The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3)

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The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3) Page 1

by Cilla Lee

  This is the story of Lilly and Stryker, Lilly is a woman who has lived by her own wits. Growing up in the foster care system she’s relied on herself to survive, her and her newly adoptive sister travel around the country stealing hustling and struggling by. Until they get off the train in Coral City where she gets a job at the Strip Club becoming popular with the patrons, but one in particular has fallen head over heels for the gorgeous brunette.

  Stryker has been summoned to the Pink Slip to help with a plumbing issue, but when he sees the new talent that the club have just hired he falls hard for the women and can’t seem to get her off his mind, no matter how many of the club whores he fucks. It’s her who he thinks about and he’ll stop at nothing to get her into his bed.



  I count down the hours until I age out of the foster care system, my whole life has been moving from one home to another never really staying in any home that long.

  The clock ticks to Twelve-O One am, I pick up my bag and walk down the stairs out the front door not even looking back at the bitch that's supposed to be looking out for me.

  “YOU, UNGRATEFUL BITCH” she yells as I give her the finger and smile.

  I take a deep breath of freedom, even though just yesterday I walked the same street today it feels like hope, no more being restrained by law. I can go anywhere I want and nobody can say jack shit.

  Chapter One


  Hurry up Lilly I've got a bad feeling about this

  “KC shut up and help me up” I climb through the window and knock over a picture frame I pick it up and look at it. It's a picture of the family who's house I'm about to rob, the perfect Two-point O Kid’s Mom, Dad and the Family cat (fucking assholes) do I feel guilty, fuck no these assholes have no idea what’s it like to struggle and if the dumb fucks are stupid enough to leave a window open than more fool them.

  “What are you doing?” KC whisper yells at me

  “I'm looking around, keep your knickers on, fucking hell girl”

  “Well hurry up its cold”

  “Alright, alright go around the back I'll let you in” I make walk through the house and look around, one day I'll have my own house like this (yeah when hell freezes over) I open the door and Tink’s standing there shivering “Come on” she walks in and I notice her lips a little blue “Dam Tink”

  “I know let’s just do this and go”

  “Fine you take downstairs I'll go up” she nods and I walk up the stairs and look at all the photos lining the walls as I walk up. I get to the main bedroom and start going through draws, I find jewelry watches and camera. I go to the closet and find a big winter coat, this will do Tink. I grab a few of the women’s clothes, hats gloves a few shirts and jeans a couple of jumpers and two pair of boots.

  “Lilly” Tink whispers coming into the room

  “What did you find?” I ask her

  “Jewelry watches and some winter stuff, what'd you find?”

  “A laptop and iPad and some cash”

  “Did you get the chargers”


  “Good, how much?”

  “One-Fifty, come on Lilly lets go we've got enough”

  “Fine, come on” just than we hear the car pull into the drive and we both freeze looking at each other

  “Shit there back let’s go, run” I tell her and we run for the back door and head out over the back fence and through the neighbor’s yard.

  Chapter Two


  “Faster Stryker please faster” Rochelle yells as I fuck her

  “Stop talkin’” I tell her, her fuckin' voice grates on my nerves, she's so fuckin' annoying the pussies defiantly not worth it anymore.

  “Stryker” she says looking at me over her shoulder and I push her down so her face is in the mattress

  “I said shut up or I'll stop” she looks forward and doesn't say another word, the bitch should know by now when I say something I fuckin' mean it. I come hard and pull out of her and walk to the bathroom flushin’ the condom, no fuckin' way would I leave my jizz around for any bitch to steal. I tuck my dick in and look at Rochelle (fuck I need to get rid of this bitch) “Time to go” I tell her and she looks at me confused


  “But what? our time is over Rochelle”

  “But I thought we were going somewhere with this relationship”

  “What fuckin' relationship, you may have told people that where datin' but you and I know your just another hole for me to stick my dick in, so get your shit and get the fuck out”

  “But I love you Stryker” I laugh at her (dumb cunt)

  “Rochelle your just one of the many bitches that I fuck for stress release, nothin' more, now get the fuck out”

  “YOUR SUCH AN ASSHOLE” she yells makin’ me laugh

  “You just figuring that out now, get the fuck out before I throw you out” she scrambles for her shit and storms out slammin' the door, I walk back into the main room and sit at the bar

  “I see your knack for finessing the opposite sex is still working” Tucker says laughin'

  “Fuck off, I got finesse” he laughs harder

  “Yeah sure you do, so what’d you do to fuck her off”

  “Fuckin' cunt told me she loved me” I see he’s tryin’ to hold in his laugh

  “Oh my god the gaul of that bitch” he says laughin’ even more

  “Fuck you”

  “No, I think you just did that to Rochelle and she didn't like it, tell the truth your tiny little dicks not satisfying her and she ran out to find a guy who lasts more than a minute”

  “Fuck off asshole” I give him the finger and the fucker laughs louder

  “You coming home tonight boy” Dad asks


  “Good your cookin'” I roll my eyes at him; my Dad never cooks if he can help it. As long as I can remember there has always been a chick there in the morning to cook for him, usually a club whores. The amount of times I'd come home and he'd be fuckin' one of them somewhere in the house, I think I've seen my Dad's dick just as much as he has.

