Holdin' On for a Hero

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Holdin' On for a Hero Page 80

by Ciana Stone

  “Simon, please tell me you aren’t setting that young woman up.”

  Simon regarded him solemnly. “Do you think me so callous and uncaring that I’d cavalierly sacrifice the life of an innocent?”

  “No, but I fear you may unwittingly place her in an untenable position with Robinson and your son.”

  “Have no fear, my friend. Our young protégé will have my full protection. Make sure she has the best medical care available, and arrange for round-the-clock protection while she’s in the hospital. Discreetly, of course.”

  Gaspar nodded and stood. “Let us hope that will be enough.”

  Simon watched Gaspar leave then went to the phone. “This is Simon. Tell him I will meet with him at midnight. The usual place.”

  Hanging up, Simon steepled his hands in front of him, his index fingers tapping on his chin as his mind turned to new intricacies in his strategy.

  * * * * *

  Nikki parked her car behind the long limousine in front of the Weston mansion. She wondered if the Westons would give her a hard time for not showing up until the morning of their departure.

  Tears welled up in her eyes. She couldn’t believe that Christian was dead. What was more unbelievable was that everyone thought he’d killed himself. She was terrified and confused. Why hadn’t the police come to question her while she was in the hospital? Surely getting grabbed and tossed into a car was a crime?

  But then maybe she should be grateful. If she told the police what had happened when she went to see Christian, and how that led to her being grabbed it would sound insane And she’d have to show them the pendants.

  She felt for the cloth bag in the pocket of her cargo shorts. Even though she was afraid to wear them, she felt she had to keep the pendants close.

  No, she decided. She’d never go to the authorities. Talking to the police about it would only draw attention to herself and she wasn’t about to do that. If the men who had chased her and Christian were responsible for his death, then she sure didn’t want to turn their attention to her.

  She brushed away the tears from her eyes. She shouldn’t have any left. She’d cried a river. It was probably guilt. Christian had called her for a reason. If only she’d been able to find out what the reason was. Now she would never know.

  Her hand went to her pocket again. Why had the necklace been so important to Christian? It seemed that suddenly her life was filled with questions that had no answers.

  Like this job she’d taken. If she had any sense she would forget about the job, Maxwell Weston, Gaspar and his stories, and get the hell far away from there. However, now she was convinced that Christian’s death was connected to Gaspar, who in turn was connected to the Westons. The only way she was going to get to the truth was to take the job and hope she could ignore the feelings Maxwell Weston inspired in her.

  A man in a dark suit greeted her as she got out. “I’m sorry, but you can’t park here.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She hadn’t stopped to think that the Westons wouldn’t want her leaving her ratty old car parked in front of their house. “Where should I park?”

  “That depends. Who are you?”

  “Nikki Morgan. I was hired to watch Maxwell while the Westons are in Europe.”

  “Yes, of course. I’m Steve, Mr. Weston’s driver.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here. If you’ll pull around to the left side of the house and follow the drive, you’ll pass a tall hedge to your right that has a drive winding behind it. The staff parking garage is located in the second garage. You can’t miss it. You can take the walkway from the garage to the servant’s entrance in the back. Someone’ll direct you from there.”

  “Okay, thanks.”

  After locating the garage and parking her car, Nikki got her bags and walked to the house. She paused at the door and knocked.

  An older, heavyset woman with thick white hair pinned up in a bun opened the door. “Yes?”

  “Hi, I’m Nikki Morgan. I’m here to—”

  “Oh yes, come in, come in. I’m Louise, Louise Gaynor, head housekeeper. The Westons are expecting you. Put your bags down right here, dear. We’ll attend to them shortly. Right now you should hurry to the conservatory.”

  “Where’s that?”

  Louise chuckled. “Come with me.”

  Following Louise through the house, Nikki was once again struck by how large and luxurious the mansion was. She couldn’t imagine ever being comfortable in such a place. She’d be scared to death she’d mess something up.

