The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1)

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The Balance: Darkness Unchained (The Chaotic. Order Book 1) Page 23

by Richardson, James

  "Because Catherine they to wish to wed my father," Hades said taking note of the jealous light in her sky blue eyes. "So you do love him," he said smiling as she looked away hiding her own blushing cheeks.

  "Yes," Catherine said weakly as she peered out of the corner of her eye.

  "Good then I will aid you in the apotheosis if you survive what is coming," Hades said rocking on his heel's.

  "The what now?"

  "It is the only way we will except you into our rank's given who you stand against," Hades said his tone turning cold. "He may forgive you for what you did to him, we however do not. If you can survive the crisis that is looming then and only then. Will we allow the apotheosis to take place to redeem yourself in our eye's." Catherine was taken back by the anger she saw in his green eyes. Was this because she was human, or because she helped capture Contliss, or both she couldn't say. "So don't go crossing us again we will not be forgiving as our father is," Hades said snapping his finger's sending Catherine back to her own plane of existence.

  Catherine woke with a start wondering just how she got into Contliss bed. The last thing she could remember she was talking to Hades then nothing. Racking her mind trying to figure out just how she lost nine hour's. Try as she might it would seem her mind wouldn't divulge it's knowledge of what happened afterwards. Yet that didn't seem to matter a the moment as she went over just what the word apotheosis meant. Did they all have that anger for her for what she did to Contliss.

  Catherine needed to find out what the word apotheosis meant so she wouldn't be stumbling around blindly. Or could she just give up on the man that held sway over her own heart. Shaking that thought from her mind, she just couldn't do that to Contliss. Even after everything she had learned about him Catherine still wanted to be with him. If it meant incurring the wrath of those that reside in that realm of his. Throwing the covers off of her unnerved that she was only sleeping in a t-shirt and boy short's. Wondering if that little sneak had a peek at her when she was unconscious.

  Huffing she couldn't worry about that right now she needed to find a computer before the word left her mind. Sneaking down into the kitchen hoping she didn't wake the other's that had taken up residence in the converted home. Stepping into the kitchen listening to the faint noise that came from the shop's entrance. Trying to discern that she was truly alone in the darken kitchen. Picking up the chair so the scrapping sound of the wood on the tile floor wouldn't wake the other's. Squinting at the harsh light of the laptops display as she logged onto her favorite search engine. Typing in the word into search bar her finger's drummed along the table as she stared at the hour glass. As the webpage loaded up moving the mouse over the first link. Catherine's eye's scanned the page as she scrolled, down the growing list of names she had only heard about in myths. Yet she had already met a few that themselves were nothing more then myths just a month ago. Now if what she read was true she would hate to see what they had in store for her after this was over.

  The flutter of the curtain behind her quickly closing the laptop as Susan walked into the kitchen, holding three hundred year old tome in her arms. She to thought she was the only one awake in the house. Pressing the tome tight to her chest as she walked around the table eyeing her laptop. Wondering just what Catherine wanted to hide from everyone. Yet then again she to had thing's she wanted to keep from everyone else, given who she chose to follow in her obsession. Placing the tome gently on the table her eye's running down the brown faded leather. Pondering if she should tell Catherine she had found what they had searched for since they returned from the store.

  "Catherine I think you might want to look at this," Susan said pushing the book across the table. Painstakingly opening the ancient book before Catherine to the section she was sure that would peak the woman's attention. Pulling the tome closer to herself Catherine's eye's moved down the page's; as she mouthed the words dread filling her mind as she came to the end of the page.

  "You sure this is what they're planning," Catherine asked after taking a few moments to wrap her own mind around the problem.

  "Yes given the notes you handed me this is what I have been able to come up with," Susan said nodding her head as she leaned over Catherine's shoulder. "While the translator I used might be wrong on some of the wording. The fact remains this is the spell they tend to use," she said her finer tapping on the page. "However the sixth part of the spell I'm not totally sure on," Susan said walking around the table. "It vaguely speaks of preforming something in the center whatever it is I can't wrap my head around it," she said shrugging her shoulders.

