Deadly Passion, an Epiphany

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Deadly Passion, an Epiphany Page 18

by Gabriella Bradley

  The wedding…

  Megan stood before the mirror and inspected the image facing her. Her gown was plain and simple. Made of white velvet and edged with white fur at the neck, wrists and hem, it fitted her perfectly. The seamstress in New York had done a wonderful job. The neckline was just low enough to show a little cleavage and the bodice fit perfectly. The sleeves were long, to her wrists. The skirt fell in graceful folds from her waist, the back just a little longer to trail behind her. Because Mark loved her hair loose, she’d compromised and had a braided coronet with the rest of her hair falling in waves down her back. The long veil her mother had insisted on was attached to the braid. It was at least twenty feet long and instead of the usual tulle, it was made of the finest white silk. Much too long to her liking, but Georgia was so set on it that she’d finally agreed.

  Her mother came into her room followed by the girls and April. The bridesmaids looked wonderful in their royal blue velvet gowns and April looked adorable. She was such a beautiful child, honey skin and big brown eyes with semi curly brown hair. She looked up at Megan with adoring eyes.

  “Megan, you look like a queen.”

  “Thank you, babe. You look like a little princess.”

  “I’m not a baby.”

  “Right. So sorry. You’re Princess April!”

  They all had to suppress their giggles.

  Georgia handed Megan an old black case.

  “What’s this? Glasses?”

  “Silly. Open it.”

  Megan opened it and gasped at the beautiful pearl necklace, bracelet, and earrings. “Mom, they’re gorgeous. You shouldn’t have.”

  “I didn’t. Those were your grandmother’s. I’ve never been one for wearing jewelry.”

  “Mom, how come I never knew about them?”

  “They were in the safety deposit box at the bank. I just never thought about them.”

  “And they’re real?”

  “Oh yes. Why do you think we put them in the safety deposit box after Grandma died?”

  “Hell, I knew Grandma until I was twelve. I don’t remember ever seeing them.”

  “She didn’t wear them either, hon. Hopefully, you will.”

  Cassie helped her to put the necklace and bracelet on. Megan put the earrings on herself.

  “Okay, now something borrowed,” Cassie said. “This is my grandmother’s rosary. I’d like you to carry it with your bouquet.”

  “Wow, it almost matches the pearls. Thank you.”

  “And of course something blue,” Vera said and handed her a blue garter.

  “That leaves something new.” Megan’s sister, Jenny, handed her a little box. “I didn’t know what to get you. I hope you like it.”

  Megan opened the box. In it was an ankle bracelet made of gold with small white pearls. “It’s beautiful, Jenny. I love it!” She briefly hugged her sister, trying not to muss her makeup because she felt so emotional.

  There was a knock on the door. Megan had just finished putting on the ankle bracelet.

  “It’s time. Is everyone ready?” Harry said.

  “Yes, Dad. As ready as ever.”

  “Okay, everyone but the bridal party, please leave now and go to the barn.”

  “Hell, that’s only Mom, and she can go with us,” Megan said.

  The barn wasn’t close to the house. Two sleighs decorated with holly waited to take them to the barn. Though it was a cold, crisp, frosty day, Megan didn’t feel the cold as the horses pulled the sleigh toward the barn.

  Once they arrived at the barn, they waited until Georgia had made her way to the front row of seats before entering. Megan held onto her father’s arm tight. Cassie, Vera and Jen preceded them and took their places at the makeshift altar. Two tall Christmas trees stood on each side of the altar, the wedding gifts placed beneath them. Little April knew exactly what to do. She lifted Megan’s veil like a pro.

  “I’m ready,” she announced, causing a giggle from the guests and some ooohs and aaahs.

  The wedding march sounded and Megan walked down the aisle with her father. She only had eyes for Mark, her soul mate, her future husband. His gaze was riveted on her as she approached him and she finally took her place by his side.