  Helen was finishing her coffee and croissant when Louise announced her.

  “Ah, yes,” Helen patted her perfectly painted lips daintily with a linen napkin, leaving a red smear on the pristine white surface. “Nikki. How considerate of you to be on time, dear. I was just preparing to depart. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to go to Louise or Osgood.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Helen gathered up her purse and smoothed out her skirt as she stood. “Is the car ready?”

  Nikki didn’t know who Helen was addressing. A voice from the doorway let her know. The driver, Steve, was waiting. Having no idea what she was expected to do, Nikki stood rooted in place.

  Helen ignored her and looked at Louise as she started for the door. “Please tell Richard I’m leaving.”

  “Yes, Mrs. Weston.”

  Nikki watched everyone leave the room then looked around. “What now?”

  “I’d think the first order of business would be to get you settled in your suite.” Richard’s voice behind her made her jump.

  “Oh! Mr. Weston. I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “That’s perfectly all right, my dear. Now, why don’t I show you to the guest suite?” He reached out and took her arm at the elbow.

  Nikki didn’t budge when he started for the door. “Uh, um, excuse me, but I believe your wife’s waiting for you. She just left with the driver and told Louise to let you know she was ready.”

  Richard’s finger moved on Nikki’s arm for a moment before he released her. “Yes, of course. Please, have Louise or Osgood show you to your suite. I’ll check in with you later.”

  “You— But I thought…”

  Richard chuckled at her dilemma. “Forgive me, of course you didn’t know. Business demands that I delay my departure for a week. Mrs. Weston is going ahead of me to make sure the staff has the villa properly prepared before she begins entertaining.”

  “Oh, well, should I go? I mean if you’re not leaving there’s no reason for me to be here.”

  “Nonsense. In fact, I think it’s much better that I be here for the first week of your stay. This way if you have questions you can come to me. And I do want you to feel free to do that. With anything at all.”

  Nikki was very relieved that he didn’t want her to leave. After the scene when she left the apartment, with Mr. Sprull yelling and threatening to have her arrested, there was no way she could go back there. And imposing on friends wasn’t an idea she relished.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate it. And I guess I’ll see you around.”

  Richard looked into her eyes for a moment. “Yes. Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I should bid Helen farewell.”

  Helen’s voice preceded her appearance into the room, “Richard!”

  Richard gave Nikki a shrug before answering, “Here, darling.”

  Helen stopped at the door, looked from Richard to Nikki and then back to Richard. Richard tilted his chin up slightly then took Helen’s arm and turned her back the direction she’d come.

  “Goodbye, Mrs. Weston,” Nikki called. “Have a wonderful time.”

  “If I ever get out of this house, I’m sure I will,” Helen tossed coolly over her shoulder.

  Nikki watched them leave, wondering if they even knew what fun was. The sounds of voices bidding farewell fell silent and suddenly it was like being in a museum after closing—a big empty building full of silence. With a small shudder, Nikki made her way to
the kitchen to retrieve her bags.

  Osgood was waiting, as was most of the staff. After being introduced to everyone, Osgood told her that Mr. Weston had requested that Nikki be settled in the main house instead of the servant’s quarters.

  Nikki noticed the looks of surprise that generated from the rest of the staff, but didn’t comment. Osgood asked her to follow him.

  As they made their way upstairs and down a long hall, Nikki looked into the vacant rooms. “Where’s Maxwell’s room?”

  Osgood stopped to turn to her. “Maxwell has separate quarters in the west wing.”

  “Where’s that?”

  Osgood pointed to the opposite side of the house. Nikki considered it for a moment and made a spur of the moment decision. “Are there empty rooms in the west wing?”


  “Would it be okay if I stayed there? That way I’d be closer to Maxwell.”

  Osgood seemed to hesitate for a moment then nodded. “Very well. If you’ll follow me.”

