Naughty Tales Collection

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Naughty Tales Collection Page 3

by K. L. Donn

  His strong hands tense on my back as he pulls me closer, and just as I’m about to climb onto his lap, a throat clearing pulls us apart.

  There in the flesh stand the two people who have been the most judgmental of every moment of my life.

  My parents.

  “What the hell is this?” my father snaps. Martin growls deep in his chest, vibrating my fingers as they still hold onto him.

  “Hi, Mom, Dad. How was your trip?” I try to untangle myself from Martin’s grasp, but he’s not having it and I’m forced to remain still as he assesses what’s happening.

  “Never mind that, what the hell is going on?” my father repeats.

  “Oh, umm, well, have you met Martin before?” I know they’ve at least seen him around. He’s at the Inwood’s house all the time.

  “We’ve seen enough of him.” That doesn’t sound promising.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Davis, it’s nice to formally meet you. I’m Marty Lynch.” He stands, reaching out a hand for me to take. I don’t hesitate even if the glare in my father’s eyes is filled with anger.

  “We know who you are, Mr. Lynch. Why were you kissing my daughter? I’m quite certain it’s illegal.” His last sentence isn’t quite as confident.

  “Dad, I turned eighteen last week. I’m of age.” Martin flinches, my father’s glare deepens, and Mom looks bored. This isn’t going at all how I wanted it to.

  “Inside, Celeste. Now. We obviously need to have a conversation.” I notice his fists balling and clenching tightly, and when I feel Martin tense beside me, I know he does too.

  Turning to me, he tells me quietly, “You don’t have to go in with them. You can come over until they’ve had time to cool their tempers.” His gaze searches mine and I smile, loving that he’s worried about me.

  “He won’t hit me. He never has. I’ve never had anything to fear.” Placing a hand on his cheek, I try to reassure him, but I know he doesn’t like the idea. “I’ll come see you later.” Mindful of my parents watching, I lean up to kiss his cheek and pick up my book.

  Martin walks forward and stops in front of my father. “Lay one hand on her and you’ll have nothing to worry about except for bending over for a bar of soap for the rest of your life, we clear?” I have to cover my mouth to stop from laughing at Martin’s threat and the look on my father’s face.

  “I assure you, I would never hit my child,” Dad snaps back.

  Martin nods, gives me one last look, and exits our yard to go back next door.

  “Inside, Celeste, now.”


  This waiting is bullshit. It’s after dark now and not knowing what the hell has happened over at her house is killing me. Every instinct I have says to go over there, bust down the door, and drag Celeste out caveman-style.

  If not for her reassurance that she would be fine, and her father didn’t scare her, I’d have fucking done that by now. I have a powerful need pulling at me to grab her now.

  My phone buzzing in my pocket saves me from going over there. “Detective Lynch,” I bark through the line.

  “Detective!” My precinct’s new captain, Duncan Rayford, snaps through the line.

  “Yes, Cap?” He’s not who I want to deal with right now.

  “Get your ass down to the station right now!” He hangs up before I can ask why, and I’m cursing more now than I was when I left Celeste’s side.

  Grabbing my car keys, I’m in no rush to leave as I stroll out the front door. The lights are on at her house and I see her mother in the den, where all that damn liquor was, and a sour feeling punches me in the gut. I want to check on her, but I know if I don’t get to my captain now, he’ll be bitchier when I do get there.

  With one last look at Celeste’s, I jump in my Crown Vic and head into the city. My need to get home sooner rather than later drives me as I rush through the traffic and nearly get hit going through a yellow light.

  Sliding to a stop in a spot marked for detectives, I’m out and running inside the building like there’s a fire on my ass. I’m barely through the door before I hear his voice.


  “Damn, someone’s in shit,” one officer mutters as I run past him.

  “Hey, Cap, what’s up?” I’m standing in his doorway as my sergeant walks up behind me, pushing me through and slamming the door shut.

  “Sit down, Martin,” Sergeant Stokes instructs.

