Fighting the Flames (Southern Heat Book 2)

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Fighting the Flames (Southern Heat Book 2) Page 17

by Jamie Garrett

  He pulled into the parking lot of a gated apartment complex on the west side of town. Even in the pre-dawn darkness she could tell it was one of the nicer places; sculptured walls formed a barrier around the complex, a wrought iron gate with keypad, and from what she could see by the landscaping lights, beautifully maintained.

  He opened his window, pressed a sequence of numbers on the keypad, and then turned to her with a smile. “You’ll be safe here, Meg. I promise.”

  He rolled up his window and waited for the gate to slowly slide open, creaking slightly on its rollers as it retracted. “Thanks for letting me stay with you, Liam,” she said. She had to say it. “I just hope that I don’t end up putting you in danger, too.”

  He drove slowly through the gate, rolling the car over one speed bump and then made a turn onto one of the side streets and drove down it. This was a nice apartment complex. Four-apartment two-story buildings separated by small grassy areas, pathways, and plenty of parking.

  “The only people who know where I live are a few of the guys I work with at the county level and now Detectives Hodges and Petit. I don’t have a listed phone number, and this is a gated community. There’s even 24-hour security guards who monitor the place.”

  She nodded, still torn between relief and guilt. She had so desperately wanted to stay at the house, to prove to herself, if no one else, that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. It wasn’t her fault someone had kicked in the back door. Wasn’t her fault that someone had tried, again, to burn her place down. The more she thought about it, the angrier she got.

  “I’ll be glad when this is all over,” she said. “I just don’t know how long it’s going to take to find out who’s doing this to me. Or why.”

  “I’m sure that Monroe PD and the GBI are working hard at getting to the bottom of this, Meg. But until they do, I would feel better if you stayed here.”

  He glanced at her and she gave him a wan smile. She was trying to put on a brave front. She hated that whoever the hell it was had forced her out of her home. But at the same time she knew when she needed help. Especially against an unknown attacker.

  “I just don’t want anyone else to get hurt on my account.”

  “It may not even involve you,” he said, backing into a parking space, headlights away from the apartment buildings. He turned off the engine, retracted his keys from the ignition, and leaned toward her, arm over the back of the seat. “But until we know, I’ll keep you safe.”

  She nodded. “I know, but patience was never my strong suit. Besides, the people in the community, or at least in my neighborhood, rely on Promise House. Not just for temporary shelter, but for food. I can’t do my job if I’m in hiding.”

  “Let’s see what the day brings, all right? You need rest. I’m sure your head is throbbing. You’ve had enough crap recently to last you a lifetime. Let’s go in. It’ll just take me a couple of minutes to change the bedding. Then you can get some sleep. Have you taken one of your pain pills yet?”

  “I don’t want you to go to more trouble, Liam. You stay in your own bed. I can sleep on the couch. And no, I haven’t taken a pain pill yet. I’m not sure I want to.”

  “You’re staying in my bed and that’s all there is to it.” He said it kindly though firmly. “And I strongly suggest you take one of the painkillers they gave you. In the morning, you’ll be glad you did, believe me.”

  She said nothing but turned to open her car door. In a matter of moments, they were both walking toward a ground-floor corner apartment. His keys jingled as he sorted through them, found his house key, and then opened his front door, gesturing for her to enter before him.

  She did, stopping abruptly. The apartment was dark inside. Liam reached for a light switch and spoke softly. “My upstairs neighbor is an older woman who works the early shift at a nursing home. She usually gets up around five in the morning, so don’t be alarmed if you hear noises from upstairs in a little while.”

  She nodded and immediately regretted it, wincing as her head throbbed anew. She resisted the urge to lift her hand up to her bandaged forehead and the stitches underneath. She would probably have a scar, but she couldn’t worry about that now. She glanced around the apartment. Liam gestured down a short hallway.

  “The bathroom is the door on the left. You can take a shower if you want to. Clean towels are under the sink. I’ll change the bedding and make a bed for myself on the couch.”

