The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3)

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The Devils Stripper (The Devils Soldiers MC Book 3) Page 5

by Cilla Lee

  “Anyway, what about the other guy who was with him”

  “The Prospect, oh, that was Jaxson”

  “A Prospect what’s that” Tink asks

  “It's a guy who wants to become a member and he doesn't get his Cut until he's proved to the club that he's earned his place in the club”

  “How do they earn it”

  “They go through the usual boy ritual bullshit, they work for the club doing anything and everything and after a while or when they prove themselves they get there cut but to get it they have to go through the stupid man shit”

  “You mean they have to be like a slave to the guys”

  “Yeah sort of”

  “What’s the ritual that they have to do”

  “Apparently they run through two rows of all the members hitting and punching them all the way to the other end to get their new cuts they call it”

  'The Last Test of Brotherhood' all the chapters take part'

  “So, they can get there jackets they wear” Diamond smiles at Tink

  “There called Cuts sweetie and trust me they earn it the hard way but you didn't hear that from me the mc doesn't like people talking about the club business ok” I look at Jewel

  “Did your boyfriend do that to” I ask her and she nods

  “But that's a secret” Jewel says

  “Our mouths are sealed, you ready Tink” she nods at me

  “Well we'll see ya tomorrow Diamond, Jewel, Bambi”

  “Ok girls see ya tomorrow” It takes us about twenty minutes to walk home, thank god, my legs are on fire with the workout I've given them tonight a long warm bath is what I need hopefully theirs hot water.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The past couple of days have gone by fast I've been to the Pink Slip most of them to watch Lilly dance and fuck every time she gets on stage my dick gets hard. I look around the club and see Jaxson sittin' at the bar “What are you doin' here?” I ask him

  “Night off” he says

  “Night off for a Prospect, I don't think so” he looks at me

  “You need somethin' man” he turns his full attention to me

  “You know where the girls are spendin' Christmas”

  “Which girls” (fuckin' idiot)

  “You know which girl’s asshole”

  “Nah man but there stayin' at the Rainbow though”

  “Fuck that shit hole”

  “Yeah been followin' them home at night just to make sure there safe”

  “How are they gettin' home”


  “In that fuckin' neighborhood”

  “Yeah man”

  “Shit stay on them”

  “Will do man”

  “Good bring me over a drink” I walk off to the table reserved for the club members only. I feel fuckin' pissed that she's walkin' home at night and I'm even more pissed that the Prospect had more sense than me to watch over them, (fuck) I can't get this girl off of my mind her fuckin' lips have taken over my dreams and whenever I think about her I get fuckin' hard.

  The lights dim lower than they were and metal music comes over the speakers and I see her in her tight as fuck Latex dress that leaves little to the imagination, every act she does is Latex, whips, the pole or a chair she's fuckin' breath takin'. I watch as she climbs up the pole, for a small little thing she's nimble that's for sure. She's tiny to my Six-Two in height not as small as Niya but fuckin' close and that body, dam, she's not stick thin which most chicks in hear are or the club whores. She's got a fit body that’s for sure, not what I usually look at but fuck she's hot as fuck

  “You callin' dibs on that Brother” I hear Cookie ask and I turn to look at him

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Cause you’re in hear every fuckin' night since she started” I just stare at her and he walks off laughing (motherfucker). Fuck, is this the way Colt felt when he first met Niya, shit I gave him so much shit. I laugh just thinkin’ about it, he's ganna piss himself when I claim her as mine. (fuck did I just think that, man I'm fucked) but it makes me smile. After I know she's finished for the night I finish my drink and walk over to the Prospect

  “Call me when they get to the motel” I tell Jaxson on my way past him

  “No problem man” I head out to my truck.

  I hear a women screamin' with pleasure when I walk in the house and look through the kitchen door, Dad has Bliss on top of the table pile driven her doggy style. He looks at me and gives me a chin lift, I smile the Old bastard, he still has it. I hear them down stairs for the next hour when it goes quiet and a couple of minutes later I hear a car drive off.

