The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 1

by Richardson, James

  The Balance

  Other books by

  TwilightCity Edward The Silver Werewolf Terra Drago The dawn of time three gods ruled the cosmos. Two brother's representing good and evil while their sister represented neutrality. With the forces of good and evil always at war with one another. It was up to the younger sister to ensure that neither side counterbalanced each other. As the eons passed each side never gaining control over the universe they each helped create. The three god's watched the creature's they created in wonder.

  Until Balanlt grew fearful of the gathering dark force's. In a swift attack against his brother Contliss the god of darkness. Balanlt had set in motion events that would rid the world's of his brother's taint. As the years passed Balanlt had finally managed, to trap his brother in the cold void that separated the world's. Talous the goddess of neutrality grew furious at her brother. For his blunder at unbalancing the universe.

  "Brother release Contliss from the prison you threw him in," Talous pleaded with her older brother.

  "Never! He shall remain where he is for all time. The worlds will thank me for ridding them of the evil that darkens their soul's," Balanlt growled at his sister.

  "Good can't exist without evil you know this. Without Contliss the universe will become unhinged," Talous said from her gray throne.

  "If evil is needed then I shall create evil that only I can control unlike my brother," Balanlt said waving off his sister. Balanlt did not see how dangerous his actions would lead the world's into cataclysm.

  Chapter One

  Catherine Halford stood at five feet four inches tall. No one would think that this woman could kick your ass up and down the street. Her chestnut hair fell below her shoulder blades, her sky blue eyes were like the vast ocean willing you to dive into their depths. Her olive tone skin was a rarity on the streets of Chicago. Pulling up her collar against the chill that was coming off the great lakes. Catherine stared up at the gray sky hoping that the snow would hold off until her vacation came up. For the past five years she has worked the homicide division of the twelfth precinct.

  "Here you go Cat," said the vender placing the steaming cup of coffee on the metal shelve of his push cart.

  "Thanks Joe how much do I owe you," Catherine asked digging in her pockets pulling out wads of crumpled bills.

  "Put that away you know your money is no good here," Joe said smiling at her. Nodding returning the bills back to its disorderly pocket. Blowing on her coffee Catherine headed towards the crime scene, that she should have been at ten minutes ago. Yet due to a blown out tire she was stuck there until a uniform could pick her up, and a tow truck to tow her car to the department garage.

  "Sorry detective for the delay," said the baby face officer. Catherine put the boy no where near a year out of the academy. "It's fine the dead aren't going any where you know the address," Catherine said as she slid into the passenger seat. Pulling up to the 1800 block of Clover Avenue. Catherine studied the three story renovated townhouse. News reporters bucked the yellow crime scene tape that kept the public from contaminating the scene.

  "Morning Cat," Maricus said coming down the brick steps his face ghostly white. At forty two Catherine thought nothing could make the man as green as a rookie. His salt and pepper hair cut close foretelling his time in the military. His tan trench coat strained to contain his girth.

  "Coming on Mar it can't be that bad," Catherine teased thinking it was nothing more then a meth deal gone bad.

  "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Maricus said placing his head between his knees. Patting his on the shoulder as she continued up the stairs. The moment she stepped into the townhouse her first assumption was blown out of the water. The house was pristine compared to the meth dens that had sprung up around the city. Leaning against the baluster Catherine listened to see if there was movement above her. The hurried footsteps on the wooden stairs that lead to the basement caught her attention.

  "There you are Cat," Tailer said dressed in a blood splattered white plastic jumpsuit. "It's a mess down there if your going down I suggest you wear one of these," he said stuffing his latex gloves into the red biohazard box.

  "You have one that fits me," Catherine

  winked. She always had a thing for Tailer once she found out he was gay, she lost all hope for mankind.

