Fighting For Their Mate

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Fighting For Their Mate Page 15

by Grace Goodwin

  I whimpered at the last, knowing it was impossible to stop the pleasure of being with both of them once we got going.

  “You’ll stop before you come, sweetheart, or we’ll spank your ass before we claim you.”

  I whimpered, thinking maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea.

  Dorian groaned. “Shit, she likes that idea.”

  Seth grinned. “She does. We’ll have to try that another time. Don’t worry, we’ll spank you all you want. Later. But now, we’re claiming you.”

  Dorian took hold of my hips, pulled me down onto him in one long, deep stroke until I was sitting upon his thighs again.

  I gasped at being filled, relieved that there was something deep inside me once again. Dorian groaned, his fingers clenched. He pushed up, then lowered me again, fucking me as he wanted. He’d been more than ready to claim me, sweat dotted his brow and his jaw was clenched tight. Every time he took a breath, his nostrils flared.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Seth stripping out of his clothes, coating his cock in the lube. But I didn’t pay him any mind; Dorian and his bold handling had all my focus.

  When I felt Seth’s hand on my shoulder, Dorian stilled, his cock embedded deep. He pulled me down to kiss me, our bodies touching, my breasts pressed firmly against his hard chest.

  Seth’s cock nudged my entrance next. He’d prepared me well, for I was slick and my tight ring of muscle prepared for an object to pass. But it had never had a cock, not something of Seth’s girth.

  I whimpered against Dorian’s mouth as he continued to kiss me while Seth nudged and pressed, coaxed my body to flower open for him. It didn’t take long, for somehow I knew this was what I wanted. My mind and body relented, gave over to Seth, for he wasn’t going to stop. Oh, I could tell him no and, of course, he’d leave my ass untouched. But his dominance was what I wanted. This was the ultimate submission.

  Between them, I felt perfectly safe and yet completely vulnerable. I was exposed, accepting something in a way that was so taboo on our home planet. Yet here with my mates, it was perfect. It was exactly what the three of us needed to do to prove to ourselves we were safe, whole, together. That we were one and that I was the one to join us. My body might be what connected us physically, but the collars linked our minds.

  And as Seth’s cock popped into my ass, settled for a moment to allow me to adjust before he began to work his way deeper and deeper into me, I was theirs. Completely. Totally.

  Once Seth was in to the hilt, they began to move. Our breaths were loud in the room, the slick slide of cocks my sole focus.

  I could do nothing. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think. Could only feel as they filled me to the brink of pain, yet not any further. They gave me everything I needed and then some. More than I ever imagined.

  And when I came, I couldn’t hold back, the pleasure too great. The collars made me sense their pleasure too. I knew how much they liked being in me at the same time, how tight it was, how incredible the bond that joined us.

  It swirled and escalated, grew and then exploded. I screamed, unable to hold anything back. They rocked and stroked me deep with their cocks before they, too, came. I felt the hot pulses of their seed deep inside me as the collar about my neck heated.

  I knew, without seeing it, that the collar was now golden. The claim was official. I had their cocks, their cum, their hearts. All of them.

  And with them deep inside me, they knew they had all of me too.

  I might be a commander in my own right, but between my mates, I was just Chloe Phan. No, I was Lady Mills. They’d fought for me. Not only the Hive, Commander Karter, but even me.

  But now, I’d submitted. There was no longer a fight. I was once and for all, their mate.


  Seth, Nineteen Months Later

  * * *

  It had been a long, exhausting day. The mission had pulled me from bed. Those were the comm pings I hated the most. The ones where I had Chloe pressed to my front, like two spoons in a drawer. My arm was slung over her, my palm settled perfectly so it cupped her breast. It was the same position we always slept unless Dorian grabbed her first. Then he was on his back and he practically had Chloe tucked into his side. She could sleep either way; she was used to her mates constant need to touch and hold her.

  Often, I’d wake her by sliding my cock into her sweet pussy from behind, fucking her slowly until she awakened with an orgasm, and my cum deep inside her. With Dorian, all he had to do was lift her up so knees straddled his hips and she was riding him.

