Peppermint Kisses for the Omega

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Peppermint Kisses for the Omega Page 2

by Lacey Daize

  Alex replied in what was an obviously exaggerated eye-roll, his whole head making the circle, before he turned the snowplow to start heading the other way again.

  I finished with the porch and ducked back inside just long enough to grab the bag of salt. I sprinkled it over the porch, then started on the stairs, salting each as I went.

  By the time I was done Alex was pulling the snowplow back into the shed. He’d pulled the SUV closer to the cabin, and I walked over to start grabbing groceries.

  “Stubborn omega,” Alex teased as he rounded the vehicle. “I was gonna shovel the steps.”

  I grinned at him as I opened the back. “Shoulda been faster on the snowplow then.”

  His eyebrows disappeared into his hat before he laughed. “Just don’t complain at me when you’re shivering.”

  “The fire was going good when I grabbed the salt. It should be warm enough near it now.”

  “Just as long as you can turn on the water soon.”

  “Oh? I thought you didn’t need water for hot cocoa.”

  Alex leaned in. “I don’t. But I would like to wash my hands.”

  “Dirt inside your gloves?”

  Alex laughed. “Minor repair to the snowplow before it would work.”

  “Is that all? You want to wash your hands for a minor repair?” I grabbed several bags, the chill of the air making me want to hurry inside.

  “Trying to make it in one trip?” he asked, eyeing the load.

  “Yeah. I’m freezing my nuts off chatting you up out here.”

  “Should have waited inside then.”

  “Whatever, asshole.”

  Alex laughed and grabbed a couple bags, following close behind me.

  “Enjoying the view?” I snarked as I started up the stairs.

  “Could be worse.”

  I turned to smirk at him, but was momentarily off balance with the weight of the bags, and the salt slid like sand under my boot.

  “Liam!” Alex cried as I tumbled.

  My arms pinwheeled as well as the weight of the bags would allow, but I couldn’t catch my balance.

  There was a thud, then I found myself in Alex’s arms. I looked up at him. His face was so close I could feel his breath across my skin, and see the concern in his brown eyes.

  “Li…” he breathed in relief. “Are you ok?”

  “I… yeah… thank you.”

  His grip tightened, and for a moment it seemed that he might kiss me.

  Everything in me wanted that.

  Alex cleared his throat and helped me to my feet again. “Hand me a couple of those bags. Ok. I’ll get the rest and bring them in.”

  “I can…” I started to protest.

  “I insist.”

  The tone to his voice made any argument die in my throat. My alpha wanted to protect me, and my instincts said to let him.


  There was a moment of awkwardness as Alex picked back up the bag he’d dropped, then took a couple of mine. I resumed climbing the stairs and opened the door for him.

  “Set them down here, and I’ll carry from the door to the kitchen so we don’t trek snow.”

  Alex nodded. “Ok.”

  I took a deep breath once he was back outside and tried to get my hormones under control.

  The next few days would be harder than I’d thought.

  Chapter 4 - Alex

  “What’s that?” Liam asked, stopping as I set a box down near the television.

  I grinned at him. “Retro consoles and some games. Since there’s no wifi up here I brought the classics.”

  “You fucking rock,” he said as he sat on the couch.

  I laughed. “I know, but you can say it again.”

  “Pfft. Too much of that and your alpha ego will get even more out of hand.”

  I noticed the steaming mug cradled in my omega’s hands. “Finish off the hot chocolate?”

  He took a purposefully loud slurp. “Yep.”

  “And what if I wanted more?”

  “You know how to make it. I don’t.”

  My eyes met his for a moment. “Why do I get the feeling you’ll murder me in my slep if I don’t keep you well supplied with hot chocolate the next few days?”

  “I’ll neither confirm nor deny that suspicion, but I will say that it’s probably a good idea to keep it flowing anyway.”

  As if I’d do anything else. My omega liked something I’d made, so obviously I’d make as much as he wanted.

