Sacred Moon: Book 2

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Sacred Moon: Book 2 Page 34

by Alejandro Marrero

  Right after I joined the cause, we found ourselves in the realm of the Emeraldiens. Jeremiah and I got more time to spend with each other, all. At the same time, I added my strategic knowledge and healing arts to the benefit of his tribe. I hoped my presence would assist Jeremiah in finding some of his self-worth and happiness through our friendship. Thank the stars for their perfection in choosing who we’re fated to be with forever. For it was not as challenging to find me in his good graces as he too felt the pull of our forming star-course bond. He felt the tug to me as much as I felt the tug to him. Still, it felt organic in how we got close together. There was no rush even though our eternal mating bond seemed to pull us rather quickly at every opportunity in each other's direction.

  I wanted Jeremiah to find his purpose in the grand design of all things. I cared for him and sought his happiness above my own. This is the very definition of compassion. When you place the happiness and welfare of another being above your own. I did my best to help him realize he was an integral part of the team. And had a friendship with noble beings who supported and cared for him immensely. Through conversation, helping our friends, and healing the wounded from the massive battle in the Emerald realm’s highest peaks, our bond strengthened.

  After all the honorable help we supplied our friends and allies, we became a constant in each other's company. We both accepted each other into one another's arms openly and freely. There was no longer a lost look in my beloved partner’s eyes. There was only a luminous joy as we achieved a comfortable balance in our relationship, and both committed ourselves to natural virtue. We’ve not been separated since we first spent the night together in the Western spire. We’ve been committed, kind, and open with each other about everything. Jeremiah was born anew and had become the best version of himself. Something we should all strive to be in life. Even with his incredible gifts for the arcane arts, he used them towards fulfilling purposes that benefit others. The healing of not only the sick or injured but even our enemies showed me who Jeremiah is now. A handsome, perfect mate with a pure, kind, and wise heart. I’m so blessed to have him by my side.

  As is the way of the cycles of life, everything doesn’t always provide many circumstances for leisure and pleasantries. Change is constant in the universe. It shouldn’t surprise anyone anymore. Sometimes these changes were benevolent and pleasant. Other times because of the great balancing of all things, it manifested malevolently and bad. Now the long-forgotten demonic arts have somehow been brought back to this world. I have no idea how Lillith found this knowledge. Though I sense it from a long-ago once thought defeated foe. However, I understood the grave implications they foretold. The eventual return of the demons would soon come to pass if Lillith wasn’t stopped. Their return to the realms of Terra with her as their dark queen. It was no surprise with Lillith’s constant ambitions that she was now flirting with powers of demonology. It was a powerful magick demon’s possessed, and eventually, it would even possess its user with its corruption. If she had indeed uncovered the secrets of the Archdemons and, as a goddess, found the means for a dark-ascension, she’d be an even more dangerous foe.

  I feared for every citizen in every realm or plane on this planet following the news of the ArchAngels. Most of all, I feared for my beloved Jeremiah. For eons, we Angels were alone and forced to watch others find and keep love. Even watched as star-coursed ones, a rare occurrence happened in the whole of Terra. However, now I have been blessed with my own. I’d do everything and anything for my beloved. His life was more precious than my very own. I could only hope that he’d remain satisfied in his newfound role as a healer and not be in the danger of the front lines of our upcoming battles.

  “What has you so deep in thought, Paha?” Jeremiah asked while he packed healing supplies into his recently made void-pouch. He arched his left brow inquisitively. It was a tick of his I’d come to know quite well. He expected an answer.

  “I was thinking of the past cycles of this world system, to be honest. The dire information and circumstances shared by the ArchAngels. The history of how we crossed paths and the eternal love I feel for you. In brief, I’ve been overthinking about everything, given our present situation. I’m appreciative you brought me back into the present moment, my love,” I summarized for him, for it takes too much time to explain all the thoughts I entertained in my mind. Still, honesty was something our relationship was built on, and I’d always be compelled to be genuine with my star-coursed one.

