Sacred Moon: Book 2

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Sacred Moon: Book 2 Page 12

by Alejandro Marrero

  Well, at least we know our shield for Silver Leaf City worked as intended.

  “You’re wasting your time. You cannot enter this city or breakthrough its shields,” Abbadon spoke.

  The gods looked at Abbadon and me. Then they summoned their Angelic armies to return to their sides and stop hammering at the shields. The army still had their weapons unsheathed, and arrows notched on their bows. Well, at least the divine didn’t have machine guns.

  “Is this all of you? Just nine?” I asked, bored.

  “We don’t answer to you. This is our world system. You are not welcome here, fledgling,” the god in the center said. He had bronze skin, gold, and jeweled tunics. He looked like an Egyptian pharaoh. Way over the top and ridiculous with his long braided goatee and blue and gold striped headpiece. How can that possibly be comfortable? Doesn’t his head itch or something? I imagine he’d have to spend his time walking like someone with a stack of books on their head to keep that headpiece on.

  “Ah, you must be Ra,” I said, smiling.

  “It’s one of many names I’ve been called throughout the cycles of this world,” Ra confirmed arrogantly.

  “Well, this isn’t Egypt, and ancient Egypt is no longer the greatest civilization on this planet. So you suck at being a god. Pathetic and weak. All of you are. Why are you here wasting time trying to enter the Fae city anyways? Sitting all high and mighty while your armies hopelessly bloody their hands and waste their energies trying to penetrate the impenetrable. Are you all just that dumb?” I asked.

  A goddess wearing white pearlescent linens with platinum bangles and a diamond crown stood up filled with anger.

  “Oh, and who are you supposed to be? Elsa, the Snow Queen?” I antagonized and laughed at her silly bravado. She looked at me, confused. Okay, so clearly, she didn’t get the pop culture reference. I probed her mind. Funny how loud they thought. Guess they’re not used to having anyone read them.

  “Let me guess you’re Artemis?” I asked, which shook her out of her rage and shocked her.

  “How is it you know us yet we’ve never met directly fledgling?” Artemis asked.

  “Meh, I read and stuff. Plus, your minds are easily read from my vantage point. You’re the fledgling gods, not me. I’m considering silencing you all right now and binding your powers. Freeing your Angels and retinue too from those tethers you control them with,” I threatened and cracked my fingers.

  “You don’t have the power to defeat us,” said who I guessed was Shiva if the androgynous and multiple pairs of arms were any indication. Now that god looked cool!

  I reached into my void-murse to take out some gemstones, holding all the stones white-knuckled in my fist.

  “Do you want to test that theory?” I asked.

  A lady goddess from the far right side rose from her throne. It was made of braided vines, dirt, and stones. Her skin was greenish, and her hair was endless, spilling waves of black covered in flowers. It even seemed like her garments were made of Earth’s springtime beauty.

  “I have no quarrel with you, god-ascendants. These eight just woke me up from a long and pleasant sleep. I have no retinue that serves me by force. Nor do I wish for harm to come to this world. I am Gaia. It’s an honor meeting you. However, I believe you’re more than capable of ending our lives and reign. I’m not interested in challenging you or siding with these other gods. I’m going back to my dwelling and sleeping. Be well, Donovan and Abbadon. Good luck with your endeavors. May they be for the highest good. If you need me. I’ll come. Simply say my name three times to the ground. For now, I leave you with these eight gods. Be well godlings and god-ascendants, Abbadon and Donovan,” Gaia said before winking out of existence.

  Well, at least Mother Earth isn’t an idiot. Maybe there’s hope for the gods, after all.

  “Well, I’m glad to see the Earth goddess was nice. Would have totally ruined my Wiccan world views if she wasn’t,” Kendra said.

  “Gaia was always such a pacifist,” said the seething Ra.

  “I’d say she was wise and patient,” I added.

  I was considering several things at that moment. One, this was a great opportunity to just handle the gods, free their retinue, and make things easier for everyone. The other was to ignore them and flash to the Lunaria and get to work. I decided I’d do both.