  Without giving her a chance to argue, he moved down the hallway. Meg stood where she was for several moments, but her full bladder nudged her toward the bathroom. Maybe a nice hot shower would also help to ease her anxiety. Liam disappeared into the bedroom at the end of the hallway. Carrying the gym bag, she walked down the short hallway and into the bathroom, turned on the light, and shut the door. She dropped the gym bag onto the floor and turned toward the sink, flinching when she saw her reflection in the mirror over the sink.

  Oh, God. Her face looked white and drawn, although it could very well be the super bright light bulbs in the light bar above the large mirror over the sink. Dark circles were prevalent under her eyes, a bruise was beginning to develop even beyond the edges of the bandage over the stitches in her scalp, and a few smudges of dried blood hovered around her hairline.

  What bothered her the most was the expression in her eyes. Wide, anxiety-ridden eyes staring back at her. This was not her. She was not this frightened woman. This haunted, hunted expression did not belong to her. Gingerly, she tried to lower her eyebrows, to change the reflection that stared back at her.

  She was safe now. At Liam’s place. Whoever was after her, for whatever reason, didn’t know where she was.

  At least she hoped he—or they—didn’t.

  With a sigh, she undressed. The small bottle of pain killers dropped out of her pants pocket and she squatted down to pick it up. Maybe she’d take one—just so she could get some sleep. She ran the faucet, took a pill, and swallowed it down.

  She turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature, then stepped inside the tub and closed the glass door with a click. She had just stood under the warm spray when she heard a knock on the door. She could have ignored it, or told him she’d be out in a minute, but that wasn’t what she wanted. Not now. Now she wanted him close. She might have regrets later, but at this moment, this very second, she wanted him here. In the shower with her.

  “Come in, Liam,” she said.

  The door opened and he poked his head inside. His eyes grew wide at first, but then he shuddered as he stared. His big hand gripped hard on the doorframe. Meg resisted the urge to cover herself with her hands. Instead, extending a wordless invitation, she turned to face him. His eyes burned with heat. She opened the glass door.

  “Better get in here while the water’s warm,” she said with a smile.

  Liam entered the bathroom and gently closed the door, then pulled his T-shirt over his head. God, his pecs alone sent her heart—and more—fluttering. He kicked off his shoes and unzipped his pants. Meg caught herself staring and turned, pretending to adjust the water temperature. In seconds she felt him enter the shower stall and close the door. Only then did she turn around. He was standing mere inches from her.

  His chest was on a level with her eyes. She couldn’t help it. She glanced down. His cock jutted up, already standing at full attention. A light blush covered her cheeks and he grinned. “Don’t be embarrassed. I like it when you look at me. I love it when you look at me like that.” Oh. My. God. Before she could melt into a puddle at his words, she reached for his cock, wrapping it in her palm. Water ran down their bodies, trailing over his rock-hard chest and his rock-hard dick at the same time.

  His hands stroked her back, pulling her closer. His dick pressed against her abdomen, eliciting a shiver of heat down her spine. He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers, seconds later followed by the soft stroking of his tongue. She opened her mouth and allowed him entry.

  His tongue dove inside and heat sur
ged through every muscle in her body. Her nipples immediately hardened. She pressed closer against his chest. Warmth bloomed in her pussy as her hands stroked his muscular back, lingering on the small of his back just above his ass. As her hands dropped lower, stroking the surface of his firm buttocks, his muscles clenched. God, she felt powerful.

  His hand made its way up her side and then cradled a breast, his fingers playing with the nipple; first tweaking, then circling, then plucking again. Her pussy began to throb with increasing desire.

  Both of them breathing harder, he broke off the kiss and lifted his head. His eyes searching hers, he brushed the hair from her face. Her hands gripped his biceps, reveling in the smooth skin, the veins, and the solid muscles beneath. He lowered his head and trailed his tongue along the base of her neck, then lower still, capturing her nipple between his teeth, nipping lightly. Meg gasped as her hips thrust forward at the sensation. As his mouth lathed one breast, she dragged her hand lower and traced her palm along the inside of his thigh until she was able to cup his balls. Hard and firm. His cock bounced gently against her abdomen with a pulse, a life of its own.

