Perfect Sacrifice

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Perfect Sacrifice Page 41

by Parker, Jack

  She slowly turned around and began walking away. She would leave them for a little while and let them deal with this. It wasn't easy hearing that someone you loved could possibly die.

  "Oh," she began as she quickly remembered something. She turned back towards them and gave a soft smile. "If you want, you can go see him." They all raised their heads and looked to her. "He's in room 128. Feel free to visit at anytime, okay? You have permission." With that taken care of, she left them to do as they pleased.

  Dr. Solaris and Chris both stood up, but Ray stayed where she was. She was staring at the floor, a very disheartened expression on her face. Her cherry colored eye lacked almost all of its life. Was she upset about what the nurse had said?

  "Ray, what is it?" David asked her softly.

  "It should have been me," she whispered softly. "Ramirez should have gone after me."

  "It's not your fault," he told her.

  "If only I had listened to him earlier…if only I had let him explain…" she began as she buried her face in her hands, not listening to what Dr. Solaris had said. "Then he never would have left…and Ramirez never would have attacked him."

  "Ray, there was nothing you could do," he told her gently, not wanting her to have to feel guilty about this.

  "No," she whispered as she sulked further. "You're wrong. I could have. I could have done something. I could have moved his Geno for him. I…if only I had concentrated."

  "What are you talking about?" asked Chris, confused as to what she was rambling about.

  "I…I could have moved his Geno," she repeated, "like I did mine. I could have saved him…like I did when we fought that giant Geno. If only I had concentrated harder…if only…if only…"

  "Ray, what's done is done," Dr. Solaris said, echoing her earlier words to Jace. "Instead of focusing on the past, we have to do what we can now." Ray didn't say anything. She just sat there with her head in her hands.

  "Are you coming?" asked Chris as he and Dr. Solaris began walking down the hallway. She only shook her head. She needed to think for a while.

  Chris was about to say something when Dr. Solaris placed a hand on his shoulder. He simple shook his head, and Chris refrained from asking his question. They turned and began walking towards room 128, leaving Ray completely and utterly alone with her thoughts.

  * * * *

  The day was passing rather slowly, and Ray had spent the whole day in the waiting room, thinking. When Dr. Solaris and Chris went to the cafeteria to get something to eat, Ray finally stood up. She had somewhere to go. She had a Geno pilot to visit.

  Ray walked listless down the hallway, not seeing anything that was in front of her. She passed nurses and patients, but she didn't really see any of them. She barely saw the white walls that surrounded her. She was like the walking dead, her mind going in circles to the point where she looked like she was zoning out. She had such a blank look upon her face that some would possibly think that she was a ghost haunting the hallways.

  Ray finally reached room 128, and without hesitating she walked in, slowly closing the door behind her. She walked over towards the bed, the only thing her eyes could hold within them. On it rested Leon, bandages covering his torso, a respirator situated over his mouth. He had an IV in his right wrist, sustaining his blood count. He really had lost a lot. There was also a heart monitor, its soft beeping being the only noise in the room. That one sound was like music to Ray's ears. It meant that he was alive, that he was still there with her.

  She walked over to the bed and took a seat next to it. She just watched as his chest slowly rose and fell, almost as if he was just sleeping. If that were only the case. If only he was just sleeping, then maybe she wouldn't feel so guilty. Maybe she wouldn't be so mad at herself for letting this happen. Too bad that would never be the case. She would have to face the reality of what had happened. He would either live or die, and she had no control over it anymore. It was his decision, and it was so unnerving having to accept that.

  "R.C?" called a soft voice coming from the communicator on her wrist. "R.C? I know you're there. Pick up." Ray lifeless raised her arm and flipped up the small screen. She was quickly met with the emerald eyes of her fellow knight.

  She said nothing to her, only stared at the screen, wanting to know why Abby had called her. She had enough to deal with right now. She didn't need to find out that the GRC needed her for something.

  "R.C, where are you?" Abby asked, concern hanging heavy in her voice. "We called the base, but Jace said you weren't around. He looked depressed. Just what is going on?" Ray cleared her throat, inhaling deeply before speaking.

