Having It All

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Having It All Page 34

by Jurgen von Stuka

  Jim added the gags, rolled them onto their sides so they were looking at him and finally spoke, “So let me count the offenses,” he said. “First you put her in great jeopardy just leaving her hanging there for so long.”

  “Ouuuduuith,” Meg gurgled from behind the insufficiently large ball gag.

  “Yes. I do it too, but I know her tolerances and I know when too much is too much and yes, I can be mistaken as well. But I am not on trial here. You two are houseguests, if that is the proper term, and you have little business hanging up the esteemed lady of the house and leaving her there unattended while you two play. Everybody has a limit, even supposedly insatiable Sandy. The combination you two sadists put together is…well,” he hesitated, “…is at or near the outer limits of the envelope. Certainly, in such a situation, you do not leave the sub alone.”

  “Thoorrry,” groaned Remmy, who, in addition to the hog-tie uniting her wrists with her feet, had a triple thickness length of 550 line tied to her ponytail and pulled down her back, over her skirt and up through her slit, driving the new thong's cotton lining deep into her pussy, then wrapped around her waist and tied off.

  “You're going to be sorry all right,” said Jim. “So you can start thinking about your erroneous ways right now.”

  They were in the Upper Room, a sanctuary that Jim built for just this sort of event. It was a place where anything could happen and the normal orientations that the human mind accepted as essential for stability and sanity could be altered or removed all together. Jim related, on occasion, that for what it cost him to construct and outfit the room he could have bought a new house.

  He set about meting out punishment as promised, well aware that his two beautiful subs were actually looking forward to the coming discomfort. He wasn't sure about the accompanying humiliation he planned for them, but he was willing to bet that that too was probably okay with them.

  On a heavy wooden platform, slightly raised above the floor, Meg soon found herself kneeling with a huge, slightly flexible rubber dick strapped into her wide-open mouth. The dong was well fastened with a single chain link to a mount on the platform, directly in front of her face. To hold her in place, she wore a wide leather posture collar with steel stays in it to keep her face properly positioned and focused on the fake cock she was now nearly swallowing. Meg's wrists were no longer tied. They were cuffed behind her and, for the moment, so were her upper arms with similar cuffs squeezing her biceps and making the elbows meet. Her booted feet were locked in place, spread about two feet apart, and bolted down to the platform with wide metal bands so that she could not alter her kneeling posture. Her lovely, white and superbly rounded ass stuck up in the cool, air-conditioned air of the black room, still bisected by the thin black strip of the thong, now buried in her ass crack. Assuring her full attention and cooperation were a pair of light chains connected to her new and outsized nipple rings and wired, with adjustable friction locks, to rings on the platform. This restraint prohibited her from raising her upper body and kept her ass at the proper alignment.

  “I think a bit more pelvic tilt is required,” said Jim as he fitted a wide leather belt around Meg's already tiny waist. To assure that it fit properly, Jim flipped the plaid skirt up over her back and adjusted the belt around her now bare midriff. Once the belt was exceedingly firm, Jim connected a large, adjustable turnbuckle between the big D ring at the front of the belt and a ring directly below, mounted on the platform surface. By tightening the turnbuckle, he forced Meg's torso lower and her ass higher. Jim compensated for this lower position by tightening the friction locks on the nipple chains and pulling the ringed nubs closer to the platform surface. Meg let out a long, wavering breath, but gave no other indication of her discomfort or trepidation about what was to follow. The schoolgirl outfits still baffled her.

  Satisfied with this for the moment, Jim flipped the skirt back to barely cover her ass and went over to visit Remmy, who was watching the procedure with a mixture of anticipation and dread. She knew, both from recent experience and from tales told by Sandy and Meg, that Jim was a very accomplished top. There was such an inventory of procedures and techniques in his mental and physical warehouse of sadism, that even the Sandy, Meg and Remmy team was cautious.

  Meanwhile, Remmy lay against one wall at the side of the room, meditating perhaps on her mistakes, but more likely imagining exactly how Jim was going to extract his vengeance on the pair. Sandy was nowhere to be seen.

  Jim put a padded, elastic blindfold over Meg's eyes and went over to Remmy.

  “You get to do the buggering this time,” he said. Leaving the concept hanging in the air and Remmy wondering how this would all end up.

  “Who's going to get buggered?” she wondered, considering that she had no reservations whatsoever about taking a large cock up her ass. But she pondered why she was being elected to do it.”I thought I was going to be punished. Buggering Meg doesn't sound too bad, unless he whips me while I'm doing it…which would also be fun.”

  Jim released her hog-tie ropes and dragged Remmy up onto the platform. She too wore the knee-high, deeply heeled boots and, like Meg's, they fit beautifully. Only a few days before, all three women went to town and shopped with Jim's credit card, buying exactly what he specified with the knowledge that if things didn't fit perfectly or were not according to his instructions, they would each be suitably punished. Naturally, threatening to punish them was like offering an alcoholic a half gallon of hundred proof vodka, but Meg and Remmy took Sandy with them and with her guidance, picked out items that Sandy knew Jim would accept. The boots were only part of the trove they brought back home, but everything, including the sexy bras, thongs and thigh-high lace-topped hose met with his approval.

