Holdin' On for a Hero

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Holdin' On for a Hero Page 62

by Ciana Stone

  “Harlan didn’t know anything either,” Senna pointed out. “But he was still murdered. Don’t you understand? I’m afraid. I love you, Min.”

  “As I do you. And that is precisely why I cannot leave. If there is adversity to be faced, we will do it together.”

  Senna slumped down on the floor. She wished she could tell Minora the truth, that Marcus was alive. But he had insisted that no one know. Senna didn’t understand why he had never gotten in touch with Minora during all the years since the time he was reported dead. When she had questioned Marcus about it, he had simply said that he could not bring danger to his sister. It was best that she think him dead. That way she was safe. Senna understood completely. She would not put Minora’s life in danger either. But she was still afraid that Minora was endangered just because of their relationship.

  “Will you do me one favor?” she asked her aunt.

  “If it is within my power,” Minora answered. “And within reason,” she added.

  “Will you just consider what I’ve said? Maybe I am overreacting and being paranoid. But then again, maybe not. Harlan’s death proves that something is going on we don’t understand, but somehow it has something to do with me or my father. And Ian Drake didn’t kill himself, which is further proof that something is terribly wrong. So, for me, will you please just consider it? All I’m asking is that you take a little vacation. It’s not for forever, just a little while.”

  “Very well,” Minora relented. “I will consider it.”

  Senna gave her hand a grateful squeeze then stood. “I think maybe I will take you up on that offer. I’m a little hungry.”

  “I’ll ring for Cook.” Minora reached for the phone.

  “That’s okay.” Senna stayed her hand. “I think I’ll just raid the refrigerator. Can I bring you anything?”

  “No, dear. Thank you.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  On her way to the kitchen, she heard a car door slam outside. Hoping that it was Konnor, that he had gotten her message, she ran to the door and peered out of the sidelight. A man she had never seen was opening the rear door of a black Mercedes, and Slater was getting out.

  Senna wasted no time running back to the sitting room. “Min, we have to hide!” she exclaimed at the same time she rushed behind Minora’s wheelchair and grabbed the handles.

  “Whatever are you doing?” Minora hit the brake on the chair.

  “Don’t do that!” Senna groped for the brake release. “You don’t understand. We have to hide!”

  Minora refused to release the mechanism. “I will do no such thing. Now, tell me what has you so frantic?”

  One look at the set of Minora’s jaw squelched any ideas Senna had about arguing. Once Minora made up her mind, nothing could change it, short of an act of divine intervention. “There’s someone here. I can’t go into details. All I can do is tell you that he’s a very dangerous man and we can’t let him find us.”

  About that time they heard the doorbell. “Come on!” Senna urged.

  “No,” Minora refused and when Senna started to argue, she held up one hand. “Listen to me. Whoever this man is, he would not dare to harm me here in my own home. Besides, it’s possible that he is not here to do me harm, but merely to ask questions. However, I do think it best if you are not present when I speak with him.”

  Senna could hear the muffled sounds of voices from the foyer and knew there was little time. She had to make a decision fast. “Okay,” she gave in. “I’ll wait in the library. But at the first sign of trouble I’m calling…someone,” she finished lamely. She could just imagine trying to call the police and tell them that the CIA was there threatening them.

  “Go.” Minora shooed her along. “I will be fine.”

  Senna wasn’t sure it was the right thing to do but at that moment she was too scared to think of anything else. She dashed into the library a moment before Mrs. Muller entered the sitting room. “There is a Mr. Slater here to see you, Ms. Laserian.”

  “Please show him in, Mrs. Muller.”

  Senna pressed against the wall beside the door and waited. Her heart sounded like a drum in her head, so loud she was sure it could be heard in the next room. A few seconds passed then she heard Slater’s voice.

  “Ms. Laserian, thank you for agreeing to see me.”

  “I do not believe we’ve been introduced,” Minora replied.

  “Bruce Slater. I work for the government and I would like to ask you a few questions.”

  “May I see some identification, Mr. Slater?”


  Senna ventured a look through the crack of the door. Minora was looking at the identification Slater handed her. “Department of Energy,” she said. “Very well, what can I do for you, Mr. Slater?”

  “Ms. Laserian, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but during the past two years your niece has been working on a government project. I cannot discuss the details of that project. I can only tell you that it is classified. Three other scientists associated with the project have been murdered and we have reason to believe that your niece is the next target. As such, it is vital that I locate her so that I can take her into protective custody.”

  “A project for the government?” Minora asked. “You must be mistaken, Mr. Slater. My niece is a professor of physics at the University. Prior to that she worked for Fermilab.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not entirely true,” Slater said smoothly. “You see those positions were merely a cover for her real work. Now, I need to know if you’ve seen or spoken with your niece in the last few days.”

  “Actually, I haven’t.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I assure you that my impairments are purely physical, Mr. Slater.” Minora’s voice took on a supercilious tone. “I am in complete command of my mental faculties.”

  “I don’t doubt that for an instant. However, I must ask that you tell me where I can find your niece.”

  “That would be impossible to say.”

