The Leftover

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The Leftover Page 17

by Brooke Williams

  Andrew took a bite of his burger and let Kat hem and haw as he used chewing as a stall tactic.

  “Well,” Kat finally answered. “I guess I wouldn’t mind throwing protection to someone else as long as I felt safe myself.”

  “I think we all feel that way,” Grace said. “Is there some kind of deal we can make with each other for this vote only?” She emphasized the last three words as she stared at Andrew.

  “What if,” Kat broke in, “we agreed not to vote for each other. If all four of us vote for someone else, none of us will go home no matter what the others do.”

  Megan nodded. She wasn’t sure how they would agree on whom to vote out, but she liked the idea that she and Grace would be safe. Even if it meant working with Andrew.

  “Anyone have a problem voting for Leo?” Andrew asked.

  Megan cleared her throat and both she and Grace raised their hands.

  “Leo is a gentleman, and I think we can all admit he’s not a threat in challenges. Sure, he’s older than the rest of us, but he’s a joy to have in camp and when it comes to the end, any of us could probably beat him. I think it would be foolish to get rid of him now.” Grace’s argument made sense and Megan certainly agreed.

  “Carson?” Andrew inspected Grace and Megan.

  “No way!” Kat screeched beside him. “He and I are just getting to know one another. Things are getting good, if you know what I mean.”

  Megan’s stomach grumbled at the comment . . . or perhaps from the sudden intake of beef. She didn’t know what Kat meant. Carson was letting Kat hang on him and he would occasionally play along and flirt in return or put his arm around her, but that was about as far as their “relationship” went. He only seemed to be acting with Kat in order to please Grace.

  “That only leaves Tank and Danae,” Andrew stated.

  Megan’s pulse raced. Two people . . . from the other group! It would swing the numbers back to the lean-to crew’s favor.

  “It’s a hard decision to make.” Kat took another dainty bite of burger.

  Megan wanted to grab it from her hands and show her how it was done. She was down to her last bite. She stuffed the rest of her second burger into her mouth and closed her eyes, trying to enjoy every sensation as she chewed. When she had no choice but to swallow, an idea dawned on her.

  “Tank and Danae are both good competitors in their own way,” she began. She noticed Andrew lean forward to listen. The advantage of being the quietest in the bunch was that when she spoke, people generally thought she might have something worthwhile to say. “You guys took out Juan and Nathan because you felt like they were trying too hard. What if we did something similar with Tank and Danae?”

  Andrew tilted his head. She had his interest.

  “Two of us will vote for Tank and the other two Danae. It’s up to us to get our groups to conform to the decision. Tell Danae you’re voting for Tank and have Tank vote for Danae. The numbers will add up and it’ll be a tie again.”

  “And they’ll both go home,” Andrew finished with a Cheshire grin. Megan would have thought it was his idea based on his smug expression.

  “Exactly. The more of them on the other side, the better, right? There can only be one in the end.” Megan waited as Andrew processed her suggestion. It was obvious Kat didn’t care who went home as long as it wasn’t her or Carson.

  “How do Kat and I know your group won’t pick the two of us off next?” Andrew asked after a few beats.

  Megan shifted on her tree stump. She didn’t want to lie. She promised herself she’d play the game as close to the truth as possible. It wasn’t what her sister advised, but it lined up with her personality and values. “You don’t,” she stated.

  Grace’s eyes widened as the smile slid from Andrew’s face. Megan had Andrew on the line and she knew it. Her honest statement could lose him. But if she knew one thing about Andrew, it was that he lived by his ego. “But face it, you’re the strongest in the bunch. Chances are you’ll win the next protection. Plus, if I ever win, I have to hand it over to you, right?”

  Andrew nodded slowly as a smile spread over his face again. “That’s right, we still have our deal.”

  Megan didn’t think Andrew realized how little their deal meant to her now. Cane knew about her crush. Her conversation with him post-shot last night had made sure of that. She’d throw the competitions if she had to, just so she wouldn’t win protection. She couldn’t hand it over to Andrew if she didn’t have it!