  “You still awake boy”

  “Yeah Old man”

  “You ok”

  “What is it with you askin' if I'm ok lately” I ask, lookin’ at him

  “I'm allowed to fuckin' ask, I'm your father now are you fuckin' ok or not”

  “Yeah I'm fuckin ok” I tell him and he smiles

  “Heard you've been spendin' time at the Strip Club”

  “You heard that huh”

  “Yeah, is it the new pussy” and for the first time in my life I feel like drivin' my fist through my Old man’s face

  “She's not pussy”

  “Than what is she”

  “She's just a chick lookin' out for her sister” just than my phone pings and I look at it

  'girls home safe'

  “Who's that?”

  “The Prospect”

  “What, he want?”

  “Just lettin' me know the girls got home safe”

  “You sendin' the Prospect to follow her”

  “It's late and she lives in a shitty neighborhood and she's earns the club a shit load of money so far, of course I'm lookin' out for the talent”

  “And that's it just lookin' out for the best interest of the club”

  “Yes, now fuck off I'm tired” I tell him and he laughs at me

  “Boy you’re so full of fuckin' shit, just admit it, your pussy whipped with this girl”

  “Fuck off I' am not fuckin' pussy whipped”

  “Sure, you’re not” I look at him and give him the finger as he closes the door laughin' his ass off.


  Christmas mornin' Dad wakes me by kickin' my bed

  “Get up boy and get dressed” I grumble pullin' the blanket over my head (fuck it's cold)

  “It's to fuckin' early” I tell him

  “Yeah well if you wanna be at the clubhouse drinkin' all night, then that's your problem now get the fuck up” I roll over and the mornin' light piercin' my brain

  “Fuck how much did I drink last night” I ask him

  “A fuck load and boy I thought I was a prick, but you take the fuckin' cake”

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “You don't remember last night”

  “No why?” he laughs and it vibrates through my skull

  “Rochelle” is all he says and I look at him

  “What about her?” he laughs again and shakes his head and a few images of Rochelle come to mind, one of her and Cuff

  “You, Cuff and Blaze all three-wade with her in the main room last night” he says and I look at him

  “Fuck off I did not”

  “You fuckin' did, told her the only way you would get back with her was if she fucked you and the boys right there”


  “Yeah, than the three of you fucked her in front of everyone, it was quite a show”

  “Jesus why didn't you stop me?”

  “Son it was fuckin' fun to watch”

  “Please tell me I put on a rubber”

  “Yeah don't worry made sure that shit happened, don't want any grand kids from that cunt that's for sure”

  “Thank fuck” I lay back just as the front doorbell rings

  “Who the fuck?” Dad say “Get up where leaving soon” he heads down to answer the door and I can hear talking, but I can't work out w
ho it is until I hear stomping feet gettin' closer to my room and the door opening

  “Hay baby, came to make you breakfast” Rochelle says and she crawls on top of me kissin' my chest

  “Fuck Rochelle why are you here?” (I just got rid of her ass)

  “Why wouldn't I see my man on Christmas morning?” she says peppering kisses on my chest

  “Rochelle don't”

  “What?” she says as I push her off of me and get up “Mmm looks like someone’s glad to see me” she says reachin’ for my dick that's at attention

  “Don't” I push her away but she latches on and starts suckin' my dick

  “Fuck Rochelle you've gotta stop” I go to push her off but she grabs my balls and starts massaging them (argh fuck it) I grab her by her hair to keep her still and thrust into her mouth and she gags on my cock, I fuckin' love that sound so I do it again and she tries to push me away “You want my dick or not” I ask her and she nods her head and opens her mouth, I thrust in harder and faster and within minutes I come in her mouth and slow my thrusts while she licks me clean