  The ceremony went by in a haze. Pastor Jeremy had known her since she was a little girl and he probably did a wonderful job, but she hardly heard a word he said. When it was time for them to speak their vows, she was first. Reaching out to Mark, they joined hands as she spoke her vows.

  “I used to be afraid of falling in love, of giving my heart away. How could I trust a man to love me, to give to me all that I wanted to give to him? Mark, when I met you, I realized how much we could share together. You have renewed my life. Today I join that life with yours. As we stand here together, may our love always be as constant and unchanging as the never-ending waves flowing endlessly from the depths of the sea. Your love came softly upon my heart, just as the foam rolls softly upon the sand, and just as there will never be a morning without the ocean's flow, so there will never be a day without my love for you. I pledge myself to you this day. Our love will be as unchanging and dependable as the tide. As these waters nourish the earth and sustain life, may my constant devotion nourish and sustain you until the end of time. Because of you, I laugh, I smile, I dare to dream again. I look forward with great joy to spending the rest of my life with you, caring for you, nurturing you, being there for you in all life has for us, and I vow to be true and faithful for as long as we both shall live.”

  Pastor Jeremy nodded briefly to Mark.

  “I come here today, Megan, to join my life to yours before our friends and family. In their presence I pledge to be true to you, to respect you, and to grow with you through the years. Time may pass, fortune may smile, trials may come. No matter what we may encounter together, I vow here that this love will be my only love. I will make my home in your heart from this day forward. I promise to love you without reservation, to honor and respect you, to comfort and support you each and every day, to laugh and cry with you, to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be open and honest with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live. You are my best friend for life. I pledge to honor, encourage and support you through our walk together. When our way becomes difficult, I promise to stand by you and uplift you, so that through our union we can accomplish more than we could alone. I promise to always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you forever, and we shall endure into eternity. This is my solemn vow.”

  Megan wiped a tear away. Mark’s gaze had never wavered as he looked into her eyes while saying his vows. She loved this man so much.

  “The rings?” Pastor Jeremy asked.

  Jonas quickly handed the pastor the rings.

  “These rings, by their shape, are a symbol of eternity, without beginning or end—a true symbol of the unending love that exists between you. You have for each other golden rings. That precious metal symbolizes that your love for each other is the most precious element in your lives. The rings have no beginning and no ending, which symbolizes that the love which you feel for each other today will never end.” Pastor Jeremy handed the rings to Mark and Megan.

  Mark took Megan’s left hand and began placing the ring on her finger. “Two flames, one light. Megan, I offer you this ring as a sign of life, and myself as your husband. Let us walk together always, and let us always walk toward the light.” After he pushed the lovely wedding band to the top of her finger, he bent down and kissed her hand.

  Megan placed the ring halfway up Mark’s ring finger. “Love has given us wings, and our journey begins today, Mark, wherever the wind may carry me, I will stay by your side as your wife. Take this ring as a sign of my love.”

  Mark and Megan knelt, their hands joined. Pastor Jeremy raised his hands. “Bless this marriage as Mark and Megan begin their journey down the road of life together. May they respect each other's likes and dislikes, opinions, beliefs, hopes, dreams and fears even
though they may not always understand each other. May they rest in the knowledge that no matter what happens, by holding onto each other, things will work out for the best. Most of all, dear God, help them to keep the torch of love burning with the fire that they now share in their hearts. Amen” He motioned for them to stand.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Mark didn’t need to be told twice. Careful not to muss her hair and veil, he took her into his arms and kissed her on the lips. “Well, Mrs. Engler, how do you feel?” he whispered softly against her lips.

  “Perfect,” she whispered back.

  “Okay, okay, that’s enough for now,” Pastor Jeremy said. “Family and friends, let me introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Engler.”

  In no time flat all the chairs were moved to the side and foldup tables were set around the room leaving enough space for dancing. The tables were quickly covered with white tablecloths and decorated. The ladies from the church all pitched in with the setting of the tables. They were catering the dinner as well and there were several barbecues going outside the barn that contained juicy turkeys waiting to be carved, barbecued vegetables and potatoes, and there was even a barbecue keeping gravy and buns warm. The aroma had teased Megan’s nostrils all day. After all the hugs and congratulations, they took their place at the bridal table. The local bakery had made the tiered wedding cake decorated with real sugared flowers. It was gorgeous.