  "I'm sure I can find you something," Tailer said slipping out of the jumpsuit. Stuffing it into double layered garbage bags. Pulling out stacks of white plastic suits from the cardboard box until he reached the bottom. Pulling out one holding it up judging its size before tossing it to her and the booties along with it. Catherine scowled at the white plastic thing knowing it wouldn't do wonders for her figure. "Oh its not like your going to find the man of your dreams down there," he said smirking at her knowing what was on her mind.

  "Now how would you know," Catherine said sticking her tongue out as she passed. The copper scent hung on the cold circulated air, as she descended deeper into the bowels of the townhouse. Hushed whisper's and mummer's drifted up the stairwell. White piercing light blinded her as she entered the blood drenched basement. Her bile rose as the stench of excrement suffocated her. Intestines were strewn around the five women that were suspended upside down. Holding her nose Catherine surveyed the room, not allowing the gruesome sight to dismay her.

  Hanging by their ankle's the right slain woman had her left leg bent and tied behind her right knee. Her left arm outstretched while the right was tied to her chest just below her breast. The woman beside her mirrored the first as did those across from them. Large cuts marred their bodies if their was any pattern to them. Catherine would have to wait until they got the bodies to the morgue. Once the medical examiner washed the bodies, hopefully they could gather any evidence of their attackers left behind. What horrified Catherine the most was the fifth woman.

  Her ankle's bound her legs tied together, the same deep cuts marred her body as with the others. Her breasts were cut from her chest. Along with her ovaries displayed on a stone altar beneath her in a bloody display. Catherine fought down her churning stomach never in her five years has she seen such an act.

  "Sick bastard," Maricus said as he wrapped his arm around her trembling body. "Come on let's get some air," Catherine nodded not trusting her voice. Shivering as she sat on the cold brick steps. Not from the cold, but from the sheer lack of remorse of human life. Returning with steaming cups of tea handing one to her, sitting down next to Catherine waiting till she was ready to talk.

  "Did you see how they were positioned," Catherine said into her cup. Maricus took a moment to fit the pieces together. Shaking his head that he could not follow her question. "They were positioned in the shape of a star," she said taking a sip of the hot liquid.

  "You think we got a gang of Satanists running around," Maricus said in disbelief quickly crossing himself.

  "Do we know who they were," Catherine asked she to was frightened by the thought.

  "No the place is owned by a couple. From what the neighbor's say they have been gone for a better part of a week."

  "Let's see if we can't find them just encase they," Catherine said nodding towards the house. "Were not the first to meet their fate at their hands." Rising from the steps Catherine loathed to return back to the house. Yet she had a job to do, and she needed to bring justice to those slain women. Sensing her distress Maricus looked up to her.

  "Cat why don't you head back to the station I can handle things here," Maricus said placing his cup beside him.

  "Thanks Mar I owe you one," Catherine said tightening her jacket around her.

l hold you to that," Maricus said waving over a uniform officer. The drive back to the station house was uneventful which she was grateful for. Catherine knew what she had witnessed in that townhouse, would haunt her until the day she died. Slumping into her chair booting on her computer. Catherine eyed those that had not been called to that residence. Wondering if they knew of the atrocities that were committed in that once warm home. Logging onto the mainframe blowing out a sigh as she typed in the name of the couple. Well if she couldn't work the crime scene that didn't mean she couldn't do the leg work.

  Picking up the phone dialing the couples number. Twirling the pencil between her fingers as the phone rang and rang until it went to voice mail. Catherine tried over ten times and was only meet with failure. Putting out an all points bulletin out on the couple's car, and any information on their whereabouts to every state agency. Leaving a note on Maricus desk telling him she was headed home to work on the case there. In truth Catherine only wanted to curl into a ball and forget this day ever happened.

  Her keys clicking in the small bowl she kepted on the table next to the door. Closing the door, sliding down its wooden surface sinking to the floor. Catherine began to weep silently. Her small apartment felt so empty and hollow. How she wished she had someone to drive the images from her mind at least for a short time.