  The west wing was easily as large as the east, a full three stories. The ground level contained various sitting rooms, an enormous home theater, a billard room, bar, library, arboretum, as well as several enormous guest suites. Osgood showed her to one with a private entrance to the terrace.

  “Where’s Maxwell’s room?” she asked as she set her bags down beside the bed.

  “The second floor has been renovated for his use.”

  “Is it okay if I go up there?”


  “Okay, thanks.”

  “Would you like someone to help you fetch the rest of your belongings?”

  Nikki laughed at the question. “This is it,” she gestured to the worn luggage.

  “Very well.” Osgood moved to the door. “If you need anything, there’s a directory in the top drawer of the night stand with everyone’s extensions. Lunch will be served at precisely noon. You’re invited to dine with the Westons on the terrace. Until then, feel free to make yourself familiar with the house and grounds. Mr. Weston gave specific instructions that you’re to have exclusive use of all facilities.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Gaynor. I appreciate it.”

  “Certainly.” He turned to leave then stopped. “One more thing, Ms. Morgan. The third floor is off limits to everyone save the family.”

  “Oh, okay, but can I ask why?”

  “Mr. Weston’s father Simon inhabits the third floor and he dislikes being disturbed.”

  “All right, thanks.”

  She watched him leave then turned to the task of unpacking. With so few belongings, it didn’t take long. Stowing her luggage in the massive closet, she walked out onto the patio and looked around. It was much too beautiful a day to be cooped up inside, and until Richard left there was no way she could snoop around. Maybe the best thing for her to do was face Maxwell right away so she could be sure she was over whatever infatuation she’d formerly felt.

  Leaving her room, she went in search of him, wondering if he would seem any different at their second meeting.

  All of the doors on the second floor were closed. Having no idea which one was Maxwell’s, Nikki started at one end, knocking on each door. By the time she reached the last door her knuckles were sensitive.

  She could hear music from inside the room. She knocked softly and waited. There was no answer. She knocked again, a little louder. Again, no answer. Thinking that either he didn’t hear the knock or didn’t want to answer the door, she hesitated, trying to decide whether to try again. In the end, she decided not to. She was going to be there all summer, no need to push things.

  Nikki shoved her right hand into her pocket, touching the bag with the pendants as she turned to leave. A creak made her stop and look back. The door was ajar and Maxwell was looking out of the two inch crack. She walked back to the door and looked up at him. Their eyes met and locked. And fantasy took.

  Nikki wasn’t sure how long she’d been standing there, a prisoner to his eyes, when she came back from yet another little foray into fantasy land. She just hoped that nothing was revealed on her face, particularly considering that the fantasy had been of a highly erotic nature.

  She cleared her throat and smiled. “Hi, I just got here and wanted to say hello. Am I bothering you?”

  He shook his head no.

  “Well, I was just getting familiar with the place and wondered if you wanted to show me around?”

  After a moment’s hesitation, he shrugged. Nikki thought it was sort of a strange response. Did he or didn’t he? She wasn’t sure.

  “Your mother mentioned that you have tennis courts. I’m not exactly what you’d call a good player, but if you’re interested, I’d be willing to try. Could you tell me where the courts are?”

  Maxwell was still for a moment, then stuck his arm out of the door and pointed to one side of the house. Nikki found that odd. Why didn’t he just tell her? Maybe she was wrong and he was a lot worse off than she thought. Before she could say anything else he closed the door in her face.

  What a start, she said to herself as she walked away. She didn’t know what was worse, that she was attracted to him or him being so odd and uncommunicative. Either way, it wasn’t what anyone could call a great start to her new job.

  She just had to make a point not to look him the eye. She couldn’t ever let him know about the dreams, or how he affected her. She wished she could forget it, just shove it into a dark place in her mind and lock it away. Running the last few steps, she made it to her room, closed the door and leaned back against it. Safe. At least for the moment.

  Now, how the hell was she going to make it the rest of the summer?