  “It’s settled then.” Andrew stood and stretched. “Tank and Danae will go home.”

  “So who are we giving protection to tonight?” Kat asked.

  “I have an idea for that too.” Megan licked the grease from her fingers, even though they were dirty. “All of us are safe, so when elimination time comes, it doesn’t really matter. But I think we should give it to Grace as a symbol of gratitude. I know I never would have made it over two of those three walls without her. Kat, I think you can say the same thing.”

  Kat nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, I suppose so.”

  Andrew clapped his hands together. “Grace, is that okay with you?”

  Grace shrugged. “I guess I won’t turn away protection if you guys are sure that’s what you want to do.”

  “It’s settled,” Andrew commanded as he stood.

  Grace tilted her head toward the tree stump Andrew had occupied. Megan caught her eye and saw what she was looking at. His tie had slipped from his pocket and was lying on the ground between two stumps. Megan gave her a slight nod. They were on the same page. Even if they had to work with Andrew this time, it didn’t mean his tie had to make it any further in the game.

  “Wendy should be back soon.” Andrew paced around the stumps. “I’m ready to get to camp and start working things for tonight.”

  Megan was glad to be away, but they would have some talking to do in order to get everything lined up for a double surprise elimination. She was overjoyed that Tank and Danae were on the other side of the fence. She wouldn’t have to lie to either one of them, yet they would both go home because of her plan.

  “Wendy Weathersby, at your service!” The weather girl popped up behind them, her shoes in her hand. The dune buggy was likely parked at the edge of the trees. Megan was surprised she hadn’t heard it. “Who’s ready to vote?”

  The group looked from one to another and nodded. “We all are,” Grace said.

  “Let’s do it!” Wendy’s enthusiasm sparked a round of applause and cheers. The food had really done something for team morale. “Now remember, if you don’t agree unanimously, the entire opposing team will be protected tonight. We’ll vote by secret ballot. Who’s first?”

  “I’ll go.” Kat took the piece of paper and pen from Wendy and scribbled a name on it. She handed both items back to Wendy.

  The rest of them took turns and Megan waited expectantly. Grace deserved protection more than anyone else on the beach. She could survive much worse conditions completely alone and probably thrive while doing it. Megan was glad to keep her safe that night.

  “Wendy Weathersby will read the votes,” she chirped. “The first vote goes to . . . Grace!” She waved the slip of paper in Grace’s direction. “The second vote, also Grace. Third vote, Grace. I’m seeing a pattern here!” Her smile lit up the woods as excitement radiated from her eyes. “Last vote . . .” Wendy opened the piece of paper and frowned. “Andrew?”

  Shock coursed through Megan’s body. “What?” she said. “Everyone agreed a moment ago. What happened?”

  “I’m sorry, but this means the four people on the beach are safe tonight. Everyone will vote to eliminate one of you. I’d suggest you get back to the beach.” Wendy disappeared into the woods, leaving the four of them to figure out what went wrong.

  Megan’s eyes roamed the trees until they landed on Andrew. “Did you . . .”

  “I’m surprised you believed I would vote for anyone else.” Andrew shrugged.

  “Me too,” Megan murmured. So muc
h for voting Tank and Danae out. They were both safe now.

  “Walk with me, would you?” Andrew gestured toward the beach, inviting Megan to join him.

  She glanced at Grace, who seemed unaffected by missing out on protection. “Go ahead,” she said. “Kat and I will follow.”

  Megan slowly turned to catch up with Andrew, who had already started walking. She spied Grace stuffing his tie into her pocket. Andrew deserved every dirty trick they could pull, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Ah, Megan.” He slung his arm around her shoulders. “You’ve been holding back on me.”

  Megan forced herself not to cringe away from him. “I . . . I have?”

  “And here I thought we had an understanding.”

  Megan’s mind moved from their agreement to Cane. Did Andrew know more about her and Cane than he should?