  “Though I cannot think of circumstances beyond Silver Leaf City, my mind has been equally affected by the uncertainty of what lays ahead of us. I do not wish to lose you, my beloved, or anyone of our friends. I’m finding myself packing every healing thing I can conjure in hopes of protecting us all. Most importantly, you. I don’t think I could handle any more loss,” he confessed in unveiled concern. I walked towards him and held him in my loving arms.

  “You have every reason to fear for your friends and both of us. However, you have even greater reasons to have faith in trust in all of us as well. There is always a balance in the universe. When there isn’t, the universe eventually finds a way to balance the scales. It’s the duality of things. As long as we keep having faith and work diligently to be the best version of ourselves every day, we will be victorious,” I consoled Jeremiah with my words.

  He looked up at me then and said, “I love you, my dear Pahaliah. Never leave my side. For you are my heart, and my faith is noble and true when it comes to you.” My beloved was counting on me as much as I was counting on him. I would indeed show him that faith, no matter how small. Even faith the size of a mustard seed could move mountains. I then kissed him passionately and delicately. Not with a pang of hunger, for I always hungered for him. I gave him a kiss of true love, flooding him through our ever-strengthening bond, the sincere compassion, and love I felt for him.

  We then ended our sweet kiss when Leilah and Donovan burst open the door after a moment's knock. We both felt a privacy shield go up immediately.

  “Holy effing cheese, Leilah. I told you to knock. It was kind of implied that you’d wait for the door to be answered before opening the door and invading their chamber,” Donovan scolded Leilah. He gave us an apologetic look and shrugged. Leilah would always be true to herself. She was driven, and if she was on a mission, she’d never let a door or the decorum of politeness get in the way.

  “Oh shush, we both have supersonic hearing. It wasn’t like Jeremiah and Pahaliah were doing anything scandalous yet,” she retorted. I often wonder how two people with such strong personalities became such close friends. Yet Leilah and Donovan were inseparable, and in each other’s lives for so long, it is understandable.

  Donovan sighed, “Nevermind, I don’t know why I bother. Apologies for the interruption Jeremiah and Pahaliah. We’ve come to grant you both a gift should you wish to receive it,” Donovan explained.

  “Apology accepted, Donovan. How may we be of benefit?” I replied. Though, truth be told, I wouldn’t have minded some more time alone with Jeremiah. I wanted to ask him to complete the star-coursed bonding ritual with me. I sensed through our ever-growing bond that he was waiting on me to do so too. Yet, here we find ourselves with the uninvited but friendly company. I most certainly wasn’t going to perform the ritual or ask it of Jeremiah in front of them.

  “Well, since we’re going to be leaving to battle relatively soon. Plus, we’ve got an evil and apparently dark goddess of a villain to defeat. Monolith’s to destroy, realms and people to save,” Donovan was rambling but cut off by a wave of Leilah’s hands.

  “Oh, for pudding sakes. You don’t need to coddle them or work your way slowly to your point. They’re well aware of what lies ahead, and we don’t have the time for this,” Leilah directed her words pointedly at Donovan. He had the decency to look a bit embarrassed as his cheeks colored up. “Pahaliah and Jeremiah, we wish to place god-seeds in your heart centers. You will be elevated to godlings and protected from Lillith’s tethers now that s
he has become a goddess. Yay or nay,” Leilah offered, not mincing words. As if offering godhood was an everyday occurrence.

  “You have more god-seeds,” I asked in shock. I knew some of Donovan’s friends, including Leilah and Azrael, had elevated their forms, but I didn’t realize how.

  “Yes, she has plenty left. This is not the first time she’s offered them to me. Don’t even ask about how ridiculous the circumstances were when she got them. Let’s just say Abbadon was about to show us the moon,” Jeremiah explained while invoking laughter from Leilah, Donovan, and himself. I was not sure what he meant about the moon, but I understood what she was offering.