  I threw the gemstones from my void pouch towards the base of the pompous gods' golden thrones. They were pieces of howlite, amethyst, aventurine, larimar, citrine, lapis lazuli, moonstone, and labradorite, which landed by their feet.

  They looked up, perplexed. “Did you throw rocks at us?” Ra asked, bored. Wow, no wonder the world was doomed under their reign.

  “Well, not just any rocks. I mean, you can’t exactly get out of your chairs with your legs bound and the bindings spreading up your bodies,” I pointed out. At this point, the gods looked down again and noticed they were being encased in my gemstone magick. Some fluttered in and out of corporeal form. No matter how much they tried, they were bound by my magic-infused gemstone craft.

  “It makes no difference how much you resist,” I said.

  “Ignorant fool. We are the Architects of this world system. You cannot hope to win!” yelled a moody Ra.

  “I don’t need your approval or permission to be victorious. Virtue, truth, and faith guide my actions. You’re all, but feeble gods who’ve abandoned their own lineages plans out of spite to create your own system of experiments. You’ve failed. Your actions are transient and without illuminated permanence. What restrains you is your own ego-grasping minds. You’ve in your nativity created states of conflict in your world system. You’re reaping what you sow,” I stated plainly.

  By now, the gods were wrapped up in my bindings all the way up to their mouths, silencing them. I left the area from their noses up unwrapped. Let them see and hear what I was offering their retinue.

  “Angels and other tethered beings that serve these gods I’ve bound before you. I am offering you a choice. As you can see from observing Leilah and my star-coursed mate Abbadon. You can be liberated from your tethers. You do not need to serve the gods you do. You’re capable of being independent beings without losing your powers or attributes. With the help of my friends, we can liberate you from your servitude. You’ll be able to love, be loved, possibly even find your star-coursed ones or mates. However, this is all your choice. We’re not like your masters. We believe in free will. We will not tether you to us either.

  What we offer you is freedom. This freedom, though, will come at a small price. You will have to swear an unbreakable oath to not harm the innocent. To be protectors of those in need of protection. To use your freedom for the forces of good. You will also abandon any missions previously tasked by your immobilized gods. It’s up to all of you what your path has in store for the remainder of your lives.

  My friends are all here to bring balance to the realms of Terra. We wish for a world where all beings have free-will. Where anyone can live freely and experience their lives to their fullest. To be for the betterment of all residents of Terran realms.

  For those of you, Angels who wish to take our offering of freedom, to be severed from these gods and be free of their wills, please sheath your weapons and step over to the right. For those that wish to remain tethered to their gods, you may remain as you are,” I said to everyone.

  Think we’ll get any volunteers? Or this will work, babe? I mind-spoke to Abbadon.

  It already is. Yes, I believe your offer is generous, and many will take advantage of the opportunity you presented. Be mindful of the ArchAngels, he replied mentally.

  Oh yeah, don’t worry about that. From what the gods did to Leilah’s sword, I do not exactly forget all you have told me about them, I replied in mind-speak.

  “It looks like everyone chose freedom except the ArchAngels,” Kendra said, breaking the silence.

  Now, if only the gods could see their own faces. Their brows were pinched in anger and some in shock, most of them turning
varying degrees of red. Well, what can you expect? Deep down, everyone wants to be free.

  “As usual, you’re right, Kendra,” I agreed.

  One of the Angels started to come close to us. His wings were metallic and deadly. They looked like Leilah’s before she was restored.

  Azrael? I asked Abbadon, mentally.

  Yes, it is him. He has no doubt suffered immensely from being the harbinger of death. We should be mindful but hear him out, Abbadon replied.

  “Abbadon, are you truly free? I see your form is now in a state of vibration of higher existence and powers greater than our masters. Are you happy and truly star-coursed with the light-wielder?” Azrael asked.

  “I am my brother. I’m free of all the tethers. I’ve found my star-coursed one, Donovan. We’ve made the eternal vows to each other as star-coursed mates. I have no bindings. Nor does Leilah or anyone who has been in our friends' companies,” Abbadon replied.

