Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1)

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Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1) Page 18

by Unknown

  “Hate to interrupt the love fest, but can we focus on the situation at hand.” Anger fills me to the brim and I badly want to inflect pain on this evil twatwaffle.

  “How about this, you can have my old bunk. There is no sense in my keeping it for storage. Will you share your closet with me, Baby?” Since we are still wound around one another, I run my nose along his neck inhaling his spicy scent allowing it to calm me some.

  Jaden actually purrs into my hair as he kiss the top on my head. “Of course, my Beauty, anything you want.”

  “Does that work for you? I have to warn you though, it does share the wall to the bedroom, and I can be a screamer, especially with my Beast.” I grab Jaden’s junk as I suck his flesh in my mouth. “Great, now that, that’s all settled, Jaden and I have to finish some…business. I’ll clear out the bunk later.” I say looking up at him with a huge grin that he reciprocates before grabbing my hand and dragging my behind him towards the bedroom.

  Chapter 36


  We had shows in Boise, Idaho and Salt Lake City, Utah this week. Both shows were great and the acoustic set is the just getting better each time. Life with Emily on the bus is a fucking nightmare on a bad acid trip. She stomps around like she owns the place, using the pregnancy as an excuse for why things should be her way. Nell and I stick together as much as we can. I admit, I don’t want to be anywhere alone with Emily but she has cornered me three times in the week she’s been with us.

  The band is lounging about the bus, Nell is sitting beside me on her Mac checking Gemma’s flight information, as we make our way through Nevada towards Las Vegas. I can’t help but feel pumped. Vegas is always a guaranteed great show and maybe I can convince Nell to sneak away to The Little White Chapel with me. The thought makes me grin like a madman and Nell glances over at me.

  “What up?” she asks suspicious.

  “Nothing.” I answer too quickly and she glares at me, fighting a smirk.

  Poking me in the side she says, “You have a look, a very smarmy look, and I don’t trust it. What are you planning, Cookie?” She pokes me in the ribs a few more times before I grab her hand, bringing her wrist to my mouth to light bite the soft skin.

  “Nothing that you should concern yourself with,” I send her a grin and quark my eyebrow up, “yet.”

  “Ugh!” She barks out, giving me a shove before trying to jerk her arm away. I don’t let go but she pulled so hard she ends up on her back, laying on the bench, with me conveniently on top. So naturally I seize the opportunity to dig my big hands into her ribs and hips. Nell shrieks and convulses as I tickles and grope her for several minutes.

  “|I give! I GIVE!” she gasps out and I stop my assault on her body attacking her mouth instead. Her body goes loose of all tension when our lips connect.

  “You know there are other people on this bus that might not want to watch the two of you suck face all day.” Comes Emily’s uptight snotty voice as she starts out towards the bunks. I separate my lips from Nell’s but stay on top of her as I glare at Emily back but before I can fire anything off, Ryker jumps in,

  “Fuck you Miss. Thing, I love watching them dry hump their way around the bus. And since Ashton won’t let us watch Porn, after that one time, it’s the next best thing we got.” She just gives him the middle finger and gets in her bunk.

  Nell giggles, “What happened that one time?”

  “Don’t!” I grunt.

  “Oh you mean don’t tell her about the time I walked out of the bathroom and the three of you were sitting on the couch, dicks in your hands, watch porn together separated by couch cushions? You claiming it was fine because you guys couldn’t see each other’s junk.” Rattles off Ashton from the captain’s chair up front where she playing Xbox. I drop my head on Nell’s chest in embarrassment and she giggles hysterically.

  “Then there was that one time in the hot tub…”

  “Fucking hell!” I yell and start to jump up as Finn grabs Ashton out of her chair, settling her on his lap with a hand firmly over her mouth. She kicks and squirms but she isn’t going anywhere.

  “Hot tub?” Nell asks both eyebrows raised in question.

  “I have no idea what she is talking about.”

