Infinity: Soulmates 2

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Infinity: Soulmates 2 Page 1

by Sienna Grant

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  Copyright © 2017 by Sienna Grant

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law

  For permission requests, write to the author, addressed “Request: Copyright Approval” at [email protected]

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.



  Putting the last of the boxes on the back of my truck, I call out to my brother Chris to see if there’s any more to go on, so I can take these to his new house. Chris and his girlfriend Taylor are moving to a new house today, so myself and our other brother Todd, are helping them move.

  “Fuck Taylor, how much shit have you actually got?” She bounces down the steps, wearing her ripped jeans, converse and a simple vest top with her blonde hair piled up on top of her head, runs out of the door towards me and shouts...

  “My stuff is not shit, Adam! Now hurry up, I’ve got more!” She stands in front of me and lightly taps my face, turns away laughing then runs back up the steps. I shake my head at her and get in the truck. Todd my twin, secures the drop gate at the back and gets in the passenger side of my Ford Ranger truck.

  Chris and Taylor’s new house is about a twenty-minute drive from here.

  On the way, I look across at Todd and see he’s deep in thought. He seems to be concentrating on looking out of the window but looking vacant of sorts. He gets like this when he’s got stuff on his mind. Todd isn’t a worrier, so to see him like this; I know something’s up.

  “You okay Kid?” I ask him as a frown pulls at my forehead.

  “Yeah of course I am!” He grins but I know something’s off with him; he’ll tell me in his own time though, Todd is a lot more secretive than I am, he likes to keep things close to his chest. I park outside the house, get the keys from my pocket, open the front door, as Todd begins to unload the car and bring the boxes in.

  It takes half an hour to unload the truck, then we go back for more stuff. It’s quiet as we walk into Taylor’s old flat. Pushing open the door we walk in, grab more boxes until we hear a squeal and Taylor runs into the front room with just Chris’s t-shirt on, laughing.

  “Really? So, while we’ve been slaving away, you two have been fucking like rabbits. What the fuck!” I grab a can of coke for me and Todd, then sit down for a rest as Chris walks into the room wearing just shorts,

  “You owe us a pint or maybe two, you fuckers.”

  “What, are you jealous? Are you not getting any?” Laughs Chris as he pulls on his t-shirt. I stick my middle finger up at him and twirl it in a circle as he laughs loudly at me. Once Taylor is dressed, we fill my truck up and her Dad’s truck, and take the rest of her things to the house.

  Once they’re settled in, Todd and I say our goodbyes to both Chris and Taylor and make our way home.

  I head upstairs to my room, grab my laptop and my camera. While I’m waiting for my laptop to load I go back the photo’s I’ve taken the past few days.

  Taking photos is my hobby - I love to see things come to life behind the lens, just like I love to see my characters come to life on paper when I write. I’m the only creative one in our family, all the rest went into law enforcement; well except Chris, who wanted to be a fireman. I thought after his accident he would change his job but he didn’t want to. I didn’t want to do any of that. I was always making up stories when I was younger, Aidan, our older brother and Chris always teased me about it, but I didn’t care, now I use it as a chat up line… what can I say, the ladies love a writer.

  I scan the pictures I’ve got, leave them on my desk and decide to call it a day. I’m exhausted. I’ll admit it’s quiet without Chris here, the last couple of days have flew by and I know that Mum misses him too, because Todd and I have had more food stuffed on our plates.

  I put my laptop and my camera in the car and head to the park. I take some pics here and there, but there’s so many kids about I can’t get a clear shot of anything.

  Deciding to go to the local coffee shop, I open my laptop to do some writing. While there I apply for a couple of freelance writing jobs, something has to pay for my truck I suppose.

  “Hey sweetness, can I have another please?” Winking at her the waitress, I nod.

  “Adam, I have a name you know, sweetness, sweetheart, not my name.”

  “Yeah, I know, but you deserve to be called nice names.”

  “You sweet talker, it’ll get you into trouble one day.”

  I grin at her as she turns to go back to the counter. Debbie is a fortyish married woman, says I remind her a little bit of her son… but cheekier. I’ll take that.

  After another hour sat in the coffee shop, I put away my laptop and shout my goodbyes to Deb. I jump in my truck and start the engine. As it turns over, the service light comes on again on my dashboard. “Fuck... not again!” pulling away I head towards the nearest garage. Piece of shit truck!

  Pulling onto the empty forecourt of the garage, I turn off the engine and step out of the truck. My eyes scan around quickly, but there’s no sign of anyone here. Walking around the building I find a shutter door open, I walk in and see a car with its bonnet up, but can’t see behind it.

  “Hello?” I shout into the large, empty space.

  Walking further inside, I look around the extensive garage, but I didn’t see the tiny redhead step out from the front of the car, standing there tapping her foot – waiting for me to see her. “Can I help you?” My eyes travel upward and point straight ahead at the sweet sounding, yet impatient voice in front of me.

