Nothing Less Than Love

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Nothing Less Than Love Page 3

by Lilly LaRue

  The ceremony went through without a hitch, and Gwyneth’s eyes were leaking surreptitiously as the minister presented Mr. and Mrs. Wyckazer for the first time. She met Jordan’s eyes quite by accident and they burned intensely, drilling through her. With a shiver, she walked with the procession back down the aisle and joined the people milling around the ballroom, where the reception was being held. It was a wonderful afternoon, but after a couple of hours Gwyneth’s back was aching and she quietly made her excuses to Howard and Lilly before going upstairs to lie down.

  She was drifting into her afternoon nap when there was a terse knock on the door and Jordan entered. “My father said you weren’t feeling well, and I wanted to check on you—” He trailed off.

  Gwyneth’s eyebrow shot up. “Er, just a backache. I was on my feet a long time.”

  He cleared his throat. “It must be heavy to carry it around all day,” he said gruffly.

  She levered herself into a sitting position. “It’s a he and yes, he’s a bit heavy at times.” Hey eyes narrowed. “Why are being so nice to me?” she asked suspiciously.

  Jordan eased into the recliner by the bed. “I had a talk with Marcus. He told me I was being a jerk and that was the nicest phrase he used. He assured me he’s not the father of the kid, and that I was being cruel to you for no reason. He’s put the money in the account because apparently the bastard responsible isn’t going to take care of you. I guess I owe you an apology.”

  Gwyneth shook her head. “He may not be a bastard. I haven’t told him about the baby. He has no reason to suspect he’s the father. In fact, he only recently found out I’m expecting. And before you apologize there is something I should tell you.” For the first time in Gwyneth’s memory, Jordan wasn’t tense or angry with her. He just seemed tired and washed out. “I don’t know how to tell you this—” She couldn’t meet his eyes. “The night you were so sick, my first night back, we—” This was even harder than she had expected.

  “What?” Jordan asked softly when she couldn’t continue. He stripped off his bow tie and undid the first two buttons of his pleated shirt.

  Her head bowed and voice hoarse, Gwyneth confessed, “We had sex.”

  Jordan exploded from his seat. “What game are you playing now? I think I’d remember something like that, don’t you?” He loomed over her.

  Gwyneth shook her head. “I didn’t realize you were delirious, and I well, I wasn’t really thinking. It just happened…I’m sorry.”

  Jordan looked pale. “Are you telling me the truth?” When she nodded, he continued, “But why now? Why not right after it happened?” He trailed off and stared intently at her stomach. “Are you trying to say it’s mine?”

  Gwyneth couldn’t speak because of the lump in her throat so she nodded again.

  He started laughing. “You are so good.”

  “What?” she asked numbly.

  “Let me guess—some broke loser gets you knocked up and runs off. So you think of a perfect way to cover your mistake. Blame it on Jordan. After all, the poor guy was so ill he can’t remember what happened. He won’t know the difference. It might have worked, except I know you and girls like you.” He turned away from her before whirling back around. “Were you going to stick it on Marcus until you realized he had a fiancée?”

  Gwyneth covered her ears and screamed. “Get out of my room. Just get out. I knew you wouldn’t believe me. I’ll have my attorney set up a DNA test after he’s born.” She was crying hysterically, but was unconcerned about showing her emotions for once. She was shaking with rage and stress. “Just leave,” she cried out again and he walked out, frowning.

  As soon as Jordan was gone, Gwyneth threw her clothes in the suitcase and raced downstairs as fast as her bulk would allow. She eased out of the house so she didn’t disturb the guests and found her aunt’s Honda still in the garage. “Damn him,” she cursed aloud as she drove into the city. Forget him, she didn’t need him—they didn’t need him. She would raise her son alone and do a terrific job. There would be no DNA test, because she didn’t give a damn about proving the boy was Jordan’s right then. Why would she want him to be an influence in her son’s life? Without Jordan, he’d be twice the man his father was. She ignored the niggle of sadness eating at her. She had known he’d react this way, so why was she so upset and disappointed?

  At the airport, it cost more to switch her ticket to leave that night, and she barely made her seat before they were airborne. She was too keyed up on the trip back to think and got extremely ill in the lavatory. It was a relief to land, and she caught a taxi home.

  Rob and Nita were concerned about her physical state, and she agreed to see the doctor if she hadn’t calmed down by tomorrow. Of course, after a hot bath and a night of sleep, she felt much better and had calmed considerably. She knew they would be all right without Jordan, and he was the one missing out by not knowing their son.


  She resumed her life and was sort of happy. Griffin finalized the contract with her, and she started on the plans for her business. She rented the building and began to order her merchandise. She’d decided on a children’s boutique and had a lot of work to do to be ready for the grand opening after the birth of her baby. The remaining four months passed quickly as she got her business in order, rented a small house, decorated the nursery, and searched for a baby’s name.

  Chapter Five

  Gwyneth went into labor in the office of her small building. When her water broke, she ruined her office chair and the carpet underneath. She remained calm, called for a taxi, and got hold of Monica and Marcus, who were living together in an apartment in Los Angeles. “Monica, it’s time. Can you meet me there?” Monica was her Lamaze partner and said she’d be there as soon as possible. The taxi arrived then and Gwyneth left for the hospital.