  “Ms. Laserian, I know from my long association with Dr. Laserian that you and she are very close. I can understand how you might be reluctant to divulge her whereabouts to just anyone. But as you have seen by my credentials, I am not just anyone. Therefore, I must insist you answer my question. Where is your niece?”

  “I’ve already answered your question. I do not know.”

  “I think you do.” Slater leaned over and put his hands on the arms of her wheelchair. “And I will have an answer. Don’t make this difficult, Ms. Laserian.”

  “Are you threatening me, Mr. Slater?”

  Slater chuckled and a shiver danced down Senna’s back. Minora might be stubborn and even brave, but there was no way she could take on Slater. If she didn’t give him what he wanted voluntarily, he would probably get nasty.

  She looked around the library for something she could use as a weapon. She didn’t think the books would be much help. Somehow the idea of attacking him with a volume of Yeats didn’t seem plausible. Then she remembered the old shotgun Cook kept in the pantry.

  She tried not to make a sound as she crept across the library and eased open the corridor door. Cautiously, she looked one direction then the other. There was no one in sight. She quickly made her way down the hall. As she drew near the foyer she heard a noise behind her. She turned to look. A split second later someone grabbed her arm.

  She yelped in surprise and lashed out. Her fist impacted with the man’s jaw and his head whipped around. She struck again and he released her to block the blow. Before she could turn to run, a second man grabbed her from behind.

  “Let go of me!” she shouted as he wrenched her arm up behind her, and pressed the barrel of a gun into the back of her neck.

  He didn’t speak, but twisted her arm more sharply.

  “See here!” Mrs. Muller’s voice came from across the foyer. “What is the meaning of this?”

  “Call the police!” Senna shouted. “Hurry!”
r />   “You’ll do no such thing!” Slater’s voice was like a cannon. Mrs. Mueller stopped in her tracks. “Make sure the housekeeper doesn’t do anything foolish,” Slater directed one of the men.

  The man took Mrs. Mueller’s arm and led her into the living room.

  “You, come with me,” Slater barked.

  The man holding Senna shoved her forward and she stumbled down the hall to the sitting room.

  “What are you doing?” Minora exclaimed as Senna was pushed into the room toward her. “Senna, are you all right? Have they harmed you?”

  “No, I’m fine.” Senna rubbed her arm and glared at Slater and his man.

  ”Make sure there are no more surprises,” Slater snapped. The man nodded and left the room.

  “Now, I want answers.” Slater turned his attention to Senna.

  “What answers?”

  “Don’t play that game with me,” his tone was one of warning. “Where have you been? Who are you working for?”

  “I’ve been with a friend and I work for the university.”

  She didn’t expect his reaction. His slap was hard enough to make her pitch to one side. “Shall we try again?”

  She bit back the expletive that came to mind and stared hatefully at him. “I have never been known for my patience, Doctor, and what little I do have is wearing dangerously thin so I suggest you answer me.”

  “I’m not working for anyone,” she replied sullenly. “As you well know. As to where I’ve been, it’s none of your business. As of this moment our association is over.”

  “Hardly,” he sneered.

  “I beg to differ.” She gave him a disdainful look. “It’s over.”

  He pulled a cellular from his pocket and dialed. “Have Kinski prepare what he needs and bring him to the Laserian estate. We’ll perform the session here.”

  At that moment Senna wished there were such things as superheroes or magic—anything to get herself and Min out of the house and away from Slater and his evil doctor. Unfortunately, all she had to rely on was herself and at the moment she was not feeling very resourceful.

  The she had an idea. “No.” She took a step toward him. “Not with Min here. Let her go and I’ll cooperate, otherwise I’ll fight you and you know you’ll never achieve the level of control you need hypnotically if I resist.”

  Slater regarded her for a long time. Senna forced herself to stare unblinkingly at him. If he called her bluff she didn’t know what she would do.

  “Very well,” he agreed.

  “And your promise that she will be safe. That nothing will happen to her.”


  She turned to Minora. “Take Mrs. Mueller and go to Colleen’s house in Florida.”

  “No,” Minora argued. “I won’t leave you.”

  “You have to,” Senna whispered. “Please Min. It’s the only way.”

  Minora looked up at Slater then back at Senna. “Please, Min,” she pleaded. “For me.”

  Minora nodded. “May I summon my driver?”

  “I’ll have you taken wherever you want to go,” Slater replied.

  Senna didn’t like the sound of that. “Then there’s a change we have to make in our arrangement.”

  He gave her a sharp look but she faced him determinedly. “Nothing happens until I’m sure she’s arrived at her destination safely and I’ve spoken with her.”


  “Then the deal’s off.”

  “Fine,” he replied. “Make it tough on yourself. I’ll still have the information.”

  “Don’t be so sure,” she tried to sound confident. “Even Kinski agreed that an attempt to extricate the information by force could be disastrous. Are you willing to take the risk?”

  Slater’s eyes narrowed. “All right.”