  “So, it's over with you and Rochelle” Tucker asks

  “There, was never, an us”

  “Thought you liked the way she fucks”

  “A pussy's a pussy as long as it's wet, hot and willing”

  “You’re a pussy” he says

  “Eat shit”

  “I don't know why you kept that cunt so long anyway” Dad says to me

  “Neither do I” I tell him

  “Told you before boy, there's plenty of pussy in the world” Tucker and I laugh

  “Such wise words Old man”

  “You fuckin' know it” he flips me the bird with a smile, man I love the Old bastard

  “Where you headin’” he asks me

  “Colt's, Niya's sister came today remember”

  “Shit was that today”


  “Ok I'll see ya at home” I head out to my bike.

  When I pull up Colt’s driveway he comes out the door “Yo, motherfucker what do you want?” I smile and get off my bike

  “Can I not just come and see my friend” I ask him

  “Come on” I follow him into the house and freeze

  “Fuck me” I say seeing two Niya's sittin' at the table

  “Don't fuckin' stare dickhead” Colt tells me

  “Sorry” I walk towards the women that's pregnant

  “Hay Niya girl” I kiss her on the cheek, still staring at the other women

  “Hay Stryker I want you to meet Zoey, Zoey this is Colt’s best friend Stryker

  “Hi” she says blushin'

  “Fuck you two could be twins” I say still trippin', both of them look at each other fuck she's cute, I’ve always had a thing for Niya. But when I saw the way that Colt always looked at her I backed off, but fuck two Niya's that's trippy (she's fifteen asshole) my brain reminds me and that's a boner killer right there

  “So, what brings you here?” Niya asks

  “Nothing” I say

  “How's Rochelle” I frown grumblin'

  “Whose Rochelle” Zoey asks Niya

  “She's Stryker's girlfriend” Niya tells her

  “She's not my girlfriend”

  “Oh, since when”

  “Since always we hooked up but she wanted more”

  “If you don't like her than why are you with her” Zoey asks me and I look at her, why indeed (because she sucks great dick) that's a great fuckin' question but I don't want to be an asshole and just say she's good at suckin' dick and I open my mouth

  “Don't even motherfucker, she's too young for your explanation” I smile the asshole knows me to well so I say

  “I was ganna say the friendship has run its course” Colt gives me the finger cause the fucker knows I'm lying

  “So, you just broke up with her” Niya asks a little excited

  “Yeah I could see she wanted me to make her my Old Lady and that is never happening she was just......” err even thinking about having that bitch in my life permanently has my dick shrivelin' up

  “Don't fuckhead” Colt says and I laugh

  “Old Lady what's that” Zoey asks

  “It just means his wife or mc wife”

  “There’s a difference” she says and I smile

  “Yeah little lady there is you see your gorgeous sister here is married to that dumb motherfucker legally and she's his Old Lady but you can also call a girlfriend your Old Lady if you know you want to spend the rest of your life with her but not be married legally, but in the mc world if she's your Old Lady than no-one can touch her”

  “And she wears a Property Jacket like Niya”

  “Exactly smart girl” I tap my head

  “And you don't want to spend the rest of your life with your girlfriend”

  “Fuck no” I say and Colt frowns at me

  “Ok enough of the mc world one O one” Colt says

  “What sort of bike do you ride Stryker?” Zoey asks and I look at her

  “We all ride Harley's darlin'” I tell her

  “Oh, can I see it”

  “It's out the front” she gets up headin' towards the door

  “Zoey” I say

  “Yeah” she says turnin' around

  “Don't touch it darlin' just look” she frowns at me; no woman touches my bike but me and the bitch on the back.

  Chapter Three


  KC and I have been camping out in an abandoned house just outside of town, we know it’s not safe being two young females but what other options do we have. We'd tried shelters but you never knew if there was a bed or if you'd get raped in the showers or robbed, so we usually found our own place to crash.

  When I aged out of the foster care system I'd wondered around the country, skipping trains here and there hitchhiking between cars and trucks or whoever would give me a ride, and for an eighteen-year-old that was scary shit but on one of my stops in Idaho I ran into KC.

  She was only eighteen dirty as fuck smelt even worse and was hungry begging near a convenience store. I'd found a park just down the road from the bus station and was sitting eating my lunch when I noticed her. I watched as she sat on the ground with her hand out for an hour and not one person gave her a penny, I'd seen kids like her in the system weak submissive.

  That wasn't me, one of my foster mothers called me a heartless bitch because I had no empathy for the weak. It wasn't that I didn't care it was that if I did care, then someone would have ammunition to bring me down and fighting for survival was all I cared about. For the past year I'd survived on my own without any hassle. I'd worked a few jobs here and there for cash even stripped at this dive in Reno for a few weeks but the handsy motherfuckers got to me, one guy even came close to raping me, but the fucker didn't expect me to fight back like a crazy woman. It caught him off guard and gave me time to kick him in the balls, I managed to get away you don't survive in the foster care system being a pussy. That night I was on the first bus out of town, when I saw KC I just couldn't walk away from her. It was just some sort of instinct to help her, she was so small I thought she was like twelve or something, shocked the shit out of me when she told me she was eighteen. I still remember her face looking up at me, something about her made me walk into the store and buy her something to eat.