  For the first time since getting the call, worry slithers down my spine, and that knowing in my gut intensifies. Something is about to go horribly wrong.

  “I’ve put up with a lot of your shit since coming here,” Captain Rayford reflects. It hasn’t been that much, but I don’t say so. “However, your actions reflect on this department, therefore, when an accusation of rape comes in, I have to investigate.”

  My jaw drops and my eyes I’m sure are wide as fucking saucers.


  “Who the fuck said that?” I’m in complete shock and drop into the chair behind me.

  “We got a call this afternoon. We can’t tell you who it was from, Marty, you know that.” Stokes looks at me with pity.

  “I didn’t fucking rape anybody!” Outrage fuels my anger and I jump to my feet, pacing in front of the captain’s desk. “I haven’t even been on a date in six months,” I mutter to myself, and then it clicks. “Was the complaint rape or statutory rape?” I look Rayford directly in the eye.

  “Statutory,” he confirms.

  “The fucking Davises,” I hiss. “Celeste Davis is fucking eighteen. I didn’t lay a finger on her until two days ago, and I promise you I knew her damn age before I did. I wouldn’t have touched her otherwise.”

  “She’s in high school,” Rayford points out, not denying my conclusions.

  “You didn’t touch her before this?” Stokes asks.

  “Fuck no. I didn’t want this shit happening. Beside age of consent is seventeen, why is this a fucking issue?” There’s nothing in the NYPD manual saying I can’t be with a woman as young as her–I fucking checked.

  “He’s saying you were together when she was sixteen. That you’ve been hanging around there for years,” Rayford explains.

  “Fuck me. Onyx is their goddamn neighbor, and yeah, I practically live there, but you and I both know, Gracie keeps my ass busy with those kids so I’m not getting into shit.” They are all well aware of the power of Grace. The woman may be shy, but she’s a damn powerhouse.

  Stokes stares at Rayford as he hems and haws over whether there’s truth to my words or not. He knows damn well I wouldn’t do this shit. I’m a good fucking cop, always have been.

  “Alright. You’re right. I thought it was hinky when we got the complaint, but I have to follow up. What’s his deal?” Rayford raises a brow.

  It’s like talking about my love life with my parents. “He caught us kissing when he and his wife came home from a weekend trip today. Didn’t like that I assessed his ass as violent and threatened to toss him in the slammer if he hit Celeste.”

  “I see.” He looks down and the feeling in my gut intensifies yet again.


  “He said something about sending her away. To protect her.”

  “Are we done here?” She’s not leaving, not if I have anything to fucking say about it. I’m not about to rip her family apart, but I’ll damn well show them I’m good for Celeste. I can and will treat her right.

  “We’re done.” Rayford nods. “Don’t do anything that will make me arrest you, Marty.” Nodding to him and my sergeant, I’m out the door and running back to my car, rushing out into busy fucking traffic because I have to live in the city that never fucking sleeps.

  I can only hope I’m there in time to stop whatever the Davises are about to do. If they take Celeste from me, I’m not sure what I’ll do.

  Chapter Five


  “I can’t believe you just did that!” I scream at my father.

  He lied. To a police captain.

n never touched me before two days ago. He’s too good of a man to do something that could ruin both of our reputations.”

  I’m so mad tears are freely falling from my face.

  “He shouldn’t have touched you to begin with. You’re a child. You have no idea what it means to be intimate with a man,” Dad counters, and I want to scream at the top of my lungs.

  “You’re going to live with your Aunt Ruth,” Mom pipes up, a glass of vodka and cranberry juice in her hand. Heavy on the vodka. “Sex and drinking, you obviously can’t be tamed.”

  I watch the woman who gave birth to me, and I wonder, not for the first time in my life, if these people know me at all.

  Running my fingers through my hair roughly, I stare at them.