  The evening went by so fast Megan could hardly believe it was midnight when Mark whispered in her ear that they should leave because it had started to snow again and the drive to the hotel would take longer. They were spending their wedding night in a hotel in the nearby city and the next day they’d fly to Hawaii for their honeymoon. Their suitcases were already packed and in the car.

  After they said their goodbyes, the sleigh took them back to the house. They changed into casual clothes quickly and got into the car to start the drive through the snow that had turned into quite a blizzard.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  The wedding night…

  “Well, Mrs. Engler, what do you think?” Mark asked as he scooped her up into his arms and pushed the door to their room open.

  Megan gasped. “Mark, it’s beautiful and so romantic. When did you have time to do this?”

  “Honey, the hotel staff was very accommodating. A good tip will get you anything.”

  Soft Christmas lights flickered everywhere. A decorated tree stood in the corner of the room and there were flowers everywhere, red roses and white carnations, her favorites. The cover on the bed was pulled back. A single red rose and carnation lay on her pillow held together with a red ribbon. Rose petals were scattered all over the bed. Megan couldn’t count how many candles there were. There flickering flames sent shadows over the walls along with the colored Christmas lights. This hotel room was very unusual in that it had an open fireplace with a roaring fire. An ice bucket with a big bottle of champagne stood on the table decorated with a big bow.

  “It’s breathtaking, Mark. I have to take pictures of this.”

  “Not until after I do this.” He promptly took her into his arms and claimed her lips in a kiss so searing, so hot, so long, so wonderful, that she almost couldn’t stand the heat that rose within her and almost forgot about the lovely negligee and her resolution to take photos before they started their wedding night.

  Forcing herself to tear her lips away, she struggled out of his arms. He set her on the floor. “I’m off to the bathroom,” she said, laughing and escaped his reach. “Don’t muck up the bed or touch anything until I take my photos, please?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” he grinned and saluted.

  In the bathroom, Megan quickly removed her makeup, took off her clothes and slipped into the lovely, white satin nightie. It had come with a sheer gown. It looked almost good enough to be a summer wedding ensemble, she decided. She glanced around the bathroom and saw the inviting Jacuzzi—a must for in the morning before they went to the airport.

  After taking her digital camera out of her suitcase, she snapped pictures of the room from all angles. Then, to tease him, she snapped a picture of Mark opening the bottle of champagne.

  “Megan, I’m naked!”


  “Naughty woman. So you want to remember me like this when we’re old and grey, huh?”


  “Well, in that case…” Carrying two filled flutes of champagne, he set them on the nightstand and promptly took the camera from her hands. “Your turn.”

  “Ha, ha. I’m wearing my negligee.”

  “Not for long, darling.”

  She posed for him while he took pictures of her in the nightie before he set the camera on the nightstand and took her into his arms, kissed her briefly, then promptly slipped off the gown and nightie. They slithered to the floor and she stood naked. Not that it was anything new, but tonight was different. He handed her a champagne flute and picked up his own, then linked arms with her.

  “Baby, here’s to the rest of our lives.”

  “To eternity together,” she said softly.

  They drank the champagne in one go and Mark quickly walked to the table to fill their glasses again. She’d not noticed him grab the camera and before she realized, he snapped pictures of her in the nude. She’d already relaxed on the bed when he walked away. Now, he grabbed a rose out of a vase, pulled the petals off, and walking to the bed he sprinkled them over her body.

  “You’re so bad,” she said, her voice husky from the desire building within her.

  “You want naked memories for when we’re flabby and wrinkled, well, so do I.” He winked.

  “Okay, that’s enough. I only took two of you.”

  “You can take more later. Right now, I want my main dessert.” He put the camera on the nightstand and climbed on the bed, his cock hard and pulsing.

