Return to Earth!

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Return to Earth! Page 2

by Ray O’Ryan

  A short woman opened the door. She had green skin and three eyes in her large head. Zack recognized her as a Kalosian.

  “May I help you?” the woman asked. All three of her eyes blinked at the same time.

  “Sorry to bother you. I’m Zack Nelson. I used to live in this house. I’m visiting Earth and my dog ran away. I think she might be here. She is brown and white and about this tall. Have you seen her?”

  “Why, yes, actually” the woman said. She blinked again. “A dog ran into the backyard a while ago. But—”

  “Thanks a lot!” said Zack. And before the woman could finish, he and Seth ran around the side of the house to the backyard. It looked pretty much the same as it did when he lived there.

  “Luna’s doghouse!” Zack cried. He pointed to a small metal doghouse sitting in the backyard. “My dad and I built it together when Luna was a puppy.”

  “What is that satellite dish for?” asked Seth.

  “It tracks the weather outside. Then it changes the temperature inside the doghouse so that it is always comfortable,” Zack explained.

  Zack wondered why he had never thought about making a doghouse for Luna on Nebulon. He had assumed she preferred sleeping on his bed. Maybe he had been wrong.

  Zack heard something move inside the doghouse.

  “Luna!” he cried. He hurried over. “Is that you, girl?”

  A huge head popped out of the doghouse. This wasn’t Luna. In fact, it wasn’t even a dog.

  A creature stepped out of the doghouse. It had six short stubby legs. Rough purple scales ran along its back. Three fangs stuck out from its wide jaw.

  Zack and Seth took a few steps back.

  “Oh no,” said Zack. “Did this thing eat Luna?”

  Chapter 8

  Chasing Luna

  The Kalosian woman stepped up behind Zack. “Of course not,” she said.

  The fierce-looking creature whimpered and crawled back into the doghouse.

  “Pookie is a Kalosian farg,” the woman explained. “They make the sweetest pets, but they are afraid of everything. In fact, your dog nearly scared the scales off of poor Pookie. I was trying to tell you that she dug up my flowers. I tried to lead her out of the backyard by her collar, but she wriggled free. The collar came off and she ran away.”

  The woman handed Luna’s collar to Zack. He stuffed it into his backpack.

  “I’m really sorry Luna ruined your flowers,” said Zack. “And I’m sorry she scared Pookie.”

  Zack and Seth headed back to their bikes.

  “How are we going to find her without the geo-locator collar?” Seth asked.

  “I don’t know,” said Zack.

  The boys pedaled out into the street just as the mail truck drove by. As it passed each house, the truck fired a bundle of mail from its laser-guided letter launcher. Each bundle landed perfectly in the correct mailbox.

  “Luna used to chase that truck all the time.” said Zack. “She thought the mailman wanted to play catch with her.”

  Did I play catch with Luna enough on Nebulon? Zack wondered for a moment. Then he forced himself to focus.

  “Maybe the mailman saw Luna!” he said. “He goes all over this neighborhood. Follow that truck!”

  Seth and Zack sped off on their bikes.

  “Mr. Geary!” Zack shouted.

  The mail truck slowed to a stop. The boys quickly caught up.

  “Well, if it isn’t Zack Nelson!” said the mailman. “Haven’t seen you since you moved.”

  “Yeah, we’re visiting for a few days,” Zack said quickly. “Have you seen—”

  “Ya know, this is the second time today I’ve stopped,” Mr. Geary said. “A dog tried to snatch the mail right out of the air. Looked a lot like your pesky dog, actually.”

  “Luna!” cried Zack. “Did you see which way she went?”

  “Yup, she headed that way, toward the school,” said Mr. Geary.

  “The park!” Zack said. “She always loved the park behind the school. Thanks, Mr. Geary. Come on, Seth.”

  The boys raced to the park. Zack skidded to a stop. He jumped off his bike and stared at the park’s soccer field. The field was covered with newly dug holes.

  “Looks like Luna has been here,” said Seth.

  “Yes, but what in the galaxy is she looking for?” asked Zack.

  “Zack!” shouted a voice from across the field.

  “Bert!” Zack called back, spotting his best friend.

  Bert sprinted across the field. “I was outside for my lunch break and saw you guys.”

