Year One

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Year One Page 3

by Jason Hamilton

  "Honey." Sergio looked concerned. "Are you okay?"

  After a few minutes, the pain slowly subsided, and Kat leaned back against the car. "I, uh, I think--"

  "We need to move," said Kira staring off at the Mall. Kat followed her gaze and saw two, no three, men in suits approaching. The leader had on a large trench coat.

  Sergio cursed and opened the door for Kat, who ducked inside as quickly as she could. Sergio sprang to the other side of the car, got inside, and started the ignition. Kira was already in the backseat. Then, another contraction caused Kat to grit her teeth in pain. There hadn't been much time between contractions.

  "Sergio," she said. "We need to find a hospital."

  "Ah," Sergio looked like he was about to panic. "Now is really not a good time."

  "Oh good, I'll just stop having my baby then!" Kat said through gritted teeth.

  "The George Washington University Hospital isn't far from here," instructed Kira. "Take a left."

  The men in suits chased after them. One mounted a motorcycle and gained on them. Kira began fishing in her pockets again.

  "Stay on this road until you come parallel to the Lincoln memorial, then take a right and keep on that road until you reach the roundabout. The hospital is right there, you can't miss it." With that, she jumped out of the moving car, right into the path of the motorcycle.

  There was a flash of light, and the man in the suit flew from the bike. Kat looked behind only to see Kira facing the men head-on.

  "That girl really is something!" Sergio shouted, voicing Kat's own thoughts. They soon reached the Lincoln memorial and took a right turn. After a few blocks, Sergio spotted the hospital entrance and quickly pulled in. He was just helping Kat out of the car when another contraction hit. This one was more painful. She was definitely in active labor.

  Inside, Sergio called for help and a nurse quickly brought a wheelchair for Kat. Sergio was asked to fill out some paperwork, which he rushed to complete before joining his wife in the maternity ward. The doctors had already prepped Kat, who was red faced but breathing steadily. He took her hand.

  An hour passed. Two hours. Sergio looked out the door window and saw Kira motioning to him. He quickly stepped outside.

  "You're back," he said. "What happened?"

  "Well your wife went into labor." replied Kira with a grin.

  Sergio chuckled despite his stress. "And Invergence?"

  "I held them off for now, but they're coming back, a lot of them. I've sent for help."

  Sergio sighed. "Thank you," he said. "We'd be dead if you hadn't come along."

  Kira smiled. "Believe it or not, I owe you a lot more." She paused, as though reaching for the right words. "Your daughter, Alice, she always speaks highly of you. You are what gives her strength."

  Sergio let that sink in, and nodded. "If you see her again, tell her we love her."

  "I will. But you can tell her yourself in a few more hours."

  "You know when she is born?" Sergio asked.

  Kira nodded. "Just before dawn."

  Suddenly, Kira opened a pouch on her belt. "I have a few parting gifts." She presented several small objects to Sergio. "Here are your new identities," she said handing him a small metal box. Sergio opened the box to find several papers, including passports for multiple countries and under multiple names.

  She brought out a small plastic credit card.

  "Oh, I couldn't accept any money from you."

  "Unfortunately you have to," she replied. "Invergence can track your card, and besides, this card has unlimited funds. A little perk of working for Argo Force; we have as much local currency as we need. Use it wisely; big expenses will draw unwanted eyes."

  Sergio accepted the card. That left one more item.

  Kira held up a ring, with a circular symbol etched in it. Within the symbol was a stylish A.F. for Argo Force.

  "Few people outside of Argo Force have ever possessed one of these," she explained. "If you need us, you can call us with this ring. But only use it in extreme emergencies."

  Sergio took the ring. To the girl's surprise, he flung both arms around her in a hug. She hugged him back. "Thank you," Sergio repeated. They broke the hug, and he was surprised to see tears in her eyes. She wiped at them hurriedly.