  “It was a long time ago, none of us remember.” Ryker kicks in.

  “That’s fine, Finn can’t hold his hand over her mouth forever. Ash will tell be eventually, won’t you Ash?” Ashton nods her head.

  “Fuck, fucking just please remember that we were like 15 and horny little fuckers.”

  “I promise,” she says trying her hardest to not laugh.

  Taking a deep breathe, “So freshmen year, the three of us were fucking pathetic with girls. Despite spending every waking moment with Ashton, she was absolutely no damn help. At the time Court…uh, you know who, was a friend but not really on my raider yet.” I feel flustered so take another deep breathe before continuing. “Anyway, it was the summer of our sophomore year, we were all sitting in the hot tub at Finn’s house one evening when Ashton got out to get everyone some drinks. I had flipped around to tell her something and discovered the jet feels, uh, feels fucking awesome on my junk. I told Finn and Ryker. Let’s just say we ended up spending a lot of time in the hot tub that summer.”

  “Oh my god…” Nell says, her nose scrunched up. “That’s disgusting. And Ashton was still getting in the hot tub with you guys throughout the summer without a clue?”

  “Why do you think her skin looks so youthful?” cracks Ryker.

  “I actually discovered their new practice not too soon after they did, when I walked out to ask them something and they were all turned into a corner looking like they were experiencing an exorcism.” She says laughing. “From then on anytime it was “hot tub time” I would go downstairs to play video games.” Ashton and Nell crack up at our expense. I am surprised it took so long for Ashton to start spilling our horror stories but I consider buy duct tape for future use.

  “Fucking finally!” I shout as we pull into a spot in the secured parking garage under the MGM Grand, where we will be performing tonight. “Fucking story time is over. Let’s go grab some shit so we can stay in a room tonight.” I grab her hand pulling her up intending to steal a quick kiss but end up sinking deep into her. Lifting her, she wraps her legs around my hips, and we make our way to the back bedroom.


  As tour manager, I get to make up the schedule for the band in each city. Their schedules usually consist of sound check and publicity interviews with local radio stations. The schedule for Vegas is a busy one and has a couple club appetences added after the concert. Ryker went to get Gemma, while the rest of us got rooms at the MGM. Emily was left to figure herself out, as she wasn’t part of the band, so not my problem.

  Maybe I could be nicer to her but I don’t think someone being pregnant gives them a free pass to be a dick to anyone and everyone. Add to that she is trying her hardest to get into Jaden’s head. He told me right away when she’s cornered him. Waiting until I’ve been busy with tour stuff to catch him alone. She’s tried to convince him they should be together, that she is in love with him, that she knows he loves her, and they should be together for the baby. To say that I’d like to claw the bitch’s eyes out would be accurate. I haven’t asked Jaden to kick her off yet because tomorrow they go in for a non-invasive prenatal paternity test. They will draw blood from both Jaden and Emily and they will be able to match up the DNA with 99.9% accuracy, without doing any harm to the baby.

  I wasn’t raised with religion or anything but I prey to whoever may be listening, that this baby isn’t Jaden’s and we won’t be trapped by this woman for the rest of our lives. Because I have realized that I do want forever with him, that I am crazy, stupid, madly in love with him and I have an epic plan to tell him how I feel finally. But first…

  Step 1. Get rid of the boys for the day.

  When I made up the schedule for the interviews and radio appearances, I left out Ashton, I just didn’t tell
the guys. They believed that she was sick in bed, needing to stay there all day and rest up for tonight. Damn sudden flu. So once they saw that she was in safe hands, tucked away in her bed, they left for the day.


  Step 2: Pick up Gemma from the Airport.

  This is pretty self-explanatory but I want to mention that had to fight Ryker on this, because he was relentless about wanting to pick her up. Which reminds me, I need to check Amazon for a chastity belt. In other words, Ryker’s a manwhore, I’ve seen things that I wish I could un-see, and Gemma isn’t another notch on totem poll.

