The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 21

by Richardson, James

  "Simple," Sarah's voice echoed down the stairwell. "They have something he want's or need's for him to side with these people," she said her heel's resounding on the steps. "So let us ask our otherwise departed friend here if there is indeed a reason to his behavior." All eyes were on Joan as they waited for her answer. Joan felt her body heating under their gaze, never before has she felt so exposed to anyone. Yet here she was about to divulge something even she wasn't suppose to know. Sighing taking the glass of water from the table walking over to the wall. Dipping her finger into the glass of water drawing a circle along the wall. Running her finger diagonally from the two and ten o'clock positions to the center of the circle. Then a solid line from the top to the bottom connecting the two other's in it's path. Muttering under her breath placing her hand in the center of the circle, Susan sat back smirking at Joan as the kitchen was filled with a white light.

  "I have to be sure no one will over hear us," Joan said as she took her hand from the wall. Leaving a charred circle in it's wake as she turned around. Joan tried to ignore Susan's look however given their earlier encounter she felt like a hypocrite. "What I'm about to say is something even I'm not suppose to know. As Catherine already knows how Contliss was captured what no one knows. Is that he was chained so his powers would be sealed. Given your encounter with the demon in Michigan I would have to say that was the first seal breaking. Now this," she said pointing back to the laptop. "Just shows that the second one has been broken and Contliss is only one step away from restoring his former self. I can not say if there be some calamity if he is restored, or if the realms will be reordered in his return. However I do know nothing we have here or anyone can stand against him now."

  "Well that's delightful," Catherine sighed hanging her head. Yet they were not after Contliss least not yet however Catherine had a feeling they would meet very soon. Then what were they to do once he showed himself. Catherine was sure Contliss thought this was the best course of action to take to restore the balance. If she were to stop him would that not mean the end of everything. Would their very action's determine the fate of all the souls in the cosmos. Rising from the chair there was only one thing Catherine knew she could do, there was no point in beating herself up over things she couldn't change. "Come on we need to find this place," Catherine said grabbing her jacket.

  Catherine craned her head skyward as she stood in front of the nondescriptive skyscraper with Joan and Susan at her back. They had only found this place thanks to Joan who told her, she felt the lingering energies that still surround the place. Catherine wondered why had they chosen this place to make their base. She had figured it be some rundown dilapidated farm house. Yet there she was standing in the middle of downtown staring up at the thirty year old building. Pushing her way through the revolving door Catherine knew now she had to be watchful for anything. There was no telling what these people had in store for trespassers.

  Flashing her badge at the security guard that was manning the front desk. Catherine lead the two towards the elevators that rested in the center of the building. Searching the building floor by floor it was the only way they could reassure themselves they had not missed anything. That was until they reached the twentieth floor, immediately Joan uttered a spell under her breath causing Susan to huff at the display. Ignoring the teenager once again walking around the floor trying to pinpoint the source. Leading them towards the wall that house the coven's secret chamber. Joan's hand reaching up turning the light fixture listening to the hidden gears coming to life. The faded scent of the incense drifted over them as they pushed the door open.

  "I'll wait here," Joan said backing away from the doorway. "That room is filled with their sins," she said as Susan passed by her. "So watch yourself who knows what evil they left behind to guard this place." Catherine watched as Susan explored the room eager not to hinder the girl. Catherine stood out of the way as Susan circled the table watching as her hand ran along the table's surface. Moving quietly behind Susan Catherine noticed the faint signs of a struggle that had happen within the room.

  "Well that makes sense now," Susan said stopping at the edge of the spell circle.

  "Which is," Catherine said coming up to Susan's side.

  "As I'm sure your cop sense's picked up the signs of the struggle over there," Susan said pointing to the far corner. Catherine nodded remaining silent as Susan went on. "Then there is this," she said looking down at the circle at their feet. "While I'm not all that sure what spell they used, but I'm positive this is a binding circle," Susan said pointing down at the red chalk.

