The Road To Glory

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The Road To Glory Page 5

by Advocate

  Leigh wordlessly passed it over and watched carefully as RJ lined the cap up against the edge of the table and gave it a hearty smack, taking the cap off in one swift motion.

  RJ passed the bottle back, careful to hold it away from both their bodies as a little brownish foam erupted out the top. She took a seat next to Leigh on the bench. From behind her glass of lemonade, she offered quietly, "I’m glad you found your way back."

  Leigh regarded her carefully for a moment. "Me too. By the way, I don’t think we’ve ever really been introduced." Leigh wiped the hand that was damp from her frosty Pepsi bottle on her jeans before holding it out. "I’m Leigh Matthews."

  The brunette gently took Leigh’s hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "RJ Fitzgerald, at your service, ma’am." Boy, would I like to service you.

  Leigh smiled broadly and spent several long seconds imagining the many ways she’d be happy to let RJ service her. RJ still hadn’t let go of her hand.

  Flea snorted and jumped up from the table. There was only so much she could take before gagging out loud.

  Leigh set down her Pepsi. "The pleasure is all mine, RJ." She paused for just a second before her curiosity got the best of her. "Is it okay if I ask why your mother was glaring at me? Usually it takes somebody’s parents at least a day to start to hate me."

  She shrugged, clearly embarrassed. "It’s a mother thing, you know. And um …" she cleared her throat softly. "I may have mentioned you a time or two. My mother’s just a tad protective."

  Leigh leaned forward, suddenly all ears. "Mentioned me?" And you hardly look like the type who needs protecting.

  "Well, yeah. It’s, ah," she cleared her throat gently. "Not often that we get attractive blonde truckers through here." RJ glanced up at Leigh and held her gaze. "I may have mentioned that a time or two."

  She thinks I’m attractive? A slow smile spread across Leigh’s face. Looks like they’d both been thinking about the other. She could see that RJ was blushing and she quickly said, "Don’t worry about it. I’d say your mother’s instincts are dead on. I’m basically trouble," she admitted freely. "Your mom just saved me the chore of having to do something incredibly stupid for her to dislike me. But um … well, if we get to know each other I guess you’ll figure that out for yourself."

  RJ’s brows drew together, but she didn’t press for more information. What does that mean? From where I’m sitting she doesn’t seem like a stupid person.

  Blue eyes flickered around the crowd. "So what sort of party am I crashing?" And why am I still here? I’ve got to get back on the road if I’m going to make it to Sioux Falls on time.

  "There’s nothing I’d like better than to get to know you, Leigh Matthews. And you’re not really crashing a party. It’s just a town cookout. We use them just as an excuse to cook and eat good food. They usually last all day and well into the evening. Can you stay for a bit? Or do you need to get back on the road?" RJ glanced in the direction of the road.

  "Oh, no. I can stay," Leigh said a little too quickly. Mentally, she kicked herself. Lord, I’m so pitiful.

  "Good." RJ sat up a little straighter, proud of herself for having the courage to ask her to stay. "It may not be the most exciting thin’ you’ve done in a while, but there’s always good food. So where are you headed next? Someone waiting on you at home?"

  "No." Leigh shook her head, and her normally bright smile was suddenly edged with sadness. "Nobody’s waiting," she said quietly.

  "Then it seems like I’m a very lucky person today." RJ raised a single eyebrow. "Would you like to take a walk with me?" She whirled around and shot a dirty look at every pair of eyes that were fixed on her and Leigh. "So folks will quit staring at us like we’re doing something we shouldn’t be doing," she said this just loud enough for everyone to hear.

  "Sure." Leigh jumped up from the table. She wasn’t anxious to explain to RJ, at least at this very moment, that she’d sold her and her dad’s small house nearly two years ago, that she only maintained a post office box in Seattle, and that she lived in her truck. Even if it was a really nice truck.

  As they moved away from most of the crowd, the blonde found herself with the urge to take RJ’s hand as they walked. Instead, she stuffed her hands in her front pockets, keeping her eyes trained on the ground in front of her.