  Jim had Remmy stand with her booted feet on either side of Meg's pinioned head. He used a rigid double cuff on her ankles to hold her feet static, the toes of the polished boots next to Meg's ears. From the outside of the ankle cuffs, short chains with turnbuckles met rings in the platform. Jim adjusted each side until Remmy was locked in this standing position and couldn't move her feet at all. He then added a long, thin chain to the nose ring that she had fitted that morning when Jim asked her if she wore one and Remmy said, simply, “Sometimes.”

  “You've got a pierced septum?” Jim asked.

  “Yes. And a few other things too, Jimmy. Want to see?” Remmy offered, starting to pull her shorts down.

  “Not right now. I'll take your word for it though and we may use those little holes very soon, honey,” he added with a wide grin. He knew already that all three women had more pierced holes in their bodies than a truckload of Girl Scouts coming home from camp, but he pretended that each query was actually out of ignorance.

  A blindfold came next and then Jim told Remmy to open her mouth wide, and thrust in a very fat penis-like dong that went almost down her throat. Remmy, no stranger to things in her throat and mouth, adjusted to the deep oral penetration without complaint, sucking and swallowing until she had the massive thing set between her wide-open jaws and her tongue pressed against the bottom of her mouth.

  “How's that?” Jim asked, starting to pull the gag's accompanying harness over Remmy's head.

  “Uuuth,” replied Remmy.

  “Good girl,” said Jim, approvingly, a bit amazed that this young woman could accept such a huge phallus in her mouth and not bitch or cry about it. He pulled the head harness into place, fitting the top headband around the crown of her head and pulling the side and under chin straps into place, securing them with common buckles.

  Remmy quickly realized that this was no ordinary penis gag. She felt the weight of the thing in her mouth and knew that beyond the place where the penis emerged from between her lips, there was an extension of the same ugly rubber thing, dangling from the harness. It was right then that she knew who was going to get buggered and who would do the buggering and at that very moment, Jim pressed his hand against her back and coaxed her to bend over.

  Remmy bent at the wa
ist and Jim told her to hold it right there while he opened her shirt, pushed the half cups of the black, lacy bra down, attached twin silvery chains to her nipple rings and allowed them to hang loose, outside the shirt. He went behind her, reached between her slightly parted thighs and put his fingers under the thin band of the thong, slowly walking them into her already soaking cunt, grasping the slippery clit ring that he knew was there and snapping the end of another chain onto the ring. He allowed this chain to hang loose as well. Remmy trembled slightly at the finger invasion, and the sudden pull on her already stimulated clit, but did not resist.

  So far, she thought, this was all old stuff. She recalled that Meg had, more than once, kept her prisoner for a week with the simplest of restraints…a locked chain joining her clit to the nearby heat and air conditioning vent in the floor and handcuffs behind her back. To earn the privilege of visiting the toilet or getting water or something to eat, Meg forced her to eat her pussy on a regular basis. When Remmy seemed tired of this, Meg fitted her with a head harness and put a thick belt with crotch attachments on herself. This leather, semi-chastity belt arrangement allowed her to hook Remmy's face directly to Meg's sex. The two then spent as much time as Meg designated necessary engaged in “deep frontal confrontations”. DFC, as Meg called it. When Remmy finally objected to this extended period of subjugation, she was surprised that Meg added another chain to her nose ring and kept her locked down to the floor for another week while Meg periodically plumbed Remmy's ass and cunt with a variety of plugs, dildoes, fresh vegetables and kitchen implements. By the time she was released, Remmy knew she had met her match. It simply had not entered her creative mind that so many innocent household items could have erotic applications. The contents of the one kitchen drawer were enough to keep anyone with erotic inclinations busy for a week. The uses for electric hand-blenders, food processors, garlic crushers, bottle cork removers, champagne stoppers, spatulas and turkey basters could, she was sure, be written up in a volume of “special” S&M Recipes that would exceed in size and detail The Joy of Cooking.

  “Now bend over more,” Jim coached, and Remmy bent nearly double at the waist, her skirt lifted at the back, displaying a tight ass with the thong running down the center of her clenched buttocks. Jim again flipped Meg's short skirt up and said, “This is where the rubber meets the butt,” as he pushed Remmy further downward and guided the end of the massive dick towards Meg's well-displayed asshole. Jim squirted a bit of slippery gel on Meg's butt hole and then, with one hand, he pulled on the chain attached to Remmy's nose ring, gaining instant response as she bent over further. With his other hand, he guided the massive prick up to the entrance of Meg's quivering puckered rear.