  "That's where they plan on rising Lucifer," Joan said from the shadows of the stairwell. "So we need find the center of this thing they are planning," she said pulling out a map of the United States. Rolling it across the table, placing the salt and peeper shaker's on the edges to hold it in place. "These three we already know about," Joan said placing a penny over the three cities. "And these two I was just informed of," she said placing a penny over Los Angeles, and Portland.

  A gasp escaped Susan's lips as she stared down at the map. Seeing the symbol that showed itself as she connected the line's between the cities. Catherine and Joan stood back as Susan placed strand's yarn along the map. Sharing a concerned look between the two of them as Susan worked over the map. Lebenon, Kansas called out to Susan why she couldn't say, only that something whispered into her mind that was where they would be.

  "Here," Susan said her finger pointing at the town. "This is where we will find them," she said finally looking up at them.

  "How can you be sure of that," Joan asked crossing her arm's.

  "I can't really say all I know is that something is telling me that's the place," Susan said scratching her head in confusion. Catherine bite her lip wondering if Contliss was leading them to their location. If that was the case then why would he help them, when he knew they were bent on stopping him.

  "It's to late it has begun!" Norman said stepping into the kitchen noting their ashen face's. Gravel crunched underfoot as Contliss listened to the irrate pacing that was taking place behind him. Scanning the sky the brilliance of the star light shone like no other beneath the new moon. Breathing heavily delighting in the ley line energies that swirled around him. Weaving his finger's through the laden energies that rippled across the land. Ignoring the mortals behind him soon very soon they to will met their own fate. Contliss felt Grazela's eyes on him as he circled the gravel crossroad.

  Stopping in his tracks as he felt the gentle breeze as it rolled across the golden field's of winter wheat. Tilting back his head knowing this would probably be his last time he would feel it's gentle touch. Giving in as the wind pushed against him stretching out his arm's, as the north wind enveloped Contliss in it's chilling embrace. Casting his mind out into the ether delving into the pit where Lucifer was tossed into.

  Watching as the ancient chain's became taut straining as the heavenly metal began to buckle underneath his might. Pillars of hellfire roared as the Light Bringer extended his wing's howling in triumph. Pushing off with inhuman might with three beat's of his pearl white wing's. Sending the rebellious angel skyward to the realm of man. Blowing out a sigh knowing this was the end of the line, one way or another the fate of the cosmos will be decided tonight.

  "It begin's!" Contliss said turning towards the small group behind him. "Come Grazela let us prepare the altar," he said dropping an old yellow bone on to the gravel road. Ignoring the rumbling beneath his feet as Contliss set seven other bones in an evenly spaced circle. While Grazela set out to raise the altar from the very bedrock. As the eight megalithic stone pillars rose from the cold earth. Contliss felt the fallen angel clawing at the fabric of reality, growing impatient the longer he remained behind the veil.

  "Start the ritual," Contliss said looking off into the distance feeling his brother's minion's gathering. "I shall stand guard," he said leaping to the top of the closet stone pillar.

  "My pet on the altar with you," Grazela said p
ushing Mark forward. Smiling to herself knowing just what awaited the trickster. "Now you don't move one bit," she cooed as her hand ran up Mark's chest. "This shouldn't hurt to much," Grazela said mischievous light played across her eye's. "You two stand at his head and feet," she said pointing at Elizabeth and Annabeth.

  Surge et ceciderunt "

  Videte vocationem nustram" "Surge ex inferos"

  "Videte enim vocationem Contliss"

  Arcane energies sped forth from the townhouse in Chicago towards the other four points across the country. Contliss stood upon that pillar of stone watching with his godly eye's as the orange red light zig zagged across the land. Very soon this would all be over, and soon he will have his realm back under his control. All that worried him was his foolish brother, Contliss knew he wouldn't allow him, or his pawn he had sent into his realm to go free. He could feel the flames of war creeping up on him, yet with all his might Contliss would be damn if he allowed that to happen.