  “I saw everything I needed to see,” Andrew continued. “Did you really think you could hide it from me?”

  Megan’s heart raced. She didn’t want to give anything away until she knew what he was talking about. It could be a trick. “I’m going to need a little more information,” she said as she stepped out from under Andrew’s arm, turning to face him.

  “I hope you don’t think I’m nosy, but while you were away in the medic tent and the rest of your group was fishing, I took the liberty of searching your bag.”

  “My . . . bag?” What would he want with her change of clothes and underwear? Sick!

  “You neglected to tell me you found the Protection Piece.” Andrew took a step toward her and threw a look over his shoulder to make sure no one was close enough to hear him. “I want it.”

  Megan frowned, slowly processing this new information. Protection Piece? The item that was supposedly hidden around the taping site somewhere, giving whoever found it a place in the final four? How had it gotten into Megan’s bag? She’d never even looked for it.

  “I’m not sure I know what you mean.” Megan didn’t want to shoot Andrew down just yet. She didn’t have the Protection Piece, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t use the situation somehow.

  “Oh come on, Megan. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t play coy with me. It’s a little beaded thing on a chain. Looks like a troll or something.”

  Megan tried very hard to control the look on her face. “Oh,” she said, trying to look disappointed. “You found that in my bag?” Andrew nodded wisely. “I did and I want it. Or I’m going straight to Cane the minute we get back to the beach.”

  Megan studied him under the mottled sunlight filtering through the trees. For a moment, she wondered what had happened in his life to make him who he was. He was an arrogant bully, and he needed to be taken down a peg or two. She wanted nothing more than to be the one to do it, but she’d be satisfied simply watching it happen due to his own selfish actions.

  “I wasn’t trying to hide that from you,” Megan stated truthfully.

  “It’s okay.” Andrew used a magnanimous voice. “I understand it’s not something you want to just hand over. You had to try.”

  Megan sighed and played along. “Come with me to the lean-to and it’s all yours, okay?”

  Andrew smiled and clapped a hand on her shoulder. “I knew you’d see it my way.”

  Megan spent the rest of the walk to the beach trying to stifle her laughter. When they reached the lean-to, she asked Carson and Leo to give them a minute. Carson gave her a questioning look but accompanied Leo out of the shelter.

  Megan dug through her bag and located the beaded item Andrew had brought into question. She held it in the palm of her hand and stroked it a few times with her thumb. Molly would forgive her. In an effort to further herself in the game, her sister would have let Megan give away her engagement ring—or maybe even her firstborn. She certainly would understand why Megan gave away the princess good luck charm Molly had made for her in grade school. It was Megan’s luxury item. Looking at it now, she had to admit, it really did look more like a troll than a princess.

  She took a final look and held it out to Andrew. “Here,” she said. “It’s yours.” She silently hoped she’d see it again. It didn’t look like much to anyone but her, but it had sentimental value.

  Andrew wrapped his hand around the beaded creation with a sly smile. “Thank you, Megan. I believe our deal has been fulfilled. It’s been nice working with you.”

  Megan didn’t like the sound in his voice as he left the lean-to. He was done with her. He’d allowed her to stay around long enough to get what he wanted from her. And now what? He was going to vote her out? He certainly had the power to do so. She mentally slapped herself. She should have bargained with him, saying she would give it to him after tonight’s elimination. Now, she had to do something to stop him.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  By the time Grace reached the lean-to, Carson and Leo had returned, and the crew had a quick chat about what went down. Grace filled them in on the discussion they’d had with Kat and Andrew over burgers without dallying on how good the burgers were. Then Megan told them about the vote and how Carson and Leo were now safe because of it.

  “Well, I’m sorry for you two that it worked out that way,” Leo said. “But it sure was nice of you to let us have protection.”

  “We didn’t exactly let you,” Grace corrected.

  “Can’t an old guy say thank you? Let me have my moment.”

  They chuckled and then got down to business.

  “So, what should we do?” Carson asked.