  “Meggy, dear,” Jim said. “Open up the tunnel, please. Relax your asshole and this won't be too bad. Just remember this is but a portion of what you get for fucking with Sandy. Open it up…”

  And, with that said, Jim pulled on Remmy's nose chain even harder and drove the lubed end of the rubber dick into Meg's anal bud. Meg grunted, whined around her own oral dick gag and clenched her ass. Jim pulled the nose chain and pushed the prick in further. The fat rubber dong slid in slowly as Meg struggled to accept its thickness and length. Even with the slippery goo that coated it, the prick was huge and did not go in easily. It reminded her of the oily, condom-covered ear of freshly picked corn that had been slowly driven up her ass by her enthusiastic partner a few months ago when they played in the immaculately clean and orderly barn on a farm they leased for the summer. The corncob, Meg decided, was not as big as this thing that Jim was guiding up her ass, but it was decidedly rougher.

  After a few minutes of Jim's cajoling and persistent wiggling of the thing, it finally disappeared into Meg's widely spread anus and held Remmy's face flat up against Meg's trembling, wiggling butt, her nose nestled right at the base of Meg's by now dripping pussy. Holding Remmy's head in place, Jim quickly pulled the nose chain downward, through Meg's spread crack and attached the small snap hook on the end to Meg's clit ring. Another friction lock on the chain allowed him to cinch it up so that there was no slack between Meg's pierced, ringed clit and Remmy's ringed nasal septum.

  Although it was, of course, quite unnecessary, Jim decided to further enhance the position. He brought the ends of Remmy's dangling tit chains downward, threaded them through the platform rings, pulled them back up and snapped them to Meg's tit rings, removing the wires that had been holding them to the platform. This allowed the nipple chains from both women to slide back and forth through the platform rings. If Remmy rose an inch and pulled her torso upwards, her tit chains pulled on Meg's. If Remmy bucked in the slightest way, or attempted to ease the dong out of Meg's ass even a fraction of an inch, her nose chain yanked on Meg's clit.

  Jim backed away for a moment, surveyed his work and then went to a hidden cabinet in the black wall. He came back to the women with a thick metal post which he laid on the platform floor while he removed a flush floor cover and exposed a hole in the platform's surface. He inserted the post into the hole and let it sink about a foot until it bottomed out. Then he took the dangling chain from Remmy's ringed clitoris and connected it to a ring welded onto the post. As with the other chains already attached to critical body parts on the women, this one had an adjustable friction lock that allowed Jim to shorten it appropriately until there was a taut chain from clit to post and Remmy quickly discovered that this was the controlling connection that was going to make her miserable. If she lowered her head and drove the end of her mouth gag prick deeper into Meg's impaled ass, she pulled on her own clit chained to the post. If she drew away from Meg's ass, the nose ring to Meg's clit chain brought tearful results to both women.

  “There,” said Jim proudly. “I hope you two enjoy this arrangement all night long. I probably don't have to tell you experienced subs this, but in time, you will figure out exactly how much push and pull will give you some fun and how much you can do without it really hurting. Enjoy.”

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  The government bastards finally caught up with the two resistance fighters and they were pleased to discover that, unlike so many others they found, these two were very attractive. Sanita had hoped to have time to shoot herself with the small .32 cal. automatic in her purse, but the early morning raid on what they thought was a safe house was perfectly executed and both young women were captured without shots being fired. The blond national police captain personally tied her wrists extra tight behind her back and then, out of lust and cruelty, ripped her blouse from neck to waist and tore off her bra, fondling her full tits while his men engaged in similar acts with her partner, Lila. Initially, they stuffed the women's mouth with torn portions of their own clothing, but in time, it was clear that there was little benefit from the gags and that by removing them, the soldiers opened up two more sources of entertainment for themselves. The inevitable gang rape that followed became a sort of ballet of rotating fuckers and passive, silent fuckees. No orifice was ignored and the men had plenty of time, so the rounds of rape and sodomy went on endlessly.

  When they were done, both women lay on the cold cement floor. The soldiers put their uniforms in order and pulled the nude women to their feet. Both were crying and their makeup was smeared over their faces. The soldiers tied additional rope around the girls' torsos, framing their breasts in rope and pulling their arms back with a table leg ripped from the kitchen table holding their elbows back. Thin cotton rope went around their elbows and the table leg, then their wrists were pulled upwards and tied with three loops of rope through their mouths, which were again stuffed with pieces of their own clothing. One soldier suggested that they should be gagged with their own panties, but that suggestion was voted down when he discovered that two of his pals already had the women's panties stuffed into their backpacks.

  They were marched out of the farmhouse into waiting trucks and taken to the government's local headquarters where, once again, they enjoyed the honor of providing sexua
l services to the men there before being dumped into steel cages, still bound and gagged.

  Sanita knew that this would happen someday. She and Lila had come close before, but always somehow escaped before the government swine swooped down on the place where they were hiding. This time, someone tipped the loyalists off and the two a.m. raid caught them off guard, sleeping on the floor of the farmhouse, close to the fireplace.

  The next morning, some high official in the government came to the unit's headquarters, demanded to see and interview the prisoners and, within fifteen minutes, ordered them taken to his superior's office in the city. The women were given old uniform shirts and slippers and taken to three waiting staff cars. On the way, Sanita chewed on her gag as the officer squeezed her breasts and played with her cunt, rubbing his own crotch at the same time.

  “Later tonight, we'll have more time to get acquainted,” he told her, pinching her right nipple until she screamed through the gag.


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