  Another slurp. “It’s like a slice of minty heaven,” he moaned in a way that made my cock twitch. “I mean, everybody knows that peppermint and chocolate are perfect together, but you nailed the ratio.”

  “The trick is the vanilla,” I laughed.

  “What vanilla?”

  “Just enough to enhance both other flavors, without becoming one on its own. Peppermint and chocolate are heavy, while vanilla is light. But it brings up their profiles so they stand out better.”

  “Yeah, all that went right over my head.”

  “Well then I guess you’ll just have to mate me to keep getting your fix then, won’t you?”

  Liam’s eyebrows went up, and I thought I heard a soft gasp, but half his face was obscured by the mug so I couldn’t be sure. Though I detected the slightest whiff of desire.

  “Hot chocolate skills and video games, just what every omega looks for in a mate,” he teased.

  I gave him my best shit-eating grin. “Then I should have you in my bed by nightfall.”

  Liam tossed one of the couch pillows at me. “Don’t wait up.”

  I grabbed one of the consoles from the box and attached the old A/V cables to the back of the television. Once everything was plugged in I carried the controllers over and handed one to Liam. “Choose your character.”

  I knew he’d pick my favorite, he always did. But there was the usual tease when he’d shuffle through as if to select a different one.

  Liam smirked as he chose my favorite omega female character.

  “Jerkface,” I said as part of our normal dance for this game. In response I selected the character he most hated, an old alpha who cheered alpha superiority every time he landed a hit.

  “Asshole,” Liam said.

  I grinned. I could tease the man beside me for the rest of our lives and never tire of it.

  I turned my attention to the screen as we waited for the round to start. We’d played this game so many times against each other that we were evenly matched, and the victor was almost always the one to land the first hit. But it didn’t matter who won, because it was time with Liam, and I would take every second he would give me before he eventually found a mate and settled down.

  “You know we need to go find a tree tomorrow,” Liam said as his character crouched then landed an uppercut. She did a little victory dance while my character was down before sliding across the screen and under my character’s legs to land a kick to the middle of the back.

  “We?” I teased as I spun my character and used his lasso to capture Liam’s. He pulled the girl in for a headbutt which left her momentarily dazed and gave me a chance to land a second hit. “You mean you’re planning to join me in tromping through the snow to forage for greenery?”

  Bother our character’s health bars were in the red, and whoever landed the next hit would win.

  “As if I’d trust an alpha to pick a tree,” Liam jabbed. “If that happened you’d come back with the biggest one you could carry, just to show off. Aesthetics wouldn’t matter.”

  My character jumped as his tried to sweep the feet out from underneath, but I missed the follow-up movement and his character did a little dance as she was deemed victorious.

  “Don’t want the caveman effect in the living room?” I asked as the next round started.

  Liam snickered. “I prefer a more civilized demeanor from my alphas.”

  “Good luck finding one. You should know we all just fake civility. We’re all cavemen at heart, just waiting to drag our omegas
off for mating.”

  “Oh that I should be so lucky to have remained unscathed then,” he laughed.

  “Indeed,” I replied as my on-screen character delivered a final blow to his, forcing us into a third round to determine the winner.

  Liam was on the attack as soon as the loading screen cleared, but I was ready for him and was able to block until I saw an opening. My next three hits landed, then we traded blows until he was the ultimate winner.

  “Good game,” I said.

  Liam grumbled. “You let me win.”

  I frowned and turned. “I would never…”

  He glared at me. “That win was too easy.”

  I growled low in warning. “Give yourself some credit. Have I ever let you win before?”

  Liam paused. “No.”

  “And I’m not about to start now. I respect you far too much for that.”

  Liam deflated. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that.”

  I studied him for a moment, then nodded. “It’s ok.”

  “I think I should go start dinner.”

  I grabbed his hand. “Li…”

  He shook his head. “I was wrong. I need a bit of time.”