  RJ walked slowly, turning around and walking backwards so she would always have Leigh in sight. "I’m sorry about that back there. They tend to be a bit nosey. We’ll have more privacy back here. That way you won’t feel like they’re all talking about us and they can feel free to do so. They’re the biggest bunch of busybodies you’ve ever met, but they mean well." She grinned. "I swear to you they’re harmless enough."

  "They’re okay with thinking …" Leigh gestured awkwardly between them. "That there could be something between us. Sort of. Potentially?" If I have anything to say about it. She was used to stolen moments of privacy in bathrooms or cars or cheap motels with women who wouldn’t want their affairs known mainly because Leigh was a woman. It was a little disconcerting to think that the people at the picnic were watching them with curious eyes that still held no malice.

  Leigh looked up at RJ, who was smiling as she walked. She didn’t seem worried. Of course it didn’t escape Leigh that they were moving in the opposite direction of RJ’s mother. The bright white smile intrigued Leigh, and she found herself wanting to know more about this woman. "So what do you do for a living, RJ?"

  "Oh, me?" RJ spread her arms wide open. "I’m a ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ type. I do a little of everything. I’m what you might call a handyman." She grinned and wiggled her brows. "I like to work with my hands."

  The shameless flirting wasn’t lost on Leigh. In fact, the only thing unusual about the words was that she wasn’t the one saying them.

  "I also do a little bit a work for the town of Glory. City Council has made me a guide or Welcome Wagon of sorts."

  "Welcome Wagon?"

  RJ tilted her head down as she spoke. "Sure. When we get a new resident, I show them around, help them find a place to live, a job, that sort of thing."

  "Sounds interesting." You sound interesting. And you look good enough to eat. Pun intended.

  "I suppose." The light spring breeze tossed RJ’s auburn locks, sending a tussle of hair normally combed back over her forehead nearly into her eyes. "It’s not so much, really. Glory is a small town, and we don’t get that many new folks. But I do me best."

  Leigh opened her mouth to warn RJ that she was only two paces from walking right into a shed. But RJ spun around, threw open the door and growled loudly, "All right, you little monsters. Take your cigarette-smoking backsides outta here! I know every single one of your mothers and fathers besides." A small group of kids ranging from ten to twelve years old stared at RJ with round, guilty eyes. Too stunned to even move.

  RJ put her hands on her hip and glared at down at the little delinquents. "Move!"

  Leigh laughed as a gaggle of boys and one tomboyish- girl scattered like roaches caught by the kitchen light, both she and RJ knowing instantly that the lone girl was leading the pack of troublemaking boys. "I can see that you’re going to be a bad influence. You’re taking me someplace where naughty things happen, aren’t you, RJ?" she teased mischievously.

  "Well, if you’re twelve and you’ve just snitched a smoke from your father, and you’ve come out here to have it, I guess so." RJ licked her lips and leered at Leigh. "But if you’re an adult and you’re both of the same mind, could anything you decided to do really be considered naughty?"

  "Absolutely not," Leigh said softly. She was definitely liking the direction of this conversation and took a step closer to RJ. "And I never said there was anything wrong with naughty." She quirked a playful brow. "Naughty and I are intimately acquainted."

  RJ laughed. I’ll just bet you are, lass. "Well then, let’s get comfortable, shall we?" RJ reached through the window of the shed just above the bench and pulled out a blanket. "Sometimes at night
I come out here and look at the stars. I’ve found it’s better if you don’t get dirt in your shorts."

  Leigh coughed a little on the stale smoke that still filled the shed.

  RJ’s face creased into a frown. "Not to worry, we’re not staying in the delinquent hideout. C’mon." She grabbed Leigh’s hand. "Would be nice to cloud watch, wouldn’t it?" Without waiting for Leigh to answer, RJ snatched up the blanket and exited the shed, tugging Leigh behind her. She carefully spread out the blanket on a patch of grass beneath a large tree that stood alongside the small structure. The tree was on a slight hill and the grass on top was almost completely dry, despite the storms of the day before. While they could still just barely hear the music from the party in the background, they were tucked well out of sight.

