Naughty Tales Collection

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Naughty Tales Collection Page 6

by K. L. Donn

“What’s the deal with Eady then?” Oli asks in his best protective brother tone. Carson always told him when I started bringing boys around it’d be up to him to make sure they were good enough for me. I bet neither figured the man I finally brought home would be twenty years my senior.

  Holy shit. I hadn’t thought about that before. What if I’m some sort of mid-life crisis for him? I don’t know if I could handle that.

  “She’s mine.” I can hear the shrug in his tone but also the possessive note.

  “Yours?” Oli speculates as I listen from behind the wall.

  “That’s what I said. Mine.” I want to sigh at his words, but I bite my tongue to stay quiet, interested in this odd conversation.

  “She’s flighty you know.”

  Flighty? I’m not flighty. My head is firmly on my shoulders.

  “How do you figure?” Jack asks, curiosity in his tone now.

  It takes a second for my jerk brother to answer. “She has big dreams.”

  “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “She enjoys dancing at the club. It keeps her grounded.”

  It does?

  “Where are you getting all this insight kid?” Lord I love his deep voice.

  “My parents. They said Eady is just like them. That they wouldn’t be surprised if she wound up travelling the world one day.” When did they say this? And what the heck gave them that impression?

  “Oh yeah. Means we’ll be having a lot of around the world—”

  “Dude! No. Gross. I don’t want to hear that. Just don’t break her heart. Eady is the best person I know.”

  “That she is kid. That she is.”

  “Um, hi.” I finally poke around the wall to see Jack sitting just how I pictured him and Oli standing in front of the window. “I’m ready to go.”

  Oli’s face scrunches in disgust as he sees what I’m wearing.

  Jack’s eyes darken and his sweats tighten as he stands to get a complete picture.

  “Get the fuck outta here kid.” He tells Oli without looking away.

  “You’re a principal, can you talk like that?” Oli laughs a little as leaves the room.

  “We ain’t in school, I’ll do as I please.” He mutters. “Or who I please.” Those words were only loud enough for me to hear. “Fuck are you sexy.”

  Swaying towards him, I place my hands on his wide shoulders, rubbing softly as I purr in his ear, “Thank you Mr. Daily.”

  He drags me closer to his body. “Hey kid!” I stop moving as I hear my brother coming back. “Here’s a hundred bucks, get the fuck gone.” My eyes widen as he tosses some bills to by brother.

  “Sweet!” The front door slams a moment later and suddenly we’re alone.

  “What happened to your car?” I giggle as he slides a hand under my skirt.

  “No fucking panties. Sweet Jesus baby.” He groans as he drops back onto the couch. “The car can wait, I need that pussy now.” His hand wraps around the back of my thigh and pulls me forward so I collapse onto his lap.

  “Oh!” I gasp as he positions me just how he wants.

  Legs spread wide open for him, my bare pussy is rubbing along his hardness as he lifts my top to reveal my naked breasts. “Fuck me. Do you ever wear underwear woman?”

  “No.” I shrug a shoulder and he growls as he attacks my nipple, sucking it sharply into his mouth. “Mmm.” I breathe out as I grip a fistful of his hair this time.

  I grab his free hand and place it between my legs. So many times, I’ve imagined his huge hands down there, petting me like his kitten and now that I’ve finally got him, I need it.

  Like the pulsing beat in my veins, I crave everything Jack can do for me. For us.

  “I don’t want to hear a single fucking sound from you, got it.” His snarl is harsh.

  I only nod my head. Thoroughly enjoying this more demanding side of him.

  Watching as he moves his hand lower to his pants, Jack lets his cock free and my mouth waters for a taste. “Soon.” He smirks, reading my look.

  His fingers delve into my channel and massages me, rubbing along all the delicious little buttons of pleasure my body possesses. All too soon he’s pulling his hands away from me and peeling off his shirt. Dropping it beside him, he places his arms across the back of the couch and issues me a command.

  “Ride me, Eden, and make it fucking good.”

  Challenge, accepted.