  “Bert, Luna’s missing. She ran away. We’re trying to find her,” Zack explained.

  “Oh no!” said Bert. “Let me think. Have you tried the Dubbsville Pet Shop? She loved going there. Maybe she went to look for some bones to chew.”

  “Speaking of chewing, I am starving,” said Seth. “Can we get some crispy fritters or a galactic patty around here?”

  A bell sounded from the school.

  “I have to go back to class. I’ll meet you guys after school to help you look some more,” said Bert. “Don’t worry, Zack. We’ll find her!” He turned and ran back across the field. “Good luck!” he shouted over his shoulder.

  Zack turned to Seth. “There aren’t any galactic patties, but we can grab some Biggie Burgers and Fantasti-Fries at Burger Universe,” he said.

  “Fine,” said Seth. “Is it far?”

  “No. Follow me,” said Zack. He jumped onto his bike. “We’ll grab a burger, then head to the pet store. We’ve got to find Luna today!”

  Chapter 9


  Zack and Seth hurried to Burger Universe.

  “Where are the auto-ordering robots?” asked Seth. He and Zack grabbed a table.

  “They don’t have those on Earth,” Zack explained. “You type your order into this computer. It gets z-mailed to the kitchen. Then a tray with your food pops out of your table.”

  Zack typed an order for two Super Biggie Burgers, drinks, and a large order of Fantasti-Fries. Less than five minutes later, a tray with the food rose up from the boys’ table. They began munching down their lunch.

  “That was not bad,” Seth admitted, when the boys finished. They hurried outside and got back onto their bikes.

  Zack and Seth sped through the streets of Dubbsville. They passed a baseball field where a game was being played.

  “What are they doing?” asked Seth. He slowed down his bike to watch.

  “They’re playing baseball,” Zack explained. “It’s just like galactic blast, only people go onto the field and play instead of robots. It’s fun!”

  “It is weird,” said Seth.

  The boys rode on.

  “There’s the pet shop!” Zack said, pointing ahead.

  Their bikes squealed to a stop. Zack and Seth jumped off their bikes and hurried into the store. Zack looked around. No sign of Luna. He spotted a shelf full of dog bones. He grabbed one and stood there staring at it.

  “What is the matter?” asked Seth.

  “Luna loved these bones even as a puppy,” said Zack softly. “I remember buying her first bone here. It was purple and squeaked when you squeezed it. She loved it.”

  Seth looked around curiously.

  “This is where we got Luna, you know,” Zack continued. “She came running across this floor and jumped right up into my arms. That’s when I knew she was my dog.”

  At that moment, Zack’s hyperphone started buzzing. He snatched it from his backpack and the screen blazed to life.

  “It’s Bert,” said Zack. “Bert, what’s going on? We’re at the pet store and—”

  “Zack, I found her!” Bert shouted from the screen of Zack’s hyperphone. “I just got home from school. Luna is right here on my block!”

  Chapter 10

  The Bone

  Zack and Seth pressed the faster buttons on their bikes. The solar panels popped open. The boys sped toward Bert’s.

  Luna went back to Bert’s house, Zac
k thought. That’s where she stayed while we got settled on Nebulon. I guess she really did like it better here. Maybe she would rather stay on Earth with Bert.

  Bert’s house came into view.

  All I want is for Luna to be happy, Zack decided, even if it means leaving her here.

  Zack and Seth pulled up in front of Bert’s house. He was waiting for them on the front porch.

  “She ran into Mr. Gray’s yard,” said Bert. He pointed to the house next door.

  Zack, Seth, and Bert ran over. Rounding the side of the house, they spotted Luna. She was covered in dirt and digging a hole right in Mr. Gray’s prizewinning lawn.

  “Luna! Come here!” shouted Zack.

  Luna acted as if she didn’t hear Zack.

  “What is wrong with her?” Zack wondered aloud.

  Suddenly, Luna stopped digging. She barked wildly, then stuck her head deep into the hole.

  When she pulled her head out, Luna had a purple bone in her mouth. She walked over to Zack and dropped the bone at his feet. It squeaked when it hit the sidewalk.

  Zack knelt down and picked up the bone. His eyes opened wide. Zack started laughing. Luna licked his face.

  “What is it, Zack?” asked Bert.

