Chayton's Tempest

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Chayton's Tempest Page 9

by Aliyah Burke

  tea he had in his hand.

  “You hush, young man.” Tempest stood up and

  accepted the cup. “Thank you for the tea.”

  “I was up early since I have to get to campus and hand

  over my paper. Saw you out here doing your yoga thing and

  figured you could use it.” He leaned down and kissed her on

  the cheek. “Love you.” Then his tall frame disappeared back

  inside the house. Moments later, she heard his car start and

  drive away.

  Tempest sank onto a lounge chair and sipped the

  peppermint tea. Her son was such a sweetheart. The drink was

  perfect and before long, she found her mind was swinging

  towards the man she’d gone out on a date with the previous


  James Chayton Lonetree, better known as Maverick and

  the father of her child.

  Setting her drink beside her, she whispered, “I just wish

  I knew what you were up to, James.”

  “I’m not up to anything except learning about you and

  our son, Tempest.” Maverick’s sensual voice was low as it

  crossed her backyard.

  Her dark eyes flew wide as she tried not to scream.

  Leaning against one of the pillars was none other than the man

  she’d just been thinking about. The early morning sun gleamed

  off his jet black hair, showing her the blue highlights in it.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  His black eyes moved possessively over her lounging

  body before he spoke in an unhurried motion. “I came to see

  you.” One shoulder lifted laconically as if to say, duh, isn’t it


  She allowed herself a moment of observation. He wore a

  pair of black jeans that molded to his firm thighs. A stark white

  tee shirt offset the glow of his skin. And on his feet were those

  heavy black boots.

  Maverick kept his gaze upon her face as she stared at

  him. He watched her eyes move slowly down and back up his

  body. It was a struggle to remain motionless as she did so. He

  felt his body respond to her look.

  “Why exactly did you come to see me?” she asked,

  grateful her voice was steady. He looks too damn good for his and

  my own sakes.

  “I don’t know,” he admitted truthfully. “I left my hotel

  and ended up here.”

  “How long have you been here?” Tempest closed her

  eyes to try and regain control of the emotions this man stirred

  within her.

  “Since before you began doing your yoga, which was so

  lovely to watch.”

  A whole new wave of trembling found a home in her

  body as an image of him watching her with a lust-filled gaze

  shimmered into her subconscious. “And the reason you didn’t

  let me know you were here…was why?” It was a brave

  Tempest that opened her eyes and met the black velvet gaze of

  the man who had materialized even closer to her reclining


  “I didn’t want to disturb you. And I had a lovely view of

  you doing yoga, didn’t want to lose out on the opportunity to

  watch that.” He stared down at the temptress

  Tempest curled her feet under her body as she sat on the

  lounge chair. Taking a deep breath, she allowed the masculine

  scent that seemed to permeate the air around the imposing man

  before her fill her senses. “I see,” she mumbled. “And now that

  you are here, what is your plan?”

  “I want a chance to get to know you. I’ve told you

  everything, Tempest. I’m not hiding anything; I have no

  hidden agenda. I put all my cards out on the table.” He held

  her gaze while he fought down the desire to cover her lush

  mouth with his own.

  Tempest didn’t even bat an eye or hesitate. “I don’t

  believe you. I know you are up to something, James. I told you

  I wouldn’t keep my son from talking—”

  “Our son, Tempest. He’s our son.” Maverick interrupted.

  “Don’t forget that.”

  Fire blazed to life in her eyes. “Forget? Excuse me, who

  in the hell do you think you’re talking to here? I was the one

  who went to your house to tell you about the pregnancy. Me.

  I’ve never forgotten who the father of my son was.” She moved

  off the chaise and faced him head on, hands on her hips.

  “I say he is mine because I was the one who raised him.

  Me! Not you, not your wonderful parents, not mine. Me. Dakota

  is my son. As of right now, you are nothing more than a sperm

  donor.” She delivered her words in a low hiss.

  Maverick’s black eyes hardened into obsidian the second

  the phrase left her mouth. A strong hand callused from years of

  rough work clamped down over her upper arm. “I’m not a

  goddamn sperm donor. I’m his father,” Maverick growled low

  in warning. “I’m his dad.”

  Jerking away from his touch, Tempest moved to the

  door. “A dad isn’t something given to someone just ’cause he

  donated his DNA,” she ground out. “To be one is something

  earned, and that, James, is something you haven’t done.”

  Yanking open the door, she stepped inside her house before

  glancing back at the man standing there. “Don’t come back

  here uninvited again!” Tempest slammed the door shut in his


  Maverick took several heaving breaths as he tried to

  control his temper. Every single instinct in his body told him to

  kick open that door and confront that woman and her ideas.

