400 First Kisses

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400 First Kisses Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  I waited for something more to happen, for him to kiss Amelia or something. But nothing was forthcoming.

  He opened his laptop and got to work, his hair perfectly styled and his body thick and muscular. He concentrated on the bookkeeping and didn’t make conversation with either one of us.

  I exchanged a look with Amelia.

  She only shrugged in response.



  I didn’t really have a chance to talk to Ace that day. When he finished his bookkeeping, he said goodbye then walked to Olives for the lunch rush. He smiled and acknowledged me, but he didn’t address our passion last night at all.

  Maybe because Bree was there? Maybe he thought I hadn’t told her yet? It was possible.

  I worked my morning shift downstairs then picked up the girls from school in the afternoon. When they were old enough, they could walk home since the elementary school was right down the road. But for now, I picked them up every day.

  I gave them their afternoon snack, helped them with their homework, and then prepared dinner. I didn’t get many breaks being a mom. I worked all day at the restaurant, and then I worked the second they were home.

  Those were the times when I missed Evan the most.

  Having a partner really made a difference. I could handle it on my own and treasured the quality time I had with Rose and Lily, but it was nice when Evan would take care of dinner so I could shower and do my hair. Now I had to juggle everything on my own. Cypress and the guys already helped more than they should, and I’d be totally lost without them.

  I could never show them just how much I appreciated them.

  A knock sounded at the door, and I assumed it was probably my sister. We’d been spending a lot of time together ever since she got her memory back. “It’s open.” I only locked my front door at night. It was a quiet neighborhood. The worst that ever happened was when squirrels went through my garbage can.

  Ace walked inside, looking sexy as hell in low-slung jeans and a t-shirt. He wore that handsome smile I hadn’t stopped thinking about since I’d woken up that morning. When we saw each other at the office, he acted as if we didn’t hook up last night, but maybe that was because my sister was there. “I was at the post office, and I thought I’d check your PO box while I was there.” He set the stack of envelopes on the counter. “But it looks like nothing but bills.”

  “It’s always bills—and junk mail.”

  “I know, right?” he said with a chuckle.

  “But thanks for checking for me. Saved me a trip.”

  “No problem.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re going out to Cultura for some drinks. Wanna come?”

  Maybe at the end of the night we could hook up again. “Yeah, sure. I’ll see if Sara can watch the girls.”

  “Awesome. It’s taco Tuesday.” He walked into the living room where the girls were finishing their homework. “There’s my little monsters.” He kneeled down and hugged each of them before he sprinkled a kiss on their foreheads.

  “You wanna color with us, Uncle Ace?” Rose asked as she handed him a pink coloring pencil.

  “Yeah,” Ace said. “I suppose I can spare a few minutes.” He sat on the floor beside Rose and helped color her picture. They worked together silently, filling in the flowers and teapots around the sketch. Lily stopped coloring and chose to watch them instead.

  Seeing Ace fit in with my girls gave me ideas I shouldn’t have. Despite what happened between Evan and me, I did enjoy being married. I did enjoy being in love…while it lasted. After being alone for a year, I wanted to have that again—even if it didn’t last forever.

  I took the seat beside Lily on the ground and helped her with her own book.

  “You’re gonna color that flower brown?” Rose asked incredulously.

  “Yeah,” Ace said. “Why not?”

  “Flowers aren’t brown,” Lily said. “They’re pretty colors.”

  “Brown is a pretty color,” Ace said. “It’s the color of my hair.”

  Rose and Lily both chuckled.

  Ace finished the picture with Rose before he stood up. “I’ll see you later, girls.”

  “Bye, Uncle Ace,” they both said.

  I walked Ace to the front door, hoping for a soft kiss on the lips. Even a hug would be nice. Anytime those strong arms were wrapped around me, I felt a jolt of happiness. Nothing like a strong man to make me feel like a woman.

  “We’re meeting at eight. Let me know if you can make it.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  He smiled then walked out.

  I thought it was weird I didn’t get even get a hug. Was it because the girls were in the next room? Maybe I was overthinking it. If he had a problem with last night, he wouldn’t have dropped by to begin with.

  I had nothing to worry about.



  I left for the bar right after work and changed in the bathroom. I found a short, tight black dress in my closet when I went through my wardrobe the other night. It was backless, and it was so cute that it needed to be worn.

  Heels over four inches were illegal in Carmel, so I wore black sandals to match my dress. I walked inside and spotted Blade and Ace at a standing table in the center of the room.

  Blade whistled under his breath. “Wow, you look like a woman.”

  “A pretty woman,” Ace said.

  “I always look like a woman,” I argued. “Do you normally think I’m a dude at work?”

  Blade shrugged. “Dude-ish.”

  I smacked his arm before I walked to the bar. “I’m gonna get something.”

  “Don’t expect to pay for it,” Ace said. “Not looking like that.”

  I’d have to give him another smack when I came back. I stood at the bar and waited for the bartender to notice me. He was helping customers at the far left, but he finished up what he was doing and came right up to me. He was supercute. Light-colored hair and dimples in his cheeks when he smiled. He must earn a good living in tips from being a handsome man. “What can I get the pretty lady?”