  “Um, yeah. Is there anyone free to look at my car, sweetheart?” I ask with a smirk. I look at the tiny female in front of me, she’s hot as fuck!

  “The other two mechanics are out at the moment, I can take a look if you want?”

  “I’m sorry my little darlin’ - but you’re a mechanic?” A cocky smirk pulls up one side of my face, then wink at her to give her the full Adam Willows experience. She raises an eyebrow and taps her foot again, angrily and impatiently, she narrows her eyes and says sharply,

  “Look buster, I’m too busy for this. Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll see if I can fix it or if you’d prefer a male mechanic to take a look, because I am a woman after all - then you’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Your call, what will it be? And yes, I’m a mechanic!”

  She’s a fiery one, I smirk a little to myself, gesture my hand out in front of me and follow the cute little red head out to my truck, watching her walk out in front of me every step of
the way. Her big boots with her dirty overalls tied at the hips, her black vest like top that pinches into her tight little waist. My eyes travel up further to where her red hair is bunched on top of her head. FUCK. I think I’m in love! My dick has woken up too, it’s on high alert these days. She turns around and looks at me, with her hands on her hips. There’s oil smeared on her face, I slip my hands in my pocket to stop myself from getting the urge to wipe it off.

  I walk in front of her and stand by my Ford Ranger rather proudly.

  “Had to be, didn’t it! She mumbles to herself. “Okay, tell me what’s wrong with it?” She sighs at me.

  “Well the service light on the dash keeps coming on. You’re the expert, you tell me.” I put on my charming smile, she sighs and turns away.

  “Pop the bonnet.”

  “You know you could smile…” she looks at me in disgust as she turns up her upper lip, maybe not then!

  She looks inside but she’s only just a tad taller than the front of the truck which makes me grin. “Do you need a stool sweetheart,” She turns to look at me, narrows her eyes and purses her lips in annoyance.

  “Drive into the garage. It’ll need to go on the computer.” Turning on her heel she sways that sexy little arse away from me and back into the garage. Shaking my head quickly, I open my door to the truck, before I get in, I get control of my hard on. Then try to clear my mind of the hot little mechanic bending over my truck and think about normal mechanics, you know overweight men with their arses hanging out of their jeans – I wait a couple of more minutes, yep that did it!

  I drive my truck into the garage while I let the hot bit of stuff do what she has to do.


  I just knew when I put a foot out of bed this morning it was going to be a bad day. First, I didn’t sleep well. My Dad had a bad night, then I have to get up because I hate to see him in pain, he thinks I don’t hear him cry in the night; but I do. When I did get up eventually, there was no milk in the fridge which means no coffee… could the day get any worse.

  It’s Monday, of course it can; and it has… as soon as that cocky arsehole walked into my garage.

  He drives his big truck around so I can put it on the computer and test the electrics. Ugh, why do men have big trucks, does it do something for their egos - in fact scratch that, I know it does. He stands there with his hands in his pockets watching me. Obviously, because I’m a woman I can’t do my job – well I’ve got news for him, I’m better than both of those dicks that work here! I’ve never liked being made out to be the fairer sex.

  I’ve been in and out of this garage since I was eight years old, my Dad used to bring me in, show me around and taught me the basics of a car. He always said, ‘whether you’re male or female, you should know your spark plug from your headlamp, my lass,’ in his northern accent. By the time I’d reached fifteen, I could do most things, change spark plugs, do an oil change, and pretty much anything that centred around an engine. Of course, now they’re mainly electrical. Give me an old car to work on any day.

  I lift my head to see him staring at me, he’s got that cocky grin plastered all over his face again and I want to hit him. I couldn’t believe what he said… ‘little darlin’, sweet thing, I’ll fucking show him sweet thing.

  “Soooo, what’s your name sweetheart?” I watch as he rocks back on his heels as he gives me that smirk again, like I’m going to fall for that!

  “Why do you want to know?” Looking at him, I raise an eyebrow, sigh then turn my attention back towards the computer. The reading says there’s nothing electrically wrong. “Look, there’s nothing showing up, I’m going to have to keep it for a while and take a proper look.”

  “Okay, so are you going to tell me your name or not?” He asks as I watch him pull his phone from his pocket. He types out a message as he asks the question. I study his profile, he’s really good looking… it’s a shame he ruins it when he speaks, now if he could keep his mouth shut.

  He’s got light brown hair with a light stubble on his chin, which looks like he hasn’t shaved for a couple of days maybe, he seems fit, a lot taller than me though – although that’s not hard when you’re five feet four.

  “How do I know who to ask for if you don’t tell me?” he says with that cheeky grin, he thinks he’s got me.

  “You just don’t give up do ya? Well seeing as I’m the only female that works here… I’d say you have no problems. Ring in a couple of hours, I should know whether it’s ready then.”