  “He speaks truthfully, Azrael,” said Leilah. Azrael turned his attention to her.

  “You’ve always been a beautiful foreign Angel to me. You’re the Angelus who hailed from another world system. Older than even most of us. With your beautiful and unique wings. I was rather surprised you took upon yourself the tethers offered by the ArchAngels and their gods Leilah. I was disheartened when I saw from the gods’ abodes that they had changed your wings to mimic my own. Wings like mine serve only as weapons, as you know from experience now. There is no beauty present in them. Now you’re restored, unbound, and seem radiantly exalted. You possess even greater beauty than before. Are you happy and as free as your leader says?” Azrael asked.

  Holy cheese! Azrael totally has a heart-boner for Leilah! I mind-spoke loudly to Abbadon.

  I had sensed his fondness for her when he thought no one was noticing. He wisely never expressed it. You truly are determined to make heart-boner a thing, are you not my love?’Abbadon asked mentally.

  Bah, it’s already a thing, and you know it.

  I glanced over at Leilah, taking my attention away from Azrael. She was sporting rosy cheeks at the praise Azrael provided.

  “Yes, I am truly free. Thank you for your kind words as well,” Leilah confessed.

  I turned my gaze to Azrael. He then unsheathed his sword and placed it flat on the ground near our barrier. He kneeled on one knee with his head bowed.

  “I surrender my sword and ask to be freed from the tethers that bind me. I’ll take any oaths that serve to preserve life and protect the innocent. I’d also like to join you on your quests as I have much to atone for. Everywhere you go, light-wielder, god-ascendant, and star-mate of Abbadon, you improve the lives of those around you. I, too, wish to be a source of benevolence and be free. Will you liberate me of my bindings and allow me to join your cause?” questioned Azrael. His voice was laced with remorse, faith, and truth.

  These things I was familiar with from my interactions with Abbadon and Leilah. Angels possessed heavy guilt of some sort. Probably from working for mal-intended gods.

  “Yes, we shall free you, Azrael,” I said. This, of course, had a domino effect as all the Angels lined up behind Azrael and placed their weapons flat on the ground. They each kneeled, and without words, I could sense they wished for the same.

  “Alright, now that we have done this before, it should be easier. These gods are currently powerless and bound. No doubt, all of you kneeled before our friends have noticed you cannot feel any influences coming from the gods through your bindings. We will free you now,” I stated.

  Everyone, please follow my lead. Use your gifts and combine them to sever their tethers. They will not feel any pain as I’ve disabled their master’s influences. Their cords are hair-thin without their masters’ influences, I instructed by projecting my thoughts to my comrades.

  My friends all sheathed their weapons and stood at my sides. I held my palms out and spoke in words clearly understood. In straight-up English. Not Latin or Sanksrit. So all, even my comrades understood.

  “From this moment forth, those assembled and humbled on knees. Your tethers will be cut, and you will be set free. You’ll not harm other beings unless in defense. You’ll guide and protect those needing help at no expense. Honesty will be in all your speech. This is a promise you forever must keep. You’ll be free to love and be completely true. You’ll be set free and restored anew. Your paths will henceforth be just and right. You can choose peace or join our plights. The future will now be in your hands. Bind yourself to kindness and protect all the lands. With this oath of altruism and kindness announced. We, the walkers of light, free you as pronounced,” I said with conviction.

  Everyone, please repeat this mantra after me and use your powers to sever all the cords that bind those kneeled before us. OM VAJRASATTVA HUM, I mind-spoke to all of our blessed tribe.

  “OM VAJRASSATVA HUM, OM VAJRASATTVA HUM, OM VAJRASATTVA HUM!” We began to chant in unison. Our voices were heavenly attuned in perfect harmony. Each of us had prismatic-colored syllables escape our lips, which landed on every kneeling beings’ crown. The snapping of tethers was audible through our chanting. We continued to chant the mantra for around ten minutes. Each minute tethers would snap and wither into nothingness. After every tethered Angel was free, we stopped our chants.

