The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 10

by Richardson, James

  "Well do watch your stepped this place is full of loose tile's," Catherine said darkly.

  "So where we off to," John said coming up to her side his finger tracing along the inside of her arm. How Catherine hated the fact that he could be so coy, yet somehow be so alluring at the same time. Their hands brushed for only a second in that second he was hers. How her heart wanted to scream it out to the world for all to hear. As it was it was better for them to be apart. Who knew when one of them would meet their end in their line of work. However that didn't stop her from dreaming what it would be like just the two of them. Yet it was her choice to remain solely as friends, how she regretted that now that Nicky was tagging along with them. Sighing inwardly pressing the call button watching John's reflection in the elevator doors. Deep in thought he still looked irresistible to her Catherine didn't miss Nicky's reaction either.

  "So John what part of Italy you going to," Catherine asked trying to get her mind off of things she couldn't change.

  "Twenty miles east of Naples there's a small town nestled between the hills. Some thirteenth grandson of a Count long since dead owned a mansion there. So when he started to renovated strange things started to happen. So after long days and lots of money lost they finally contacted me," John said briefly looking up.

  "Naples! That's where we are suppose to meet Interpol," Nicky said feigning shock.

  "Odd," was the only thing John said casting Nicky in a suspicious light.

  The cold recirculating air of the Icehouse chilled the three of them as they entered the morgue. Tailer stood in front of his computer scanning through the list of names that awaited his attention. As the cold metal hinges popped as the doors closed behind them. John eyed the metal drawers wondering if the bodies held any clues.

  "Hello Cat I heard you got a new partner," Tailer said warmly extending his hand towards Nicky.

  "Nicky Marsh," she said staking his hand. "Jamie Tailer," he said returning her smile. "Better bundle up," Tailer said stepping closer to them. "We don't want the man to go blind," Catherine looked down then to John. That playful smile was nothing but a facade to hide that sinful smile of his.

  "So this is where you spend all your time," John teased.

  "Of course want to know why," Catherine said cocking out her hip.

  "Sure," John said in wonderment.

  "Because they don't talk," Catherine said leaning into him so no one could hear her whisper. "Plus they don't drive me mad," her eyes dropping low.

  "Well I'm glad I can be of service to you," John whispered into her ear. "Catherine here tells me there were some women found within that townhouse."

  "Yes the church has yet to claim the bodies as their own," Tailer said picking up a clipboard. His finger ran down the page as he read the number of the drawers that housed their bodies. Tucking the clipboard under his arm, as the drawers slid effortlessly on the metal roller's. John peered down at the nun who was middle to late forties, her fading strawberry blonde hair still held it's luster even after her time in the freezer. His hands moving quickly over the deep cuts memorising each and everyone.

  "Was there anything missing from the bodies when you found them," John asked staring down at the sealed cavity.

  "Other then the woman that was missing her breast and ovaries. The four others had their hearts removed, which we did not find at the crime scene," Tailer said looking up from the clipboard.

  "I see," John mumbled into his hand. As Tailer pushed the body back into the cabinet John was clearly disturbed by the news. So engrossed in his thoughts he failed to notice Catherine's and Nicky's approach. Nicky's hand rested on John's forearm bringing John out of his gloomy mind.

  "What's wrong John," Nicky asked earning her a deathly stare from Catherine.

  "Tailer do all the women have the same markings," John asked looking over at the man. "Yes," Tailer answered perplexed by his question.

  "John," her light touch brought comfort to his troubled mind. "You know something what is it," Catherine asked looking up at him with those dreamy sky blue eyes.

  "I don't know yet," John said his chin falling into his hand. "Thank you Tailer I have all that I need," he said shaking Tailer's hand before leaving them all quite stunned. Catching up to John they watched as he paced in front of the elevator. He was clearly perturbed about something Catherine only wished she knew what was the cause.

  "John what troubles you," Catherine said stepping into his meandering path.

  "The hearts," John said coldly. "I need to get back," he said frantically pressing the call button.