  "I have to get back outside. More agents will be arriving shortly, and I think they're bringing more demons."

  "Will you be okay?" he said, brows furrowed.

  "I'll be fine," she said and sniffed. "The others will have arrived by now and we're building a perimeter. No one from Invergence will enter this hospital tonight."

  Sergio opened the door to go back to his wife. Kira took one last look inside at Katariina as she lay, red-faced, on the bed. She turned to leave.

  "Will we see you again?" Sergio called after her.

  She turned and smiled, "I guarantee it."

  That night, few were aware of the battle that raged outside of George Washington University Hospital. Most people who happened to be nearby, suddenly found themselves lost in thought or with a strong urge to be somewhere else. The very few who did remain saw wonders they would later explain away as a dream, or optical illusions. But most suffered from a strange forgetfulness that left them dazed. No one would remember what happened that night, except those who participated.

  Dark figures advanced on a ring of people surrounding the hospital. People dressed in shimmering white, some with flowing white capes, and a golden AF emblazoned on their chests. For hours, the white heroes contended with the dark horde of men and demons. Observers heard loud noises, and saw bright flashes of light. Most shrugged it off and merely thought it was a nasty, unexpected winter storm. Once again, a strange power kept them from truly seeing, truly hearing the night's events.

  Soon, after hours of conflict, only the figures in white remained. The bodies of their enemies, and some of their friends, lay strewn around them. But they had won. The first light of dawn began rising in the east. One of them, a blonde girl in white, turned towards the hospital, listening as if to hear the cry of a newborn child. Little Alice, the last Founder of Argo Force, had just taken her first breath. As quietly as the wind, the girl who called herself Kira was gone.

  Nearly twenty-four hours later, a couple emerged with their newborn baby. They had no place to go, no one to guide them. The mother needed rest, but they could not return home. The father helped his wife climb into their car, cradling their newborn girl in her arms. Then they drove west, away from the city, and away from the life they had known. Fresh snow began to fall.

  Episode 2

  “My parents were wonderful people, but my father, well, he had some learning to do.”

  A month passed since that eventful day in Washington D.C. when little Alice came into the world and her parents were forced to leave their home. Sergio and Katariina Rios, though they loved their daughter, had found little solace in that time. Immediately following the delivery, they could not return home. So they drove west and found an out-of-the-way motel that seemed secluded, but clean. They spent a week there while Kat recovered, then moved on, only staying put for a few days at a time.

  Since that night, no one had contacted them from Argo Force, that mysterious organization that allegedly cared so much about them. The blonde girl who called herself Kira, though she was instrumental in saving their lives, had not been seen since. Both Sergio and Kat wondered if something was wrong, if perhaps they were left on their own because Argo Force could not help them, or worse, did not care to do so. Had they forgotten? During idle moments, Kat sometimes wondered if it hadn't all been one big dream. But no, that was wishful thinking. Something amazing had happened that night, something of Biblical proportions, and yet no one knew about it except her and her husband. Something about this bothered her, but she didn't quite know what it was. Perhaps it was simply the overload of new information that she had never before considered: monsters, superheroes, time-travel. She thought she had known the nature of the universe. Now, she reali
zed there was so much more to learn. And she had no idea where to turn for answers.

  They spent most of their time indoors, afraid that if they emerged for too long, another monster would attack them, or men in suits would try to take their daughter away. Sergio only left to purchase food with the credit card he had been given the night of Alice's birth. As far as they knew, it had unlimited funds, though Sergio didn't want to push that theory. The blonde girl, Kira, had told him not to attract attention by spending too much. Their motel lacked a kitchen, so they ate microwavable dinners, none of which left them feeling particularly nourished. This only added to Kat's stress as she nursed the baby.

