Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1)

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Manage Me (Taven's Circus Book 1) Page 20

by Unknown

  “Yes, Sir, I am James.”

  “May we speak with you privately? And if we could request the rest of you hand around a while, we would like to talk to all of you.” We all nod in agreement, they already told us we couldn’t leave the state, so it’s not like we were going anywhere. .

  I follow the detectives to the next room over and sit in the chair that they indicate.

  “Mr. James, how long did you and Miss. Snow have a relationship?” Detective Madden asks.

  “Uh, well we didn’t have a relationship. We spent a weekend having sex together.” I reply.

  “But Miss. Snow was pregnant with your child, correct?” Kitchens asks.

  “She was pregnant yes but we had a paternity test scheduled for tomorrow to find out if the child is mine.”

  “Why did you feel a paternity test was needed? Did you not trust Emily?” Madden asks.

  “It’s not that I don’t trust Emily, I honestly do not know her well enough to trust her. It was more about protecting myself and my future. I always wrapped up when having sex with woman, all woman, including Emily. I didn’t want to have a child with some random hook up. And now that I have found the woman that I want to marry, I wanted to make sure.”

  “That would be Nell Craven, correct?” asks Kitchens, and I just nod. “Did Nell know about Emily and the pregnancy?”

  “Yes, I told her everything shortly after we got together.”

  “How did she feel about the pregnancy?” Madden asks leaning forward on the table.

  “She was happy about it but we had agreed that there was nothing to worry about until we knew it was mine for sure.”

  A loud crash sound from outside the room and I hear Finn and Ryker yelling. I stand up going for the door but Madden grabs my arm.

  “Mr. James, you need to sit back down.”

  “What the fuck is going on? Why are my guys yelling?” I ask yanking from his grip just as the door the room is thrown open.

  “Fuckers are arresting Nell for shooting Emily!” Ryker yells.

  I release a roar and charge towards the open door only making it to the frame before I am grabbed from behind. I can see Nell, arms behind her back in cuffs, her face turned towards me pleading in her eyes full of tears. I fight the men that hold men, breaking away, and making it to her.

  “Sir, we cannot let you…” they start but I cut them off.

  “Just give me a fucking minute please.” The officer just nods.

  “Jaden I didn’t do this, I would never.” Nell cries huge tears rolling down her face. I wrap my big hands around her cheeks catching them.

  “I know, Beauty, I know and I’ll get you out of this. I love you. I am so sorry for all this shit. I love you, Nell.” I whisper to her taking her trembling lips with mine.

  “Okay Lovebirds, time to go.” The officer says tugging her out of my arms. I stand watching her be dragged away from me. And drop to my knees when she disappears around the corner. My woman has been taken from me.

  But I will get her back.

  To Be Continued……..


  Thank you to my wonderful fiancé and son for putting up with the later dinners and messy house while I was trying to get this book done. This mattered to me so you let it go but I know it had to of been driving you crazy. The fiancé, thank you so much for everything that you have done, from creating my cover to designing and creating my webpage.

  Love you both past the moon!

  To my Lovey Rachel Perlaki. You have become such a dear friend, beyond just my CP for this book, I really truly see you as a lifelong friend. Thank you for everything that you do for me, including kicking my butt when needed.

  To my very first Stalker Sierra Farris! You Darlin’ are the best, I couldn’t do many of the thing I have without you and now you’re totally stuck with me.

  To my wonderful family that has always supported me even when your rolling your eyes at my crazy ideas. I love you all so much. Thank you for always loving me.

  Thank you Monkey Mike, you kick my ass like no one else and I thank you for it.

  To my little bunch of awesome Beta Readers, you guys kick ass and helped me make this story so much better in the short amount of time. F.Y.I. I am keeping you all.

  To my Sexy Fox’s, thank you for Pimping and helping out whenever you could.

  And to the amazing authors and Jodi, that joined my release day party, I adore every one of you all to pieces!!

  About The Author

  Marlowe has been many things in life but always falls back to the artistic things that she loves so much, one of those being writing. For the last two and half years, she has been a stay at home mom, raising her awesome son and one day decided to start a story that had been spinning in her head. She lives in Spokane, WA with her Fiancé, son, dog, cat, and hedgehog.

  Where to find me:

  Email: [email protected]


  Website: Coming Soon




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