  "Alright John," Catherine said her hand running down his arm to sooth whatever had caused the anguish within him. Nicky eyed John questioning if the man would bring down all they worked for. Should she inform Garzela and if inquire about should she end the man's life.

  Catherine waited patiently with Susan as books were thrown askew, as John looked for an answer to their very dangerous problem. Nicky leaned against the counter like nothing was out of the ordinary. Garzela had ordered her only to watch and seduce if need be. As long as it kept John isolated from his friends. Nicky had to fight from smiling as John's curse's filled the room. Nicky glanced to Catherine she needed to move to the second phase yet the woman still had her claws in John.

  "Hey Catherine can we talk," Nicky said waving her over.

  "What is it," Catherine asked looking over her shoulder.

  "I was wondering what your relationship was with John," Nicky asked keeping her voice low.

  "I don't see how that's any of your business," Catherine said her voice laced with venom. "Well the two of you seem pretty close and I was thinking about asking him out once this was over," Nicky said leaning into her.

  "Do what you want but I know John he won't fall for whatever your trying to pull," Catherine hissed at her.

  "Who me!" Nicky said feigning shock holding her hand over her heart. "I'm just trying to be polite and not step on your toes if you and he were together," she said a smug smirk.

  "Do what you want," Catherine said moving back to the other side of the room. With her seed sown all she had to do was sit back and wait for her crop to show it's ugly head.

  "Damn," John cursed as books cascaded down upon his head.

  "John is something wrong," Nicky said from the rooms doorway. Candles burnt low as their tiny flames ate away at the wax. Catherine wanted to go to him yet not when she was there. Nor when he was hurt for she knew it would have been, only a matter of moments before she would be in his arms.

  "I think I've suffered brain damage," John said rubbing the top of his head as he stepped out into the light. Waving his hand returning the room to it's once peaceful slumber.

  "What did one of your creature's get the better of you," Catherine said eyeing the glass display case.

  "Funny Cat sadly no at least then I'll have a reason for this lump on my head," John said hanging his head.

  "Come with me let Nicky heal you," she said taking hold of John's arm. As they moved passed her Catherine felt his eyes on her. Looking over her shoulder Susan didn't know what to make of that woman.

  "That woman is not what she seems," Susan said offhandedly.

  "Tell me about it," Catherine said letting out a tired sigh.

  "Don't you feel it," Susan asked giving her a puzzled look.

  "Feel what," Catherine asked in confusion.

  "Can't you feel her magic, I found it odd that she wasn't overwhelmed by this place. There's a cloud hanging over her which doesn't bold well," Susan said taking hold of Catherine's hand. "Promise me that you'll protect John. I know I have so much to repay him for, yet I know I can never fully repay him for everything he's done for me."

  "Don't worry I doubt there's anything John can't face," Catherine said soothing the teenager. Nicky stuffed ice cubes into the zip lock bag as clouds of fog floated around her. Looking out the corner of her eye ensuring that John wasn't watching her. Taking a step closer sucking in a breath as her breast brushed along
the metal shelves of the late 1950's refrigerator. Feeling her pink buds harden a confident smirk graced her lips as she closed the door.

  "Is that better," Nicky asked gently placing the bag on the lump.

  "Yea thanks," John said his hand brushing against her's. Nicky's chest tightened, her body felt alive after years being enslaved to that man. Backing away shaking off the feeling, undoing the top button her chest swelled as if taking a breath after its long suffocation. Sitting down next to him leaning over ever so sightly to allow her bosom to draw his gaze. Nicky's fingers trailed through his hair to the raised lump.

  "What happened," Nicky whispered into his ear massaging his scalp.

  "I was careless to rushed to find a book I thought I stored in there," John said peering out the corner of his eye. "My hand slipped and sent some very hard, very thick books tumbling down on my head."

