the good news, but instead he stopped, skimmed the text instead and hit dial on her number. He hoped that she’d pick up, because there was absolutely no time to waste.

  Ace felt almost giddy as he paced around his living room, waiting for her to pick up. When she did, she sounded tired, but very much awake, like she had been awake for hours. He supposed she was at work. Ace didn’t waste time with small talk.

  “Christie, look, I know you don’t want to hear from me, but this is about a story!” He sounded strange to his own ears, unusually excited. Ace couldn’t remember the last time he had sounded excited.

  “A story?” Christie sounded alert, pricking up her ears right away at his words. He could hear her grabbing a pen and a piece of paper, “What is it? Is it any good?”

  “Good? It’s fantastic. I’ll text you the details, but get this. There’s a huge new product launch happening today. It's by iBet, one of the largest online betting companies around, and they're launching a new betting app that's going to revolutionize online betting. And it was developed right here in Phoenix. It’s been kept hush, hush, but a buddy of mine is involved, and he has agreed to give you the exclusive.” Ace grinned, “Big innovation, the whole nine-yards.”

  He paused, “If I’m wrong, you still have a solid story. But if I’m right…”

  “Ace, that sounds great!” Christie didn’t sound guarded when she spoke to him, and the thought flushed Ace with warmth. He knew it was just because of her excitement, but he savored the moment, savored the emotion in her voice and the way she seemed to light up.

  He had always loved that about her.

  “Look, I better get off the phone so I can send you the details. I hope it helps.”

  “It sounds perfect. Thank you so much!” There was such sincerity in her voice that Ace thought his heart would give out right there and then. Even when she was angry and hurting and fighting more then she had any right to fight, she was being kind and sincere.

  “It’s okay.” Ace didn’t know how to end the call. Three special words lingered on his tongue, but he slammed the phone down before he could get carried away, ruin everything and put her in danger again, the very thing he was trying to avoid. Flicking through his contacts, Ace sent her the details of the text and the event and, for the first time in a long while, thanked his lucky stars for the contacts he’d gotten at the club.

  They were finally coming in handy.

  Chapter 17

  When the text came through, Christie couldn’t believe her eyes. Not only was this a huge product launch but it was for one of the biggest on-line betting sites around. She felt excitement surge through her and prickle against the back of her neck. If she could get a lock on this story, she’d be in. This was bigger than any of the other stories she’d been chasing, including the one about the underground fights.

  That one, while important and groundbreaking, was a little predictable, but this one, this one nobody would have expected would launch in Phoenix. Christie did a quick bit of research on the facts of the company and printed it out. She texted the contact that Ace had sent her and grabbed her jacket, camera and everything else she needed.

  It wasn’t until she was half way out of the office that a painful thought struck her. This was very convenient. What if it was all just a ruse to get her to stop sniffing around? To rough her up, like Ace had said? Maybe it was just something terrible. She shifted on her feet, weighing up the pros and cons.

  Ace had come all the way out last night just to warn her and keep her safe, so it seemed very unlikely that he would go out of his way to trick her and put her in even more danger. That didn’t make any sense. Then again, maybe he was bitter, but Christie didn’t know why he would be.

  On the other hand, this story was good and could be the big break she had been looking for. Excitement fluttered in her chest. She would get a permanent contract for sure, bigger work would naturally start flowing and everything would be okay again. And, after all, Ace had said that he wanted to help her.

  Maybe this was his way of helping. He did have contacts in places that Christie didn’t. After an agonizing moment, Christie decided that she just couldn’t afford to waste time. She hurried to Jane’s desk instead, “I need you to come with me.”

  “Wow, what’s the rush?” Jane looked relaxed, but she jumped up and slung on her jacket. All reporters knew how to move fast.

  “Grab your stuff, I’ll explain on the way!” Christie called. They raced through the halls and Christie called a cab. When Jane tried to question her, she glanced at the cab driver and shook her head. Everyone had twitter, everyone had some way of sharing with the world.

  If the story was leaked too early, Christie could be in just as much trouble. She needed to keep this quiet. It wasn’t until she stepped out of the cab that she turned to Jane, “Huge new product launch.”

  Jane gasped and grinned, “You sly dog.”

  Christie smiled as they hurried up the stairs of the building, “It’s been hush hush for a while, but it’s meant to launch today. If we’re first on the scene…”

  Jane nodded in understanding and Christie continued, “Problem is, I think my tip is valid, but in case it’s an elaborate way to get me alone…”

  Jane nodded again, “I have pepper spray, and a phone.” She chuckled, though she sounded serious, “I’ve got you covered.”