  It appeared then many of the kneeled beings were hugging each other and smiling. They were emanating waves of contentment and sighs of relief. They even had some external changes that clearly were noticed. Azrael no longer had metallic wings. His wings were black but swirled with pinks, greens, and whites. It looked like his wings were like the northern lights and Arora Borealis in the northern territories of North America. They were beautiful!

  “Wow, you’re rocking some nice wings now, Azrael!” I exclaimed loudly. Cause I’m Spanish like that.

  “They are indeed impressive,” added Abbadon.

  “Your wings are beautiful, Azrael,” confessed Leilah with great emotion laced in her words.

  I glanced at her and saw her absentmindedly touching her chest. I looked back at Azrael and saw him repeating the gesture. He then stood up, walked quickly, and crossed right through our city’s shield and pulled Leilah into a hug. Both their wings hid their faces, but Abbadon and I knew too well what was happening unseen as sparks of gold flitted around them both.

  “You are my star-coursed one! How kind the stars have been!” exclaimed Azrael. Yup, I totally called it.

  Told you! Heart-boners are most definitely a thing! I mind-spoke to Abbadon.

  Yes, my love, they are a thing, Abbadon replied mentally.

  “Yes, yes, it appears we are star-coursed. You are, however, embarrassing me no matter how great your kiss or this news is. So if you could just pause for a moment and let us finish our obligations here, we will talk later,” Leilah said to her star-coursed mate Azrael. So unequivocally, Leilah.

  It took everything in my power not to sing the ‘Can you feel the love tonight’ song out loud, but this was Leilah’s moment, so I restrained myself.

  “Congratulations, you two!” Kendra said.

  “Yes, congratulations,” Leona said.

  “Congratulations!” I exclaimed, and every one of our group, including some of the liberated Angels, echoed.

  “Alright now, here’s your final test, liberated angels. You are free. This would not have been possible without hearts full of kindness and benevolence. Enter the shield,” I instructed.

  Every Angel picked up their swords and sheathed them and walked without a problem right through Silver Leaf City’s god-strengthened shield.

  “Well, there you have it! Welcome to Silver Leaf City, the home realm of the Fae. We have an important mission to accomplish in the Shadowrealm that you are welcome to join us in. It is not obligated, though. You are free to do as you wish. No doubt, some of you will feel the pulls of your star-coursed ones throughout Terra if they’ve been born. I encourage you to follow your heart in all matters. Disperse or remain. It's up to you. Now I must handle your prev
ious masters,” I said loudly so all could hear.

  “What do you plan on doing to their former masters?” asked Leona.

  “That’s a very good question. I haven’t decided yet. I’ll let the gods speak and see what they have to say,” I replied.

  “Well, don’t expect anything good to come out of their mouths,” Azrael said.

  “Yeah, I think Azrael is probably right in this,” said Kendra.

  “He does speak truly,” Leilah added with a bit of pride. At least she wasn’t shouting out ‘Truth’ like I annoyingly did before. Yes, I’m totally able to admit that it was annoying.

  “Well, there’s only one way to find out,” I said. I let the bindings lower themselves from the gods' mouths. They were still bound but now able to speak.

  “How dare you take what isn’t yours to take!” yelled Ra. He was totally saying and spraying it too. Gross. Mad god-spittle, how lovely.

  “All beings deserve free will. No being is another's possession. Beings should be with each other and bind themselves through altruism, with love based on kindness and compassion. This is a universal truth. It’s regretful you harbor so much hatred you cannot see this,” I told him.

  “I do not wish to be your enemy. I will miss some of my retinues as they were like children to me. However, even parents reach a point their children grow up and chart their own paths. You have my vow that I will not hinder or bother you on your agenda for this world system,” Artemis confessed truthfully.

  “Thank you, Artemis. Those are wise words,” I reassured her candidly.

  “Now for the other silent six goddesses and gods, what do you have to say?” I asked.


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