  RJ let go of Leigh’s hand and flopped down on the blanket, lacing her fingers behind her head and crossing her long legs at the ankle. She gazed up into the bright blue sky dotted with fluffy white clouds. After several seconds had passed and Leigh still hadn’t joined her, RJ said, "Sit down, lass. Don’t be pretending to be shy." The tall woman smothered a grin. "I have a feeling you’re just about as shy as I am."

  Leigh snorted to herself and joined RJ on the blanket, suddenly feeling like she’d just met her match. "Won’t we get wet?" She could see the puddles all around them.

  "Nah. We’re on a high spot. Lay back and close your eyes."

  Leigh looked at RJ hesitantly.

  "C’mon. I haven’t bitten anyone all morning. You’re perfectly safe here." For the time being.

  "Said the spider to the fly," Leigh mumbled.

  "I heard that."

  "Heard what?" Leigh’s eyes went round and innocent.

  RJ laughed, despite her attempt to keep a stern face. "Aren’t you afraid of getting struck between the eyes with a bolt of lightning for telling such lies?"

  Leigh scooted closer to RJ and lay down. "Oh, I’m sure I’ll get a bolt in the kisser one of these days. But it won’t be for telling lies."

  "You’re right." RJ rolled over and pinned Leigh to the ground by the arms. "It will probably be for the delinquents catching us doing –," she bent down and lightly kissed Leigh’s neck, hearing a tiny gasp, "– this. And –" Another kiss. "This."

  "Can’t live forever," Leigh muttered happily.

  "Tell me something interesting about yourself, Leigh Matthews."

  Leigh’s eyes fluttered closed, and she threaded her fingers into silky reddish-brown hair, tugging RJ’s body closer. "Now?" she breathed. RJ’s kisses felt as good as she’d imagined they would. Soon she’d be nothing more than a puddle.


  "I’m …" Leigh licked her lips and groaned. "Ooooo, that’s nice. I’m not sure I know anything interesting." She tilted her jaw upward to give RJ better access to her tender throat.

  "I’ll be the judge of that."

  * * *

  "Why are you here?" the male squirrel groaned. He’d vowed never to be seen with her again.

  "You don’t remember?" The female squirrel put her hands on her hips and glared at the smaller squirrel.

  "Ummm …"

  "Never mind." She sat down next to the male on the crushed beer can. "It’ll be quicker if I just tell you. We were doing the chicken dance–"

  "On the fraternity hayride that was going in the park. Right. Go on."

  "I was there with that really cute gopher from behind the north bench."


  "Sterile drunk."

  "I’m not sterile!"

  "You’re right. I’m pregnant."

  The squirrel fell backwards off the can. "Noooo!"

  Just then the truck came to a stop and the driver got out, a thermos in hand.

  "This is our chance," the male declared. "Come on!"

  The squirrels jumped out of the truckbed, their tiny paws slightly sinking into the damp ground in front of Fitz’s diner.

  "Where are we?" the female wondered aloud.

  "I don’t know. Looks like a godforsaken wasteland to me, but I’m not going to discuss it in the parking lot." He was sure that chunk of squirrel he’d seen on the road a while back was his old high school sweetheart. Either that or his boss. He couldn’t be sure. Despite what they liked to say, they really did look all alike.

  "Look." The male pointed. "A tree."

  They both scampered around the diner, around the milling people and over to a tall tree alongside a small shed. "Continue with your story," the male said.

  "There’s not much more to tell. Libations were flowing, and you fell off the wagon. Literally. Loser."

  The male’s eyes widened as the night came rushing back to him. The hay wagon had stopped alongside a pickup truck and he’d seen his mate with that nasty gopher. In his rage he began to shake, then fall; the last thing he remembered was yelling, "Die bitch, die! I’m taking you with me!" as he pulled her over the edge with him. They had been on the very top of a tall stack of hay bales and the pickup truck had been Japanese. He couldn’t believe they’d survived.

  The squirrels darted up the side of the tree, climbing high into its branches where they felt safe.

  Panting, the male squirrel glanced down and saw a blanket with two female humans on it. The bigger human was suckling the smaller one. He cocked his head to the side. Wasn’t she a little old for that? Wait. "Those humans look familiar."

  The female followed her mate’s line of vision. "The humans we spy on back home!"

  "Not quite."