  Christie nodded, feeling relief and elation fight each other in the depths of her chest. If Ace was to be believed, his contact would meet her in the lobby of the building inside the front doors.

  When she reached her destination, Christie was surprised. She was standing face to face with a very attractive looking man, a man who might have been on a television show, or in a magazine. He looked like a model, thankfully not a gangster or a fighter, or a man who was involved in the underground at all.

  He grinned when he saw Christie and chuckled at her expression, “I don’t know how Ace found a lady as beautiful as you. You are Christie, I take it?” He held out a hand to her and she took it, feeling herself blush.

  “Yes, and you are-?”

  “Kevin.” Even his name was simple, suburban, middle American life. He let go of her hand and gestured, “Follow me. Just through here.” He paused and looked at Jane, “And you are?” He smiled.

  “Jane.” She smirked, “Camera back up.”

  “Of course. Then right this way, Jane.” He stepped aside and led them through the lobby, until Christie was face to face with a large set of doors.

  The moment they stepped through, Christie knew that this was as legiti
mate as they came. Everything was set up for a media uptake to showcase the creative genius of the iBet company and to make sure that everyone could see their innovation and latest product.

  Christie took a deep breath and she took it all in. This was going to be one heck of a media storm. This was going to be fantastic. And she was at the helm of it. She felt a tingle all through her body. If she got this story first, no one could say that she had not earned her place at the newspaper.

  As she stepped forward and Jane grabbed out her camera, Christie found herself wondering how Ace had pulled these strings - how he had managed to get her first dibs on the story.

  She began to look around and realized that everything was going to be okay now. And she couldn’t find it in her heart to hate Ace. The hope that she had pushed down started to blossom again, burning and bright in her chest.

  Maybe there really was hope. Maybe things were going to be okay.

  Chapter 18

  The day of the fight was upon him and Ace was finding it difficult to contain his nerves. Occasionally, before fights he felt a few butterflies in his stomach, at worst. Usually, he felt nothing at all. This was just work. It was routine, it was ordinary, and it was boring. Ace was good at what he did. He was good at fighting and even better at winning. The problem came when he was expected to lose. It went against everything he stood for.

  He had learnt to fight for survival and somehow, even now, losing a fight, especially on purpose, felt dirty and wrong. It left him feeling unsettled to his very core. It was in his blood to fight to win. Even if he lost, it still felt better knowing that he had given it everything that he had.

  He knew there was no honor in throwing a fight, but it meant money, and plenty of it. The whole industry thrived off the bets that were won and lost. Usually it was small money. But sometimes, when the fights were big and well promoted, the betting could be huge. A lot of money had been wagered on Ace's fights, but none more than the one tonight. As he was the current champion, the odds were highly in his favor, running at about 12 to 1.

  His loss would be a huge upset - who in their right mind would bet against him now? He was in his prime, he was strong, and he’d been training for ages for this particular fight. He’d won his last three fights in absolute landslides, and there was, in fact, very little reason to think he would lose this one.

  Sitting there in his apartment, counting down the hours until the fight, Ace had a realization. For the first time, he thought about the little guys, the guy who bet everything on what they thought was a sure thing in an honest fight. Of course Ace would win. Ace was a safe bet. They would gamble what they had on Ace because he didn’t let them down. They would gamble it all not knowing that Ace was about to throw away their money on a rigged fight.

  It wasn’t his choice to make, and Ace was suddenly sick about it. He remembered the elation in Christie’s voice that morning, and thought of the baby she was carrying. He thought of the little guys getting screwed over with this fight that was rigged. He thought about himself, and the integrity and dignity he had been throwing away for all of these years. And for what? For Cruz? For the money?

  It was cowardly. It was dirty and Ace didn’t want to play like this anymore. And in his apartment that day, Ace made a decision. He decided that he was going to change the rules. He was going to play the game his way, the way he should have played it from the beginning.

  He thought of Christie, safe and with a stable job, and he sighed in relief. If she was okay, it didn’t matter what happened to him. If he won this fight, he would pay for it. He’d be out on the street, beaten black and blue without any money. If he lost the fight, he’d be throwing away everything that he had spent his whole life working for, day in and day out.

  Ace stood and headed to the bathroom to get ready. He took a long shower under the relaxing spray, the warmth seeping into his muscles and helping him feel loose and ready to fight. He stretched and envisioned the fight, thinking strategically about what he was going to do.