  Zack held up the purple bone for his friends to see.

  “This is the first bone I ever gave Luna,” Zack explained. “She must have buried it when she was living with you, Bert. I forgot all about it when we moved. But Luna didn’t forget, did you, girl?”

  Zack scratched Luna’s head. She wagged her tail and licked Zack’s face again.

  “She’s been searching all of her old favorite places,” said Zack. “She’s been trying to find her special bone the whole time!”

  “So, she just wanted to bring it home to Nebulon,” said Bert.

  “Home to Nebulon,” thought Zack. That sounds good. I guess Nebulon really has become my home. And Luna’s home too.

  Zack turned to Seth. “I’m sorry I couldn’t really show you around like I planned,” he said.

  “Are you kidding?” Seth replied. “I saw lots of grape Earth stuff. The jet-powered carousel kind of looked like fun. So did the baseball game. I liked seeing your old house. And I have to admit that Earth food is not so bad. That Biggie Burger was almost as good as a galactic patty!”

  “All right, then,” said Zack, smiling. “Who’s ready to go to the mountain bike speedway? I think we have enough time before our shuttle leaves for home.”

  “You bet, Zack,” said Bert. “That would be grape.”

  Zack smiled as Bert got his bike, and the three boys rode off. Luna trotted happily beside them, carrying her favorite bone in her mouth.




  Zack Nelson unrolled his sleeping bag on the floor of his friend Drake’s bedroom. Zack was at Drake’s house for a sleepover. It was Friday night, and Halloween was just a week away!

  Zack felt a bit sad. Halloween had been one of his favorite holidays on Earth. Now Zack and his family lived on the planet Nebulon. On Nebulon, no one had even heard of Halloween!

  “So you dress up in costumes?” asked Drake.

  Zack had just finished telling him all about Halloween.

  “Yup,” said Zack.

  “And you go from house to house, and people give you free candy?” Drake asked in disbelief.

  “That’s right,” replied Zack. “And we tell ghost stories too.”

  “Ghost? What is a ghost?” asked Drake. “I have never heard of it.”

  “How about I tell you a ghost story?” Zack suggested. “I think that’s the best way to explain what they are.”

  “Sure, I love stories,” said Drake.

  Drake curled up in his blanket. Zack turned down the light and pulled his sleeping bag over his head. He switched on a small astro-light and placed it under his chin. The glowing metal stick sent a weird shadow across his face.

  Zack began his story.

  RAY O’RYAN has loved space stories ever since he watched the very first episode of Star Trek. He loves to imagine what traveling across the galaxy might be like, and is a bit jealous of Galaxy Zack in this regard. Ray lives in the beautiful Catskill Mountains of upstate New York with his wife and two lovable, zany cats named Stitch and The Way.

  JASON KRAFT grew up with a passion for drawing. He has developed that passion into a humble career that has allowed him to work in all facets of the entertainment field all over the globe—from toy design to feature animation. He has now settled in Ottawa, Ontario, with his wife, Christina.

  Little Simon

  Simon & Schuster

  New York

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

  1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020

  First Little Simon hardcover edition March 2015

  Copyright © 2015 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Jacket design by Nicholas Sciacca

  Jacket illustration copyright © 2015 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Also available in a Little Simon paperback edition.

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  LITTLE SIMON is a registered trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc., and associated colophon is a trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  O’Ryan, Ray.

  Return to Earth! / by Ray O’Ryan ; illustrated by Jason Kraft. — First edition.

  pages cm. — (Galaxy Zack ; #10)

  Summary: “Zack is headed back to Earth for the first time since moving to Nebulon. He can’t wait to see Bert and show his new friend, the former bully Seth Stevens, all around his old stomping grounds. When Zack’s dog, Luna, escapes and goes missing, sightseeing plans take an unexpected turn. Will Zack find Luna before he has to head home to Nebulon?”

  —Provided by publisher.

  ISBN 978-1-4814-2181-2 (pbk : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-4814-2182-9 (hc : alk. paper) —

  ISBN 978-1-4814-2183-6 (ebook)

  [1. Science fiction. 2. Home—Fiction. 3. Friendship—Fiction.] I. Kraft, Jason, illustrator. II. Title.

  PZ7.O7843Re 2015






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