  “Do you even know me? Do you pay attention to anything? I get straight A’s, I’ve been accepted to some of the top universities and colleges in the country and I’ve never been on a date! How can you say that because I kissed a man,”—they don’t know for certain we had sex—“and tried a shot of vodka, for curiosity’s sake,”—it’s only a little white lie—“that I’m out of control?”

  My father has the presence of mind to at least appear guilty for his baseless assumptions. My mother, however, just takes another damn drink.

  “Did you ever think I’ve been so starved for attention that accepting Martin’s love was so easy because neither of you care enough to pay me any mind?” I know it’s a low blow, but they exchange a look that says maybe I’m getting through to them.

  “Now listen, we’ve taken good care of you, we don’t deserve these accusations,” Dad says, but there’s no real heat behind his statement.

  “Really? You don’t? Let me ask you then, what were my top colleges? Which one have I been dying to go to since I found out about their photography programs?”

  It’s been a couple months since I’ve spoken to them about it, but they knew. Dad looks embarrassed. Mom takes another drink.

  “You don’t know, do you? You don’t know anything about me. You’re always drinking, Mom.” I look at the drink in her hand pointedly. “And you, Dad, you’re working or golfing, or planning your next trip that never involves me. Nothing ever involves me. I’m a burden, so tell me, why should I even listen to you? Why should I stay?”

  They say nothing.

  “I’ll be next door. You can call Martin’s captain and apologize for the trouble you’ve caused and come find me when you can be civil and understanding of my needs.”

  Jesus, when did I turn into the parent?

  Rushing upstairs, I grab a sweater and head out the back door to Martin’s. I know he left, because I heard his car squeal out of here, but I hope he’ll be back soon.

  The night is cool for late spring, and I even enjoy the slight breeze with the leftover heat of the day. It makes it so I’m not too cold or hot. Grabbing a blanket from the bench off Grace’s back porch, I walk around to the front and sit on one of the rocking chairs they have out there. Draping the blanket across my lap, I close my eyes and wait for Martin’s return.

  I know I was doubtful of who and what we are to each other yesterday, but last night and today only confirmed what I secretly wanted.

  We’re a couple.

  He’s said it multiple times, and when he’s been making love to me, I could see the love in his stare. I only hope he saw it reflected back at him. Martin Lynch is the man I want to spend my life loving, and I have no doubt he feels the same way.


  I’m pissed. Raging fucking mad as I pull into Onyx and Grace’s driveway. My intent is to head over to Celeste’s and set her parents straight. I’m going to give them a huge fucking piece of my mind.

  That was the plan.

  Until I see her.

  Celeste Davis.

  Asleep in the chair on the front porch. A blanket covering her legs, looking comfy as can be. Heading up the sidewalk instead, I reach down and enfold her in my arms.

  “Marty?” she whispers, her sleepy eyes gazing up at me.

  “Yeah, baby.”

  I kiss her forehead gently and carry her inside after fumbling with the lock. Kicking the door shut behind me, I go straight upstairs for my room.

  “I’m sorry I got you in trouble,” she murmurs as I lay her gently on the bed.

  Untying her shoes, I pull them off her feet and toss them in a corner as I toe my own off too. Crawling in bed behind her, I pull Celeste into my chest. “You didn’t, babe. Your parents did, and lucky for me, my captain and sergeant know me well enough to understand who I am.”

  “Okay.” Her words are slurred as she struggles to stay awake.

  “Sleep, Celeste. We’ll figure it out in the morning.”

  My mind is going a million miles a minute on how this is going to work for us while she’s still in school. It doesn’t bother me; however, I don’t want her relationship with her parents strained.

  Just because I’m in her life doesn’t mean I don’t want anyone else there either. I want the best for Celeste. For her, I’ll make peace with the dirty accusations her parents made against me and push them behind us.

  But they’re dead wrong if they think I’m going to let her go. This girl is mine. As soon as I can show her that we’re it for each other, I’m going to put a ring on her finger and, eventually, a baby in her belly.

  Chapter Six


  Either I’m dreaming or I’ve just had the most wonderful wet dream of my fucking life.