  I watched him walk away, everything in me wanting to comfort him but not knowing how.

  Chapter 5 - Liam

  My palms rested on the corner of the counter, fingers curling against the smooth surface.

  Alex never let me win and I knew it. I didn’t know why I’d accused him of doing so now. It wasn’t as if it hadn’t been a close match. We were both on our last hits, and he was doing everything right.

  My outburst had been irrational, and my handsome alpha didn’t deserve it.

  I sighed and looked over at the empty hot cocoa pan.

  He’d been so good to me, treating me to something so yummy. And he was here, helping me set up, rather than arriving on Christmas Eve with the others and expecting the lone omega in the group to have everything done.


  I looked up and spun to see Alex leaning against the fridge.

  “You ok?” he continued.

  “I don’t know why I said that…”

  He walked over, reached out, hesitated, then settled his hand on my shoulder. “It’s ok.”

  I shook my head. “No. It’s not.”

  “It’s probably just stress. This is your first time hosting a Christmas party. I forgive you.”

  I deflated. “Ok.”

  “Would more hot chocolate help?”

  I smiled. My alpha was still trying to take care of me, even though I’d been mean. “It would be nice.”

  Alex moved, and I missed the warmth of his hand on me. “Ok. Lemme rinse the pan, then I’ll make some more.”


  “Need help with dinner?”

  I shook my head. “I’m gonna make some spaghetti. My dad’s recipe.”

  “Whichever alpha eventually mates you will be lucky as hell. That stuff is amazing.”

  I smiled. “My dad is a great teacher.”

  “He was about your age when he had you, right? And Christian was born a few years earlier.”

  I sighed. “Don’t remind me. Both he and mom are pushing for me to mate and start a family.”

  Alex leaned against the counter. “You don’t want that?”

  I momentarily thought of the alpha in front of me, being round with his child. I shook my head. “I do.”

  “Then why don’t you?”

  How could I tell Alex that I only wanted it all if he was my alpha? It was too much to put on him.

  “I have my reasons.”

  “Have your eye on a particular alpha, huh?” he teased.

  My face heated. “Something like that.”

  “Gonna tell me who?”

  “Would you tell me if there was an omega you had your eye on?”

  Alex laughed. “Fuck no.”

  “Then I’m not telling you either.”

  I turned to start grabbing supplies for dinner while Alex rinsed the cocoa pan behind me.

  “We should go tree hunting early,” Alex said.


  “I checked my phone after you left the living room, and there’s a storm coming in tomorrow afternoon. We probably don’t want to get caught in it.”

  I hummed. “You’re right.”

  The click of the stove and the soft whoosh of a burner.

  “Bright and early then,” Alex said.

  “Better make sure I have plenty of that good stuff to get me started.”

  “Keep you in hot chocolate. Got it.”

  I grabbed a cutting board and started chopping an onion. “You keep me in hot chocolate, and I’ll keep feeding you my dad’s recipes.”



  I looked around for a mug with a top, but eventually had to settle for a normal mug. I sighed and poured hot chocolate into it.

  “You sure you wanna traipse around the woods with a mug of hot chocolate?” Alex asked, twinkle in his eyes.

  “You’re going to be the strong alpha and carry the tree back, aren’t you?” I teased.

  Alex bowed. “Caveman alpha, at your service.”

  “Then I can carry my mug.”

  Alex laughed. “Silly omega. Come on then, before it gets any later.”

  I set the mug aside only long enough to put on my coat and boots. Then I slung a camera across my chest to take photos while we were out.

  A few minutes later Alex had grabbed an axe from the shed and we were climbing the mountain behind the cabin.

  “So what kind of tree are we looking for?” Alex asked as snow crunched under our feet.

  “Nothing too big,” I replied, looking around. “I don’t want to spend all day setting it up and decorating. About our height or slightly shorter should be fine.”