  "What is that suppose to mean," Catherine asked from behind Susan.

  "From who we chase I can only guess they tried to bind Contliss," Joan said from the doorway. Susan nodded in agreement she to had thought that was a possibility. "Whomever cast the spell it would seem to have backfired on them," Joan said finally stepping into the room. In her eyes the traces of magical energies were as visible to her as the ray's of the sun. "It seems there was a man, old in nature standing about here," she said stopping at the edge of the circle. "There was a woman here as well yet she seems to be over there," pointing towards the corner. "What puzzles me is why would this man try to bind Contliss. Are they not in league with one another, are they not after the same thing," Joan asked trying to wrap her mind around all this.

  "I agree this is very strange," Catherine said wondering if Dollson was indeed the one that tried to bind Contliss.

  "Then there is this," Joan said following the trail as it led to the opposite wall. "This energy vibration I have only seen a few time's," she said running her fingers down the cold drywall.

  "Care to explain," Susan asked resting on the edge of the table.

  "I only know it leads to one place, one place I care not to describe," Joan said with deathly undertones.

  "So let me get this straight," Catherine said pacing along the room. "A elderly man tried to bind Contliss, the spell either worked or failed which isn't the point. However for all his planning whomever this was, was taken to some unknown place to do what?" Catherine asked looking over at Joan who was still studying the lingering energies.

  "To a place that few would dare tread," Joan said darkly.

  "So Contliss sent him to hell," Catherine asked skeptically.

  "In a manner of speaking yes," Joan said her eyes running over the wall ensuring she viewed everything. So that once she filed her report with Michael she knew he would want every detail Joan could provide.

  "So wait there is more then one hell," Catherine asked shocked as Joan nodded her head.

  "There is numerous realms that qualify under that category," Joan said offhandedly. "The place I speak of is one of the oldest of their realms one which I shall not describe here," Joan said backing away as she saw the energies reaction just hinting at it's name. "Come it's time for us to be gone from this place," she said taking Catherine and Susan by the arm leading them back to the elevator.

  "Ok so what was so important that you dragged us out of that place," Susan asked as her car door closed.

  "We had to leave because just hinting at it's name can reopen the portal," Joan said matter-offact. "That in of itself should give anyone plause," she said looking at Susan's reflection in the windshield.

  Chapter Twelve

  Thunder clapped overhead as Mark drove into the outskirts of Portland. His beady black eyes looking at the thing that sat in the rear of the van they had stolen. "Why was that thing even here," Mark thought to himself. Since their encounter in Las Angeles Mark had spent the free moments he had to ponder just what that being was. Elizabeth had told him all about the being that forced itself upon them.

  From how he had masqueraded as this John Adams for year's until their return from Italy. Which pegged his interest just what caused the man to forgo his disguise he had held onto for so long. Elizabeth told him of the strange magic's the man possessed she had witnessed when she was with him. Mark nodded along absorbing everything she was telling him
. The glass orb he used at the townhouse pegged his interest. Something that enchanted would be invaluable to him. If Mark could just somehow retrieve it from his body then Mark was sure he could learn it's secrets. The runes she spoke of nagged at him Mark was sure he knew everything there was to know about magic.

  Yet as he looked at the being that seemed far to at ease with their mode of travel. Lounging in the far rear seat watching the black tendrils creeping along the cab of the van. Elizabeth gasped as one began to climb up her left leg. Clawing at the dark tentacle as it tightened around her leg. She had seen first hand just what they were capable of, and she wasn't about to become like Dollson.

  "Stop here," Contliss said feeling the fabric of reality rippling around him. It could only mean one thing someone was crossing over.

  "Why here," Mark asked slowing down. "Didn't you come along to keep an eye on us," he asked accusingly.