  "…Leon was attacked by Ramirez," she answered softly, almost inaudibly.

  "My God…" whispered Abby. "Is he alright? Where are you?"

  "I'm at Torran," said Ray in the same lifeless tone as before. "And no, he's not alright. The doctor said that…he could…he might die." She bit her lip, suppressing the tears that threatened to break through the barriers of her eyes. She couldn't let them fall. She never could. She wasn't allowed.

  "Do you want us to come down?" Abby asked her gently, the concern hanging heavy in her voice.

  "Could you?" Ray asked in a voice that resembled that of a frightened child. Perhaps that was what she really was. She was a frightened child, afraid of losing her best friend. If that was the case, then Abby and Brian really needed to come down. She really needed a few friends to help her through this.

  "We'll be down in a few hours, alright?" Abby asked, and Ray only nodded in response. With that said, she shut the communicator off and continued to sulk by Leon's bedside. It was all she could really do. This was her fault after all. Her mind would never let her live it down.

  * * * *

  Andy sat alone in his laboratory as he researched the sun symbol on the projector in front of him. He needed to know how all of this was connected. Ramirez wanted to know. He wanted to find someone of today that had Sacrum flowing through their veins. How was that even possible? All the ancients had died out. Then again, how had they gotten Sacrum? Wouldn't it have carried through the generations if it was genetic? If so, then why didn't everyone have Sacrum? They all had an ancestor that was an ancient. After all, they had been the first people of Des.

  The door to the room opened, startling Andy and making him lose his train of thought. He spun around in his chair to face the now open doorway, and standing there was the silver haired devil himself. He wore a smirk on his face as he walked over. Strange, usually he was asleep by now. It was rather late, approaching midnight. Why was he still awake?

  "Hello sir," Andy greeted softly, his eyes following Ramirez as the man walked through the laboratory. He seemed to be just observing the room, looking at all of the equipment and the books. Didn't he have something better to do? However, he seemed to be in a very good mood. This aroused the question of why. What would put the general in such a good mood?

  "Hello Andy," he finally said without facing the boy.

  "You seem…happy sir," began Andy after a while, his curiosity getting the better of him. He was still a child, after all.

  "Because I am," answered Ramirez with a smirk as he glanced back at the fifteen year old. Andy shivered a little. That icy cold smile would make even the strongest of men quiver. Ramirez had that effect on people. Most feared him, and those who didn't were foolish. Even Ray wasn't stupid enough to cross him on purpose. Everyone knew to stay away from Ramirez. You only engage him if he starts it.

  "If I may ask," began Andy as he put his book down. "Why?"

  "I think I finally did it," he said, obviously proud of whatever he had done. "I broke her. I finally shattered her defenses."

  "Who?" gulped Andy, fearing his general's answer. There was only one woman he ever talked about, and that was the ace knight.

  "Rayla Cayden," he answered, and Andy tensed up. He had to try and keep himself from seeming suspicious. Even though she was their enemy, she was his sister. He still cared about her, no matter how much
the people at the organization hated her.

  "How?" Andy questioned, once again fearing the answer. It would probably involve someone's death. Whose death would affect her? Hadn't she already lost a good majority of her fellow knights? Ramirez wouldn't have killed Abby and Brian, right? They were smarter than that, weren't they? Who was he talking about?

  "It was like killing two birds with one stone," he began, "or perhaps like killing one and wounding the other." He fully turned to Andy, his smirk still playing. "I killed Leon Solaris right in front of her." Andy couldn't help but shudder, his breath catching in the back of his throat. Had he heard right? Had Ramirez really killed Leon? Even though he hadn't spent much time with the Geno warrior, he had instantly liked him. He could tell that he had been trustworthy, that he would keep whatever secret was presented to him. It was obvious that Ray had liked him too. This would greatly wound her, and perhaps she wouldn't recover this time. It wasn't fair.