  “Will the process cause any suffering to Jeramiah or me?” I asked tentatively. I couldn’t fathom putting Jeramiah through any pain, and he alluded to declining this gift before. Therefore I had my reservations as to why.

  “No, it is painless. If anything, it kind of feels good. You will feel energized and full of vitality. You will also gain additional powers though which ones are always dependent on the recipient and the stars. Not us. Regardless it is your choice to make. I understood Jeremiah's reservations before, as it had only been moments where he was no longer spelled by Angelic blood. We were all essentially strangers at that moment to him. However, things have changed, and the circumstances are dire. You’ve both proven your worth. So what will it be,” she said.

  Before I could think of any reply or excuse to say no, Jeremiah spoke for both of us. “We both will gladly accept this gift for the benefit of not only ourselves but all those we’re committed to helping in what lies ahead.” I guess he has made his decision and with virtuous intentions. If this gives us an advantage or opportunity to benefit our cause, then my beloved is correct. We should take this precious and rare offered gift.

  “I also agree. We should all be equipped as best as we are able for what lies ahead for everyone,” I affirmed.

  “Excellent, wonderful. Now both of you come closer and stand and kneel in front of us holding hands. Well, honestly, the holding hands part isn’t necessary, but for some reason, in this case, I feel you should. Plus, you two really are adorable together! Seriously cute,” she explained excitedly while we followed her instructions, and both Donovan and she bent down and sat on the balls of their heels in front of us, looking at us both warmly in the eyes. Their matching molten-swirling golden eyes were eerie but kind. Then Leilah opened up her celestially feather-threaded void-pouch and brought out what appeared to be two bright stars the size of a grape seed. The light these god-seeds emanated was so bright I had to squint my eyes. I tucked my chin, and from the periphery, I knew Jeremiah was doing the same. We were both moving our gaze to the floor to avoid the burning glare of the god-seeds. Leilah’s hands then became slightly invisible and disappeared painlessly into our chests. Then she stood up, and the brightness was gone.

  “All done,” Lielah announced and helped the both of us to our feet. Donovan then stood as well.

  “I wish we had the time to figure out what your unique godling powers would be. However, we’ve got to bestow this gift to others. I also sense your vitality and powers elevating energetically as we speak. Now, I know we came in haste, and for that I’m sorry. Time is precious, and Leilah is undoubtedly not patient. I just want you both to know we’re so happy the stars chose to bring you both together. You’ve both brought out the best qualities in each other. You’re an essential and loved part of our group. For now and always, I will appreciate you both. We leave in an hour. Be ready by then, my friends. For the future isn’t written and stone and I intend for us to be the guiding light for those in need,” Donovan said wisely before turning around and exiting our chamber. Leilah gave us a wink and left in Donovan’s wake this time, closing the door much more mindfully than when she entered.

  “Well, that just happened,” Jeremiah pointed out. My beloved was right, as anticipated.

  “Yes, it certainly did. I feel stronger and more powers seem to be surging in intense waves of bright prismatic light. Everything around us looks so vivid and colorful. Your energy body appears to be as radiant as the sun, my love,” I confessed.

  “I feel the same way. It seems our senses were heightened considerably. Hopefully, as our powers continue to manifest themselves, or we figure out what they are, they will be of great benefit to everyone in our group,” Jeremiah said.

  “I’m confident they will be my love. However, with only an hour to go, I’d like to make better use of our time than figuring what they will be. Jeremiah, you are the light in my soul and my moral guiding compass. My star-coursed one. All the challenges we have faced and may face in the future. All that matters is having you eternally by my side. Not only in friendship for that we have built solid with perfect love and trust. There is no source of light in my universe that is brighter than yours. You dispel every shadow in my life so effortlessly with your presence. You are like the sun, and I find myself always wanting to be locked in your orbit. My every good intention revolves around you infinitely with the intent for your wellbeing and happiness. Your touch on my skin heals any aches I may have not realized I had been carrying. You’ve been the soothing balm my soul has forever needed. With my body, speech, and always faithful mind, would you grant me the highest honor and complete our star-coursed bond,” I confessed without bounds. I had hesitated long enough and finally spoke the words in my heart for him.