  Ever since the Battle of the Beast, over a year and a half ago, where we nearly lost her, we’d become unbelievably close. I thought I’d been in love with her before, but after seeing her save us all, risk everything to protect not just the entire battlegroup and one wounded beast, I couldn’t look at her without something breaking inside.

  I loved her so much it hurt, the pain one I welcomed, protected and cherished like a fragile, delicate treasure. Because as strong as Chloe was, that’s what she was to me. My life. My soul. Fragile and beautiful and perfect. The intensity of the bond could have been due to the claiming that occurred a few days later, when Dorian and I claimed her for the first time together, our bond complete, the claiming official. The day she became ours forever and our collars changed to gold.

  I didn’t really give a fuck as to the reason. It didn’t matter. Chloe was ours and we never stopped showing her. I shucked my uniform and left it in a pile at my feet as I hopped into the shower tube to wash away the grime, the insanity of the mission. Putting one hand on the clear wall, I sighed, thinking of Chloe and how we’d taken her. Both she and Dorian had heard the comms ping, giving me a fifteen-minute warning to join my group for debriefing.

  “I must have you, mate, before I go,” I’d said, my voice deep and rough from sleep, my cock hard as a fucking rail. There was no way I could meet the team with a lead pipe in my pants.

  She’d lifted her head off Dorian’s arm; she’d used him as a pillow, and smiled sleepily. Dorian had growled, lifted her carefully onto his lap and slipped inside. I’d grabbed the lube and coated myself liberally, taking a little time to prepare my mate first with my fingers as Dorian warmed her up. Only when she was panting and writhing on Dorian’s cock, her ass clenching and milking my digits to go deeper did I work my way past that tight ring of muscle and fuck her deep. It wasn’t easy, even after all this time, but she took both of us beautifully. The ATB was still put to use, especially for play. But this morning, all she got was cock, for I’d needed to be close to my mate, to feel the connection between us through the collars before I went off on my mission.

  And now, I wanted her again. But I would have to collect her from her post on the command deck and, like usual, I couldn’t walk about with a hard dick. So I gripped the base and stroked myself to completion. It was a waste of perfectly good cum, liking it best when I planted it deep inside Chloe, but the lingering adrenaline from battle forced my hand. Literally.

  Dressing quickly in a clean uniform, I double timed it to the command deck, eager for my mate. The door slid open and there she was, sitting at her assigned spot, special I.C. headpiece over the side of her head. To say that made her look all commanding and sexy was an understatement. Here, she was in charge, or almost in charge, and that was hot as fuck. Just as hot as when she stripped bare just inside the entry of our quarters after a long day, dropped to her knees in submission and asked for our cocks.

  Sensing my presence, she spun around in her chair and smiled. “There’s my girl,” I said low, really more for me than anyone else.

  “You’re back,” she said, stating the obvious.


  “I know you weren’t thrilled about the idea of me going on missions, but this is ridiculous. I can’t actually get up.”

  She was grinning and running a hand over her big belly. She was so big with our child in her womb that she looked like she had a watermelon beneath her modified black uniform shir
t. She was glowing, radiant even, her hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. She was so gorgeous, so lush and ripe I got hard all over again. Good thing she was horny as fuck when pregnant.

  I walked over to her, took her hands in mine and tugged her to standing.

  “How’s our little man?” I asked, placing my palm over her belly. She took my hand, slid it down lower and I felt a thump. A kick or an elbow.

  “That is a little gymnast and I think she’s going to doing a somersault right out of me.”

  We’d had this debate of boy versus girl since the very beginning. Neither of us wanted to know the sex. Perhaps it was our Earth upbringing where it was fairly easy to avoid the answer. But Dorian was almost frantic with his interest in knowing what we’d planted in her belly. He swore it was a golden-eyed girl, and I had a sneaking suspicion that he was right.

  “We’re in big trouble if this basketball is a girl.”

  Chloe removed her special headpiece, set it carefully in its case and looked toward the commander’s office.