  Andy felt trapped under the careful eye of Ramirez. If he showed even the slightest sign of resentment or anger, or even if he shed a single tear, he would be punished. He would be seen as a traitor, a sympathizer for their enemy. He was though. He didn't like watching them get killed. True, he was mad at the organization for the death of his parents, and he would one day get revenge, but it hadn't been Ray's fault. After all, she had lost more family than he had, and now she was losing her second one.

  "Andy," began Ramirez. "There's something I want you to do for me."

  "What?" he asked softly, his voice shaking only a little. Ramirez walked over to the desk he sat at.

  "I want you to build me an amplifier," he explained. "I want one that can draw on the power of Sacrum. Can you do that for me?" Andy nodded very slowly, and Ramirez just smiled. The boy never let him down. "Then I will give you as long as you need, but I would like you to start now. You've done enough research on the sun symbol. You may continue it upon completing my amplifier."

  "Alright," responded Andy as Ramirez walked to the door. Without another word, he left the fifteen year old alone.

  Andy instantly removed his glasses and sighed. He put his head in his hands, absorbing the information he had just received. So much had just happened. He couldn't help but wonder how Ray was doing. The question was if Leon was really dead. Had Ramirez stayed long enough to guarantee that? After all, Ray wasn't the type to just let a person die. She would do all she could to save someone, especially if she cared about them. Maybe Leon wasn't dead. Maybe this would all work out alright. All he could do was pray. That's all anyone could do right now. Everything was getting so complicated.


  A Simple Gift

  It had been about ten days since the incident with Ramirez. Leon was still in the hospital, and he had yet to wake up. At least his condition was stable. Dr. Solaris and Chris were there quite often, but they always went back to the base to sleep. After all, visiting hours were only from noon to nine. However, Ray spent all of her time there, never once going back to the base. Being the ace knight, she had special privileges. Not to mention the fact that almost everyone who worked there knew who she was.

  It was going on eight in the morning, and the sun filtered through the shaded window, letting light into Leon's room. As it traveled towards his still form, it eventually reached his closed eyes. When it touched his eye lids, he groaned in annoyance, his eyes slowly opening. Everything was initially blurry, but after blinking a few times, they focused enough for him to see his surroundings. Everything was white, and it hurt his eyes to see it. After all, they hadn't been opened in ten days.

  He attempted to sit up, only to be met with a pain in his midriff. He fell back, inhaling sharply. He decided to just observe the area. The room looked familiar. He was sure he had seen it before. Everything was that same obnoxious color, right down to the sheets on his bed. That's right; he was in a bed, but just where was this room located? He quickly realized the one place he had seen this at: Torran city's hospital.

  Now that that mystery had been solved, another one arose. Why was he here? What had happened? He remembered being mad at Jace and Ray, and then Ramirez came. He could remember hearing Ray scream for him, her voice filled with fear. Why had she been so scared again? He suddenly remembered the sight of the midnight blue Geno's fist hovering over his cockpit. He could see the blade coming towards him, and his abdomen began hurting just thinking about it.

  "I'm sorry," said a female voice from outside the door. "Visiting hours aren't until nine."

  "Please," began the other voice, also female. "My name is Rayla Cayden. I'm the ace knight." Leon quirked an eyebrow at that. Was Ray really coming to visit him? Did she actually care that much about him? Then again, she had been comforting him after the battle. She had looked so desperate and scared. She hadn't been the strong pilot he knew so well.

  "Oh," said the other voice. "I'm sorry. Go right ahead."

  "Thank you," responded Ray as the door began to open. Leon closed his eyes, trying to make it look like he was still sleeping. He wanted to know how she would respond. He wanted to observe her.

  Ray walked into the room, a somewhat sad expression on her face. Her eyes went to Leon, and a small, nearly invisible smile appeared on her face. His respirator had been taken off a few days ago, and so had the IV. The heart monitor wasn't hooked up either. They all had faith that he'd pull through. Now all they needed was for him to wake up.

  "Still asleep I see," she said softly as she came to stand by his bedside. She gently reached over and ran a hand through his hair. It took all of Leon's willpower not to tense up at the contact.

  Ray just stood there for a while, staring down at the man below her. At least he was sure to live now. That's all that mattered. He'd wake up someday soon, she knew it.