  "The hair ..."

  She squinted. "The eyes ..."

  "Just a little different. But not much. Same builds. Same wonderful screen presence no matter the location or genre." She rolled her eyes. "We all know what they’re going to look like."

  "Genetic mutations because of the inherent weakness of their race?"

  "Or lazy writers."

  The women below talked and kissed and talked a little more, until the talking turned into broken whispers and the kissing grew more and more fevered.

  The female squirrel watched as her mate walked out to the edge of a rickety branch. She could see there were many dead and dry branches mixed in among the new buds, and as her mate began to jump up and down, the twigs fell on the women below.

  "What the –"

  Leigh’s hand shot to her forehead when a good-sized piece of wood landed right on her head.

  RJ was pelted in the back, causing her to interrupt her kissing.

  Both women stood up and stared into the tree.

  "What are you doing?" the female hissed. "Are you insane?"

  "Bwahahahahahahaahahahah!" the male laughed hysterically, jumping even harder. "Come on, join in! They’re only humans!"

  Just then the branch beneath the male gave way and he began to plummet to earth.

  The female did at least have the decency to wave goodbye.

  The male pawed the air and flapped his arms … but sadly, he was not a flying squirrel. So he dropped like a stone. His landing, however, was buffered by RJ Fitzgerald’s head.

  "Jesus!" Leigh screamed and took a large step backwards when the rodent fell from the sky and landed squarely atop RJ, who, of course, began to yell, curse and spin in circles, trying to pull the squirrel out of her hair.

  Before RJ could dislodge the squirrel, Flea appeared from out of nowhere and sprang into action. She bounded up from the ground and attached herself to RJ’s head in an attempt to dislodge the frightened, flailing squirrel.

  The female squirrel’s eyes widened.

  Leigh stepped forward to try to help, but there was nothing to be done. RJ lost her balance as soon as Flea pounced. The tall woman ended up tumbling down the hill, skidding to a stop in a large puddle of sun-warmed mud.

  Leigh took off down the hill, sliding as she tried to make it to RJ in time. She’d seen the movie ‘The Birds’ when she was a kid. Who knew what a squirrel could do?

  Flea used lightning-fast paws to fling the squirrel away from one of her favorite humans. She wanted
to pursue the furry beast, but decided to allow his escape in order to stay with her traumatized woman. Her high-maintenance kind had had to seek therapy over much less. Flea’s golden eyes narrowed. She and the little squirrel would meet again. Oh, yes her mind purred. We’ll meet again.

  "God, are you okay?" Leigh knelt down, heedless of the grime and pushed mud-soaked bangs out of RJ’s eyes. She peered down at her with concerned eyes.

  RJ panted and flicked mud from her hands, realizing now she must be a right mess. A muddy mess that smelled like warm, wet, stale beer. "I’m fine. My ego is in shreds, and I’m really sorry to expose you to all this, but I’m fine." She sighed and looked at herself. "I should probably go get cleaned up. I’m so sorry, Leigh."

  Leigh looked at RJ regretfully. "I suppose so." The voices from the party had grown louder and she suspected their respite from the crowd was just about over anyway. Leigh leaned in and lightly kissed RJ on the lips. "It’s been an adventure, RJ. But, yes, you do need to get cleaned up. And I need to go anyway." She was a little surprised at how tempted she was to say she’d wait for RJ to shower and hang around for the rest of the party. But the trucker tucked that thought away for future examination. Bracing her hands against her knees, she stood and reached out for RJ and said the only thing that she could think of at the very moment. "I’ll be back."


  RJ GRUMBLED TO HERSELF as she reached out for a screwdriver that was just beyond her fingertips. The garage was dark except for a hanging light attached under the hood and another flipped on over her workbench. She needed to keep the throttle spring just so …

  "Damn thin’!" The tool at her fingertips clattered to the concrete floor, causing another stream of four letter words to be launched into the air.

  "What would your mother say?"

  RJ jerked her head up and collided with the underhood of the truck at the sound of Leigh’s voice. Her hand unclenched with the impact of her head and the throttle spring made a dutiful ‘sproinging’ noise as it flew across the room and clattered to the floor.


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