  And I’m sure he made a little extra from flirting with all the customers. “Something strong.”

  “Ooh…I like where this is going. How about an Old Fashioned?”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  He pulled out the glass and got to work. He added the bitters than wedged a slice of orange on the glass. “This one is on the house. And the next one will cost you your phone number.”

  I guess he was actually coming on to me. “And the drink after that?”

  He winked. “Let’s find out.”

  He was a smooth talker. “I’m Bree.”

  “Hello, Bree.” He shook my hand. “I’m Finn. New around here?”

  “No, I’ve been living here for a few years.” I didn’t tell him about my head trauma. Not really a conversation for the first encounter. “Just didn’t get out much.”

  “Looks like you’re ready to mingle now.”

  I smiled but didn’t blush. “I guess so.”

  An arm circled my waist, and the scent of pine needles teased my nose. “Hey, Finn. Looks like you just met my wife.”

  Goddammit, Cypress.

  Finn couldn’t hide his confusion. He glanced at me then turned back to Cypress. “Your wife, huh?”

  “Yeah.” Cypress looked down me, pissed and affectionate at the same time. “She’s a bit wild sometimes, but saddled nonetheless.”

  “I’m not his wife,” I said quickly. “It’s not like that—”

  “It is like that.” Cypress set a twenty on the counter. “And I’ll pay for her drinks.” He pulled me away from the counter and toward the table where the guys were waiting.

  “Cypress.” I twisted out of his grasp. “What the hell was that?”

  “What the hell was what?” He held up his left hand where his wedding ring sat. “We. Are. Married.”

  “It’s just a technicality.”

  “A techni
cality that the state of California recognizes.”

  “Well, we should get a divorce so the state can recognize that too.”

  He grabbed my arm and pulled me closer into him. “What happened to keeping an open mind?”

  “I am keeping an open mind.”

  “No, it looks like you’re flirting with the bartender.”

  “It’s not like I’m riding his cock for my birthday.” I stormed off and walked to the table, taking the place right beside Blade.

  Cypress took a moment to sheathe his anger before he joined me at the table.

  Blade and Ace had both spotted our little argument and looked uncomfortable. They ate the tortilla chips on the table and drank their beers. “So, how are the Hestons doing this evening?” Ace asked.

  “Don’t call us that,” I snapped.

  “You should check your license,” Blade said. “You might be surprised what’s on there.”

  I wanted to throw my drink in his face, but I reminded myself that Blade hadn’t done anything wrong. No one had done anything wrong. This was the situation, and we just had to deal with it.

  Cypress came closer to me, his arm touching mine.

  I downed my drink and let the fire erupt in my belly. I knew Cypress would cockblock me every chance he had. Amelia wasn’t joking about his determination. But my catty comment had silenced him immediately.

  Amelia walked inside a moment later, looking like a perfect ten in her blue dress and heels. There was no way Ace would be able to stop staring at her all night. Every guy in the bar already was.

  “Wow.” Blade looked her up and down. “You make Bree look like a troll.”

  “Uh, excuse me,” I said defensively. “You just said I looked pretty.”

  “And you do,” Blade said. “But she looks even prettier.”

  Amelia blushed.

  Even though the comment was a little rude, I let it slide. I wanted my sister to feel pretty tonight. Luck hadn’t been on her side for the past few years. She deserved to have the spotlight.

  “I’m gonna buy you a drink,” Cypress told her. “What can I get you?”

  “That’s sweet,” she said. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Yeah, I’ll buy her a drink,” Blade said as he pulled out his wallet.

  “Nope.” Ace jogged to the bar. “I got it.”

  “Wow, Amy,” I said. “I’ve never had three guys fight to buy me a drink before.”

  “Because I’d kill them if they tried.” Cypress drank his beer like his comment was appropriate.

  Ace returned and set the glass of wine in front of her. “Pinot Noir.”

  She smiled as she took the glass. “Thank you.” She sipped it, looking like a woman in heaven.

  I was happy for my sister. I hadn’t witnessed her devastation when Evan left, but I could see the memories deep in her eyes. Now she was out and enjoying life. Ace clearly made her happy. I could see the way she stiffened when she was around him.

  Cypress stuck to me like glue. “How was work?”

  “Good. How was your day?”

  “Good.” He didn’t mention our sexual standoff to anyone. That sounded like something he would mention to the guys, but it must not have come up yet. I’m sure they would have dropped a joke by now.

  Whenever we weren’t talking, I could feel the sexual tension. He wanted to grab me by the hair and bend me over the table then and there. I couldn’t read his thoughts, but I’d bet everything I had on the gamble that I was right.

  Blade talked about the books and our next quarterly tax payment. That seemed to be all we ever talked about whether we were working or not. Ace mentioned a crazy guy at the restaurant who said he ordered fish and got chicken instead, but it ended up being fish.

  Every time Cypress adjusted himself, he moved closer to me. I wasn’t sure if he was doing it on purpose, but I suspected he was.

  I was either thirsty or nervous because I drank my entire drink in record time. Five minutes and it was gone. “I’ll be back.”