  “I have a feeling Andrew’s coming after me.” Megan didn’t want to reveal the information about the lucky beaded creation Andrew ransacked from her belongings just yet. “He never has liked me.”

  “Whether it’s you or me, we know it’s one of us.” Grace folded her legs beneath her.

  “Is there any way we can get one of them over to our side?” Leo questioned.

  Grace stared into the distance. “We should be able to find out for sure who they’re voting for. Right, Carson?” She grinned knowingly at the PE teacher.

  “I’ll ask Kat,” he said with a deep sigh.

  “Thanks for taking one for the team.” Grace clapped a hand on his shoulder and let it linger. “Let’s figure out who we’re voting for, then leave the rest up to me. I have an idea.”

  Megan glanced over at her friend. She trusted Grace. If she had a plan, Megan would roll with it, keep her fingers crossed, and hope for the best. Perhaps she could spend the afternoon in the woods searching for the real Protection Piece.

  Cane heard the news from the crew. Half the people on the beach were safe from elimination that night, but Megan was not one of them. This could very well be her last evening on the show.

  He sighed, running a hand through his hair. After having some time to think, he had decided he had mixed emotions where Megan was concerned. His attraction grew upon every encounter and he found himself falling for her quirks, but starting a relationship surrounded by the reality TV setting was not something he aimed to do a second time, even if he didn’t appear on camera nearly as much as before. It had all happened so fast—which he realized was a red flag. Part of him didn’t want to see her leave because it would mean the end of their time together . . . at least for now. The other part of him wondered if it might be better for her to go so they could figure out their feelings for each other without one another’s constant presence.

  Cane shook his head. It was selfish of him to wish for her to stay or to go based on his own reasons.

  He peeked out of his tent at the gathering for the elimination ceremony. He wasn’t required to go since there were no outright dangers. He only had to be in his tent around the clock in case an injury occurred. But there was nothing prohibiting him from going. He was anxious to see how things turned out and, truth be told, he wanted to see Megan one last time before she left, just in case she happened to get voted out.

  Cane took position behind a camera operator. He was far enough in the darkness that the group would never
even know he was there. As they slowly filed into the campfire area and took seats around the semi-circle, Wendy Weathersby’s short skirt and tight blouse caught his eye. She was something else. Her natural beauty was concealed by her caked-on makeup and overly coiffed hair. While the look might work well for TV cameras, Cane much preferred Megan’s comfortable, low-maintenance attitude towards life.

  “Welcome, Leftovers,” Wendy greeted the group with a plastered-on smile. “It has been an eventful day here at Cove Bay Beach. Congratulations all around. First, to the team that won today’s competition and got the barbecue reward. Second, to the opposing team that ultimately received protection from tonight’s elimination. Would anyone like to comment on that?”

  Danae spoke up first. “We heard the whole story from Andrew, and really, it was gracious of him. I mean, one of them could have had protection tonight, maybe even him. But instead of letting that happen, he decided to throw protection to the four of us.”

  So that’s how he’s playing it. The unsung hero. Megan shook her head. Andrew certainly knew what he was doing in making his posse even more loyal to him.

  “It just made sense,” Andrew piped in. “Why should one person get protection when four people could have it?”

  “But that means you’re vulnerable to tonight’s elimination, right?” Wendy asked.

  Andrew reached up to adjust his tie. When he found it missing, a frown started in his eyes and moved down his face. “I’m not concerned about that, Wendy,” he said, his voice rising. “Has anyone seen my tie?” He searched the faces around the fire. Cane noticed Grace shifting on her boulder. She could hardly contain her glee, though she kept her eyes on Wendy.

  “How did it feel to get your team up and over the walls, Grace?” Wendy changed the subject.

  “It was great, Wendy. We worked together to get one another through the competition and we succeeded. Oh, but when I say ‘we,’ I mean Kat, Megan, and me. Andrew was really no help at all.”

  Cane wished he could see Wendy’s face better. Surely she had shock written all over it at the way Grace threw Andrew to the wolves.


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