On My Knees

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On My Knees Page 4

by Stone, Ciana

  Was she just crazy? What woman would be lusting after a man who'd just kidnapped her? She couldn't claim it was due to some syndrome – Stockholm or whatever. She hadn't been here that long. She hadn't been mistreated and she didn't get the sense that her life was in danger.

  Still, he'd made it clear that he didn't intend for her to leave so that made her a prisoner and no prisoner should have the kind of thoughts she was having for Augustus.

  Layla didn't know how to fight it. Was it some kind of Vampire mind control? Was he making her feel this way as a means of keeping her?


  His voice startled her out of her own thoughts. "Pardon?"

  "No, I am not exerting any type of mind control."

  Layla could feel heat suffuse her face. Oh my god, he can read my thoughts. She was so embarrassed she wanted to cry. She quickly turned her back on him, fighting tears. He knew what she was thinking and feeling. This was horrible. Now she was truly desperate to get away from him and for a completely new reason. Humiliation.

  Would it ease you to know that your feelings are reciprocated?

  She couldn't stop the squeak that bleeped out of her mouth or the way her body jerked. He was in her head! She whirled back around to face him.

  It took no effort to sense what was going on inside her. She was broadcasting loud and clear. He could feel her desire like a caress on his skin and knew it would take only one embrace, one kiss, and she would be his.

  However, he also knew her fear and mistrust. She didn't understand why he had taken her or why she was here. She didn't know if what he'd told her was true and if it was then where she fit into the picture. Of what service was she to a race of beings she considered superhuman?

  For the first time, self-doubt assailed him. Had it been a mistake to bring Layla here? He'd revealed enough to her to pose a threat to his kind. So long as she remained here, under his control, she was safe and so were they. Should she leave and reveal what she'd learned it could hamper their negotiations with the human Directorate.

  Augustus could imagine the fear that would result when humans discovered the existence of his kind. Creatures of nightmares is how many humans would see them, things to be feared and quite possibly exterminated.

  The leaders of his kind had been in negotiation with leaders of world governments on how best to reveal their existence. It had been a long and arduous task, accomplished over time and the progress made had been made a cost.

  His kind had performed numerous "favors" to display their powers and their readiness to cooperate for "the benefit of all," to demonstrate that they did not seek to rule humanity, only to integrate with it and live in harmony.

  Even today, on the cusp of the great revelation, he did not have complete trust that their goals would be successfully achieved. He'd been alive a very long time and one thing he had learned was that while technology advanced, humanity did not. At least not the majority. They were still as barbaric, power-hungry, and self-serving as ever and in many ways, could not be trusted.

  Was he willing to risk that tenuous peace and the progress that had been made for the sake of his desire for this one human woman? He marveled at the depth of his desire for her. It was unprecedented. He'd had feelings of affection for a thousand women, made love to thousands more and never had he experienced need such as that which Layla evoked in him.

  The fact that she did it without trying was inexplicable. What was it about her?

  Layla grew more amazed with each passing second. Did he know she could hear his thoughts? Was he allowing her access, or had something weakened inside him so that she was able to breach the barrier protecting his mind?

  Whatever the case, she couldn't believe it. He really was telling the truth about his kind. All of the stories and myths were true. Vampires and Angels, werewolves, witches, fairies and Daemons – they truly existed.

  If that wasn't mind-bending enough, the fact that he'd risked so much to have her with him had her reeling. And damn her traitorous soul, that was like a nuclear blast that stripped away all her fears and concerns. Augustus wanted her.

  Augustus snapped back to attention at the intrusion of her thoughts. He had not meant to lower his barriers. Or had he? Hell and damnation, his mind was muddled in a fashion that was unfamiliar and uncomfortable.

  There was but one way to clear the clouds.


  Her gaze met his.

  Augustus extended his right hand and waited. Several seconds passed before she took a step toward him. Just one step and then she stopped.

  "I do want you, Augustus. You know that. But I don't want to fall victim to you. I don’t want to lose myself, to give up everything I've wished and worked for. I want you but I want to still be me and have my life. I don't want to be your prisoner or your slave. I want …I want…"

  Yeah, what exactly do you want? Again, that annoying inner voice.

  It came to her – that moment of honesty with self. Despite better judgement, what she wanted was to know what it felt like to make love to him.

  "I want to be your lover."

  "Then take my hand."

  She hesitated for another few seconds then placed her hand in his. Augustus pulled her to him, using his free hand to gently tilt her face up to his. Her lips were soft and pliant beneath his, her taste sweet.

  He took care to be gentle and slow, waiting for her lips to part against his before he explored her mouth. She was more tentative but once she began to reciprocate, she pressed closer to him and the kiss became more passionate.

  It wasn't long before he heard the sound – that low tone that begins in a woman's throat and emerges as a soft moan of need. When Augustus heard that, the restraints he'd placed on his passion became threatened. His arms moved around her to crush her to him.

  His action earned no protest. The kiss turned primal, full of hunger and impatience. Her hands worked up to tangle in his hair, her mouth seeking dominance over his. Her passion was welcomed but it also wakened the blood lust he kept locked away.