  I gave Karter a slight nod of greeting.

  “Commander, I’ll take that into Karter for you.” An ensign held a hand out. Chloe handed it off and looked to Karter to make sure he knew about the hand-off. They’d been particular as fuck about that little piece of equipment. It—no, Chloe—had saved many lives with it and no one wanted to see it damaged. Karter was responsible for the headpiece and I was responsible for the wearer.

  “Let’s go find Dorian and get you off your feet.”

  “God, yes. I haven’t seen them in two weeks and I’m starving.”

  I heard her discontent but didn’t feel it through the collars. She was just as excited about this baby as we were.

  I headed in the direction of the main cafeteria, knowing Dorian would be there this time of day for an early meal. When we entered, we saw him easily enough. It was hard to miss the big Prillon warrior sitting beside a high chair and a one-year old little girl smacking a small spoon against her tray.

  Warriors all around smiled and were happier having her about. She wasn’t the only infant on the ship, but she was the only one who had two captains and a commander as parents.

  Dorian stood, came over to Chloe and kissed her as I took his spot beside Dara. She was the light of all our lives and the moment she was born, Dorian and I were completely and utterly destroyed.

  Having a female mate was one thing, but a baby? We were doomed. Obsessive? In love? Definitely. But if we thought we were possessive and protective of her mother, we were wrong. We took Dara’s safety and happiness to an extreme that had all warriors laughing at us.

  As if I gave a shit.

  Nothing in my life had gone according to plan, and I’d never been so grateful. I had absolutely every fucking thing I ever wanted and pushed away. And soon, very soon, we’d have another baby. Dorian was probably right. The little acrobat in her belly was probably another girl and we were going to be in even more trouble. Our girls owned us, and we didn’t want it any other way.

  It was becoming harder and harder to leave our girls for missions. Dorian and I had talked about it. Retiring. Giving up Coalition life for a peaceful existence on Prillon Prime. A battleship wasn’t the place to raise a family.

  Chloe was happy in her job, but she’d been the one to ignore the doctor’s recommendation for birth control for a few months before having a second child. No, she’d gotten pregnant almost right away after her recovery. Sure, we were virile mates and we’d certainly filled up that perfect pussy with enough cum to make a dozen babies, but only one mattered. And it was in her now, just a few more days until it was going to make its presence very known.

  Dorian helped Chloe settle into a chair and Dara clapped and blew air kisses at her mother.

  “Good day?” Dorian asked. He’d retired the week after Dara was born. He’d walked into his supervisor’s office and turned in his papers. He was the stay-at-home dad. The big Prillon, the fierce pilot and warrior who stood almost eight-feet tall, was the primary caregiver of a newborn baby. Once she’d stopped nursing, he took her everywhere with him. I’d returned to ReCon 3 and Chloe had gone back to work for the commander after her leave. Listening to the Hive. Helping Battlegroup Karter take back three planets in this sector, a level of advancement and victory that hadn’t been seen in this sector in decades.

  It had gone well, our arrangement, but now I felt what Dorian had. I wanted to be there for this baby. I didn’t need to fight anymore. It was time for younger, wilder fighters to take over.

  “We wanted to ask you something, mate,” Dorian said, waving for someone to bring a plate of the evening’s meal to Chloe.

  “Oh?” she asked, playing peek-a-boo with Dara.

  “How would you feel about spending some time on Prillon Prime?”

  “It would be nice for Dara and the acrobat to meet her grandparents.”

  Dorian’s family lived there and had met Dara once, but only for a few days. My family, the only family I had left, was my sister, Sarah, and she lived on Atlan with her huge brute of a mate, a beast named Nyko. My brothers were dead, killed by the Hive. My parents? Long gone. This family, my family, was the only thing left in the universe I cared about.

  I glanced at Dorian, then Chloe. “We were thinking, if you agreed, we’d move there.”

  An ensign brought a plate of pot roast and mashed potatoes for me and Chloe. An Earth specialty that everyone seemed to love.

  “To Prillon Prime?” she asked, picking up her fork.