  She squeezed him lightly, delighting in his moan, before wrapping her hand around his cock. God, it was so big, so thick, the veins on its surface distended and throbbing, the skin sliding easily though he was as hard as steel beneath. His hands stroked her back, her waist, her legs. One hand then returned to her breast, the other her pussy. She moaned as he turned her around and placed her back against his chest and then slid a finger through her pussy lips. He ran it through her wetness before plunging it inside. Her muscles clenched around him as her hips jerked again.

  He adjusted his legs and allowed his cock to slide between her legs. She looked down, the sight of his cock sliding between her lips incredibly erotic. Wetness slicked her thighs and she reached down and caressed the head. Liam groaned and his eyes closed for a moment. She gripped him firmly and they stroked each other. His finger dipped in and out, stroking her fast, before he added a second, then a third. Waves of pleasure pushed everything else from her mind.

  Her breath came faster. His finger dipped in faster, the base of his thumb pressing against her clit. Her hand stroked faster in time with his when she heard the sounds of pleasure erupting from deep in his chest. The speed of his finger increased again and he pressed his palm hard against her.

  Meg moaned, her legs nearly sliding out from under her. Liam’s arm tightened around her. The noises escaping her own throat grew more desperate and then she shattered. Pleasure ran through her as her core throbbed rhythmically around his fingers.

  Liam grunted a moment later and he grew even harder in her hand before hot semen pulsed from the tip and was washed away by the warm water of the shower. Her legs felt so weak, barely able to hold up her own weight. Her head felt like it was going to explode, the blood pulsing through her veins in time with the slowly ebbing contractions in her pussy.

  Liam gently turned her around until they stood chest to chest, not saying anything but allowing the water to pour over them both. Now what? She looked up at him. He was smiling. He leaned down and captured her lips, sucking on her tongue. He kissed her deeply before moving quickly to turn off the water. Before she could grab a towel, Liam wrapped his arms behind her and swept her up. Meg let out a squeak of surprise and wrapped her legs around his hips. He grinned and kissed her again, taking her hands and wrapping them around his neck before stepping out of the shower and walking them both into the bedroom.

  At the bed, he dropped to his knees, laying her gently across the covers. The sheets wicked the moisture still on her damp skin and Meg shivered. Liam pushed to his feet and stood in front of her. Water droplets ran down his hard chest. He was fully erect, his cock bobbing and pushing upward. She licked her lips and he groaned. He scooped her up again and shuffled her further up the bed until her head lay on a pillow, then lowered himself over her. Liam propped himself up on one arm, kissing her again. “I’m going to make you feel so good, baby. Please, let me make you feel good.”

  He definitely didn’t have to beg. Meg wrapped her legs around his waist again, pulling his weight down on her. His cock pressed against her thigh and her sex grew wet again. She ground herself upward, moaning when her clit came in contact with the base of his cock. He grinned. “Yes?”

  Meg returned his grin. The fire, everything, seemed a world away. All she needed right now was this gorgeous man. Boldness grew and before she could stop herself, she blurted it out. “Shut up and fuck me, Liam.”

  His eyes grew wide, startled for a moment, before turning blazing. “With pleasure,” he grunted. He rolled over and snagged a foil packet from his bedside, then lay on his back next to her, stroking himself. A bead of moisture rose from the tip and a fresh round of moisture slicked her thighs. God, this man was just . . . perfect. Liam tore the condom wrapper open with his teeth and rolled it over his erection. He paused only long enough to throw the empty wrapper over the side of the bed before rolling back over her again. “I’ve been waiting to have you under me all day.” He grinned. “Hold on, darling.”