  "No mortal I came along to enjoy the ride," Contliss sarcastically. "Now you know where to be so go," he said closing the door. The silent heavy machinery loomed overhead dominating the construction site. Those metal dinosaurs casting imaginary shadows across the land. Igniting nightmarish horrors to leap into the passing humans minds. Metal beams rose out of the ground from their anchored pylons. Passing under those rigged beams the air began to swirl, hairs began to stand on end, old battle reflexes stood posed ready to lash out.

  The hum of the bow string rang aloud in that lifeless worksite. Ducking behind the metal girder as godly arrows pierced the steel beam. Arrow's he knew all to well given how she had hunted him before his imprisonment. Her glowing yellow eye's looked down the shaft of her arrow as she took aim at the I beam her prey was hiding behind. Contliss breathed in a sharp intake of air as her arrow protruded from his right shoulder.

  "Come out Contliss," Artume said drawing her bowstring taut. Wrenching his shoulder free from the arrow head, how he had forgotten just how godly metal burned. "It's time we end this ageless dance of ours."

  "Not if I can help it," boomed a female voice as silvery light formed a bridge from the heaven's to the earth. Bells ringing along the harnesses of the pale white winged horses as they pulled her chariot down the argentine lane. "Only the true personification of the moon is worthy to wed the essence of darkness," Selene said drawing her own bow firing rapidly at her fellow contender. Contliss took a dry swallow as a mixed color polecat weaved itself between his legs. He knew it could only mean one thing Hecate was here.

  "Now why would he want someone so shiny when I am here," Hecate said appearing to the left of him three stories up. Contliss was thankful that her attention was focused was on the other two. Out of the three goddess's she was the most dangerous, her magic alone could rival his own demonized power's. However he thought he had settled this old argument long ago, yet it seems he only prolonged it.

  "Why would he want some old hag when he can have this," Selene said her hand running down her chest.

  "Why would he want someone that lays with any man," Artume said dodging her moonlit arrows. Contliss blended his body with the shadows that played along the ground, stopping as two different arrow's protruded from the ground before his feet.

  "Going somewhere my Lord," Selene asked leaning forward across the front rail of her chariot. Allowing her low cut dress to pull his gaze to her full voluptuous bosom. Her silver eyes radiated the pale light of the heavenly body she governed.

  "Surely you weren't thinking of slipping away now where you," Hecate said drifting down touching softly onto the ground next to him. "Not when we haven't settled this long standing disagreement between us," she said her finger's running along his shoulder.

  "Take your hand's off of him you fiend," Artume said firing off an arrow coming within millimeters of his right shoulder. Sighing inwardly this was why he had chosen Catherine to be his Queen. She didn't seek the throne for the power that laid behind it as these goddess's did, they cared nothing for him only what he could bring them.

  "I have told you three before," Contliss said pinching the bridge of his nose. "I'll choose when and if there shall be a Queen that will rule by my side. And I shall not be pressured in choosing that person by either one of you. Now return to your realms before you raise my ire," he said making his way towards the exit of the construction site. Contliss had far to much to do and little time to ensure all was in place before Lucifer tried to enact his plan. He didn't have time to deal with these women, who thought nothing more then expanding the sphere of influence among their brethren.

  "No we have waited age's for this chance to prove that one of us is fit to sit beside you," Hecate said her hips swaying seductively as she approached his back. "We demand that you settle this here and now! To announce to the whole cosmos that one of us is fit to be Queen of the Night!"

  "You dare to command me!" Contliss seethed through clench teeth as he spun around his eye's glowing red hot. His energies rippling off his body in wave's as Contliss strained to contain his anger. At the notion that they thought they were master of his own being. The fabric of the night condensed around him as his body grew, and grew as his godly power's surged forth from the heart of his being. "You dare to dictate to one such as I!" Contliss voice thundered as he reached the heights of a four story building. "You want my answer little godlings," red lighting crackled as it arced along his finger as he pointed down at Hecate. "None of you are worthy to be my Queen not then, and not now! If you so wanted the throne of my Queen, you wouldn't have left me to rot in that void! Yet you waited now to show thyself before me! All the while relishing in what the mortals offered you!"