  Senna felt as if she had won at least a minor victory. She turned and leaned over to whisper to Min then straightened up. “When she arrives in Florida and calls me, we can begin,” she told Slater. “And don’t think of trying anything funny. Unless she says the right thing I’ll know you tried to double-cross me and if that happens I promise you I’ll do everything I can to make sure you don’t get the information.”


  By the time Slater’s operative arrived with the car to take Minora to the airport, her luggage had been packed and was waiting by the door. Senna gave her a tight hug. “It’ll be okay,” she whispered. “Just do like I said and everything will be fine.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Minora replied.

  “I am.” Senna attempted to sound sure. She watched as the operative steered Minora’s chair to the car and helped her in, then she closed the front door and looked at Slater. “You better not be lying to me,” she warned. “If anything happens to her…”

  “I gave you my word,” he interrupted. “So, drop it.”

  “Fine,” she snapped and marched by him to go into the study.

  He followed and took a seat as she flopped down on the window seat and stared outside. For more than an hour she tried to come up with a plan to escape. Each one she considered was discarded. Maybe Konnor could pull it off, but she was not him and she could not do it alone. The best she could hope for was either blind coincidence or an act of divine intervention.

  “I’m hungry.” She stood up, unable to sit still any longer. “You want something to eat?”


  “Well, I do.” She started out of the room but he called out and the man posted outside the door stepped in her path.

  “Go with her,” Slater ordered.

  The man nodded and followed her though the house. She pushed open the kitchen door and walked toward the refrigerator. A moment later a dull thud made her whirl around.

  Konnor was lowering the unconscious man to the floor. No sooner were his arms empty, than she was in them. “You don’t know how glad I am to see you!” she whispered then pulled back. “We have to get out of here.”

  “What’s going on?” he asked. “Why all the hired help?”

  “I don’t have time to explain. Slater’s here and he called for Kinski. I can’t cooperate with him anymore, Konnor.”


  “Slater threatened me and Min both when I said I wouldn’t help him. I made a deal that if he let Min leave and she arrived safely at her destination I would cooperate. I didn’t mean it but it was the only thing I could think of to get Min out of here. The problem is if I do anything now he might have her…he might do something to her.”

  “I don’t think that’s a problem,” he said with a smile. “I happened to be coming across the backyard when they were leaving. Luckily I had a friend with me. As we speak Minora is being taken to a private airfield in Lancaster, South Carolina, where a plane will be waiting to take her somewhere safe.”

  “Then what are we waiting for?” she asked. “Let’s get out of here!”

  “It’s not that simple.” He didn’t move as she tried to tug him toward the door.


  “I have to take care of Slater.”

  “You mean…” She stopped and gawked at him.

  “I mean that as soon as he finds out you’re gone he’ll sound the alarm and we don’t know how many men he has working for him. I have to make sure we have enough time to put some miles between us and this place before anyone discovers you’re gone. I want you to go to the gatehouse and get the car. Pull up to the back door. I’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  “There are three more of his men in the house,” she pointed out.

  “Then it shouldn’t take long,” he said with a wink. “Now get moving.”

  She did as he said and ran to the gatehouse. A moment of indecision made her stop as she considered which car to take. Finally she jumped into his car and drove to the rear entrance of the main house. She was there less than five minutes when Konnor walked out.

  “Slide over,” he said as he opened the driver’s door.

  She moved over and he got in beh
ind the wheel. “You didn’t…” She couldn’t finish the question.

  “No, he’ll be fine in a couple of hours. Now, what’s going on? Why did you take off?”

  “It’s kind of a long story,” she replied. “Where are we going?”


  “West? Where exactly?”

  “A place I know we’ll be safe until we figure out what to do.”

  “Thank you,” she said gratefully.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” he replied. “We aren’t out of the woods.”

  “I trust you,” she said softly.

  He looked at her with a surprised expression on his face. She smiled as she reached over to put her hand on his arm. “If you can’t trust the man you love, who can you trust?”

  For a moment he just stared at her. “Love?”

  She looked into his eyes and nodded. He looked away and she felt her chest constrict. She should not have told him. But now that the words had been spoken it was too late. You stupid idiot! she berated herself. How dumb can you be—just blurting it out like…

  “So do I.” His voice was so soft it didn’t register for a moment.

  “Huh?” She looked at him sharply.

  “I said so do I.” He turned to look at her. “I love you.”

  Astonishment robbed her of her voice. All she could do was stare at him in surprise.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I don’t want you to leave this room, all right?”

  Senna looked up at Konnor from where she sat on the bed. “Are you going to tell me where you’re going? What if something happens and you don’t come back? How will I be able to find you? “

  “We’ve already gone over that,” his tone of voice discouraged further questions. “I will be back.”

  “Fine.” She was tired of the argument anyway. First they had disagreed on where they should go when they left Charlotte. Senna wanted to tell him about Marcus, and all of the things she had remembered but something made her hold back. She wasn’t sure what it was, something in his behavior. She felt as if he were holding back something from her.

  Konnor was adamant that she go along with his plan. What that plan was she had no idea. He would only say that he would tell her what she needed to know when the time came but first he had to go see someone. She had tried to convince him to let her accompany him but he flatly refused. He wouldn’t even tell her who he was going to see.


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