  "I'll be back in an hour or so," she said. She quickly bent over and placed a kiss gently on his forehead. "Wake up soon, okay?" she whispered as she turned around and left the room.

  Leon quickly opened his eyes when he heard the door shut. He sat up, pain quickly shooting through his stomach, but he managed to stay sitting. He leaned his back against the wall and placed a hand to his forehead. He was having a hard time keeping the blush off his cheeks. Did she really just kiss me? It had only been a peck on the forehead, but that was good enough for him.

  The door began opening again, and Leon didn't have time to pretend he was asleep. He watched as Dr. Solaris and Chris walked into the room. Their eyes instantly went to him, and they both looked surprised to see him sitting there.

  "Leon," Chris whispered, and a smile soon spread across his face. "Leon!" He ran towards the bed, his eyes shining with excitement.

  "Hey guys," Leon greeted, his hand still against his forehead. "I thought visiting hours weren't until nine." Dr. Solaris smiled at his older son.

  "Is that all you have to say?" he asked while crossing his arms, a playful look upon his face. Leon only smiled sheepishly as his dad approached his bedside.

  "I'm glad you're alright," said Chris as he sat down in a nearby chair. Leon only looked down and smiled at him.

  "Thanks," he said. "I am too."

  Dr. Solaris glanced around the room, and he seemed a little disappointed about something. He crossed his arms and sighed deeply.

  "Strange," he began. "I was sure Ray would be here. I mean, she hasn't come back to the base in ten days." Leon looked shocked, his eyes wide at the statement.

  "She hasn't?" he questioned with genuine surprise. Was she really that worried about him? Had she stayed at the hospital ever since the accident? He realized that his dad had said ten days. That was a long time. He began to wonder just what he had missed. It was hard to believe he had been sleeping for so long.

  "It's been quite lonely at the base," said Dr. Solaris, and Chris nodded in agreement. "I think Ray spent more time here than the doctors did." Leon lowered his head a little, a slightly downcast expression on his face.

  "I really owe her this time," he said as he fumbled wit
h his fingers a little.

  "Yes," his father agreed, "she got you here just in time."

  "That's not what I meant," he stated softly, his eyes focused on his hands as he twirled his thumbs in circles around each other, his other fingers tightly intertwined. Before his father could question why, he continued speaking. "I was ready to die the second that blade broke through the cockpit. I was going to give up, but I forced myself from my Geno. I don't remember exactly what followed, but before I knew it, I was lying on the sand, and I heard Ray calling out to me. When I saw the look on her face, I…I changed my mind. There were tears in her eyes, and after everything she's gone through, I didn't want to be the one to make her cry."

  Dr. Solaris smiled at his son, even though Leon couldn't see. He was too deep in thought at the moment. It appeared that Dr. Solaris owed Ray greatly for his son's life. If it hadn't been for her, he would have died long before reaching the hospital. Whatever emotions were binding the two arrogant Geno warriors were obviously much stronger than he or anyone else could comprehend. Perhaps Ray will one day become my daughter in law after all. She's practically already part of our family.

  "Well," began Dr. Solaris, getting Chris's attention as well as Leon's. "We have a few things to take care of, but we'll be back later on, alright?"

  "Okay," said Leon with a small smile. "Bye." Dr. Solaris and Chris left the room quietly, leaving Leon alone in the silence of the white walled box he was stationed in. He had nothing to entertain himself with except his thoughts. He was beginning to wish that Ray would come in, but she had said she'd be back later, and this was hardly considered later.

  It had been nearly an hour since his family had left, and he was still just leaning against the wall, staring at the ceiling. He was thinking, something he had been doing a lot of lately. For some reason all of his thoughts seemed to focus in on one thing. That thing was Ray. She was in all of his thoughts, and he wasn't sure just why. He liked her and all, but they were nothing more than friends. Besides, as soon as she was done protecting him from Ramirez, she would just leave and go back to the GRC headquarters. He'd probably never see her on a regular basis again. That one thought seemed to tear at his conscience, and he found himself dreading the day that she'd finally wipe out the silver haired devil.


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