  * * * * *

  Maxwell watched her hurry off. Had she realized what happened when she came to his door? Thinking that she might made him want to throw himself off the balcony. He tossed the small bag of marbles he’d been clutching onto the bed and put his hands over his face. Good god, what a fantasy.

  He needed to get control of this…whatever it was. Second sight, visions, whatever. They’d gotten much stronger since Nikki arrived. He could barely look at her without one taking control.

  This one had been the strongest by far. And had definitely put a new spin on the phrase “erotic fantasy”.

  Sadly, fantasies were all he’d ever experience. He wanted to believe it could be different but how could he? His visions were the only freedom life afforded him. And what visions they were. It made him wonder if in reality Nikki would be so open to such things. He didn’t suppose he’d ever have the chance to find out. By the time he got through testing her, she’d either prove herself to be a drone and turn tail to run, or she’d hate him. Either way, as usual, it was a lose-lose situation for him.

  * * * * *

  At noon Nikki walked out onto the terrace to find a member of the staff setting a table. “Hi.” Nikki walked over to the woman. “Ann, right?”

  The woman looked at Nikki and nodded. “Yes, that’s right. Lunch will be served shortly. Osgood said that you’ll be joining the Westons.”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess so. Can I help you do anything?

  “No, thank you.”

  Maxwell walked onto the terrace and stopped when he saw Nikki. Ann immediately gathered up her tray and scurried from the room.

  “Hi.” Nikki had decided that she could deal with both Maxwell’s odd behavior and her own faulty judgment in picking men. She just had to remember that he wasn’t normal and she couldn’t expect him to act and react like a normal person. And she had to remember to not look directly into his eyes. She couldn’t afford a repeat performance of what had happened before.

  Maxwell looked at her then abruptly looked away.

  “I guess your father’s been delayed. Should we wait on him to sit down?”

  He didn’t respond or move. Nikki thought it extremely rude for him to not even answer. Richard walked out on the terrace and diverted her attention. “Ah, here you are. Shall we?”

  He pulled out a chair for
Nikki. She saw the way Maxwell’s eyes narrowed and wondered why the gesture seemed to anger him. Richard ignored Maxwell.

  “Have you had an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the estate?”

  “No, sir, not yet.” She looked over at Maxwell and smiled. “I was hoping Maxwell would show me around after lunch.”

  Maxwell’s eyes darted to his father and then down when Richard looked at him.

  “Why don’t you let me give you a tour? Maxwell customarily takes a nap after lunch. It wouldn’t be advisable to disrupt his routine.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” She cut a look at Maxwell, who was studying the table top.

  “Nothing to apologize for, my dear. Now, did Osgood get you settled?”

  Before the question was out of his mouth, Osgood appeared. Behind him was Ann with a serving cart. Osgood had apparently heard the question and answered for her.

  “Ms. Morgan requested to be placed in the west wing, sir.”

  Nikki couldn’t help but notice the way Maxwell’s head jerked up to look at her and then his father. Richard didn’t notice Maxwell. His attention was focused on Nikki. She felt suddenly on the spot.

  “I thought since Maxwell was in the west wing, it’d be good if I was closer. Is that a problem?”

  “No, of course not. Ann, you may serve now.”

  Nikki looked over at Maxwell, as Ann started serving the plates and handed them to Osgood, who placed them on the table. Maxwell looked at her for a split second then looked away.

  Richard sampled a bite of the fish from his plate. “My compliments to the cook, Osgood. The salmon is delicious.”

  Nikki looked down at her plate. She hated fish. But how was she going to get out of eating it without drawing attention to herself?

  Maxwell solved the problem. He took one look at what was on the plate in front of him, and then swiped it off the table, sending it, the silverware, and his glass crashing to the tile.

  Richard jumped up, cursing as his wine glass shattered against the edge of his plate, spattering him with shards of glass and wine. Nikki made a grab for her glass as it started to sway but was a moment too late. It spilled over into her plate and onto the table.


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