  Cypress snatched my glass and walked away, heading to the bar for me.

  I rolled my eyes and turned back to everyone else.

  “I wouldn’t fight it,” Blade said as he looked at the TV. “It’s gonna happen anyway. May as well just go with it.”

  “I should just settle for a cheater?” I asked incredulously. “Would you settle for a cheater?”

  Blade responded by drinking from his glass.

  When I turned to glance at Cypress, a pretty blonde was talking to him at the bar. In a short-ass dress that could barely contain her tits, she was putting the moves on him. I didn’t need to hear what she was saying to know that’s what was going on. I turned back to the gang.

  Blade grinned. “Jealous?”

  “No.” The answer flew out of my mouth quicker than I wanted it to. “I was just wondering where my drink was.”

  “You’re so jealous,” Ace said. “It’s written all over your face.”

  “I’m not jealous,” I repeated. “Seeing him with another woman just brings back old memories.” Even if I should make it work with Cypress, I doubted I could trust him again. When I saw him at the bar, I immediately pictured Vanessa riding him on his bed. I’d lost most of my memories, but I wish that was the one that had disappeared instead.

  “Ouch,” Ace said. “It’s gonna take him a while to live that down.”

  “He’ll never live it down,” I whispered.

  Cypress returned with my refill and set it on the table. “There you go, sweetheart.”

  “Had fun with your little friend?” I stirred my glass without looking at him.

  He smiled. “She’s a regular at Amelia’s Place.”

  “I bet she is,” I mumbled.

  His arm circled my waist, sending electricity down my spine. “Don’t worry, she knows I’m married.”

  “Well, you aren’t married,” I pointed out.

  “Our marriage license doesn’t agree with that statement,” he replied.

  Blade sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “You guys are so cute.”

  Amelia chuckled into her glass.

  I wanted to kick Cypress under the table. “We’re getting a divorce. That’s final.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” Cypress threatened.

  “When I get married, I hope I’m as happy as you guys,” Ace said sarcastically.

  Cypress continued on, “You wanted to sleep with me last night. You get jealous when you see me with another woman. And you’re gonna keep saying we aren’t married?”

  “Whoa, you almost slept together?” Blade asked.

  “No,” I said immediately. “That’s not what happened.”

  “I was working out in my living room in my boxers, and she stared at me through the window.” Cypress threw me under the bus.

  “Wow, someone’s a pervert,” Ace said. “If I did that to someone, I’d go to jail.”

  “It wasn’t like that,” I said defensively.

  “She didn’t close her mouth for minutes. And I swear, she licked her lips,” Cypress said.

  “I did not,” I snapped. “I almost did, but I didn’t.”

  Blade raised an eyebrow. “So you were standing there looking at him with your mouth open?”

  Cypress grinned then took a drink.

  I’d incriminated myself by accident, and now I really did look like a pervert. “I shut the shade and went to bed.”

  “You did not go to sleep,” Cypress said. “I know that for a fact.”

  Ace and Blade laughed.

  Amelia even chuckled.

  He was right. I didn’t go to sleep. But I didn’t want to talk about masturbating to the thought of my naked ex-boyfriend or husband. Whatever. “It’s not like you don’t stare at me.”

  “You bet your ass I stare at you,” Cypress said. “I check out your tits and ass every single day. Husband privileges.”

  Now I wanted to throw my drink in his face. “Let’s talk about something else.�

  “Like what?” Blade asked. “The only interesting thing going on in our lives is the two of you and work.”

  “Have you met anyone?” I asked, even though I knew he would have already told me if he had.

  “Not yet,” Blade said. “But when the time is right, she’ll appear. And I know she’s gonna be smokin’.”

  “Not all of us can have a perfect ten for a wife.” Cypress moved his arm around my waist.

  I slapped his hand away. “If I were a perfect ten, you wouldn’t have fucked Vanessa.”

  He dropped his hand and sighed.

  Ace set down his drink. “Ouch. Bree, don’t you think you’re being a little harsh?”

  “Just a little?” Blade pressed.

  “No, I really don’t.” I drank from my glass and avoided their gaze.

  Cypress looked at them and shook his head, giving some kind of signal.

  Blade watched the TV before he noticed someone across the room. “Ace, your lady is here.”

  His lady?

  Amelia’s eyes narrowed, and she slowly set her glass on the table.

  Ace looked to the door and watched Lady walk toward him in a miniskirt and a slutty top. She wore a jean jacket to keep her warm, but there was no way she was staying warm in those rags. “Hey, baby.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and gave her a kiss. “What are you drinking?”

  What the hell was going on?

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” she whispered.

  “Coming right up.” He tapped her on the ass and walked to the bar.

  I looked at Amelia, who was pale in the face. I thought something else had happened between her and Ace, but judging from the shock on her face, the conversation never took place.

  Ace didn’t behave any differently. He fetched Lady the drink and returned, his arm moving around her waist. “How was work?”

  “Boring,” she said. “I was excited when you texted me.”

  I still couldn’t figure out what was going on. Did Ace sleep with Amelia and then forget it happened? Did he hit his head as hard as I hit mine?


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