  As the first pillar began to glow in a pale white light Contliss knew he was approaching. Continuing around the stone circle Contliss felt her approach, his heart pounded in his chest knowing soon they would face one another. Quickly looking down as Grazela repeated the incantation over and over. Her voice ringing out along the flat field's thinning the veil that lies between the two world's. Holy light highlighted the ground as Catherine stepped out of the gate. Shielding her eye's from the glare of the stones, a lone figure stood alone staring down at her as his black cloak floated on the wind.

  "You shouldn't have come Catherine," Contliss said appearing in front of her. Cutting off their advance to the ritual area, Catherine's eye's ran down his body she wanted to hate the man. Yet she studied his pale skin that glowed eerily in the the pale light of the moon. The blue vein's that spider web across it's surface how she wanted to trace each one with her finger. While she saw the power behind those dark blue eye's of his, Catherine also saw the love he held for her even if only she could see it. Biting her lip as her eye's ran down his exposed muscled chest, lingering on the drawn sword in his left hand.

  "Where should I be Contliss," Catherine asked walking up to him. Her heart fluttered as he smirked at her question, watching his eye's soften as he gazed longingly at her.

  "Somewhere safe from what is to come," Contliss said desperately wanted to reach out and take her into his arm's. "Yet here you are...." his words were cut off as the pillars began to pulsate announcing to all Lucifer had arrived. Scrabbling backwards Catherine threw up her arms as the Light Bringer breached into the world of man. Grazela arm's shot out sideways pointing at the two women standing on either side of her.

  Red lighting arced from her hand's striking the women square in the chest. Grazela smiled wickedly as their cries filled the air, as their foul soul's were ripped from their bodies. Using their wicked soul's as fuel while Lucifer, towered over her waiting for his vessel to be ready to contain his essence. As the last syllable left her lips countless light's filled the night sky as they sped towards the ground. Catherine watched Contliss body went ridged as the bolts of white light struck the ground behind her. Watching as he set his jaw, his grip on his sword became alarming as his eye's narrowed at the group behind her.

  "Hide Catherine," Contliss whispered to her. "I don't want you caught up in this," he said reaching out running his hand down her arm.

  "No," Catherine said shaking her had. Taking hold of his hand how she wanted to join him, yet in her core she knew it was wrong when Lucifer stood behind him. "You know I can't," she said releasing his hand.

  "I know I had to try," Contliss said smiling sweetly at her. "Go join your friend's but do keep your head down," he said watching her retreat backwards towards his brother's line.

  "I can't allow this to continue," Balanlt voice thundered across the Plains. His silvery plate armor shimmered in the moonlight casting a faint glow along the ground. Blue flame's flickered along his drawn broad sword, his finger's twitched as he readied himself to attack his brother. "Move aside Contliss this end's now," he said taking a step forward.

  "Now just why should I do that when your surrounded," Contliss said pointing over his brother's shoulder. Smirking as his brother's forehead knotted in frustration as Balanlt looked out onto his fallen children.

  "So you bring war upon us," Balanlt said turning his attention back to his brother. "Hardly," Contliss said waving off his accusation. "You would know all about provoking a thoughtless war now wouldn't you Balanlt."

  "You know you can't win so step aside before this need's to escalate," Balanlt said taking another step forward.

  "Oh has it not already," Contliss said knowing he have to buy time so Grazela could preform the transfer spell. Any moment now he would be whole while the fallen angel would be trapped in his own pawn. Contliss paid no heed to his brother's confused look' as he smirked at the thought.

  Unum ad Unum "

  Quae per Tepus"

  "Fato Carcerem"

  Semoveo Liberum per Devotionem"

  Electricity arced off the stone pillars striking the altar before converging into a single point. Shooting outwards seeking the one that could anchor it's hold on the world. Salient light surrounded Contliss as it sought to entrap him. Balanlt narrowed his eye's as he peered through the glare of the light.

  "No!" Balanlt screamed as he watched as the last shackle that held his brother bound began to disappear in tiny bit's as the second's past. Raising his sword he would not allow his brother to go free. As his flaming sword struck the barrier of light grinding his teeth, as his muscle's bulged trying to break through the impenetrable barrier. The gleaming metal arched through the air ready to answer it's master's call. Yet Balanlt stared dumbfounded at the hand that caught his naked blade. "How?" Was Balanlt's only word's before an invisible force propelled him backwards into his gathered force's.