  Reaching out, she encased it. She could feel the blood throb within the swollen veins. It set her even more on fire than she already was.

  He knelt between her legs, pushing them apart and gazed at her sex. “So beautiful,” he said softly, “so delightfully wet.”

  By climbing between her legs, his cock had slipped out of her hand. She could feel it pulsing against her belly as he lay on top of her, cradling her in his arms. She wound her fingers in his hair and pulled his face to hers. Their lips met, softly at first, their tongues licking, tasting. The kiss deepened until she thought he’d suck the life out of her. Her pussy oozed. She felt the liquid trickle down her slit and she wanted him, oh damn, did she want him inside her now. He tore his lips away from hers and kissed her nose, her chin, her neck, then rained kisses around the circle of each breast while his fingers tweaked her nipples. She pushed up slightly waiting for him to claim a nipple. When he did, quivers ran from her breasts into her stomach down to her aching sex. His mouth traveled slowly down to hover over her clit. He took it between his lips and sucked while his fingers entered her.

  Arching her hips, she pushed up hard against his hand, his mouth, but it wasn’t enough. “Damn, Mark, I need you inside me.”

  “And I want to savor every moment of our first time together as man and wife, darling,” he said looking up at her, his voice hoarse.

  He pushed her legs farther apart and sitting on his knees, he stared at her sex again. He parted her pussy lips and ran his fingers up and down her slit.

  She could hardly stand it anymore. “Mark, oh, Mark, please…”

  Finally, he placed the tip of his cock near her waiting vagina, but still he didn’t enter her. His thumb rubbed her clit again and his other hand reached for a breast, a nipple, and teased her. She squirmed, begged, tried to push up so that his cock would enter her.

  When he did, he pushed into her slowly, teasingly slow. But now he lay fully on top of her, his arms holding her tight and his tongue tasting her lips. In one thrust he was inside her. It was almost as if he was bigger than ever. She felt her vaginal walls stretch
to accommodate him, felt the heat sear through her body as he started to move within her.

  “Oh, God, Mark, I need to come.”

  “Then come, baby, come. I’m holding mine for now,” he said softly near her ear.

  “Why are you teasing me like that? I want to feel you come, I want to feel you release inside me. We’ve got all night…please…”

  “That’s true. Baby, I love you so much, more than life itself,” he whispered as his strokes became more rapid. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even deeper inside, and felt him tremble.

  “Yes, baby, yes, fuck me hard now. Come now, babe, come now!” she shouted as she felt the lightning bolts of release shoot through her abdomen. He groaned and for the first time she actually felt the strong release of his semen inside her.

  Both breathing heavy, they relaxed in each other’s arms for a while, until he rolled off her, grabbed the flutes and handed one to her. She sipped from the bubbling liquid. “Mark?”

  “Yes, hon?”

  She snuggled close to him, still holding her flute. “Does any part of today feel real to you? Do you think sometimes that maybe we’re still somewhere on that alien world and they’re just making us believe that this is real?”

  “I have to admit that yes, it’s occurred to me. I’m almost afraid to open my eyes when I wake up in the mornings, afraid to find you gone, afraid to wake up in that horrible mine.”

  “What if all this is just another alien ploy? More playing with our minds?”

  “Well, baby, if this is another of their games, then it’s pretty damn real. I mean, we’re on Earth. We’re home. We’re not on that godforsaken planet.”

  “But what if it’s all a dream? An illusion? They seemed to be capable of such out-of-this-world stunts, that it really scares me.” Megan shivered.

  “Sweetheart, whatever it was that we experienced, it was strange, and if we told anyone who wasn’t with us, they’d declare us crazy, but I really think you can put your fears aside. We’re here on planet Earth. We’re in one piece, and through this whole crazy experience, we’ve found a lot of new friends. Now, stop all this nonsense talk. You can write about it in your book to your heart’s content, but tonight it’s all about us. And by the way, I have a surprise for you,” he said and kissed her on the nose.


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