  Gemma: Hey Babe, cum get me. I’m grabbing my shiet now. <3

  Nell: Be there in 5. Can’t wait 2cu!!

  Gemma: Me 2 <3

  As we pull around the corner, I spot Gemma right away, and point her out to the cabbie. Her skin tight white pants are like a beacon to be followed. Adorably pared with a ¾ length black and white thin striped boat neck tee. Her leather jacket tossed over her arm and she has on her trusty black shit kicker boots. Before he comes to a full stop I fling my door open and am jumping out and into her waiting arms. Tears fill my eyes and drip down my face, as I cling to her sniveling for a few minutes until the cabbie clears his throat.

  “Ladies, we need to get moving.” He says gently. I release Gemma and she whips my face with her thumbs.

  “Thanks Gem, I didn’t know that was going to happen.” I chuckle but Gemma doesn’t say anything. She links her arm with mine and leads me to the cab. We head back to the hotel to stow Gemma’s luggage then head out to the stripe.


  Step 3: SHOPPING and Sex-ifying Ashton

  We spend the day finding Ashton the perfect outfit that will make Finn lose his shit. Back at the hotel Gemma created a master piece of awesome with her hair. Using braids along the sides, she created a Mohawk look with Ashton’s long blonde hair. I did her make-up using smoky greys and silvers to bring light to her dark brown eyes. We add some “I want to suck your cock” red lipstick before letting her go get dressed.

  Giggling drifts out from the bedroom and we head in to check on her. Ashton’s bare ass is the first thing we see upon entering the room, as she is leaning over the bed, her new black leather pants around her knees.

  “What the bloody hell?” Gemma giggles.

  “I…can’t…!” she’s laughing so hard she can’t talk. “I’m so nervous, I’m sweaty and can’t pull my pants on.” She finally gets out with a snorts.

  “NO BABY POWDER!” I yell flying across the room and jumping on the bed to land next to the struggling Ashton. We all end up on the bed laughing like idiots.

  “What the fuck are you girl doing? And why is Ashton’s ass out?” Comes Ryker’s gruff voice causing us to all freeze.

  “What’s up Ryk, shouldn’t you guys be busy?” I ask.

  “We were worried about Ashton and wanted to see if she was feeling better. Didn’t realize you girls were keeping us busy so you could have fun without us. But since I am here.” He starts walking forward, toeing off his chucks, and tugging on his shirt.

  “You wish, Beefcake” I chuckle, sliding off the bed and straightening my clothes.

  “Fuck yeah I do, I’m rock hard at the thought.” He says while grabbing the bulge in his pants. Gemma saunters up to him, blatantly looking at his swollen jeans. She licks her lips and leans in close but she makes a face.

  “You smell like dank pussy. Too bad, I was about to give you a chance. Now get out so we can help Ashton get dressed.” She says with a push towards the door but as she goes to step back Ryker grabs her wrist.

  “I’ll get my chance.” He whispers just loud enough for me to hear before turning and leaving the room.

  “Be careful there Gem. Ryker isn’t a light, easy guy.” I warn despite knowing that it falls on deaf ears.

  We are able to get Ashton into her skin tight pants. I am sure Finn is going to cum in his pants when he sees her ass, because the pants are so tight you could see the outline of a hair. Along with the pants we found a lacy black bra to go under a silver halter-top that is covered in sparkles, and a crimson motorcycle jacket that shows about two inches of skin. And my favorite part, a pair of black Zan sandles by L.A.M.B.

  As we are heading down the elevator, making our way towards the vengue, “Sexual Hallucination” by In This Moment, starts playing on my phone.

  Knowing its Jaden, I answer “Hi Baby,”

  “I hear your cheating on me with pussies.” He grinds out and I can’t help but laugh.

  “Awe Baby, you know I love your cock too much to give it up.”

  “I’m not fucking joking, Beauty.” He growls.