  Rising up on my knees, I center myself over his length. The heat of his cock makes me shiver as I slowly lower myself down to his body again.

  He’s a tight fit because he’s so large and I’m so new at this but I’m determined to make him eat his words.

  Closing my eyes, I imagine the beat of a song in my head and begin to roll my hips to the melody. Up and down, back and forth, slide and grind.

  I keep all the moans and sighs trying to break free to myself like he demanded. When I open my eyes slightly, I see Jack with his head leaning back on the sofa, appearing relaxed but as I gaze further down his arms and to his hands, I see them fisting the material in white knuckle grips. Telling me more than anything else that he’s enjoying what I’m doing.

  My sensual moves have him wanting more but he’s waiting on me. Letting me have the control this time. Rolling my hips in the same way I would if I were giving him another lap dance, it doesn’t take long for his hands to grasp my thighs and gradually begin to take his control back.

  “This Halloween party at the club, tell me more about it.” His voice is hoarse.

  “You have to buy tickets to reserve a dancer.” I breathe as he begins thrusting up into me.

  “Oh yeah. So you’d be mine all night long?” His grin is wolfish, predatory.

  “Well,” I slowly draw out, “I’m already reserved.”

  “The fuck you are.” He snarls. “By who?”

  “I have no,” I gasp as he slams me down onto him, “idea.”

  “I would have to watch you dance for some other son of a bitch all fucking night?” His control snaps and he picks me up, carrying me over to the wall where he grips both of my wrists and slams them over my head.

  “I would be giving him three lap dances and his own strip tease on stage for all to see.” I know exactly what this information will do to his control, but I taunt him anyways.

  “Fuck. No.” His hips are thrusting wildly as he slams in and out of my body. The pain nearly unbearable as I feel my body shake with my desire.

  “They allow touching too.” He bites my neck roughly and I know I’ll be bruised. I don’t stop though. “Hips, thighs, arms, only.”

  “I’ll fucking rip his arms off his body and beat him to death with them.” His threat, serious as it is, turns me on further.

  “I heard some girls allow more though, you could get one of them.” I supply helpfully.

  “I fucking want you. Not some other random chick. You’re mine, not them.” I’m pleased that he doesn’t ask what more some girls allow. “This sweet little pussy is mine and no one else better fucking touch it or I’ll kill them.”

  He continues to slam into me, my thighs shake with the aching pain and my heartbeat is out of control. “Oh Jack. Oh God. Ohhhhhh.” I moan my pleasure as I feel him release into me.

  Every heated splash coats my insides and I can only hope this feeling stays with me all night long.

  Chapter Five


  This is complete fucking bullshit.

  I sit behind my desk at nearly noon waiting to hear from Eden. She worked later than anticipated because one of the other girls was in an accident on the way to work and was sent to the hospital. By three I had to get home to sleep and grudgingly left her there.

  She swore the bouncers always walked the girls to their cars and since I gave her a ride to work, she’d just hitch one with one of the other girls. She texted me when she got home at six and I was pissed.

  How the fuck can they expect her to work such long hours? Especially after she’d been up almost all damn day. />
  “Mr. Daily?” Mrs. Archer pokes her head into my office.

  “What?” I snap, my shitty mood being taken out on everyone else.

  “Mr. Glass is here to see you.” I didn’t call for the kid.

  “Send him in.” I tell her as I continue to stare at my computer screen, the words are blurred as my anger continues to rise.

  Seeing a shadow in the doorway, I stand up. “Oliver, what can I—” My words halt as I see it’s not Eden’s younger brother but an older version. “How can I help you?”

  “You’re Jack Daily?” The young man asks. I nod. “The one who gave my little brother a hundred bucks so you could fuck my sister?” And now I know where this is going.

  “Shut the door.” I bark, grateful the office is empty. He slams it shut and storms towards me. I meet him halfway. “Who are you exactly?”

  “Carson, Eady’s older brother.” Ahh, now it makes more sense.