  “One medium-sized tree,” Alex replied. “Got it.”

  The forest was quiet as we wandered, with only the occasional flutter of wings as we got too close to birds hiding above. It was serene and beautiful, just my alpha and I.


  “Hmm?” I asked, smiling at the man I loved.

  He laughed. “Get your head out of the clouds. I’m trying to ask about that tree over there.” He pointed.

  I blinked. It looked perfect, almost as if it were from a card. “Let’s check it out.”

  Alex nodded and we made our way over.

  I rounded the tree, noting how the shape was consistent, with no bare patches.

  “I don’t see any nests,” Alex said. “I think it’s too short for the birds to like it.”

  I spread a couple branches and looked for myself. As he’d said, there seemed to be no bird nests hiding inside.

  “Well?” Alex asked. “Is this the one?”

  I looked around the tree and grinned at him. “Caveman alpha do good.”

  Alex grunted in response. “Ooh, aah, proper tree attract sexy omega.”

  I laughed. “Goof.”

  Alex grinned. “Get back while I chop it down.”

  I nodded and took several paces back. I set the now-empty mug in the snow and raised my camera. I took photos of Alex felling the tree before he asked me to help him tie it up. Then, empty mug dangling from my fingers, we were on our way back to the cabin.

  Chapter 6 - Alex

  I don’t think Liam was aware of it, but he was softly humming Christmas songs as he wrapped garland around the tree.

  It was adorable.

  For all the time we’d spent together over the years, I rarely saw his domestic side. Despite being an omega, he liked people to see him as just another one of the guys.

  I wanted more. I wanted to learn what he was like in the quiet moments of morning, and to see the expression of ecstasy when pleasure overwhelmed him. I wanted to see him round with my child.

  He would always be one of the guys, but I wanted him to be my guy, my mate, my omega.

Liam paused and cast a glance over his shoulder. “Gonna help, or are you just gonna stare at my ass?”

  “Stare at your ass.”

  Liam made a show of rolling his eyes before wiggling his ass in what I was sure was meant to be a teasing way. It just made me have to fight off an erection.

  “I’m gonna try and find some Christmas music on the radio,” I said, crossing to the ancient sound system.

  “Good luck. Reception sucks.”

  “No harm in trying.”

  Liam laughed and stepped back from the tree. He eyed it, then nodded before reaching for one of the boxes of ornaments.

  “Want more hot chocolate?” I offered, noting that his omega side wanted the tree to be perfect.

  He turned. “Trying to fatten me up?”

  I laughed. “You seem to like it is all.”

  He smiled. “Maybe later. Why not join me?”

  “You sure? It seems you want things to be just so.”

  He held out a hand. “Come on. I promise not to be too much of a perfectionist.”



  The fire flickered in the fireplace, and the lights twinkled in the tree. Those were the only lights as Liam and I sat on the couch with steaming mugs of peppermint hot cocoa, enjoying the quiet softness of the moment.

  As expected, the snow had started mid-afternoon, and while it wasn’t supposed to be too heavy I was glad to not be driving in it.

  “You sure you’re happy just sitting here?” Liam asked.

  I smiled. “It’s nice. Peaceful. We’ve got a warm fire and a stunning tree. Even us cavemen alphas have to appreciate things like this once in a while.”

  I looked over to see Liam smiling at me, though there were the slightest signs of rings under his eyes.

  “We should get to bed soon,” I said. “It’s been a long day.”

  Liam shook his head. “I’m good.”

  “You sure?”

  He nodded, but scooted closer.

  It was a definite sign that he was tired. He never seemed aware, but he always got slightly cuddly when sleepy, something I didn’t mind. It meant I got to hold him for a while.

  “Hand me that blanket,’ I said softly, taking the mugs and setting them on the side-table.

  He nodded, passed over the blanket, and I spread it over us both, casually draping my arm along the couch behind his shoulders. Almost on instinct he curled into my side.


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