  Little Alice was the only joy in their nomad lifestyle. The girl was still a handful; everyone had told them that the first month was always hard. Indeed, the girl hardly ever slept when her parents wanted her to sleep. Seeing as neither of them needed to go to work in the mornings, this wasn't a huge issue. But it meant that any semblance of a sleep schedule depended fully on their daughter. The girl still could not smile, but her parents already saw personality. She was a curious girl. When awake, she would stare wide-eyed around the room, taking everything in. Though she still could not see well enough to detect far-away objects, she would stare, enraptured at anything that came close, her mouth forming a small O. You could almost see her starting to catalogue familiar objects in her mind. Whenever she was upset, all her parents had to do was hold a colorful toy in front of her, and she immediately quieted, entranced by the experience of something new to look at.

  Both parents started to grow tired, especially as they imagined years of moving from one motel to another. It wouldn't do for Alice to grow up in such confined spaces with nothing but a few toys and the TV to entertain her. This was something Kat and Sergio discussed multiple times, but they always came to the same conclusion: they didn't know enough. They desperately needed to talk to someone from Argo Force because they had no idea where to go or where it was safe for their girl. This both frustrated and stressed her parents. Finally, Sergio decided he had had enough of their rather dull existence. It was time to try something new, something to invigorate their lives. He told Kat he was going out to purchase more food, but instead went straight to a local outdoors shop he had seen when they drove into town a week ago. The area was a popular spot for outdoor enthusiasts, and the store was well stocked. The shelves carried all the best camping gear, survival kits, and even some hunting equipment.

  Sergio got to work selecting everything he thought they would need. His first selection was a very large tent, the best the store had, with several compartments and a makeshift patio. He could afford to splurge after all. Then he selected two large sleeping bags, and a small one for Alice. These too were of the warmest and highest-quality. If he had stopped to think, he would have remembered that they were in the middle of January, and it would be silly to take their one-month-old into the cold. But Sergio was more interested in preparing for the worst, and having something to look forward to once warm weather arrived. This would allow them to live off the grid for awhile, and give Alice a healthier environment to play in. The cold, however, prompted Sergio to pick up a bag full of handwarmers and a portable stove.

  He paused to look at the small generators. Should he? But sure, their credit card had enough, and a generator would mean having some additional warmth in the winter. He made up his mind and grabbed one of the smaller generators. He didn't need anything too bulky. When he finally checked out of the store, he was shocked to find he had four-thousand-dollars-worth of supplies. He hadn't meant to spend that much. But they were about to leave the area anyway, so what would it hurt if they spent a lot for genuinely useful supplies?

  Sergio wasn't done shopping. His next stop was the grocery store to actually buy the food he had promised. There was one thing he wanted though, and he couldn't find it here in this small town. He checked his watch and decided there was enough time. Kat might worry, but she'd feel better once Sergio returned with his surprise. He pulled out of the grocery store parking lot and headed toward the nearest city. He was too excited to notice a small smart car that followed.

  The sun was starting to set by the time he returned to the motel. The car was loaded with supplies, and Sergio felt thoroughly pleased with himself. Yes, he had splurged a bit, but they'd be long gone by tomorrow. He exited the car which was packed to the bursting point. Perhaps they should consider a more spacious vehicle, or maybe an RV. They could do it. They had the money. Sergio's mind buzzed with the possibilities as he approached the room, inserted the key, and opened the door.

  Kat was waiting for him. Relief flooded her face as he entered.

  "You're here! I was so worried," she looked frantic. "Why were you out so late?" She was holding Alice, who stared at Sergio through the folds of her blanket. What was the little girl thinking?

  Sergio was about to respond that he hadn't been gone too long, but he looked at the alarm clock next to the bed and realized he left seven hours ago. His trip must have taken longer than he thought. "I'm...sorry," he said finally. "I got carried away."

  Kat sniffed. "I presume you got more than food."

  Sergio brightened upon remembering. "Yes!" he said, "Come see."

  Kat followed him out the door, holding Alice close to her chest as they entered the cold air. She saw their little Corolla and groaned.

  "We can't possibly need all this," she said.