  Monica took time to make a phone call before heading for Cedars-Sinai. It took a minute to get through Jordan’s dragon of a secretary. “Yes.” He sounded harried. “What can I do for you, Monica? I’m pretty busy.”

  “I thought you should know Gwyneth’s having your son. She’s at Cedar-Sinai.” Monica didn’t bother to say goodbye before replacing the phone on the hook. She left a note for Marcus and was on her way.


  “I can’t do this anymore.” Gwyneth grunted as another pain ripped through her. “Please make it stop.” She was begging and her determination to have a natural childbirth was wavering. “Give me a painkiller,” she screeched at Dr. Anderson.

  Remaining calm, the doctor told her. “You’re too close to delivery for anything. If you get something now, it can harm your son.”

  “Give me that damn medicine or I’m quitting,” Gwyneth shouted unreasonably, not thinking clearly at the moment.

  “No,” a calm voice assured her, “You’re not. You have to do this a while longer, Gwyneth.” Jordan was suddenly beside her, dressed in green scrubs, and Gwyneth realized Monica was gone.

  “Why are you here?” she asked weakly.

  Taking her hand and leaning close, he whispered. “To see the birth of my son. Our son.”

  Renewing her efforts, Gwyneth continued to struggle to give birth to her son. She’d been in labor for fourteen hours when the doctor finally said, “You’re too small and he’s too big. We need to do a c-section. Are you up for this?” Gwyneth, too exhausted to move, squeezed Jordan’s hand, and he answered for her.

  They sedated her, and Jordan refused to leave as they took out the baby. Gwyneth slept through the miracle of their son’s birth. He emerged into the world with platinum curls, light blue eyes, and screaming with all his might. When he was placed in Jordan’s arms they were both crying. “He’s beautiful,” Jordan whispered. He looked at Gwyneth as they wheeled her out of the OR. “Thank you,” he said so lovingly the doctor teared up, and she’d seen hundreds of deliveries. Jordan reluctantly relinquished his newborn son to the nurse who was taking him upstairs.

br />   Gwyneth was awake and cradling the baby in her arms when Jordan came in the room. He held a huge white bear and a bouquet of white roses. “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  She was still extremely emotional. “Fine.” She burst into tears. Jordan sat on the bed and gathered them both into his arms. “You don’t have to be here,” she said with a sniff.

  “Don’t you think I’ve skipped out of enough of my child’s life? Haven’t I left you alone for too long already?” he asked angrily. He was clearyly upset with himself for what he’d done to her. “But that’s going to change. Once we’re married—”

  She shook her head and hugged her son close to her breast. “No, I’m not marrying you just because of my child. I won’t marry for less than love.”

  He shook his head. “You little idiot. Haven’t you figured out I’m in love with you yet?”

  She gasped. “That’s crazy. You hate me.”

  “Why do you think I was so jealous of Marcus? I’ve been incredibly hard on you because I’ve been fighting my feelings for years. I think maybe I let myself take advantage of you that night so I could have an excuse for rushing you.”

  Gwyneth shook her head. “I appreciate the effort to convince me, but you don’t have to do this.”

  “Yes I do,” he insisted. “I should have told you a long time ago. You’ve been an adult for three years, and I still haven’t had the nerve to tell you. I love you, and I want you to marry me. Even if we didn’t have a baby, I would have eventually proposed. I panicked when I found out you were pregnant, because I thought there was someone else in your life, and I’d lost my chance. Is there a chance you could maybe return my feelings someday?” he asked in a rush.

  Overwhelmed, Gwyneth shook her head. “I don’t know. This is so much to take in. How can this be happening? Nothing’s like I thought it was.” Seeing his crestfallen expression, she burst out. “Do you think I’d have made love with you if I didn’t love you? I’m not like that, so I do love you.”

  His face brightened and he hugged her again before he kissed her full on the mouth. Just then the baby squawked in protest. “He’s hungry,” Gwyneth whispered shyly before feeding the baby. When he’d fallen asleep again, still latched onto her breast, she looked up. “Do you still want to get married?”

  “Of course. I want to take you both home as quickly as I can.” He said it so forcefully that he left no doubts about his sincerity.

  She repositioned the baby into the crook of her arm. “We want to go home with you too.” They spent quite a long time curled on the bed when Gwyneth started laughing. “In all the excitement, we haven’t picked a name for him.”

  Jordan smiled gently. “What was your father’s name?”

  Gwyneth wrinkled her brow thoughtfully. “Caleb.”

  “How about Caleb Howard Del Royce?”

  She thought it over and agreed. “Jordan, Gwyneth, and Caleb Del Royce,” she tried experimentally. “I like it.”

  “Me too.” They sealed it with a kiss.


  Lilly LaRue lives near Victoria, British Columbia. She enjoys fishing, cruising, and whale watching. If she isn’t in the beach house her partner built with his own hands, you’ll find her on the water. She has a seafaring Newfoundland, named Newton, who loves the water almost as much as Lilly.




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