  His heart was in so much pain, he hadn’t realized it would be

  so wrenching to hear something like that from her.

  Chayton’s Tempest 85

  He moved out of the backyard and climbed on his bike,

  driving back to his hotel room. Once there, he lit a cigarette and

  smoked it while he leaned on the railing of his balcony.


  Tempest sat across from Sparky as they sat at an outdoor

  diner. The sun bounced off the large umbrella that covered the

  table. Sparky wore pressed khaki shorts and a white tee with

  sandals. Tempest wore a lilac sundress that complemented her

  skin tone beautifully. She had heels on her feet that put her

  close in height to the man with whom she was dining.

  “It seems to me you still feel something for this man, my

  dear.” Sparky took a drink of his tea as he held the skeptical

  gaze of his lunch companion.

  “I don’t know what I feel anymore, Sparky. I think I still

  have crush on him from when we were kids; but at the same

  time, I’m so angry he wasn’t there for any of what I went

  through.” Tempest stabbed her salad as if she were battling

  back bad memories.

  “Well, it’s obvious to me there are some feelings

  between the two of you. Anyone can tell that. I don’t

  understand why you are trying to ignore them, however; it is

  clear you want him.” He leaned across the table and tucked a

  strand of her hair back behind her ear.

  “I don’t want him, Sparky,” Tempest insisted.

  One brown brow arched as he shook his head at her.

  “Who are you trying to lie to here, me…or yourself?”

/>   “I’m not lying to either of us. I don’t want him,” she


  “If you feel the need to deny it to yourself, than that’s

  fine; but do me a favor, honey. We both know I know you well

  enough. In the past eighteen years, I’ve seen all types of

  reactions from you; but this man is garnering one from you that

  my senses tell me is much more than you are willing to let

  onto. But keep on pretending I don’t know your emotions.” He

  rolled his eyes dramatically and ate a French fry.

  “Stop being such a damn drama queen,” she complained

  as she reached for one of his hot fries. “Okay, I admit it. I want

  him.” Those three words were such a relief to her subconscious

  it was amazing.

  Sparky sent her a look that said, No duh!

  “I mean, did you see all the muscles in his body? He

  looked good younger, but he’s definitely grown up and in all

  the right places. I tremble just when his hand is on the small of

  my back.”

  Swirling his tea around in his glass, Sparky studied his

  friend. “But at the same time, the pain and suffering you went

  through won’t let you forget.”

  “Exactly. All it takes is one word out of his mouth and

  all of my anger is back, and in spades.” Tempest took some


  “Well, hon, that’s to be expected. But you should give

  him a chance to hear your side; let him take the brunt of your

  anger. He should hear it, but he also deserves to be made aware

  that you’re going to vent; that way, he lets you get it all out

  once and for all.”

  Get it all out once and for all. “How’d you get to be so

  smart, Sparky?”

  The man grinned. “I was always this smart; you just

  didn’t want to see it.”

  Tempest tossed a crouton from her salad at him, hitting

  him in the chest. “I still don’t want to see it. I hate it when you

  know you are right; all you do is lord it over me, then.”

  He smirked as he retaliated with a fry. “I can’t help it

  out of the two of us, I’m the smart one.”

  “Shut up, you,” she muttered in a low growl as she took

  an ice cube from her glass and tossed it at him. At the last

  second, he deflected it and watched it bounce harmlessly to the

  hot concrete where it melted within seconds.

  “There you go, wasting water,” he mocked, shaking his

  finger at her.

  The rest of their lunch was full of joviality. Afterwards,

  they took a trip to the Historic Old Town and did some

  shopping. Everywhere they went, they garnered attention for

  they were a very attractive couple.

  The way they fit together and looked side by side also

  didn’t escape the notice of the handsome Native American who

  was also down in Old Town. Every time the tanned hand of

  Tempest’s companion touched her, a rumbling, possessive

  growl erupted from the observer’s throat.

  Sparky leaned over and placed a kiss on the smooth

  brown cheek of his date before shutting her vehicle door. “See

  you later,” he said as he leaned in for one more quick kiss.

  “Bye, Sparky, thanks for the day. It was wonderful. I’ll

  see you later.”

  “Bye, doll.” He waved as she pulled out of her parking

  space and drove off down the street.


  The bar was busy when Maverick entered. The music

  was techno tonight and he shook his head as he moved further

  into the joint.

  His sable eyes found his Tempest working diligently

  behind her teak bar. A smile was on her face as she served her

  customers. For a moment, he just watched her.

  “You know I don’t want you sniffin’ around my mom.

  You just leave her alone.” A man’s voice came from behind


  Maverick turned to see Dakota standing behind him,

  glaring. “I’m not sniffin’ around your mom.” His eyes landed

  on Shelia who stood beside him. “Good evening, my dear.