  “I see.” Rubbing a hand along my stubbled jaw, I was too aggravated to shave this morning. Plus, I wanted to see what Eden’s flesh would look like nice and red.

  “Well, are you the one fucking my sister?” Wrong fucking choice of words.

  “First and foremost, show her the fucking respect she deserves.” I bark. I’m older, I’m bigger, I’ll whoop his ass for disrespecting her with his callous words.

  He snorts. “Respect? You’re the one paying my little brother off so you can screw around with her.”

  Hard to deny. “Yeah, I gave him money to get lost. I’ll fucking do it a hundred times over too. Eden is mine. Much as I’d like to fuck her anywhere anytime, I won’t do it with the kid around. I’m also certain he didn’t phrase it that way, you simply took it that way because you feel guilty for not being around.” Eden had explained a bit about their situation and while it angered me, I also have great respect for the sacrifice she’s making so that Oliver can finish school in one place instead of four like she had.

  “Excuse me? I could go to the school board and tell them you’re fucking a student.” He threatens.

  “You could. Except she’s not my student. Not here or anywhere else. So that’d be a big fucking mistake on your part.” I know that he’s just posturing, feeling me out to find out my commitment to his sister, doesn’t mean I’ll put up with his shit.


  “Because it’d hurt Eden, dipshit.”

  “You’re too old for her.”

  “The fuck I am.”

  “She has her whole life ahead of her.” He tries another argument.

  “And she’ll have my support the entire time.”

  Before Carson can try and argue another point, the door opens and in walks Oliver. “Hey, Jack, Eady asked me to—Carson? What are you doing here?” Oliver looked happy to see his older brother for a split second before he realized why he was likely here.

  “You’re phone call last night.” The older of the two says.

  “Phone call? Because he gave me a hundred bucks?” He appears confused.

  Carson turns towards him fully now. “You said he was paying you to sleep with our sister.”

  Oliver pales before his shocked stare meets mine. I lift a brow in question. “I didn’t mean it like that!” His protest is hysterical. “I swear Mr. Daily, I didn’t mean it to sound like she was a hooker. Just because she strips, doesn’t mean—”

  “Strips!” Carson shouts, obviously not knowing how Eden kept them afloat.

  “Shit.” Oliver mutters, looking at his feet.

  “Language.” I scold him. “As fun as this is, and it’s been a fucking blast, Oliver get your ass back to class. Carson, sit before you fall because I am not picking you up off the floor.”

  “Sure.” Oliver mumbles and hands me what he came in for before rushing out and closing the door behind him.

  “Well I’ll be fucking damned.” The little vixen played me. Hard. In my hands is my reservation for The Secret Garden on Halloween, my stripper for the evening is Eden and we’re reserved in the Apple Tree room for the whole night.

  “She really strips?” Carson says. I nearly forgot he was here.

  “She loves it.” I tell him.

  He stares up at me. “How the hell can you be okay with that?” Oh, now he wants me to be the protective boyfriend. Christ.

  “Because it makes her happy. And I know it’s the best club in the city. The owners give a shit about the dancers and the bouncers actually do their job.”

  “How can you be alright with it though? She dances for other men.”

  I see I’m going to have to repeat myself a lot with him. “I’m her man, she can dance and entice anyone she wants but at the end of the day, she’s mine. Eden hasn’t got eyes for anyone but me.”

  We’ve mostly just fucked when we’re together, but I see in her eyes exactly what I feel for her. I have no doubt that she’s as much in love with me as I am with her.

  “I strongly suggest that when you go home, you mention nothing of this outburst of yours, nor the accusations you were throwing around. No need to hurt her over something so foolish.” He nods. “Besides I’d hate to have to kick your ass for making her cry.” I may be joking with him, but I’d do it. I won’t have anyone making her upset over something so ridiculous.

  “Yeah, thanks. I’ll go surprise her. Tell Oli to keep his trap shut, will you?” I nod my agreement and Carson leaves.

  I stare at the ticket in my hand and wonder just how naughty we’re going to be allowed to be at the club on Halloween. Does our room have locks? Will she allow me more than simple touches?