  He grabbed her hips and lifted her core toward his waiting cock, positioning himself at her entrance. Meg twisted her hands in his hair, tugging. He smiled, kissed her once, hard and fast, then thrust forward, pushing all the way inside her. She gasped and he stilled, allowing her time to adjust. It had been more than awhile and God, he was big. Liam gave a small circle of his hips and she moaned. “Ready?”

  “God, yes,” she said. Liam thrust forward, pushing deeper inside again. He leaned down onto his forearm, picking up her leg with the other hand, his mouth dropping to her neck, then her breast. He licked his tongue around her nipple, almost growling as she pulled at his hair, the vibration pulsing through her. He thrust forward again, and again, until the room was filled with the sounds of their bodies slapping together. Her skin was slick with sweat and she could smell his masculine musk all over her, surrounding her. “Liam, please,” she said, her breath ragged. “Faster.”

  He grunted and pulled her leg higher, thrusting into her smoothly. She widened her legs and his cock slid inside, brushing against a spot that made her eyes roll back and the world stop spinning. Dizzy with pleasure, she closed her eyes as he thrust deeply, hitting the spot over and over again. His mouth moved over her, lips kissing, tongue licking, and teeth nipping, until she could feel nothing but pleasure. It crackled over her skin, leaving trails behind it. She thrust her hips upward, pressing her clit hard against him. Liam groaned against her throat and picked up the pace again. He pressed upward, grabbing both her hips in his hands and holding her to him as he thrust hard into her core. Electricity rippled over her body before it spiraled and then formed low in her belly. He kept moving, hitting that spot inside her twice more, three times, before the pulse of energy exploded out. “Liam!” Meg came, calling out his name, her sex pulsing as he kept pumping into her, extending her orgasm. Finally, only as the haze began to clear did he lift her hips again and hold her hard against him, grinding against her as he jerked and pulsed inside her. Sated, he fell next to her, pulling her into his arms. Meg moaned as he trailed yet more kisses along her neck. She closed her eyes and surrendered to the ecstasy, growing fresh again. There was no need for words. Liam was here with her, inside her. That was all that mattered. The rest they could get to in the morning.



  She woke feeling relaxed and refreshed. No wonder. Liam lay beside her on the bed, snoring softly. She stretched, wincing slightly. She was still sore from yesterday, but most of it was a good sore. Her core pulsed at the memory of their shower. At that moment, with the early morning sun shining through the bedroom window, and Liam’s warm body lying next to her, everything was once again right with the world. His bed was one of the most comfortable she had ever slept in. The sound of his soft breathing next to her filled her with a sense of . . . what? Contentment?

  It had been so long since she had had a man in her l
ife—or even wanted one. Not to take care of her, not to protect her, just to be there. To have someone whom she loved, and who loved her, to come home to at night. That’s how she felt lying next to Liam and his bed at this moment. For now, she felt contented.

  If someone had asked her a week ago whether she ever saw herself getting involved in a relationship again, she would’ve scoffed and shrugged them off. Now? Though the fire and everything that had happened since had brought so much grief her way, it had also brought her Liam.

  She smiled, shifting her position slightly under the covers, snuggling deeper into the mattress. No strings. No expectations. She would take this one day at a time. Instead, she’d focus on what she needed to do today. First, she had to go by the house and collect some more of her belongings. She might also need to shift furniture around to various rooms in the house while renovations were under way, but maybe it would be more convenient to just go rent a storage locker.

  She wanted to go by the Red Cross shelter, check in on Amy and the others. Maybe a few of them had moved on, like Aliyah, but she still felt out of the loop and out of touch. She wanted her former residents to know that she was still in their corner, still offering them food, a roof over their head, and at least a modicum of stability.

  After that, she would call the GBI, see if there was any more information about Shelby’s accident. Maybe she could get in touch with one of the members of his family, find out what was being arranged in regard to funeral and burial services.

  So much to do. She didn’t want to get up but knew that she had to. Finally, with a long-suffering sigh, she gently threw the covers back and sat up, trying not to jostle Liam.

  “Where are you off to?”


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