  Steam billowed out from her bathroom walkin over to her decade old computer in her bathrobe. Wrapping her damp hair in the damp towel as she waited for her computer to boot up. After two hours of searching occult websites with no luck. Catherine grew furious taking a slow deep breath eyeing the lone cigarette that sat next to the mouse pad. Logging onto the local occult message board typing information as much as she was allowed to. Walking into her small kitchen waiting for a reply. Pouring herself her third cup of coffee, and grabbing her lighter as she returned to her desk.

  She could hate herself in the morning her nerve's had let to settle. As the rich aroma filled her lungs lounging back in her chair, waiting for any advise the visitor's could give her. With the last drag of her cigarette the sharp chime's of her speakers caught her attention. Scanning down the screen a small smile formed on her heart shape face. Digging her cell phone out of her bag, scrolling down until she reached his name.

  "Hey Mar I think I got something," Catherine said the sounds of children's laughter echoed in the background. Catherine's mood soured thinking how wrong her last relationship went. She wanted kids he had his own in another sate, and not wanting anymore she had to end it. "Yea pick me up at eight," Catherine said closing her phone. Quickly writing down the address to the occult store. Switching off her computer undoing the loose knot in her her bathrobe belt as she entered her bedroom. Crawling beneath the covers missing the warmth that Richard could put out.

  Her alarm buzzed in her ear, her hand slamming down on the noisy contraption. Her head peeked over the pillow the glow of the clock eating away the cobweds of her sleep. Cursing at herself flinging the covers off of her body. As the chill set in she almost wished she could crawl back into bed. Hastily dawning her clothes, brushing her hair which came to an abrupt end. When her hair refused to cooperate tying it in a loose braid. Grabbing her coat Catherine rushed down the hall towards the elevator. Maricus was leaning against the fender of his car as the snow fell lightly to the ground. "Well there goes my hope of getting out of the state," Catherine said to herself.

  "Rough night," Maricus chuckled.

  "Yea the pillow thought to smother me in my sleep," Catherine said ducking into the car.

  "So where we off to," Maricus asked sliding in beside her. Taking the slip of paper from her pocket.

  "Rare occult books and artifacts, 1121 Mchathy Dr. ," Catherine said crumbling the piece of paper. Cranking the engine Catherine placed her hands over the vents as the heater roared to life.

  "So when did they tell you that your car will be fixed," Maricus asked taking a left heading towards the southend of the city.

  "A day or two I'm on the bottom of the list. Listen I know today was supposed to be your day off," Maricus waved her off he was just glad that they may have a lead in the case.

  It took the two forty five minutes to arrive at the address she was given. Catherine stared dumbfounded at the two story brick home. Yellow lettering on the right hand window told her they were in the right place. As they entered the gloomy interior no modern fixtures could be seen. Opaque candles burned upon wrought iron candlesticks. Items from shrunken heads, to a severed mummified hand, and many others she could not name. Were displayed behind glass cases where Catherine liked them. Walking into the next room book shelves filled the room from floor to ceiling.

  "Hello Chicago P.D.," Catherine said into the darkness.

  "Hello," said a deep sinful male voice from behind her. Spinning around her hand reaching for her gun. "Forgive me I did not mean to startle you," he said raising his hands. Moving closer so she could get a better look at the man. Her breath was caught in her lungs as her eyes grew accustomed to the gloom. His fine honey blond hair spilled pass his shoulders. His deep blue eyes held mystery and wonder beckoning her to unlock their secrets. His cream tan skin glowed eerily in the faint candlelight. His two day stubble casting his jawline in a blue tinge. His velvety soft lips made her mouth water in anticipation. "Can I help you," he asked arching an eyebrow. How she wished she had spent more time in the bathroom this morning. As she felt his eyes running down her body.

  "Are you the owner of this store," Catherine asked letting out a breath when Maricus entered the room.

  "Why yes I am. Please lower your guns," he said looking over to Maricus then back to her. "Surely you don't think I pose a threat to you."