  The better question is, will I be able to control myself and hold back?

  Chapter Six


  Halloween - One Week Later.

  “Hey Marcy?” I poke my head in The Secret Garden owner’s office and see her sitting behind her desk.

  “What’s up Eden?” She waves me in. It’s one of the many things I love about working here, Marcy and her husband aren’t just the boss, they give a damn.

  “I’d like to do the last show tonight.” I don’t normally request it, because I like being home at a decent hour for Oli, but this time, Carson is still here. He can be the parent for a couple days.

  “Sure. Any particular reason?” She meets my gaze with a knowing look. I’ve been gushy all week since Jack has stacked his claim. Almost everyone is on a first name basis with him now. Marcy included. She likes that he doesn’t interfere when one of the customers gets too handsy, he lets the bouncers do their jobs.

  “Jack has my ticket tonight. I’d like to bring him up on stage for a dance.”

  “Really?” I nod. “He brings out quite the siren in you, doesn’t he? Two is last dance tonight, the stage is yours.” Her grin is wide as I thank her and walk back out.

  Two is perfect because Jack won’t be here until the party starts at eleven. I have just over three hours to get on stage twice and work the room a couple times. Tips are my saving grace in this business. They pay more than three quarters of my salary, so I’m always certain to walk the room at least three times a night.

  “Eady!” Raine, one of the other dancers closest to my age calls as I walk past the dressing room. “Help me with this?”

  “Sure thing.” I wander in to see she’s got on a button up corset with pearl buttons in the back and she can’t reach the last few at the top. “Is Drake your ticket tonight?” Her boyfriend has never been here before and she’d talked about giving it to him previously.

  “He is. I can’t wait! We’ve got the Ivy room booked and I promised him a complete strip tease.” The Ivy room is filled with all kinds of flowers to draw men in and I’m not shocked it’s the one she chose.

  “Have fun!” I slap her ass as I walk out to make my first rounds for the night. Anticipation strums through me as I watch the clock a little too often.

  After my first dance is done as group of young guys around my age enters and I grab a handful of half masks before walking over to them. “Good
evening gentlemen, my name is Eden and for one hour only, I’m all yours.” The last word is barely out of my mouth as one of the men turns and I recognize him from my senior class.

  Thankfully the strobe lights are low and continuously flashing so I can get my mask in place before he recognizes me.

  “Eden huh, from Adam and Eve. Does this mean we get to eat your apples?” His friends howl with laughter at his corny joke. I roll my eyes and fight the urge to not smack him.

  “Sorry boys,” I lean forward to hand them each a mask, “No touching.” They groan their displeasure and I’m able to sidestep one guys hand from grabbing my ass as I walk around the table. I learnt really quick that movement is my friend. These guys drink a lot and get drunk faster than I can run around the table so they’re only going to fall on their faces. From the looks of it they might be three sheets to the wind already.

  “It’s a strip club though, isn’t flesh mandatory?” The guy I know, asks. I think his name is Sheldon, but I don’t remember.

  “We’re a gentleman’s club and no, the flesh showing is at my discretion, not yours.” Our rules here are clear. Consent is required. Choices are ours. Assholes get kicked out. “That guy, right over there,” I point to Manny, our biggest bouncer at nearly seven feet tall and close to three hundred pounds. He salutes as our eyes meet. “Will be watching me all night long. He’s trained to know when I’m uncomfortable and you’re out of hand. Don’t make Manny mad guys, he eats boys like you for lunch. Now what are you having to drink?” I cock my hip and drop my hand on it as they all boo before giving me their order.

  As I walk over to the bar, I stop and speak to Manny. “Watch them tonight please, they’ve already been drinking, and I know the tall blonde from school. He doesn’t like taking no for an answer.”

  His snarl deepens as he watches the boys. “Tell Jo they have a three-drink max and take their keys if you can with their names.” Manny may be primarily a bouncer, but he also decides when it’s been enough for one night for a lot of excited men. “Bring them a plate of wings on the house too.”


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