  “Jaden, you cannot being fucking serious right now. What the hell do you think we were doing, having a rug munching buffet?” I pissed he doesn’t trust me. “Jesus, we were laying on the bed laughing our asses off. Ashton had her pants stuck around her knees. We were just laughing and having fun. You need to chill the fuck out. I don’t fucking cheat, I never have and I never will, especially on you, you fucking ass!” I hand up as he starts to apologize. I need some time to settle down so when the elevator stops at our floor I tell the girls to head along without me and I will be to the show soon.

  Chapter 37


  I know I am an asshole. I should have known Ryker was fucking with me but it was a long fucking day of answering questions and trying to dodge shit about my personal life. Despite telling them beforehand that personal questions are off limits they always try to sneak them in, catching you off guard. So when Ryker told me he walked in on the girl laying half naked on the bed together, jealousy, fear, and anger surged through me. And what do irrational men do when they are scared? We lash out at the woman we love whom are causing the fear.

  Groveling is what I need to do and we have 10 minutes until we hit the stage. Fuck, I am and asshole. I kick out at a stack of drum cases sending the scattering to the floor with a thundering crash. When the Ryan the sound tech for Toven’s Circus comes up to help me restack them I get an idea.

  “Hey Ryan, can I add something to the set?” I ask sending Ryans face into a nasty twist.

  “Fuck no Jaden. You know we can just add shit to the set without a sound check to make sure everything is set to the right tones.”

  “What if we add it right before the acoustic part? It will just me and my acoustic guitar and everything will already be set up for it.” I persist and he just looks at me like he’d like to choke me out. “Come on Ryan, I was a dick to Nell and need to grovel.”

  He snorts out a laugh, and says, “Fine asshole, but only because I like Nell. She deserves better than you, ya know?”

  “Wow thanks, FuckMunch! But yeah, I know that.” He slaps me on the shoulder before heading away. I know Nell deserves so much more than me but I am too selfish and in love with her to leave her alone. I am going to give her everything that I have, anything that she wants, every part of me, and hope that’s enough. But right now I have 5 minutes to finish the song that I am going to sing for her.


  I make it backstage ten minutes after the band starts so I can avoid talking to Jaden for a little longer. I stand in the left wing like always, watching my guy pour himself into the audience. He isn’t as relaxed tonight as he usually is and I know that’s because I am angry with him. So when I catch his eyes, I send him a soft smile, which he returns, and I see him become more fluid as he makes his way around the stage.

  I check out Finn behind the drum set. His jaw is clinched so tight it looks painful and his eyes are super glued to the swaying Ashton in front of him. She looks beautiful and I’m beyond thrilled that Finn has obviously taken notice, although he doesn’t look happy about it. During a break between songs se pulls off the leather jacket, just as Finn was chugging a jug of water. He ended up choking, spewing water all over his kit, and we had to pause the show until he could breathe again. He proceeded to break 6 sticks over the next 4 songs and looks as angry as a starving go
rilla. I almost felt bad for the guy but I was Team Ashton and the dude need this.

  When the main set ended, the stage goes dark and the band clears off but tonight Jaden stays out by himself, a roadie hands him his acoustic.

  “What is he doing?” I lean over asking Finn.

  “Fuck you.” He snaps causing me to laugh as he grabs Ashton’s arm and drags her back for some privacy. Guess the guy isn’t completely stupid if he figured out who the mastermind behind all this was. Jaden’s voice calling my name distracts my attention from Finn and Ashton arguing.

  “Nell? Hey Beauty? Can you come out here on stage with me? Please?” He pleads into the mic. He sits on a tall stool, his guitar resting on his strong thigh, and talking into a mic held in a stand in front of him. A single spotlight is focused on him making everything else pitch black but he is starring me square in the eyes, like he can sense them even in the darkness. I hand my violin to Ryker and creep out on the stage toward him, seeing a stool sitting beside him I hop onto it.


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