  "Now begone from my sight before I scatter your atoms across the solar winds. For the audacity to think you have any say on how I chose my Queen," Contliss said his primal form revelling in it as he lost his hold on his humanoid form. The very essence of darkness wrapped around his form shadowing his true godly body from even their eye's. How odd it felt to Contliss after all the year's he had been bound to be back in that form. In blinding flashes watching them flee back to their realm's, Contliss blew out a sigh as he shrank back to his humanoid form. Flexing his hand as he stared at the center of his palm, smiling smugly as he felt his old power's surging back to the forefront.

  Contliss stood a top of the Wells Fargo center as he surveyed the city of Portland. Rain poured down coating the city in it's cleansing water, lighting flashed across the sky highlighting the dark clouds overhead. Watching as the inhabitants of the city scurried along the pavement to seek shelter from the storm. Feeling the ancient energies rippling and swirling in the storm as it weaved around the building's, car's, and the people that come to occupy this point of the nexus.

  Like all part's of this little plan of theirs they needed the massive energies, that lay beneath the man made stone and glass structure's. In order to provide the necessary energy to power Lucifer's release from the pit he was thrown into. However since Contliss had learned that the fallen angel ruse was to ensnare him in his own prison. Chuckling to himself as his own plan's would ensure that the Morning Star would never roam free.

  "Father," Hades said stepping out of the shadows. "Yes," Contliss said over his shoulder. "The armies are ready should Balanlt chose to launch an attack against us upon your return," Hades said studying his fathers back. Half tempted to question him over the fascination over the mortal woman.

  "Good see that they are ready to move out in a few day's," Contliss said running his thumb and index finger along his chin. Knowing they would soon find out what this coven was planning, Contliss couldn't allow them to interfere with the raising of Lucifer. He knew the betrayer had no interest in fulling his pact with him. Contliss needed to free of the last shackle that bound his power if he was to face his brother.

  "I'll see to it personally father," Hades said squaring his shoulders readying himself for the battle ahead. Nodding his head turning on his heel prepared to return to his realm to oversee his father's army. Stopping in his tracks as the question he been pondering
for day's gnawed at his mind. "Contliss may I ask a personal question," he ask turning around to face his father.

  "Of course what is it," Contliss said placing his hands behind his back as he watched the droplets of rain falling before him.

  "Why does that mortal woman fascinate you so? When there are plenty of goddess's in the heavens to choose from," Hades asked tilting his head unsure if it wise to raise the mortal to godhood.

  "Because you should already know the answer to your own question Hades. A King does not need a subservient Queen at his side. He needs someone that will stand against him on issues she believes in. Even if it means they face each other on opposite side's on the field of battle," Contliss said turning around the blood red haze drifting across his blue eye's. "That doesn't mean they love each other any less, it just means their passion transcends anything the god's can throw at them," he said with a slight smirk.

  "Is that why she still wear's your amulet, and draw's your symbol," Hades asked confused by it all.

  "Possibly," Contliss said looking off into the distance. "You'll just have to ask her yourself if you want to know the answer to your question. Now time is short are you sure our surprise for the Light Bringer is set," he asked with a sparkle of mischief in his eye.

  "Yes all should be ready when he thinks he can out smart you father," Hades said crossing his arm across his chest as he bowed.

  "Good now go I have people to babysit," Contliss grumbled. Walking through the shadow's of his realm he had no inkling of increasing his pace. Contliss knew they could and would perform the ceremony just fine without him being there. Feeling the eye's of the other's that walk his realm on him, Contliss could feel their frustration at him for not choosing one of them to sit beside him. He knew them well enough to know they would indeed make a fine Queen. Yet he needed Catherine's order to offset his chaos that flowed through his vein's.


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