  "Poor dear," Nicky cooed her breath hot against his skin. As she moved closer nuzzling his neck, her tongue darting out tasting her prize. "John," her hand turning his head towards her. Nicky's hazel eyes were filled with lust, her hand running down his chest. Slipping below his shirt savoring the feel of his hard muscle's underneath her touch. Her lips were full yet hungered for his. Nicky's tongue teased his lips enticing John to dive into her warmth. Nicky saw that he was reluctant whispering a spell to cloud mind for only a moment. Nicky nearly smiled when she saw his eyes glaze over. Feeling his hands running down to the small of her back she knew he was hers for the moment. Her eyes flickered towards the curtain seeing the approaching shadow seeing it was her time to act. Catherine was frozen as she watched Nicky straddling John's leg. Her arms draped over his shoulders, her raven hair hiding the evidence that she was all of her man. "Well now that we are all friend's here," Catherine said looking away. "I think it's best if we return to the station and prepare for our flight."

  "Oh sorry right," Nicky said innocently as she pushed herself away. "We just got carried away," Catherine fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Well wait out in the car while I get in contact with Sarah," Catherine said hiding her anger.

  "Alright," Nicky said lifting herself off of John. "I'll see you tomorrow," she whispered into John's ear. Catherine watched as the store's main door closed behind Nicky.

  "John," Catherine said taking John by the shoulders. "Wake up," she pleaded with him. Catherine gasped as his hand ran up her chest cupping her left breast. Catherine fought herself not to give in as he softly massaged her. Biting down on her lower lip to kept her body from releasing a primal moan. Her body fell forward catching herself on the chairs back and the tables edge. "Please John don't," Catherine said weakly. "Awww and I was starting to have fun," John said removing his hand.

  "What!" Her sky blue eyes flared with anger. "If you knew it was me then why," Catherine asked her hand clenched tightly to the chair to steady her weaken knees.

  "Be at ease Cat," John said his hand caressing her cheek. "I had to play along if not then I wouldn't have found out our friend could use magic," he said lifting himself out of the chair. Turning on the sink tossing the zip lock bag into it. Taking a drink of water to rinse his mouth out. "Plus your cute as hell when you worry about me," John said shutting of the faucet. "Then again that anger of yours does make you irresistibly hot," he said coming up from behind her brushing her hair back. "Now we know our enemies have made their move against us," he whispered into her ear.

  "You think she's one of them," Catherine said taking a deep breath.

  "Yes or works for them as a spy, so we must keep up our rouse," John said his hand running down her back. "Plus I already told you I'm only interested in one person. So don't get mad at me for wherever this leads us," he said nibbling on her ear.

  "You sure you weren't under her spell," Catherine asked wrapping her arms around herself to still her heating body.

  "Of course it would take someone far more powerful to get the better of me," John said kissing down her neck.

  "Good," Catherine said turning pushing him back against the counter. Her lips claimed his announcing to all he was her's, and death to any that stood in her way. "I got to go can't leave Nicky waiting," she said lifting his shirt placing a kiss over his heart.

  "Why don't you return once you part with Nicky. I didn't tell her I actually found the book," John said holding her close.

  "No they might be watching this place," how she hated to say those words. "We'll have time alone even if this is a decoy we can't allow this change to learn more about them to slip pass us."

  "Makes sense I'll just put it on your tab," John said placing her hand over his swollen member. Her cheeks flushed thinking of what he had in store when she paid the bill. "Be here before eight Sarah said the plane should be ready by nine," he said passionately kissing her goodbye.

  Parking in the long term area of the private airport, popping the trunk Catherine watched John from the mirror. Winking at her as Nicky let him out even though she knew he wanted her as much as she yearned for him. Catherine dreaded the seven hour flight. Watching Nicky go about trying to make a move on John, hiding her smile as she opened Susan's door. How Catherine couldn't wait for the day when they would take her down.

  "I was thinking once we are done with our work and when you're finished with yours," Catherine heard Nicky whisper to John. "I've printed up some interesting spots where we could visit while we are there," Nicky said handing John the slip of paper.