  "Oh yes," said Sergio defensively. "You see, this will allow us to camp outdoors, to get away from civilization. We can hide better now!"

  "It's the middle of winter, honey. We can't take Alice out in this."

  "Oh well that's why I got the generator and space heater, and plenty of reserve fuel."

  Kat spied an object through the back window. "And a crossbow?"

  Sergio shuffled his feet, "For...when...we need to hunt wildlife. For food."

  "Sergio, you've never even shot a crossbow before, how are you going to learn well enough to feed us?" Before Sergio could respond, she continued. "How much did this cost?"


  "It was enough to draw some attention." A third voice sounded.

  Kat and Sergio spun to face this new person, both dreading what they would see. He was a man, not tall but imposing. He wore a long black trenchcoat over a suit and tie. His face hid behind a mass of greasy hair and a wide-brimmed hat. They couldn't quite make out what his face looked like, but scars crisscrossed his features. Kat and Sergio stood rooted to the spot.

  "I'm glad I found you," the man continued as if he was unaware of the fear on their faces. "I very much want to make the acquaintance of your daughter."

  That prompted action. Sergio and Kat dove for the car, trying to open the doors and enter before the creepy man could get any closer. Whoever this man was, they needed to put as much distance between them as possible.

  "Now let's not get too excited," the man said. The man's voice remained calm, but Sergio was horrified to see a small handgun poking out from his sleeve. Kat saw it too and froze. The man continued, "These weapons are crude, but they will get the job done. Unfortunately our own weapons don't work in this dimension. Which is quite unfair. Your weapons work in our dimension, so why shouldn't it work the other way around? We're forced to use mediocre material. But I suppose there's a silver lining in that. It keeps us creative, wouldn't you say?"

  He was rambling. Sergio met eyes with Kat and she looked as incredulous as he felt. Suddenly Sergio realized that the man was waiting for a response.

  "Uh...uh, sure. That's good I guess."

  "I thought so, it is such an inconvenience though. Like...decaf, or bird song"

  Was this guy serious?

  The man continued to walk nearer. Kat held Alice close. As the man approached, Sergio realized that he looked familiar. Kat seemed to notice it too, narrowing her eyes to get a better look. The man grinned, took off his hat, and brushed the hair from his face. Sergio's eyes widened. The man him. Apart from the
hair and the scars, this newcomer had Sergio's face.

  Sergio didn't know how to react. He wanted to run, or yell for help, but he could do nothing but stare at this man. The doppleganger continued to grin. "Manners of course, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Sergio Rios."

  Suddenly Kat scoffed, "You expect us to believe you? What kind of sick game are you playing here? Why do you have my husband's face!?"

  "Or why does your husband have my face?" the stranger responded.

  "Your face? I..." Kat didn't seem to have a response.

  "I'm not sure I'm the one to ask for straight answers." Anti-Sergio continued. "Perhaps we'd be more comfortable inside."

  He waved them towards the door of their motel with his handgun. Sergio and Kat exchanged looks. They didn't want to move further away from the car, but they had no choice at the moment. Slowly, they did as asked.

  When they had entered the room, Anti-Sergio pulled up one of the motel chairs and sat, his gun still leveled at Kat and Sergio.

  "As you can probably guess," he said. "I'm from a small organization called Invergence. You had a run-in with us about a month ago I believe."

  They stayed silent.

  "I don't want you to be afraid. It's very simple, I'm in charge of the search for your baby girl. They thought I might have a lot to offer on the case given my--" he grinned at Sergio, the same grin that Sergio saw in the mirror each morning, "-- unique perspective. But I don't want to harm you. Besides, the others don't even know I'm here."

  "Why should we believe you?" Kat asked.

  "Well, I suppose because if Invergence were here, then you would be dead, and your little girl would be ours already. Or she might be dead too. I'm not entirely sure what they intend for her."

  "And why do you have my face?" said Sergio.


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