  “Martin,” Celeste’s soft voice calls to me in my dreams and when my eyes open, I see I’m neither dreaming nor hallucinating.

  The girl is, in fact, between my legs, zipper down, dick out, and she’s licking up and down like it’s her favorite lollipop.

  “Baby.” I groan when she wraps her lips around the tip, sucking the tiniest bit.

  “Baby.” I hiss again as she devours my cock to the back of her throat while holding my gaze in a fierce grasp.


  Gripping both hands in her soft locks, I tug, trying to get her to crawl up my body, but she won’t budge and sucks harder, swallowing the tip of my dick in her throat. My eyes roll to the back of my head with the pleasure rushing through me. I know I’m going to come soon. I won’t last long with her innocent little mouth taking all she can.

  “Get up here and ride daddy like a good girl,” I demand, a sharp bite to my tone.

  She pouts as she slowly allows my dick to drop from her mouth with a soft pop. Climbing up my body, I see she’s just as clothed as me. Sitting over the top of my eager cock, she pulls her shorts and panties to the side and sits down on my length. A soft sigh escapes her swollen lips.

  Rotating her hips in small circles, I’m sure she’s trying to bring on my death.

  “Celeste, stop fucking moving.”

  This fucking girl. Always pushing my damn buttons.

  “Sorry, daddy.” She sucks one side of her lip in her mouth and tilts her head to the side. Her expression conveys her apology; her eyes, however, are devious and filled with her amusement.

  “Ride it like it’s your last dick for life,” I demand. Grasping her thighs, I squeeze tightly until she tries to squirm out of my hold.

  “Yes, daddy.” Her whisper is broken off when I lift my hips up into her bouncing frame.

  Her tight little pussy eats up every thrust and I know we’re both so close to letting go. Covered up by clothes, I miss the flush that breaks out on her chest as she’s about to reach her precipice, so my dick is shocked when it’s strangled in her desires.

  Celeste’s scream echoes around the room as I roll her over to her back and slam mercilessly in and out of her greedy cunt. Pushing her past her comfort zone and forcing another orgasm on her as I let loose my own release as close to her womb as my dick can get.

  “Fuck, Celeste…” I groan into her ear, sucking the lobe into my mouth.

  Out of breath and completely sated, I roll to the side, taking her with me. I make love to her mouth,
dipping my tongue in and out with slow strokes as if I were back in her pussy again.

  “Hi,” she whispers as I pull away, a grin covering her face.

  “Good morning.” Brushing the hair back from her face, I tell her, “We have to talk to your parents today. Get shit squared away so they understand I’m here for the rest of my life.”

  She looks shell shocked at my proclamation. “Forever?” Her voice is so quiet I almost don’t hear the word, but her gaze says it all.

  “I love you, Celeste. Have for far longer than I’m allowed to admit.”

  “Do you remember the first time we met?” she asks.

  “Hard not to.” I laugh. “You spilled an entire pitcher of lemonade in my lap.” A blush covers her cheeks.

  “I’ve loved you since then. You didn’t get mad; you didn’t scream and treat me like some dumb teenager. You laughed and helped me clean up the mess.” She looks away shyly at first. “You pushed my hair behind my ears, and told me chin up, there were worse things that could happen in the world.”

  “You were, what, sixteen?”

  Christ, I’m a sick man.

  “Yeah. My love for you then was nothing compared to the obsession it is now. If you hadn’t challenged me a few days ago, taken control, I’m not sure I’d have had the courage to follow through on my seduction.”

  “You would have, baby. You were made for me.”

  Leaning forward, I lay kisses along her lips, jaw, and neck, loving every single sigh and moan to pass her lips as I touch her.

  “Come on, let’s get showered and go talk to your parents.”

  With a groan, she allows me to pull her from bed and into the shower, where we make love again, and once more as we’re supposed to be getting dressed. This woman is going to be the death of my dick and I can’t fucking wait.


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