  "Oh I could think of some interesting places," John said winking at her. "Though I doubt you enjoy most of them," he chuckled setting down the last suitcase.

  "Oh such as," Nicky cooed.

  "There's a place a couple miles north where the Inquisition tortured and burned countless people. Local legend says that the souls of the innocent wander the grounds," John said stepping close to her. "There is also a very, very secluded nude beach ten miles south of the town," he whispered to her. Nicky's body flushed, her voice unable to respond as John hoisted the straps over his head. "Well we shouldn't keep the captain ready," he said turning to Susan wondering if she was ready for this. "You got everything this job won't be an easy one."

  "Don't worry about me I won't let you down," Susan said extending the handle of her suitcase.

  "I hope Sarah won't mind us keeping her jet for so long," Catherine said eying the airport.

  "Her company has a dozen of them this one is the only one large enough to fly across the Atlantic. Without stopping in Iceland or somewhere like that," John said scratching his chin. "I forget what she told me, but hey there's a bed in the back," he said under his breath.

  "Ah good then I won't have to listen to your poor excuse what you call pick up lines," Catherine said biting down her smile.

  "Well I do hope that snoring of yours won't distract the pilot. Though how he wouldn't be when he thinks we're butchering a live elephant," John said stumbling forwards as Catherine hit him with the broadside of her suitcase. As the hours passed Catherine laid silently in the rear of the plane. Wishing that John could have joined her just to hold her as they flew over the ocean. Nicky's laughter drifted down the hallway, pushing the pillow over her head wishing for sweet bliss of death.

  "Here John let me pour you another," Nicky said handing him another glass of wine. "So tell me John what is it like hunting down ghost," she said smiling into her glass.

  "Depends on the ghost," John said into his glass never taking his eyes off of her.

  "What about this one does it even make a blip on your radar," Nicky asked setting down her glass.

  "Oh yes it's not every day you see black ectoplasm seeping out from the floor board's."

  "Oh my surely it won't be something you can't handle. I would hate to see something happen to you," Nicky said her eyes darting over to Susan who shook her had at the absurd notion.

  "I tell you John can do anything I've seen it for myself," Susan said from behind her book.

  "I do hope she's right," Nicky said sliding in next to John. Her left hand rested on his knee whi
le she leaned against his shoulder. "I hate for you to place yourself in undo harm," she said her finger trailing down his ear. "So did you find anything you like to do on my list."

  "I was amazed that you picked out so many place's with fascinating history behind them."

  "Does that mean at I can count on you as my protector," Nicky said blowing softly into his ear.

  "I would be a fool not to," John smiled he hoped Catherine wasn't listening. He could picture her in the back room tearing it up in her fury. Those pearl white feather's floating around her body.

  "What's this," Nicky said in surprise as her hand brushed against his member. "Was someone having unclean thoughts," she whispered into his ear. Peering behind her then to the cockpit while her hand ran down the length of his shaft. Nicky couldn't deny that she wanted a peek at what laid beneath. "May I," she asked keeping her voice low. Nodding Nicky whispered a spell that would cloud them and block out any noise they might produce. Undoing his pants slowly working the zipper down her mouth watered at the thought of having a virile man once again. Her eyes went wide at the sight of his manhood beating against the cotton fabric of his boxers. Reaching through the slit her fingers playfully danced across his stiffened rod. Nicky felt her folds grow wet as she mentally measured his length.

  The overhead speakers blared announcing their arrival, sighing reluctantly before kissing him fervently before removing the spell. Yet her hand would not let go knowing she could have him. However she thought better then to push her luck controlling three people during the heights of her orgasm.

  "Did you sleep well Catherine," Nicky said readjusting her blouse. "I hope we didn't disturb you."

  "I would say I slept like a baby but it would give our friend here the wrong idea," Catherine said sitting down next to John. "You might want to close the barn door," she whispered glancing down as his head strained the fabric.

  "Oh right," John said feigning sleep.


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