  Augustus did not feed on humans aside from those who volunteered people who traded blood for protection, sanctuary, or money. It was an arrangement that provided him with the sustenance he required. He rarely took advantage of those relationships anymore. The Seven had arranged for blood banks that kept the Vampire races well fed.

  Nonetheless, desire such as that which coursed through him now incited the blood lust. He pushed back from the kiss, looked at her flushed face and eyes dilated with desire and was stabbed with another pang.

  Augustus released her and turned away. He walked over to the wall of glass and looked out over the peaceful landscape, seeking to rein in the beast that clawed at his mind.

  Layla was frozen in place. She didn't understand what she'd felt in him. Desire? Yes, but also something else. Something equally as hot and demanding.

  What had happened? If he wanted her then why had he walked away? What kind of tactic was this? Was he playing with her?

  "No." His voice had her looking in his direction.

  He'd turned to face her and Layla could feel waves pouring from him. Desire, indecision and surprisingly, fear.

  "What is there to be afraid of?"

  His eyes widened fractionally. "You can read me that well?"

  "No, but I recognize fear and ask again, what do you have to be afraid of?"


  "Me?" Of all the answers he could have given that was one that she'd never have imagined. "How in the world could you fear me? What could I possibly do to hurt you, Augustus?"


  That made no sense at all. Layla went to him and cupped his face in both of her hands. "That's silly. Look at us. You're – you're a Vampire and sexy as sin and I'm just – just another ordinary woman."

  "There's nothing ordinary about you, Layla. You must know that."

  "No, Augustus, I don't. I don't know why you'd want me."

  "Is there an explanation for why one person i
s attracted to another, what makes us desire one person over another? Is it chemical, biological, psychological, spiritual? A combination of all or none of the above? And does it matter? There is a truth that exists between us and it is a simple truth. I want you and you want me. But in that wanting lies danger."

  "What kind of danger."


  "Lust isn't necessarily a bad thing."

  "Lust such as mine may be. For you. You must understand that strong desire can awaken the blood lust within me."

  "You mean…?" She had not considered that. Would he bite her? She wasn't sure she wanted to experience that.

  "Yes, I mean it makes me want to take blood from you."

  The curious part of her nature sprang to the forefront. "Look, I'm not saying I want to experience it, but what exactly does that do to a human? Is it like the books and movies? Does it make your—victim—swoon and get all orgasmic? Does it make them under your control so they can't do anything you don't want them to? And what about you? Does taking blood from someone connect you to them in a special way? Also, if you—"

  His laugh cut her short. Her first reaction was irritation, until she realized that his laugh was one of genuine amusement. "Sorry. I just never imagined I'd meet a real Vampire and you know how we romance readers are – we just loves us some sexy Vampires and –"

  His kiss silenced her. It was hard and fast, but ripe with passion. When he pulled back and smiled at her, she saw his fangs. Strangely, this time it didn't make her cringe. "So? What if you did bite me?"

  "It would evoke pleasure beyond anything you've ever dreamed."

  God that sounded tempting, so tempting that it unsettled her. What was she doing? She was so out of her depth. She shouldn't be here. Shouldn't be with him.

  "Do you truly want to leave, Layla?"

  "Yes. No. I don't know. I want to go home, to be free to leave. But—" She could not look at him and speak the words so she walked around him to gaze out of the window. "But I want you, too. I just … I just want it to be my choice."

  "It is."

  "Is it?" She looked over her shoulder at him. "If I asked you to make love to me all night and then when the sun rose I asked to go home. Would you let me?"

  His own decision shocked him. He'd been determined to have her, to keep her and yet now he no longer wanted that. Well, he did want her, but he wanted her to be with him because it was what she wanted as well.

  Surprising as it was, for the first time in a thousand years, Augustus wanted someone to love him just for him. Not because he could charm them, or control them. Not because he had power or wealth, but to honestly love him.


  Surprise was clear on her face. "Do you mean that?"

  "I do."

  "Then what are you waiting for, Augustus?"

  He swept her up in his arms and headed for the master suite. She might well want to leave in the morning, but until then she was his.

  Chapter Five

  I keep expecting to wake up and discover that all of this is some crazy elaborate dream. It seems impossible even though I believe it's real.

  Vampires, Skinwalkers, Angels, and fairies? They're real. God, I bet I'd get myself put into a looney bin if I went home and told anyone. But then if Augustus was telling the truth and I do believe he was, then people are going to find out soon enough.

  Damn, I should start a new series about it now, before word gets out. Oh god, what's wrong with me? Something monumental is about to become public knowledge – something that will alter reality for everyone in the world and all I can think about is how to capitalize on it?

  But thinking about that is easier than thinking about what I'm getting ready to walk away from.

  There was an almost imperceptible lightening of the sky. She could see it through the window of his bedroom. Layla remained motionless, lying on her side, watching the steady rise and fall of Augustus' chest as he slept.

  She'd been a bit surprised when he drifted off to sleep. Too many Vampire tales? She didn't know they slept. It was obvious that her knowledge of Vampires was sorely lacking. There was a substantial gulf separating fiction and reality if Augustus was representative of his race.