  Lovely to see you again.”

  “And you,” Shelia said with a smile, then walked behind

  the bar and made herself at home after giving Tempest a hug.

  Maverick turned his attention back to his son. “You

  know I wish I knew how to make this up to all of you.”

  “There is nothing to make up. It’s done,” Dakota

  snapped. “I wish I could make you suffer, but Mom says you

  are trying.” A large fist clenched before he continued. “I don’t

  know how she can talk to you.”

  “She doesn’t really,” Maverick admitted. “She blocks

  almost every attempt I make to get to know her better.”

  “Good!” Dakota sighed and hesitated for a moment.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I just want to protect my mother. But I can see

  you are trying. Shelia told me you’ve seen much death and I

  should give you a chance. Since I’m trying to learn more about

  my Sioux heritage, perhaps I could ask you some questions

  about it?”

  “I would be honored to answer any you may have. Can I

  ask you something?”

  “Go ahead.” Dakota’s eyes moved to the bar where

  Shelia was refilling the snacks.

  “Did your mother explain to you why she named you

  what she did?” Maverick asked.

  “She said Dakota was in honor the state I was conceived

  in and Falcon was something about a totem.”

  “My middle name is Chayton, which means ‘falcon’; it is

  my totem. Do you know much of this side of your heritage?”

  “Not too much. Mom helped me when she could, told

  me a few things; but it was hard for me to get information since

  there was no paternal name on the birth certificate.”

  Maverick shook his head in shame. “I have so much to

  make up for. You let me know when and we will get you tons

  of information. If you want, we can even take a trip to the

  reservation and I will show you all I can.”

  “Would you really do that?”

  “Of course I would. You are my son and I hope you will

  come to me with questions about our heritage.” Maverick

  reached out for his hand.

  “I can’t promise that my feelings will change overnight,

  but I will do my best to be civil.” A warning glint appeared in

  the eyes identical to his father’s. “As long as you don’t hurt my

  mom.” The hands were clasped in a tenuous way, one still

  unsure and the other extremely hopeful.

  “I don’t want to hurt her. Or you. I hope you can believe

  that.” Maverick held his son’s gaze.

  “We’ll see,” Dakota said as he turned around and

  walked back out into the night.


  Maverick walked further into the establishment. He saw

  Shelia over in a dark corner, delivering some more snacks to

  the tables there. His eyes picked up on a man moving in from

  behind her and he moved forward to intervene. As he neared,

  he heard a man rasp out, “I want a chance to know you better,

  sweets.” He reached for her but Shelia stepped back.

  “Sorry. I’m not interested.” Nothing in her tone

suggested she was angry, but Maverick could pick up on the

  fear that ran through her. There were five men and all of them

  were large and strong.

  “Play nice with us, sweets, and it will be much easier on

  you.” Another man grated out.

  Maverick stepped up behind her. “Everything okay


  Shelia’s relief was palpable. “I’m fine.”

  “Go away, man,” another man snapped. “This piece of

  ass is ours.”

  A sober look settled across Maverick’s face as he met

  each and every one of the faces before him. “I would really

  recommend you watch how you talk about a lady. Especially

  this one.”

  “What’s so special about her to you, Injun?” the man


  “She’s my daughter.” Maverick stepped up beside Shelia

  and leveled his deadpan glare at each man. “I don’t like people

  to be disrespectful, especially to my family.” The tone made the

  atmosphere feel like the arctic instead of the middle of the

  desert in summer.

  “Sorry,” they stuttered at once. “Didn’t mean no harm

  by it.”

  “Perhaps, you all should move along,” Maverick made

  the not so subtle suggestion.

  As one the men stood and walked out the door. They

  didn’t like the look of death that had crossed the tall man’s

  face. And he hadn’t even been reacting to the name they’d

  called him.

  “Thank you,” Shelia murmured as the men walked out

  the door. “I was getting scared.”

  “I don’t think my son would let anything happen to

  you,” Maverick said as he stepped back so she could precede

  him out of the corner.

  “Like father, like son.” A flash of white teeth appeared

  across her face before she reached up and placed a kiss on his

  cheek, much to the surprise of Maverick and Tempest, who’d

  been watching the whole thing. “Don’t give up on her,

  Maverick. She is still in love with you.” Shelia walked off

  before he could say another word.

  His coal eyes glanced across the room and landed on the

  woman who was staring at him. Her tongue snuck out and wet

  her lips before she seemed to realize just where she was. He

  could feel her eyes move up and down his body before she tore

  her gaze away from him.

  Could it be true? Could the mother of his child still be in love

  with him? Maverick strode closer to the bar and at the last

  second opted to go behind the bar. Mili just smiled as the tall


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