  "What's your name," Maricus asked as he looked down the sights of his gun.

  "Name's are powerful things to those that know how to use them," he said letting out sigh seeing how they weren't listening. "If you must know you may call me John Adams." Why did she think that smile was meant for her.

  "Where were you four days ago," Catherine asked her grip tightening on her pistol as he lowered his hands.

  "Saxton, IL helping a family to deal with a very nasty poltergeist," John said leaning against the wall while he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Catherine always hated that GQ pose yet somehow it made her heart race with desire. "You expect us to believe that you were out fighting ghost," Maricus said taking a step forward.

  "No I don't I do have their names, number, and address if you like to check for yourself," how her heart flattered as he smiled at her. "If you follow me," John said pushing off the wall. Catherine and Maricus followed after him as he walked back into the entrance room. Their hands at the ready should he pose a threat. Walking behind the counter digging for his ledger. Catherine saw the empty aquarium, and wondered if he supplied animals as well.

  "So did you lose a pet, or did you sell it to one of your customers," Catherine asked looking for any signs of movement. His chuckle filled her with warmth, her body heated as she watched his body flowed effortlessly through the air.

  "No I don't supply animals," John said flipping through pages.

  "So why do you have that," Catherine asked her gun tapping against the glass. Maricus nearly pissed himself, Catherine almost leaped into his arms. As green slime shot out from nowhere covering the glass walls. Catherine nearly choaked on the foul stench as she backed away from the counter.

  "What the hell was that," Maricus asked holding his nose.

  "A gobfin," John said matter-of-fact as he lit a cone of incense. "Behave Morgan I'm sure she didn't mean to wake you," he said unwrapping a small piece of chocolate.

  "A what," Catherine's words died in her throat as she watched the small square of chocolate float in mid air. Her knees grew weak as tiny bites grew along the square.

  "Now why don't you go into the other room," Catherine couldn't believe he was having a conversation with this thing.

  "Excuse me what is a gobfin," Catherine asked stepping closer to the co
unter. Yet keeping her distance from the aquarium.

  "A three inch tall elf like creature with very bad tempers as you just saw," John said reaching behind him. Taking an old monocle from the desk. "Here have a look," he said holding out his hand. Catherine gasped as she looked through the aged glass. Lowering the eyeglass thinking it was an optical trick. Yet as she viewed it with her naked eye there was nothing within the aquarium. However when she looked through the monocle once again. Stood an elf looking thing standing at three inches wearing eighteen century clothes. Waving it's fist in the air angrily at her.

  "Maricus you got to see this," Catherine said handing him the monocle.

  "That's impossible," Maricus muttered. "Well I hardly believe you could see her in the first place. Very few can these days seeing how the world of science seems to clouds ones sight," John said writing down the client's name and address. "But you should be grateful that you can't, you see once a gobfin makes a nest in your home. Well the only sure way to be sure they are gone is to burn ones home down," he said handing Catherine the piece of paper.

  "How would you know if you have one," Catherine asked her curiosity pegged. Her body surged with electricity, by their brief touch as he placed the monocle back in the velvet box.

  "They like to steal socks only the left ones I just don't know why."

  "Then how would you get rid of one without burning down your home," Catherine asked leaning across the counter.

  "Then you take a small piece of chocolate and a old masonry jar and wait thirty seconds. It's like catnip to them," John said wiping down the aquarium walls.

  "Catherine I think we should go I'm sure he has better things to do then chat with us," Maricus said backing towards the door. "Mr. Adams I suggeste you don't leave town until we confirm your alibi," he said as he slipped out the door.

  "Oh and if you do have more then one watch out for the slime. No amount of bleach can ever get the stains out or the smell," John said smiling at Catherine as she left. Her body pressed against the door as she breathed in the winter air. What was wrong with her letting her guard down so easily as he talked. It was as if she was under some kind of spell. Shaking the thought from her mind, yet she can't dismiss the fact she almost thrown herself at the man.


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