  I pass him a card with the garage name and number on then turn away from him, dismissing him. I go back to his truck and climb up into it – I do mean climb, it’s huge! If he’s still there he’s just had a full view of my arse getting in this stupid oversized monstrosity.

  Looking through the rear-view mirror I watch him walk from the garage with a laptop bag, he’s got a very nice view from behind I’ll admit that. ‘No Darcy – stop it! I’ve got enough on my plate.’ He gets into an Audi A5 as I turn back towards the front and turn on the engine.

  I work on his truck change his brake pads, filters and give it a once over to make sure there wasn’t anything else wrong.

  * * * * * * * *

  “Hey Darcy, you got a call!” Steve, one of the mechanics, shouts to me with the phone still in his hand as he holds it out to me.

  “Fucks sake, don’t say my name!” I whisper loudly to him. “Idiot.” I put the phone to my ear and act professional. “Hello, Ambrose Mechanics.”

  “Hello, Darcy.”

  “Yes, can I help you?” I answer sighing heavily.

  “I was wondering if my truck was ready?”

  “You can pick up your truck whenever you’re ready.”

  “Will you be there when I get there?” I can hear the amusement in his tone, ignoring him I carry on.

  “It’s £120 that’s for everything including labour.”

  “Okay thanks, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  Putting the phone down, I narrow my eyes at Steve. “Dickhead.” I walk back to my work area, clean up where I’ve been working and drive his truck out the front. As I’m turning off the engine, I see him pull up in the same Audi A5 but with a blonde driving.

  She’s gorgeous too – hang on was he flirting with me when he has a girlfriend? What a wanker! Jumping out of the truck, I walk into the office, grab his invoice and walk out front to meet him.

  “There’s your invoice, your keys and a list of things I’ve changed. It was in pretty poor condition considering its age but if you have any problems with it then bring it back. Cash or card?”

  He’s staring at me as if I’ve just spoken in a foreign language. Looking into his very pretty, blue eyes, that are like an ocean, way to pretty to be on a man, they’re finished off with long eyelashes… no, he has a girlfriend! I shake myself from my hypnotic state and pretend I wasn’t mesmerised by him. “Hello, did you hear me?” Today has been such a shitty day, maybe I should go home.

  “Um, sorry yeah and I’m paying by card.”

  Walking away to the office I can feel his eyes on me. Once I’ve set up the card machine I ask him to pay and send him on his way.

  “So, do I get your number then or what? My name’s Adam by the way.”

  I raise my eyebrows at him.

  “Thanks for using us… Adam. Like I said, if you have any problems at all bring it back. You get a six-month warranty on any work we do.”

  I try to explain everything but he still has that stupid grin on his face like the cat who’s got the cream or something, other women might fall for it but not me. He takes the card from my fingers as I hold it out, then he smiles – not a grin or a smirk; it was a smile. And it’s a gorgeous one… bastard.

  “Thank you… Darcy.” He turns to walk away, on his way out of the garage he shouts back, “Nice name by the way!”

  Shaking my head at his nerve I put away the card reader and decide I’ve had enough for one day. I head out to the lads and tell them to lock up, jump into my
white Ford Focus and head home.

  Walking into the house, Dad is sitting in his chair, looking empty, vacant.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  Sitting on the arm of the chair next to him, I lean down to him and kiss him on his cheek. He turns his face towards me and smiles, I know he’s hiding his pain though. Today’s a not so good day. I start to tell him about my day, how busy we’ve been but I don’t think it really registers to him. He never takes his eyes off the telly so I get up and go to the kitchen. Mum’s in there preparing dinner for us.

  “Hi Mum.”

  “Hello angel, you okay? How was work?”


  I pop the kettle on to make a brew and get three cups prepared. Standing with my back against the counter, I face my Mum.

  “Dad doesn’t look too good today,” I say to her gently.

  Mum gave up work to look after my Dad when his depression got worse, but he says he doesn’t need looking after, he does.

  Dad suffers with depression. He had an accident at the garage a couple of years back and slipped the discs in his back, he had an operation to replace them but it’s not really worked. He still has a lot of pain and hasn’t regained his full mobility, yeah, he can get about, but he can’t work in the garage - well he could, he could take over the admin; but he doesn’t. Ever since the accident, he’s been on medication. Some days he barely speaks or gets out of out of bed, others, he’s not too bad. Just lately though - there’s been more bad days than good but we just take every day as it comes now.

  He also feels guilty that Mum had to give up full time work to look after him and now she works part time instead, mainly weekends, just in the local supermarket. She hates it but she said one of them needs to work and no matter how many times she tells him that she prefers being at home with him more – he doesn’t believe her. It’s so hard to be happy when he’s stuck at home; he should be at the garage with me, running it like the old days.


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