  “Mmm I love your cock baby” she says lickin' her lips

  “Thanks” is all I say and walk out of my room to the bathroom and lock it. The water feels so good and parts start to come back to me from last night Rochelle suckin' Blazes cock and me and Cuff fuckin' her (shit) I just fuckin' gotten rid of her ass. I turn the taps off and head back into my room and thankfully she's not there so I dress fast and head down stairs

  “Ok baby what do you want for breakfast” she says handin' me a cup of coffee

  “Sorry no can do, Dad and I have plans” I grab her by the arm and pull her out the door with us and Dad locks the door

  “But Stryker it's Christmas” I look at her

  “I know and I'm spendin' it with family”

  “But I'm your girlfriend”

  “No, you’re not” I tell her

  “But last night”

  “What about it?”

  “You said if I had sex with you and the other two we'd get back together” I roll my eyes at her

  “Rochelle, we were never together to start with and I'd never be with a bitch that fucks my Brothers, so fuck off and leave me alone”

  “How... how could you say that we......where meant to be together”

  “Rochelle get it through your head, you’re just a whole that I fuck”

  “Bu... but” I shake my head at her (fuck this bitch is annoyin')

  “Go home Rochelle”

  “YOUR A FUCKING PRICK STRYKER” she yells at me and I smile

  “See ya round Rochelle” I get in the truck and Dad backs out

  “Your heartless boy” Dad says chucklin'

  “Fuckin' bitch must need it in skywritin' or somethin'” Dad laughs louder

  Merry Christmas everyone greeted us as we walked into Colt and Niya’s house, the smell of breakfast and Christmas makin’ me smile.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I'd bought a small Christmas tree from the local charity shop and placed it on the table when Tink was asleep and crept out to get us some breakfast at the dinner across the street, The Highway Heaven Truck-stop and dinner, it was good value just what my budget could handle and the girls where really nice to. It was slow this time of the morning and the fact that it was Christmas morning was another reason

  “What can I get you sweetie?” Delores askes me

  “Two breakfasts with the lot please” I tell her

  “Where's your little side kick” she asks and I smile, we'd met Delores the second morning of being in town she was sweet but had a rough edge to her not like the other girls that work here

  “She's still sleeping” I tell her

  “So, how's the job at Pink Slip” I look at her feeling a little embarrassed that she knows I'm a stripper

  “You know I work there” I ask her

  “Honey this is a small town and small-town people gossip”

  “It's good” I tell her honestly, I didn't think I would like it but so far, it's been amazing

  “The club looking after you” she asks

  “You know the guys who own the club”

  “Yeah there a good bunch use to date one of the back in the day”

  “Oh yeah who?”

  “His name was Reaper”


  “Yeah deadly with a gun, never wanted to meet my man in a dark alley”

  “What happened to him?”

  “Ugly war between clubs”

  “Oh, I'm sorry”

  “It's all good sweetie, you met Razor yet”

  “No not yet”

  “He's a grumpy Old bastard but he's fair and he still looks out for me”


  “Yeah his Old Lady Maggie and I are still good friends”

  “I haven't met either of them, in fact I've only met the guys who work at the club and seen a few of them come into the club to watch the show”

  “Well you give them my best when you see them ok sweetie”

  “Will do”

  “Hear you go and Merry Christmas sweetheart to you and your sister”

  “Thanks Delores, Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the girls” I head back across the road to the motel


  “Wakey wakey” I say to Tink waving her breakfast under her nose and she sniffs the air

  “Mmm is that bacon?”