  “Nothing could make me happier. Of course, yes! When we met, I was so very lost. I found myself surrounded by our friends' love, but I didn’t recognize them or my history with them. I didn’t understand how it came to pass that I was in the middle of an otherworldly city with beings I barely knew. Even when they had explained to me what had transpired, I felt out of place. As if something was stolen from me, and I couldn’t comprehend why it mattered. Then you came into my life shortly after. Without any effort or pressure, you appeared in my presence.

  “The attraction to you was immediate. My dear Pahaliah, with your virtuous actions and positive energy, I felt rekindled. You placed a spark in my heart that held a light that dispelled shadows I didn’t realize I had been carrying. Then when I felt like I didn’t truly fit in, you were by my side giving me a purpose. Everyday teaching me the ways of healing, compassion, and kindness. You showed me my own self-worth and how valuable and important I was to you and all others. Through it all, even from the moment of our first kiss. Beyond the attraction and perfect chemistry, we share. Thanks to your very compassionate and wise actions, I found my way. I do not know or care who I was before. For you’ve taught me the value of the present moment. You taught me who we are today is a direct result of our previous actions. Who we are tomorrow, thereby, is dependent on our present actions. It matters not the woes of the past. What matters is the boundless faith we have in each other. You helped me become the best version of myself in all ways. It is with you that I wish to always remain.

  “I wish for your happiness, my beloved. I value finding who I am through your guidance, immeasurable dedication, and true love for me. I cannot fathom a world without you by my side. Yes, my star-coursed champion and eternal spark in my heart. I would be so humbled and honored to bond with you. You have taught me patience, and for that, I am grateful. However, you took you long enough to ask, my handsome love. Absolutely, I’ve never been more confident of anything so completely. You, too, are my sun and sky and the embodiment of everything I find good in this world. My dearest, one and only Pahaliah, of course, I will complete our bond. You’re the only constant in my universe. With my entire body, speech, and faithful mind, I commit myself to you eternally. Let us complete our star-coursed bond,” Jeremiah said poetically with such boundless enthusiasm and sincere love that my heart soared.

  We immediately extinguished the lights and fell into each other’s embrace onto the chamber bed. The darkness of our chamber allowed our actions to be guided by perfect love and perfect trust. For all the light we needed was that divine spark in our hearts. We then committed to me
mory every kiss, embrace, and touch without sight. No matter how dark the world or circumstances may be, we were both two suns locked in orbit with each other. Therefore, we’d always dispel the darkness with our luminous love for each other and see ourselves entirely in love’s devoted reverie.

  Therefore, with a passionate kiss and an exchange of blood and oaths, we completed our bond. We’d spend the brief remaining time in this chamber making love, with our minds entirely bared to each other for the first time as fully bonded star-coursed ones. Whatever came after, we’d handle together.

  Chapter 33


  With the urgency of the ArchAngel’s foreboding information on Lilith’s construction of demonic monoliths on Donovan, Jeremiah, and my own home realm, particular actions were taken. Aside from everyone gearing up, sending privacy spelled messages to allies and preparing for the literal saving of the planet that is. As if we needed the pressure of not only defending the realms of our allies but now over seven-billion souls. Many of whom had given up thinking the supra-mundane beings of myth and magic existed. Well, existed outside of their books and movies. Magick never died or disappeared completely into legends or stories. It was always present to those who had faith and opened enough mind to bother looking. Humans would soon find out they shared this planet with countless beings different than them. Even if we chose not to reveal ourselves when combating Lilith’s hordes. Or when we engaged in destroying her demonic gateways. The veil would eventually dissolve. One way or another, humans would be hit with the hard truth, and their mundane views of reality would shatter. I imagine it would be chaotic if not for the heroes they didn’t know existed that worked for their benefit behind shrouds of the veiled realms.


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