  “Hay kid, here ya go” when I handed her the sandwich and drink she'd grabbed it so fast it was a blur, she had the wrapper open and half eaten before my next breath

  “Slow down you'll make yourself sick, can I sit” I point to the spot next to her she nods her head with a mouth full of bread and we both sat their people walk by like we didn't even exist and that made me a bit sad “My names Lilly, what’s yours?” she looked at me and frowned “Well?” I never had patience for bullshit and I look at her right in the eye “I asked you a question”

  “KC” she whispers

  “KC is that it” she nods “Where do you live?” she points to the park I was sitting at before “You live in the park” she nods again “How come you live in the park”

  “I...I...I.. d...don’t h..h..have a.a”

  “Fuck you’re a stutterer” I laughed not meaning to be mean and I watch how that one little laugh from me shuts her down and now I feel like shit (fuck I'm such an asshole) “Hay kid I'm sorry I wasn't laughing at you” she looks at me and I smile at her “You from around here” she nods again “And you don't have any family” she shakes her head “You in the system” she nods again “You run away” she nods and I get it I ran from at least seven of mine, I'm lucky I'm even still functional with all the fucked-up people they placed me with, one I swear to god one was a serial killer “Come on kid” she looks at me


  “Do you wanna stay here begging all day” she shakes her head

  “Alright get off your ass, we need to clean you up kid, you smell like shit” I tell her, that was a year ago and we've never looked back.

  KC's story is a little sad, she never knew who her parents where, she was dropped off at one of those safe haven places. The doctors saying that she was a preemie, and that it was a miracle that she survived. She's been a system kid her whole life, but she's smart and one hell of a fighter. Lots of moxie for such a little thing and I love that where two peas in a pod, little Tink and I. Her stutter has gotten better over time, unless she's really scared or nervous. We've traveled a lot over the year, after I got her cleaned up we hoped the first train out of town. We've made our own way just the two of us not relying on anyone and I love having KC with me, she makes me feel like I'm not alone anymore. We've been everywhere, from New York, New Orleans, Texas we've wanted to do all the states and we've done pretty much most of them, well the important ones anyway in the past year we've been together and now where in Cali making our way up the coast to Canada.

  Chapter Four


  Were sittin’ waitin’ for some of the guys to get to the clubhouse so we can have Church. It’s been a few weeks since our last meetin’ “Hay stranger” Pixie says to Colt as where sittin' at the table havin' a drink

  “What do you want Pixie?” Colt says to her

  “No little women tonight” I look at Colt, I can't believe the gaul of this fuckin' cunt comin' up to him knowin' what she's done

  “It's none of your fuckin' business” he says to her

  “Well aren't you in a mood” my palm is itchin' to pull my gun out and put a bullet in this bitch, Colt jumps up fast pushin' her away

  “What the fuck Pixie?” he yells at her

/>   “What? I thought you wanted it” she says and I swear to god I've never had this much hatred towards a female before but I hold myself back

  “From you no thanks I'd rather stick my dick in Tucker than you” he says and she storms off as we all laugh

  “What the fuck was that about?” Tucker asks Colt and he looks at me

  “Nothin’, just fuckin’ sick of her shit, aren’t you guys sick of fuckin” the same old and I mean old pussy” he says a little loud and I laugh lookin' at Pixie, her face is bustin’ to say somethin’

  “Fuck yes” Dad say “We need to take out the trash and get tight pussy in here, Nash man you hearin' us” Dad calls out to our VP

  “What?” he says

  “We need to get rid of the old pussy and get some new girls” Dad says again, Nash gives Pixie the once over

  “I think we might” he says, Pixie storms off down the hall towards her room (fuckin’ cunt)

  “Ok motherfuckers what was that about?” Nash asks walkin’ over to us,Colt looks at me “Well?” he asks Colt tells the guys what Pixie done and my hand twitches to put the bitch in the ground, I’ve only ever fucked Pixie twice, there’s just somethin’ about her that I’ve never liked

  “It needs to be brought to the table” Nash says and we all nod in agreement

  “Good” he says walkin’ off. The guys all show up and we all head into the meeting room that we hold Church in.

  “So, motherfuckers I've had people grumbling about getting new pussy” I look at Colt

  “Is this what the meetings about pussy” Cuff asks

  “Yeah it is” Razor says

  “Look Smokey came to me the other day and she wants out”

  “I want Pixie out” Colt says and I look at him

  “Why?” Chance asks and he looks at me, I nod my head and Colt tells everyone about Pixie Star and Niya

  “She's always been a cunt” Dover says makin’ me smirk, he may be an old fucker now but back in the day he’d slice your throat without a second thought. I look around at all the boys sittin’ at the table and smile, I’ve known most of them my whole life. I’d die for every one of them and I’d hope that they would do the same


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