  After he got out of the shower, he rubbed analgesic ointment into his muscles and stretched, making sure that everything was limber and moving correctly. Once he was finished, he got dressed, wearing loose fitting, comfortable clothing.

  His body was ready. He had some water and a light meal and then he waited.

  He could have waited at the club, but he needed the peace, the quiet and the time to collect his thoughts before the big fight. He always arrived just before the fight, so that no one’s energy and negative jeering could influence him, one way or another. And today of all days, Ace really needed that space. He was about to make the biggest decision of his life.

  Chapter 19

  The iBet product launch went better than Christie could have ever imagined. She got plenty of information, the press release kit and everything else she could have possibly needed for a fantastic story.

  Even Jane was beaming and Christie knew that she was well and truly onto something with this media launch. Kevin smiled as she turned to leave, “You’re welcome. Now, Christie…” He frowned a little in thought, “The launch is at 12pm, okay?”

  “Got it! No publishing anything before that.” Christie wanted to skip down the hall. Instead, she smiled, “But at twelve o’ one, it will hit the news!” Christie laughed and Kevin grinned, “Yes, that’s fine. Good luck with your story.”

  Jane was smiling as they left the building and Christie was feeling elated. Everything was finally falling into place and Christie felt like the weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

  Ace cared. He had to care, at least a little, to help her find this story. And the story was great- exactly what she needed to keep this job and look after the baby. She sighed, a deep, satisfied sigh as they hailed a cab and raced through the streets back towards their office.

  “We’ll have to hurry to meet the press deadline.” Jane smiled, a challenge sparkling in her eye.

  “Then we’ll just have to hurry!” Christie sped into the office and to her desk, throwing down the information and typing out the rough draft from the press release kit. Then she printed it out, gathered it all up and raced to her boss' door. Knocking on it, she didn’t even wait for his reply before swinging the door open.

  “I have it!” He looked up, surprised with confusion written all over his face. He was not used to his employees bursting in unless they had a good story to show him, and even then, he had never expected one from Christie.

  She waved her paperwork and ran over to his desk, setting it all down, along with a soft copy on a thumb-drive, in front of him. She was flushed with excitement, “Huge new betting app by iBet. It launches at 12pm today, and I have the exclusive. I have permission to publish at 12:01 - in time for the afternoon edition.”

  Her boss picked up the paper work and skimmed through it, his eyes widening a little as he took it in. This was good. This was big news even for a big city, “Do you have photos?”

  “Jane’s printing them now.”

  “Right.” He grabbed his phone and dialed up, “Hold the print run, we have a new story. And make sure you get our online editors on this one. I want it on Twitter the second the company makes its announcement, and with a couple of photos!”

  Christie beamed with pride at the fuss that her boss was making over her story. She had made the right call in following this and listening to Ace’s advice. It was going to be okay now. One look at her boss’s face told her everything that she needed to know. She would be keeping this job and there was no way she would lose it now. The thought sent a flush of pleasure up her spine and made her smile.

  As he walked out of the office, barking orders to anyone who would listen, he stopped and glanced at Christie, “Is this your story?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Then consider your contract renewed. Three months on the job and you’re already pulling in stories like this…” He shook his head slowly, “You're going to give everyone here a run for their money. I’ll get the contract to you by
the end of the week. Congratulations!”

  And as her story was taken out of her hands and pulled to the print run, Christie realized that she needed to phone Ace. She needed to thank him and let her know that he had made a real difference for her work.

  She grabbed her mobile and headed outside, dialing his number, her brain and her body still buzzing with the sheer rush of making it work, finally, after all the trial and error that she had been through.

  He picked up after a few rings, “Hello?”

  He sounded distracted and Christie noticed that she could hear something in the background of many people talking all at once. Where was he, she wondered.

  “Hi, Ace. I just wanted to say thank you.” She couldn’t keep the excitement from her voice, “It’s all worked out. The story was such a hit. Thank you.”

  “It was? I’m glad.” Something in his voice sounded flat, on edge, and dull. He was happy, but there was something else on his mind. After a moment, he spoke again, “You got the job, then?”

  “Yeah. I have the job now.” She smiled, the reality of it still hitting her, spilling through the cracks of her heart and helping to mend it.

  “Thank you for sending me that text.”

  “Mmm hum.” He murmured, before she heard the smile in his voice, “I’m glad, Christie, I really am.” A bell rang in the distance, “Look, I have to go. Good luck and I hope I see your name in the papers, okay?”

  He put down before Christie could even answer.

  She frowned and tried to think. He didn’t sound upset. Just distracted. The crowds, the sound of the bell…


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