  “Sure is” she opens her eyes and I jump on her

  “MERRY CHRISTMAS” I jump up and down on her bed and she laughs

  “Stop I'll be sick” I jump on my knees and pull her in for a hug

  “Merry Christmas Tink” she laughs

  “Merry Christmas Lilly”

  “Ok let’s eat first than presents” I tell her

  “Ok” she says smiling


  We'd walked around town yesterday with fifty bucks to spend on each other for Christmas it didn't take long me knowing exactly what to get Tink and it took her the same amount of time. After we eat breakfast I can see Tink's excited to do gifts “Present time” I say and pull the gift I had for her from my side of the bed and hand her the box

  “Oh Lilly”

  “You don't even know what's inside it yet and your tearing up”

  “I know the paper is pretty”

  “Tink it's just wrapping paper”

  “But it's Tinkerbell paper” I smile I was going to go for the with a cartoon motif because Tink loves T-shirts with any cartoon character on them, but when I saw the Tinkerbell paper I knew I had to get it

  “Then open the gift carefully and you can save it” she nods and she gets up and opens the cupboard and hands me a box as well

  “Ok on three”

  “One” we both stare at each other

  “Two” we both look at the gift to where to start to open it

  “Three” I tear into mine not caring what the paper is

  “Oh, Tink you got me a perfume and body wash combo thankyou”

  “It's the one we seen in Vegas remember the one in the strip mall” I remember

  “The one that smells like candy” she nods

  “Yep” I open it and squirt some on my wrist the smell brings me back to a school trip I'd taken to a candy shop as a kid, memories of getting to try all the candy's makes me smile

  “Thank you Tink” I kiss her on the cheek

  “Your turn” I watch as she painstakingly opens the gift without tearing one piece of the paper and she looks at me

  “Lilly pencils and water colors and paper charcoals this was more than fifty dollars”

  “Nah it wasn't” it was but I wasn't going to tell her that

  “Thank you so much” I watch as she opens each lid of the charcoals the pencils water colors and brushes her eyes light up with joy and I know it was worth the Two-hundred bucks I'd spent. Tink's got a talent that most people would dream of, she can bring a picture alive with the stroke of a brush
or the line of charcoal she has a true gift.

  We spent the day sitting inside cause the temperature had dropped and I could feel the wind come in through the gap at the bottom of the floor so I place a few towels in front of it turn the TV on and we sat and vegged just watching TV enjoying the day off



  I turn and look at Colt “You comin' to the New Year’s Eve party tonight”

  “Nah, I think I'll spend the night at home” he says

  “Fuck man come on”

  “Nah man Niya hasn't been to the clubhouse since Logan was born and I still haven't said anything about Pixie”

  “She still doesn't know?”

  “No, I don't think any of the girls have noticed or said anything”

  “What do you think she'll say?”

  “I don't know man”

  “Come on it'll be fine”

  “Nah I love being at home with Niya, Logan and Zoey even fuckin' Brandy's growing on me”

  “Three women man you've got one hell of a harem”

  “Fuck off Zoey's fifteen and Brandy's to fuckin' much man, Niya's it man but I tell ya my fuckin' dicks ganna fuckin' explode if I don't get into Niya's pussy soon”

  “What? She hasn't been givin' ya nothin'” he shakes his head no

  “The best cock block in the world is a baby and a teenager in the house man, Niya's too scared that well be too loud and traumatize Zoey”

  “Fuck Brother you should get her to come tonight maybe she'll let ya in” I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  “Fuck it why not maybe just for a while” he gets up and pulls his phone out and walks down the hall, probably to grovel to his women. I laugh thinkin' about him havin' no balls anymore when he walks back in with a smile on his face

  “So” he smiles

  “Fuckin' pussy whipped” I say, Colt gives me the finger and we both laugh


  I make it to the club around seven, the music pumpin' the Brothers laughin’ and havin' fun, bitches walkin' around naked and semi naked. The Two Prospects behind the bar workin' flat out “Brother” I hear and Cuff drapes his arm over my shoulder

  “No little women tonight” he asks me and I know he's talkin' about Rochelle

  “Fuck off” I say and he laughs

  “Seems she ain’t missin’ you” he says turnin’ me around pointing to Rochelle sittin' on Chance’s lap

  “Fuckin' cunt, can fuck whoever she wants” I tell him


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