  “Yes.” Dorian’s voice was even, but I sensed his hesitation. We didn’t need to make Chloe upset at this late stage of her pregnancy.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Dorian and I stared at her as if she’d grown a second head instead of a baby in her belly. Dara clapped her hands with glee, for what, I had no idea. That was the joy of being one. And perfect, just like her mother with her dark hair and green eyes.

  “You mean, you’ve wanted to move?”

  “A battleship is no place to raise kids.”

  I glanced at Dorian and he shrugged.

  “That’s what we thought, but we weren’t sure if you—”

  “What? Wanted to retire?”

  “Well, yes,” I replied carefully. “I’m ready. I’m tired of fighting. I’ve done my time. We can’t go back to Earth, but I don’t want to. Dorian can relocate us to a place near his family on the Prillon home world. We can start a new life.”

  “Okay.” Chloe dropped a bombshell on us without blinking. “I already spoke to Commander Karter about relocating. He spoke to the I.C. and I can transfer to a command base on Prillon Prime whenever we’re ready.” She batted her eyelashes at us. “I’ve been waiting on you two. I’ve been ready for months.”

  “You spoke to Karter?” Dorian asked. Our mate smiled, that secretive, feminine smile that made me crazy, and I felt my cock growing hard once more.

  “I can’t stop thinking about the danger to our family. To Dara. When Seth goes out on a mission. I think it will be twice as bad when this one’s born.” She rubbed a hand on the side of her belly. “Commander Karter told me you two will most likely be assigned to a warrior training center in the capital city. That’s where the main military command base is. And another human woman, the queen, is there as well? Jessica? And they have a child, too. Someone for Dara and our new baby to be friends with.”

  Dorian looked as shocked as I felt. Our mate had organized our life, changed everything, and had simply been waiting for us to be done fighting. If she’d demanded I leave six months ago, I would have brushed her thoughts aside and gone on and on about the war and my duty, about protecting Earth and the other planets.

  But I’d done my time. Sacrificed years of my life and both of my brothers to fighting the Hive. I was tired, not my body, but my soul. Every time I looked at Dara’s joy-filled little face, her innocent eyes, it was harder and harder to leave her and go back out there. Into the dark. And death. And killing. I was
so tired of killing.

  Now, the only duty I felt was to her. To Dara. To the little one growing in Chloe’s womb. Dorian was sure the second child would be born with golden eyes and hair, his genetic offspring. I couldn’t wait to see what the little one looked like, the newest member of our family. A new innocent life to protect and love.

  Chloe smiled and lifted a bite of mashed potatoes to her lips with a grin still tilting her lips. “The Fleet can send intel to Prillon Prime, whatever communications they need me to listen to and decipher. Anything I need to do, I can do from there. And they are expanding the program, recruiting more codebreakers, so I won’t have to work as many hours. Since Prime Nial has a human mate, Commander Karter explained my situation to him.” She rubbed her belly again and smiled at Dara. “He understood. He said I can work part time, basically set my own hours. The success we’ve had in this sector was the proof Doctor Helion needed to get approval from the Prime to bring more warriors into the program.”

  “Oh, um, okay then,” I said, not sure what else to say. I forked up a bite of meat, chewed and swallowed. Holy shit. Why did I feel like I’d just been hit with a sledgehammer? I was ready for a fight, ready to cajole her, convince her to leave this ship. Beg her. Seduce her. Whatever it took. And she’d been ready to leave for months.

  Probably since little Dara was born.

  “That was easy,” Dorian said, laughing. “Our brilliant mate is one step ahead of us, Seth.”

  “Keeping secrets, Chloe. I think we’ll have to spank you for that.”

  My mate, my sexy, defiant mate threw her head back and laughed, Dara giggling with her, copying her mother out of pure joy. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, boys. Wait until you’re surrounded by smart, sassy women. I intend to have six or eight daughters to drive you two crazy.”

  Dorian leaned down and kissed her swollen belly, where I suspected another beautiful daughter grew strong. “Based on the way we can’t keep our hands off each other, your prediction may come true soon enough.”


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