  Emotions welled inside her, forcing tears to gather in her eyes. Last night had been the most incredible, sensual, and emotional night of her life. Layla had been with men, she was no virginal girl, but making love with Augustus had certainly made her feel like a novice to passion and pleasure.

  If she lived to be a hundred she'd never forget it. She'd never imagined a man could be so tender and gentle and yet so dominant and commanding. He was, without a doubt the perfect lover, giving pleasure that was so overwhelming it felt unreal.

  He'd taken her heart last night and right now it was breaking because she fully intended to leave him. Not because she wanted to. That was the last thing she wanted, but she'd lain there, searching inside herself and she knew she had to.

  Layla wanted Augustus to want her. No, she wanted him to love her. Whether it was his Vampire nature or just the man he was, she'd already fallen for him and didn't imagine she'd ever feel about another man the way she felt about him.

  Nonetheless, she had to leave. If there was to be a future for them, it had to be based upon mutual choice and she couldn't make that decision here. She had to go back to her life, pursue her career and…

  …and what? Layla had no answer for the question her inner voice posed. She knew what she wanted. She wanted him to follow, to be with her in her world, part of her life. She didn't want to be sequestered away from the world. She wanted to be part of it.

  Selfishly, she wanted the life she'd just started to have. Being a writer was her dream. Being a bestselling writer was that dream come true and multiplied by a thousand. She was honest enough to admit, at least to herself, that she didn't want to give that up. If she did, there would come a day she would regret it. If she gave it up for him then the regret would be accompanied by resentment. She'd blame him and whatever they might have would be eroded or possibly destroyed.

  That wasn't a promising future, at least not to her. No, like her Grannie always said, be honest with yourself and then choose your path. As long as you walk it with honesty and integrity, it will turn out okay.

  Layla sure hoped Grannie was right. With one last glance at Augustus, she eased out of the bed, gathered up her clothes, took his key fob from the pocket of his jeans, and tiptoed from the room. It took her only minutes to dress and let herself out.

  The sun was just starting to rise. She climbed in his truck and started the engine. Her heart raced just a little as she put the truck into gear, fearing that he might have heard her. She wasn't prepared for a confrontation. She didn't want to try to explain her reason for leaving.

  Besides, a factor in her decision was his statement that he would not try to stop her. Would he be good to his word? That was important to know.

  She turned the truck and headed down the drive, trying to remember the turns he'd made. Twenty minutes later, she heaved a sigh of relief as she rode by the house where she'd first been taken.

  A couple of minutes later she reached the gate. Still unclear how to open it, she abandoned the truck and found the tree she'd used yesterday to get on top of the wall protecting the property.

  This time Augustus was not there to break her fall and she landed hard, stumbled, and reached for purchase on the wall to steady herself. It was light enough to see and she looked both directions. Which way?

  She didn't have a clue but took a chance and headed west. Layla tried not to think about Augustus as she walked, but that was impossible. She replayed last night over-and-over and with each passing minute felt more bereft. God, what had he done to her? She hadn't been this upset when her fiancé Mike broke up with her and they'd been together for three years.

  The sun rose higher in the sky and the air warmed. It wasn't long before she was sweaty, tired, and thirsty. How long had she been walking? It seemed like a long tim
e and not one car had passed by nor had she seen any signs of houses. Where the heck was she?

  Just then, she saw it. A car. Coming toward her.

  Layla ignored caution and ran into the middle of the road, waving her arms. The car slowed and came to a stop. Layla could see it was driven by a middle-aged woman. Relieved, she ran to the driver's side of the car.

  She waited for the woman to roll down her window. "Can you please help me?"

  "Have you been in an accident?"

  The woman's question gave her pause. There was no way she was going to tell what had happened. She didn't want to get the police involved and if she said she'd been abducted the woman was probably going to want to call the police.

  "I'm stranded. I lost my purse and everything. I just need to get to a phone. Do you have a cell phone I could use?"

  "I'm afraid I don't have one."

  "Oh, well do you think you could give me a ride to somewhere that has a phone?"

  "Of course. Get in."

  Layla hurried around the car to get in. "Thank you so much."

  "My pleasure. My name is Madeline."

  "Thank you, Madeline. I'm Layla."

  "Well you just sit back and relax Layla while I turn us around and head back to the house so you can make your call."

  "Thank you so much." Layla wiped at the sweat on her face and then dried her damp hands on her skirt. The air conditioning in the car felt divine and after a minute or two, she started to cool off.

  She felt herself getting a bit drowsy. She didn't want to fall asleep but soon it was almost impossible to keep her eyes open. Maybe she'd just close them for five minutes. What could that hurt?

  A loud clang woke her. Disoriented, she straightened and looked around. They were driving down a long narrow blacktop road. Behind them was a big metal gate.

  "Where are we?" She turned to look at Madeline and gasped.

  Shock at seeing Madeline holding a Taser and wearing an evil smile was her last conscious thought.


  Madeline tucked the Taser into her pocket and smiled again. What a stroke of fortune. The young woman, Layla, was involved with Augustus Thurinus. Her network of spies had been flying small drones over his property, Sanctuary, for weeks and had footage of this young woman being brought into the compound by Thurinus.


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