  "I am the Darkness!" Contliss voice reverberated as the last of his bindings melted away. "Free after eon's of imprisonment," Catherine shielded her face as hurricane force wind's cascaded off his body. Fear welled in her heart as she watched the same dark pillar she had seen in Chicago erupt from the ground beneath his feet. Strong hand's kept her rooted as the wind's threatened to cast her into the night. Taking a dry swallow as a pair of glowing red eye's sixty feet above her peered down at them. Covering her ear's as maniacal laughter boomed overhead as Contliss delighted in his restored self.

  "Nooooo!" Came a rage filled howl from the center of the stone. Catherine had almost forgotten what they had come to stop. "You can't do this to me!" Catherine was startled as agitated disheveled man leaned against the stone pillar for support. Confusion set in as she heard two distinct voice's speaking at the same time. "We had a deal!" He said directing his rage towards the dark pillar.

  Catherine sucked in a gasp as the pillar faded away revealing Contliss primal form. As much as she tried her eyesight couldn't pierce the shadow's that cloaked his massive body. Catherine fought to keep herself upright as Contliss turned around to face his accuser. Her teeth rattled in her head with each step he took wondering to herself if he was still the man she knew.

  "I have live up to our bargain Morning Star you are free from the pit you were thrown into," Contliss said his enormous thigh thick finger pointing down at the trapped angel. "You were already planning to betray me once we got to this stage. I simply altered our agreement I just didn't tell you how long you be free for," he said chuckling at the distraught look on his face.

  "Now dear brother," Contliss said returning to his humanoid form. "You may take this thing with you," he said waving towards Mark altered body. "Try not to send more of your minion's into my realm," Contliss said not moving as Lucifer stalked towards him.

  "You dare cross me!" Lucifer said taking hold of Contliss. Catherine watched as those dark blue eye's looked down before returning to the man before him.

  "Truly brother it seems this one is indeed insane," Contliss said taking hold of Lucifer's wrist. Smiling devilishly as
his grip tightened around his mortal bone's. Shock and pain crossed those dark eye's of his as the sound of the bones in his wrist scattered. "How does it feel to be so weak," he asked grabbing a handful of his shirt bring the fallen angel inches from his face. "To know that your life depends on the one that created you," Contliss said before tossing Lucifer into his brother's arm's.

  "Do with him what you will Balanlt I don't care what comes of him. One less servant of yours in my realm is enough to satisfy me," he said wondering what his brother would do now.

  "Do you think giving me this thing is going to save you," Balanlt said pushing Lucifer into the arm's of his brother.

  "I will not go back I am free!" Lucifer screamed wiggling out of his brother's grip, taking the dagger from his brother's belt. Lashing out at the only person he could truly hurt. Hot searing pain radiated up from her stomach, pulling her hand away as her life's blood coated her hand. Falling to her knee's as her strength left her, peering out the corner of her eye looking at the man that had changed her world. Catherine knew it wouldn't be long before she would leave this world.

  "Catherine!" How she yearned for so long to hear someone care about her as Contliss did. As darkness rose along the edge's of her eye's, she knew one of them would met this fate. Catherine just hoped he could live without her hopefully he would move on. At least that's what she told herself as her body grew weaker as her blood seeped into the cold earth. As the light faded from her eye's the last image she saw was the worry on his face as Contliss pushed his way to her.

  "Enough Contliss she is dead," Contliss stopped in his track's at the coldness of his brother's word's. "Let us finish this brother," Balanlt said walking towards Contliss with his sword raised. Ready to deliver the blow that would send his brother back to his cage. Rage boiled in his vein's as Contliss looked upon the body of the woman he loved. Time seem to slow as her body held sway over his mind, not hearing the approach of his brother behind him. Nor did he notice the arching of his brother's flaming sword as it made its slow way through the air. Contliss knew her soul was gone yet to where if he could just find her. Balanlt staggered forward missing his brother by second's as his image faded away to find where Catherine had gone.


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